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  1. Spygain

    Skript refill chest

    Skript refill chestVersion de Minecraft : 1.19.4 Version de Skript : 2..7.3 Addons utilisés: Aucun Type du skript : Skript refill chest Description du script : J'ai repris mon serveur depuis peu et j'ai eu besoins de reprendre ce skript en main, Skript refill chest, c'est un skript de refill de chest, comme son nom l'indique ^^. Hors les choses que je voudrais ont évolué, dorénavant, j'aimerais que dans le skript, il y soit une fonction de "rareté" en fonction de la liste, c'est pour que cela que j'ai créé plusieurs listes et si possible que le nombre d'items dans chaque liste soit aléatoire, au lieu d'avoir 1 dimaond, 2 iron ingot, juste que ces nombre soit aléatoire Et j'aimerais aussi qu'il puisse refill, des coffres, des barils et des shulker Et si y'a un moyen d'optimiser le skript, je ne suis pas contre # Ajout de listes d'objets avec pourcentage de chance on load: delete {random.item.list1::*} delete {random.item.list2::*} delete {random.item.list3::*} delete {random.item.list4::*} delete {random.item.list5::*} delete {random.item.list6::*} delete {random.item.list7::*} add 1 diamond to {random.item.list1::*} add 2 iron ingot to {random.item.list1::*} add 2 leather to {random.item.list2::*} add 2 tnt to {random.item.list2::*} add 3 gold ingot to {random.item.list3::*} add 1 apple to {random.item.list3::*} add 2 bread to {random.item.list4::*} add 1 fishing rod to {random.item.list4::*} add 3 diamond sword to {random.item.list5::*} add 2 bow to {random.item.list5::*} add 3 iron sword to {random.item.list6::*} add 2 iron pickaxe to {random.item.list6::*} add 1 diamond block to {random.item.list7::*} add 2 emerald to {random.item.list7::*} command /chest [<text>]: permission: chest.use trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "&7&m&l---------------------------" message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &b➡ Commandes :" message "&c● &e/chest add &7> Ajouter un coffre" message "&c● &e/chest remove &7> Supprimer un coffre" message "&c● &e/chest clear &7> Supprimer tous les coffres" message "&c● &e/chest refill &7> Refill les coffres" message "&cPour ajouter/supprimer un coffre, il faut le regarder et faire la commande" message "&7&m&l---------------------------" else: if arg 1 is not "add" or "remove" or "refill" or "clear": make player execute command "/chest" else: if arg 1 is "clear": clear {Chest.location::*} message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez supprimé tous les coffres de la liste" if arg 1 is "add": if targeted block is a chest: loop {Chest.location::*}: if loop-value is location of targeted block: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre est déjà dans la liste" stop add location of targeted block to {Chest.location::*} message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien ajouté ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres" else: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre" if arg 1 is "remove": if targeted block is a chest: loop {Chest.location::*}: if loop-value is location of targeted block: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien supprimé ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres" remove location of targeted block from {Chest.location::*} stop message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre n'est pas dans la liste" else: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre" if arg 1 is "refill": loop {Chest.location::*}: set {_slot::*} to "" loop 27 times: add loop-number to {_number::*} clear inventory of block at loop-value set {_nbr} to a random number between 3 and 6 loop {_nbr} times: set {_rand} to a random integer between 1 and 100 set {_chosenList::*} to a random element out of {random.item.list1::*}, {random.item.list2::*}, {random.item.list3::*}, {random.item.list4::*}, {random.item.list5::*}, {random.item.list6::*}, {random.item.list7::*} set {_item} to a random element out of {_chosenList::*} set {_slot} to a random element out of {_number::*} add {_item} to slot ({_slot} - 1) of block at loop-value-1 message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eLes &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &e coffres ont été refill" En espérant que ma demande est assez claire
  2. Spygain

    résolu ✔ Skript refill chest

    Beh content de voir que tu es la, y'aurait moyen de l'opti ou pas ? juste par curiosité ? Même si il marche très bien
  3. Spygain

    résolu ✔ Skript refill chest

    Merci de ton intervention et de ton aide mais je sais lire les logs t’inquiète pas je trouver cela juste bizarre qu'il me demande de tout caler sur 4 tabs, chose qui aurait rendu le skript non fonctionnel, mais merci de ton aide EDIT: J'ai eu des erreurs mais avec mon sens affiné de lecture de logs j'ai pu réussir à découvrir où était le souci Voila le code final, si besoin : on load: delete {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond to {random.item.list::*} add 2 iron ingot to {random.item.list::*} add 2 leather to {random.item.list::*} add 2 tnt to {random.item.list::*} add 1 flint and steel to {random.item.list::*} add 1 golden apple to {random.item.list::*} add 4 cooked beef to {random.item.list::*} add 32 stone to {random.item.list::*} add 32 cobblestone to {random.item.list::*} add 4 cooked porkchop to {random.item.list::*} add 32 planks to {random.item.list::*} add 2 apple to {random.item.list::*} add 1 stone sword to {random.item.list::*} add 1 stone pickaxe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 stone axe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 leather leggings to {random.item.list::*} add 1 leather boots to {random.item.list::*} add 1 leather chestplate to {random.item.list::*} add 1 leather helmet to {random.item.list::*} add 4 snowball to {random.item.list::*} add 4 arrow to {random.item.list::*} add 1 bow to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron sword to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron pickaxe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron axe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron leggings to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron boots to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron chestplate to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron helmet to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond sword to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond pickaxe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond axe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond boots to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond leggings to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond helmet to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond chestplate to {random.item.list::*} command /chest [<text>]: permission: chest.use trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "&7&m&l---------------------------" message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &b➡ Commandes :" message "&c● &e/chest add &7> Ajouter un coffre" message "&c● &e/chest remove &7> Supprimer un coffre" message "&c● &e/chest clear &7> Supprimer tous les coffres" message "&c● &e/chest refill &7> Refill les coffres" message "&cPour ajouter/supprimer un coffre" message "&cil faut le regarder et faire la commande" message "&7&m&l---------------------------" else: if arg 1 is not "add" or "remove" or "refill" or "clear": make player execute command "/chest" else: if arg 1 is "clear": clear {Chest.location::*} message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez supprimé tous les coffres de la liste" if arg 1 is "add": if targeted block is a chest: loop {Chest.location::*}: if loop-value is location of targeted block: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre est déjà dans la liste" stop add location of targeted block to {Chest.location::*} message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien ajouté ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres" else: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre" if arg 1 is "remove": if targeted block is a chest: loop {Chest.location::*}: if loop-value is location of targeted block: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien supprimé ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres" remove location of targeted block from {Chest.location::*} stop message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre n'est pas dans la liste" else: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre" if arg 1 is "refill": loop {Chest.location::*}: set {_slot::*} to "" loop 27 times: add loop-number to {_number::*} clear inventory of block at loop-value set {_nbr} to a random number between 3 and 6 loop {_nbr} times: set {_item} to a random element out of {random.item.list::*} set {_slot} to a random element out of {_number::*} add {_item} to slot ({_slot} - 1) of block at loop-value-1 message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eLes &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &eont été refill"
  4. Version de Minecraft : 1.16.1 Version de Skript : 2.5 alpha5 Addons utilisés: MundoSk 1.8.6 Beta 57, Quarsk 1.3.1, SkBee 1.4.5, Skellet 1.9.9, Skent 1.9, Skquery-Li!me 4.1.2, SkRayFall 1.9.21,Skript-holo 1.0.2, Skript-mirror 1.0.0, SkStuff, SkUtilities 0.9.2, TuSKe 1.8.3-PikachuPatch-v3, Description du script : J'ai trouvé ce skript de @Soufreur78, c'est un skript de refill de chest, mais impossible de le faire fonctionner et de trouver l'erreur, il me dit que c'est de l'indentation, sauf qu'une fois fait beh le skript marche plus et pourquoi tout mettre a 4 tabs je comprends vraiment s'il y'a des gens qui peuvent m'aider je prends on load: delete {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond to {random.item.list::*} add 2 iron ingot to {random.item.list::*} add 2 leather to {random.item.list::*} add 2 tnt to {random.item.list::*} add 1 flint and steel to {random.item.list::*} add 1 golden apple to {random.item.list::*} add 4 cooked beef to {random.item.list::*} add 32 stone to {random.item.list::*} add 32 cobblestone to {random.item.list::*} add 4 cooked porkchop to {random.item.list::*} add 32 planks to {random.item.list::*} add 2 apple to {random.item.list::*} add 1 stone sword to {random.item.list::*} add 1 stone pickaxe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 stone axe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 leather leggings to {random.item.list::*} add 1 leather boots to {random.item.list::*} add 1 leather chestplate to {random.item.list::*} add 1 leather helmet to {random.item.list::*} add 4 snowball to {random.item.list::*} add 4 arrow to {random.item.list::*} add 1 bow to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron sword to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron pickaxe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron axe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron leggings to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron boots to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron chestplate to {random.item.list::*} add 1 iron helmet to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond sword to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond pickaxe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond axe to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond boots to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond leggings to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond helmet to {random.item.list::*} add 1 diamond chestplate to {random.item.list::*} wait 2 second make console execute command "/chest refill" command /chest [<text>]: permission: chest.use trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "&7&m&l---------------------------" message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &b➡ Commandes :" message "&c● &e/chest add &7> Ajouter un coffre" message "&c● &e/chest remove &7> Supprimer un coffre" message "&c● &e/chest clear &7> Supprimer tous les coffres" message "&c● &e/chest refill &7> Refill les coffres" message "&cPour ajouter/supprimer un coffre" message "&cil faut le regarder et faire la commande" message "&7&m&l---------------------------" else: if arg 1 is not "add" or "remove" or "refill" or "clear": make player execute command "/chest" else: if arg 1 is "clear": clear {Chest.location::*} message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez supprimé tous les coffres de la liste" if arg 1 is "add": if targeted block is a chest: loop {Chest.location::*}: if loop-value is location of targeted block: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre est déjà dans la liste" stop add location of targeted block to {Chest.location::*} message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien ajouté ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres" else: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre" if arg 1 is "remove": if targeted block is a chest: loop {Chest.location::*}: if loop-value is location of targeted block: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien supprimé ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres" remove location of targeted block from {Chest.location::*} stop message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre n'est pas dans la liste" else: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre" if arg 1 is "refill": loop {Chest.location::*}: set {_slot::*} to "" loop 27 times: add loop-number to {_number::*} clear inventory of block at loop-value set {_nbr} to a random number between 3 and 6 loop {_nbr} times: set {_item} to a random element out of {random.item.list::*} set {_slot} to a random element out of {_number::*} add {_item} to slot ({_slot} - 1) of block at loop-value-1 message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eLes &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &eont été refill" Et voici les logs: [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 5 tabs (, line 57: else:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 6 tabs (, line 58: if arg 1 is "clear":') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 6 tabs (, line 59: clear {Chest.location::*}') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 6 tabs (, line 60: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez supprimé tous les coffres de la liste"') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 5 tabs (, line 61: if arg 1 is "add":') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 6 tabs (, line 62: if targeted block is a chest:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 63: loop {Chest.location::*}:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 9 tabs (, line 64: if loop-value is location of targeted block:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 10 tabs (, line 65: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre est déjà dans la liste"') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 10 tabs (, line 66: stop') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 67: add location of targeted block to {Chest.location::*}') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 68: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien ajouté ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres"') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 6 tabs (, line 69: else:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 70: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre"') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 5 tabs (, line 71: if arg 1 is "remove":') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 6 tabs (, line 72: if targeted block is a chest:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 73: loop {Chest.location::*}:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 9 tabs (, line 74: if loop-value is location of targeted block:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 10 tabs (, line 75: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eVous avez bien supprimé ce coffre, il y a maintenant &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &ecoffres"') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 10 tabs (, line 76: remove location of targeted block from {Chest.location::*}') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 10 tabs (, line 77: stop') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 78: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Le coffre n'est pas dans la liste"') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 6 tabs (, line 79: else:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 80: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &c➡ Vous devez cibler un coffre"') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 5 tabs (, line 81: if arg 1 is "refill":') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 6 tabs (, line 82: loop {Chest.location::*}:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 83: set {_slot::*} to ""') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 84: loop 27 times:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 9 tabs (, line 85: add loop-number to {_number::*}') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 86: clear inventory of block at loop-value') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 87: set {_nbr} to a random number between 3 and 6') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 88: loop {_nbr} times:') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 9 tabs (, line 89: set {_item} to a random element out of {random.item.list::*}') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 9 tabs (, line 90: set {_slot} to a random element out of {_number::*}') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 9 tabs (, line 91: add {_item} to slot ({_slot} - 1) of block at loop-value-1') [14:00:26 ERROR]: indentation error: expected 4 tabs, but found 7 tabs (, line 92: message "&8[&a&lChest&8] &a➡ &eLes &a%size of {Chest.location::*}% &eont été refill"') [14:00:26 ERROR]: 'else' has to be placed just after an 'if' or 'else if' section (, line 54: else:') Merci d'avance pour l'aide ^^
  5. Spygain

    résolu ✔ Skript staff

    Je tente avec et je tiens au courant EDIT: C'est good problème, régler il manque des tètes mais je vais voir pourquoi thx EDIT 2: Au final non xD [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [Skript] Severe Error: [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Something went horribly wrong with Skript. [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! This issue is NOT your fault! You probably can't fix it yourself, either. [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! It looks like you are using some plugin(s) that alter how Skript works (addons). [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Here is full list of them: [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! skRayFall v1.9.20 ([Contenu masqué]) skript-mirror v1.0.0 ([Contenu masqué]) Quarsk v1.3 TuSKe v1.8.2-Pikachu-Patch-3 ( skript-holo v1.0.2 ([Contenu masqué]) SkBee v1.4.5 ([Contenu masqué]) skUtilities v0.9.2 ([Contenu masqué]) SkStuff v1.6.4.1 SkQuery v3.6.5 MundoSK v1.8.5 ([Contenu masqué]) Skellett v1.9.8 ([Contenu masqué]) Umbaska v3.3 [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! We could not identify which of those are specially related, so this might also be Skript issue. [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! You should try disabling those plugins one by one, trying to find which one causes it. [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! If the error doesn't disappear even after disabling all listed plugins, it is probably Skript issue. [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! In that case, you will be given instruction on how should you report it. [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! On the other hand, if the error disappears when disabling some plugin, report it to author of that plugin. [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Only if the author tells you to do so, report it to Skript's issue tracker. [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Stack trace: [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid UUID string: [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at java.util.UUID.fromString(Unknown Source) [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.GameProfileSerializer.deserialize( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.inventory.CraftMetaSkull.<init>( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.inventory.CraftItemStack.getItemMeta( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R1.inventory.CraftItemStack.getItemMeta( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at tk.shanebee.bee.api.NBTApi.addNBT( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at tk.shanebee.bee.elements.nbt.expressions.ExprItemWithNBT.lambda$get$0( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters.convert( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.registrations.Converters.convertUnsafe( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression.get( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at tk.shanebee.bee.elements.nbt.expressions.ExprItemWithNBT.get( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at tk.shanebee.bee.elements.nbt.expressions.ExprItemWithNBT.get( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression.get( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression.getArray( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression.get( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression.getArray( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.expressions.base.PropertyExpression.get( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression.getArray( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.util.SimpleExpression.getSingle( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.util.ConvertedExpression.getSingle( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at com.github.tukenuke.tuske.sections.gui.EffFormatGUI.execute( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at com.github.tukenuke.tuske.util.EffectSection.check( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.Trigger.execute( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand.execute2( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.command.ScriptCommand.execute( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.command.Commands.handleCommand( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.command.Commands$1.onPlayerCommand( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.MethodHandleEventExecutor.execute( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PlayerConnection.handleCommand( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PlayerConnection.a( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PacketPlayInChat.a( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils.lambda$ensureMainThread$1( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeTask( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandlerReentrant.executeTask(SourceFile:23) [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.executeNext( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.aZ( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.executeNext( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.IAsyncTaskHandler.awaitTasks( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.sleepForTick( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.v( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R1.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0( [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! at Source) [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Version Information: [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Skript: 2.5-alpha5 (latest) [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Flavor: skriptlang-github [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Date: 2020-07-02 [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Bukkit: 1.16.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Minecraft: 1.16.1 [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Java: 1.8.0_241 (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 25.241-b07) [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! OS: Windows 10 amd64 10.0 [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Server platform: Paper [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Current node: null [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Current item: format a gui slot [[long:22]] of the player with ([[itemtype:player head item]] with nbt "%{_avi}(as java.lang.Object)%" named "Aviator92" with lore "Grand-Scribe" >>$14@5aaa3308: itemtype -> itemstack) [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Current trigger: command /staff (simple event) (, line -1) [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Thread: Server thread [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Language: english [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! Link parse mode: DISABLED [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! End of Error. [18:51:15 ERROR]: #!#! EDIT 3: Au final la c'est bon, c'est juste que les skull sans value ni Id ne marche pas, voila pour ceux qui cherche
  6. Spygain

    résolu ✔ Skript staff

    Version de Minecraft : 1.16.1 Version de Skript : 2.5 alpha5 Addons utilisés: MundoSk 1.8.5, SK-NBeeT 2.11.1, Quarsk 1.3.1, Skellet 1.9.8, Skquery-Li!me 4.1.2, SkRayFall 1.9.20, Skript-mirror 1.0.0, SkUtilities 0.9.2, TuSKe 1.8.3-PikachuPatch-v3, Skript-holo 1.0.2, Umbaska 3.3 Description du script : Bonjour all, suite a la maj de mon serv en 1.16.1, mon skript staff ne marche plus mais je pense que tout les autres aussi mais bon je verrais par la suite, voici le code: command /staff: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "Le staff" to player #NBT TAG set {_back} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""39b0f2d3-3b10-4148-8646-da316dcd94dc"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjdhYWNhZDE5M2UyMjI2OTcxZWQ5NTMwMmRiYTQzMzQzOGJlNDY0NGZiYWI1ZWJmODE4MDU0MDYxNjY3ZmJlMiJ9fX0=""}]}}}" set {_spygain} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""2d72b9e5-5c8d-43b3-b226-3c6823437c97"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODllOTkxM2IwN2JiMzQyYTVjY2Q3YTdkMjMyZjdlNWE5NTM1N2U2NDdiNjEyYjhiOWFkM2EyYWM4ZTUxMjlmZSJ9fX0=""}]}}}" set {_merendar} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""011e2e39-eb42-46e1-8a21-7081684649d0"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODAyMmQ1NmY1MGQ2N2M4NjJlZWJiM2ZmMjJiNWVkYTMyNmZkYWY3YjYzOTZjMjBiY2Q0MzYzMTgwMzk0MDdmOCJ9fX0=""}]}}}" set {_neelis} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""e5144639-6f76-4aba-8c48-d46a11f17d85"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGUwZjgwMzA2NmZkZTA1ZTQyM2UzM2FmOGNmMGQzMmQwOWRjOWU1ZWI4YThiMWM1NmNmMGU0YTBmYzBmNjE1In19fQ==""}]}}}" set {_dub} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""ce8b6436-07ac-4e5c-b6d1-d56f6628fb9c"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTQyZDc1ZGYyZTQ4MWUyMjE2ZWE3ZDAyOWY1MTk5YjE3MjJhYTBmNzBlYjNmOWMzNWM0ZTMzMmJjYTUwMzZkNCJ9fX0=""}]}}}" set {_nord} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""8003051c-1327-409f-bb81-4d7146650dce"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTE4ZDk5NjZlZDQ5YjVkZDAyYWYyYThhOTQ3NWI4NGRiMjY2MzBiNjcxMWU4MjlmNDM5MjA4NWY4MmJmMTI4MCJ9fX0=""}]}}}" set {_avi} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:"""",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""""}]}}}" set {_best} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""3425eed4-c6db-4ea8-bbad-c9c02c1311c0"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDNiZWE5Nzk4YmRmZGIwMWNlMTY3YzE3ZjNjYjliYTUxODYzMmY4YThkNzM2ZGEzZWJmMmZjM2ZlM2Y2Y2M3MSJ9fX0=""}]}}}" set {_braz} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:"""",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""""}]}}}" set {_clad} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""ebe22a0b-434a-404c-9c9f-3c197ced8316"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNTg2Mzg4NGZmZWI3MWEzNmU5ZDUzN2NlN2Y2ZDRlOTU5ZTE5ZDdkMGE3NjE4ZjAyYzkzMDVkYjRkNGJjN2U0MSJ9fX0=""}]}}}" set {_gost} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""61d8f3eb-e78f-4c3b-8121-d8e7a097f0f6"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvY2M3MWI2Zjc0ZjUxOTJmYjYyNjU3Y2U1MmYwNzNiYTljODg2ZDVkOWI2OWM1NmIzZDk3ZjYwZTU1YWY2NzM0MCJ9fX0=""}]}}}" set {_lerat} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:"""",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""""}]}}}" set {_close} to "{SkullOwner:{Id:""821b1e24-7d82-400b-998c-0d92defb587e"",Properties:{textures:[{Value:""eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjQ3Y2YwZjNiOWVjOWRmMjQ4NWE5Y2Q0Nzk1YjYwYTM5MWM4ZTZlYmFjOTYzNTRkZTA2ZTMzNTdhOWE4ODYwNyJ9fX0=""}]}}}" # LIGNE COFFRE format gui slot 0, 8 of player with red stained glass pane named "&4Les fondateurs" format gui slot 3 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_spygain}%" named "&f&rSpygain" with lore "&4Dieu-Créateur" format gui slot 5 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_merendar}%" named "&f&rMerendar" with lore "&4Dieu-Créateur" format gui slot 9, 17 of player with light blue stained glass pane named "&bLes admins" format gui slot 11 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_neelis}%" named "&f&rNeelis711" with lore "&bMonarque" format gui slot 15 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_dub}%" named "&f&rDupZeros" with lore "&bMonarque" format gui slot 18, 26 of player with lime stained glass pane named "&2Les développeurs" format gui slot 19 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_nord}%" named "&f&rNordicle" with lore "&2Grand-Scribe" format gui slot 22 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_avi}%" named "&f&rAviator92" with lore "&2Grand-Scribe" format gui slot 25 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_best}%" named "&f&rBestRedstone49" with lore "&2Grand-Scribe" format gui slot 27, 35 of player with purple stained glass pane named "&9Les modérateurs" format gui slot 29 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_braz}%" named "&f&rBrazzeros" with lore "&9Contre-Maître" format gui slot 33 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_clad}%" named "&f&rclad_alffote" with lore "&9Contre-Maître" format gui slot 36, 44 of player with cyan stained glass pane named "&3Les buildeurs" format gui slot 39 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_gost}%" named "&f&rGostred" with lore "&3Grand-Architecte" format gui slot 41 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_lerat}%" named "&f&rLeRatDeny" with lore "&3Grand-Architecte" format gui slot 45 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_back}%" named "&f&rRetour" to run: make player execute command "menu" format gui slot 53 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_close}%" named "&f&rFermer" to run: close player's inventory Voici les logs [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 3 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_spygain}%" named "&f&rSpygain" with lore "&4Dieu-Créateur" (, line 24: format gui slot 3 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_spygain}%" named "&f&rSpygain" with lore "&4Dieu-Créateur"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 5 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_merendar}%" named "&f&rMerendar" with lore "&4Dieu-Créateur" (, line 25: format gui slot 5 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_merendar}%" named "&f&rMerendar" with lore "&4Dieu-Créateur"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 11 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_neelis}%" named "&f&rNeelis711" with lore "&bMonarque" (, line 27: format gui slot 11 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_neelis}%" named "&f&rNeelis711" with lore "&bMonarque"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 15 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_dub}%" named "&f&rDupZeros" with lore "&bMonarque" (, line 28: format gui slot 15 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_dub}%" named "&f&rDupZeros" with lore "&bMonarque"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 19 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_nord}%" named "&f&rNordicle" with lore "&2Grand-Scribe" (, line 30: format gui slot 19 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_nord}%" named "&f&rNordicle" with lore "&2Grand-Scribe"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 22 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_avi}%" named "&f&rAviator92" with lore "&2Grand-Scribe" (, line 31: format gui slot 22 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_avi}%" named "&f&rAviator92" with lore "&2Grand-Scribe"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 25 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_best}%" named "&f&rBestRedstone49" with lore "&2Grand-Scribe" (, line 32: format gui slot 25 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_best}%" named "&f&rBestRedstone49" with lore "&2Grand-Scribe"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 29 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_braz}%" named "&f&rBrazzeros" with lore "&9Contre-Maître" (, line 34: format gui slot 29 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_braz}%" named "&f&rBrazzeros" with lore "&9Contre-Maître"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 33 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_clad}%" named "&f&rclad_alffote" with lore "&9Contre-Maître" (, line 35: format gui slot 33 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_clad}%" named "&f&rclad_alffote" with lore "&9Contre-Maître"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 39 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_gost}%" named "&f&rGostred" with lore "&3Grand-Architecte" (, line 37: format gui slot 39 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_gost}%" named "&f&rGostred" with lore "&3Grand-Architecte"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: format gui slot 41 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_lerat}%" named "&f&rLeRatDeny" with lore "&3Grand-Architecte" (, line 38: format gui slot 41 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_lerat}%" named "&f&rLeRatDeny" with lore "&3Grand-Architecte"') [16:19:15 ERROR]: can't understand this condition: 'format gui slot 45 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_back}%" named "&f&rRetour" to run' (, line 39: format gui slot 45 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_back}%" named "&f&rRetour" to run:') [16:19:16 ERROR]: can't understand this condition: 'format gui slot 53 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_close}%" named "&f&rFermer" to run' (, line 41: format gui slot 53 of the player with player head with nbt "%{_close}%" named "&f&rFermer" to run:') En espérant pouvoir avoir de l'aide ici Bonne journée
  7. Version de Minecraft : 1.14.4 Version de Skript : 2.4.1 Addons utilisés: MundoSk 1.8.5, SK-NBeeT 2.11.1, Quarsk 1.3.1, Skellet 1.9.8, Skquery-Li!me 4.1.2, SkRayFall 1.9.19, Skript-mirror 1.0.0, SkUtilities 0.9.2, TuSKe 1.8.3-PikachuPatch-v3, Skript-holo 1.0.2 Type du skript: Skript d'achat vente avec un rightclick et leftclick Description du script : Bonjour à tous, je viens vers vous car j'ai un petit soucis que je n'arrive pas résoudre, j'aimerais comparé le rightclick et le leftclick en gros le rightclick achete et le leftclick vend, si c'est possible bien sur, mais j'ai tester pleins de forme, mais aucune d'entre elle ne marche, si vous avez des soluce je veux bien, j’espère que ma description est assez claire. command /holo1: trigger: create new holo with click-able lines "&fAchat: &a10 &f/ &fVente: &c5" and a iron sword at location 0.700, 6, 0.700 in world "world" and store it in {hologram::1} wait 10 seconds delete holos on hologram rightclick: if event-hologram is {hologram::1}: if player has diamond block: teleport player at location 2, 4, -2 in world "world" broadcast "yes"
  8. J'ai ces erreurs la alors pour les espaces j'ai testé et a chaque fois il me dit "use "attacker" and/or "victim" in damage events"
  9. Non aucune erreur dans le tchat, je comprend vraiment pas la, c'est quand la boule de neige touche le zombie que là les erreurs arrivent
  10. Apres vérification tout les addons sont bien a jour
  11. Yep vous avez la liste en haut, mais si vous trouvez des addons plus récent je prend
  12. En fait tout marche sauf le spawn du chien quand la boule de neige touche le zombie
  13. Salut, merci pour ton message c'est sympa, mais bon si je pose le message la tu te doute bien que j'ai déjà tenter de refaire le skript --', mais merci quand même de ton intervention Quelqu’un aurait une idée ?Cordialement
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