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    15 [Faire un don]

Tout ce qui a été posté par Mastersfelix

  1. Il me semble que tu dois faire register new shapeless recipe for 8 obsidian using lava bucket, water bucket, air, air, air, air, air, air, air
  2. Mastersfelix

    Tirer une fireball

    Essaye plutôt "make the player shoot a fireball at speed 10"
  3. Mastersfelix

    Système de récompense

    options: SendErrorPerm: §c§o**Désolé vous n'avez pas la permission. SendGive: §a§o**Vous avez reçu %arg number%€. command /rec <player> <number>: trigger: if player has permission "Recompence.*": add arg number to arg player's money send "{@SendGive}" to arg player broadcast "&a%n%player% &ba donné &a&n%arg 2% &bà &a&n%arg 1% " stop else: send "{@SendErrorPerm}" to player stop
  4. Mastersfelix

    Coffre personnelle

    tu dois ajouter 4 espaces aux lignes 12 et 16 C'est juste que la mise en page avec le forum c'est pas fameux
  5. Ok, pourrais tu m'envoyer ton skript ici ou par message perso, stp je vais aller demander conseil à MostFunGuy
  6. Bon... il est temps de trouver une solution sur mon serveur :/ Je vais faire des tests EDIT: J'ai remplacé le code pour utilier loop-value plutot que loop-number, je ne sais pas si sa va régler le problème, il faudra tester de ton coté vu que ton skript ne semble pas fonctionner sur mon serveur.. oO EDIT: Si cela ne marche pas temps il sera temps d'aller voir les meilleurs parce que je suis à court d'idée sinon @NFell @MostFunGuy @Maeyrl function changeIt(changer : player, id : text): if {list::*} is set: set {_loop} to {_id} parsed as an integer loop {list::*}: if loop-number is {_loop}: set {_id} to loop-value delete {list::*} exit loop else: set {_id} to {_id} parsed as integer send "%{_id}%" to {_changer} set {_itemP} to the first element out of objects in column "echange_item" from result of query "SELECT echange_item FROM offres_hde WHERE id = '%{_id}%'" and close set {_numbV} to the first element out of objects in column "item_nombre" from result of query "SELECT item_nombre FROM offres_hde WHERE id = '%{_id}%'" and close set {_itemV} to the first element out of objects in column "item_vente" from result of query "SELECT item_vente FROM offres_hde WHERE id = '%{_id}%'" and close set {_numbP} to the first element out of objects in column "echange_nombre" from result of query "SELECT echange_nombre FROM offres_hde WHERE id = '%{_id}%'" and close send "%{_itemP}% %{_numbV}% %{_itemV}% %{_numbP}%" to {_changer} if number of {_itemP} in {_changer}'s inventory < {_numbP}: set {_msgAnnul} to {@NoSuffItems} replace all "[prix]" in {_msgAnnul} with "%{_itemIdP}%" broadcast "bite" annuler({_changer}, "%{_msgAnnul}%") stop remove {_numbP} of {_itemP} from {_changer}'s inventory give {_numbV} of {_itemV} to {_changer} annuler({_changer}, {@SuccEchange}) command /hde: trigger: add objects in column "id" from result of query "SELECT id FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_ID::*} add objects in column "pseudo_vendeur" from result of query "SELECT pseudo_vendeur FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_vendeur::*} add objects in column "item_id" from result of query "SELECT item_id FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_idV::*} add objects in column "item_nombre" from result of query "SELECT item_nombre FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_numbV::*} add objects in column "item_name" from result of query "SELECT item_name FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_nameV::*} add objects in column "item_enchantements" from result of query "SELECT item_enchantements FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_enchantV::*} add objects in column "echange_id" from result of query "SELECT echange_id FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_idP::*} add objects in column "echange_nombre" from result of query "SELECT echange_nombre FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_numbP::*} add objects in column "echange_enchantements" from result of query "SELECT echange_enchantements FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_enchantP::*} open chest with 6 rows named {@NomMenuHDE} to player format slot 48 of player with egg named "&bVendre" to close then run [send {@VendreMenu}] format slot 50 of player with stick named "&r%{_nombreOffres}% offres en ventes" to be unstealable format slot 53 of player with 2 arrows named "&rPage &a2" to be unstealable set {_count} to 0 set {_count1} to 1 loop 45 times: add 1 to {_h} add {_h} to {_45::*} loop {_45::*}: if {_idV::%{_count1}%} is not set: stop add {_count1} to {list::*} set {_item} to "%{_idV::%{_count1}%}%" parsed as item set {_itemP} to "%{_idP::%{_count1}%}%" parsed as item if {_enchantP::%{_count1}%} is "NULL": set {_enchantsP} to "" else: replace all "/" in {_enchantP::%{_count1}%} with "||&7" set {_enchantsP} to "||&7echanté(e)(s)||&7%{_enchantP::%{_count1}%}%" if {_nameV::%{_count1}%} is "NULL": if {_enchantV::%{_count1}%} is "NULL": format slot {_count} of player with {_numbV::%{_count1}%} of {_item} with lore "||||&eVendu par: &7%{_vendeur::%{_count1}%}%||&eContre: &7%{_numbP::%{_count1}%}% %{_itemP}%%{_enchantsP}%" to close then run [changeIt(player, loop-value)] else: replace all "/" in {_enchantV::%{_count1}%} with "||&7" format slot {_count} of player with {_numbV::%{_count1}%} of {_item} with lore "&7%{_enchantV::%{_count1}%}%||||&eVendu par: &7%{_vendeur::%{_count1}%}%||&eContre: &7%{_numbP::%{_count1}%}% %{_itemP}%%{_enchantsP}%" to close then run [changeIt(player, loop-value)] else: if {_enchantV::%{_count1}%} is "NULL": format slot {_count} of player with {_numbV::%{_count1}%} of {_item} named "&b&o%{_nameV::%{_count1}%}%" with lore "||||&eVendu par: &7%{_vendeur::%{_count1}%}%||&eContre: &7%{_numbP::%{_count1}%}% %{_itemP}%%{_enchantsP}%" to close then run [changeIt(player, loop-value)] else: replace all "/" in {_enchantV::%{_count1}%} with "||&7" format slot {_count} of player with {_numbV::%{_count1}%} of {_item} named "&b&o%{_nameV::%{_count1}%}%" with lore "&7%{_enchantV::%{_count1}%}%||||&eVendu par: &7%{_vendeur::%{_count1}%}%||&eContre: &7%{_numbP::%{_count1}%}% %{_itemP}%%{_enchantsP}%" to close then run [changeIt(player, loop-value)] add 1 to {_count} add 1 to {_count1}
  7. Mastersfelix

    Coffre personnelle

    Qu'Est ce qui ne marche pas exactement? Tu as des erreurs? Le coffre ne s'ouvre que pour le joueur?
  8. Mastersfelix

    Coffre personnelle

    on inventory close: if {container::current::%player%} is set: if "%event-inventory%" is "inventory of <none>": set {container::%{container::current::%player%}%::%player%} to event-inventory's serialized contents clear {container::current::%player%} command /coffreP [<player>]: permission: permission message: &cTu n'as pas la permission d'effectuer cette commande trigger: wait 3 ticks if arg 1 is not set: set {_player} to the player else: if player has permission "op": set {_player} to the arg 1 else: set {_player} to {_player} set {_inv} to chest with 6 rows named "&bCoffre &6Privée" if {container::Test::%{_player}%} is set: set {_inv}'s serialized contents to {container::Test::%{_player}%} open {_inv} to player set {container::current::%{_player}%} to "Test"
  9. D'après moi le plugin skquery ne s'est pas bien installé sur ton serveur, vérifie qu'il se démarre bien au démarrage du serveur
  10. command /prismarine: trigger: loop all entities in world "world": if loop-entity is a prismarine crystal: #Je ne suis pas sur du nom de l'entité delete loop-entity
  11. on drop: if dropped item is bucket: wait 20 seconds kill dropped item
  12. Mastersfelix

    loop-player give

    Si ton skript ne fonctionne pas, c'est parce que tu as mis un "stop" à la fin ce qui stop totalement ton code et qui arrête aussi la boucle en même temps, si tu l'enlèves tout devrais fonctionner correctement
  13. En skript tu as trois sortes de variables: {variable::abc} -> Variable qui ne peut stocker qu'une seule donnée {variable::abc::*} -> Variable qui peut stocker plusieurs données sous forme d'une liste {_variable::abc} -> Variable qui ne peut stocker qu'une seule donnée mais qui sera supprimé à la fin de ton code(Utilisé pour ne pas remplir inutilement ton variable.csv)
  14. Mastersfelix

    Play Sound

    [Contenu masqué]
  15. Non, il me semble que si tu cliques vu qu'il n'est pas stocké sous une variable le loop sera le bon loop J'utilise cette technique dans un de mes skripts et sa fonctionne bien format slot {_s} of player with {_i} named "<light aqua>%{_n}%" with lore "<yellow>Seller: <gold>%{_seller}%||<yellow>Quantity: <gold>%{_count}%||<yellow>Buy now price: $<gold>%{_p}%||<yellow>Starting bid: $<orange>%{ge::startbid::%loop-value%}%||<yellow>Highest bidder: <orange>%{ge::buyer::%loop-value%}%, <yellow>$<orange>%{ge::currentbid::%loop-value%}%||&4Time left: %{_timeleft}%||%{ge::sep}%||<yellow>Item Lore: ||||<gold>%{_il}%||||%{ge::sep}%||||&8Auction Item" to close then run "sudo %player% gepurchase %loop-value%"
  16. Mastersfelix


    Ok guys la conversation fini ici, personne n'a volé l'idée de personne. C'est pas le moment de commencer à se chicaner quand même!
  17. Mastersfelix

    Block problème

    enlève le cancel event
  18. function changeIt(changer : player, id : text): if {list::*} is set: set {_loop} to {_id} parsed as an integer loop {list::*}: if loop-number is {_loop}: set {_id} to loop-value delete {list::*} exit loop else: set {_id} to {_id} parsed as integer send "%{_id}%" to {_changer} set {_itemP} to the first element out of objects in column "echange_item" from result of query "SELECT echange_item FROM offres_hde WHERE id = '%{_id}%'" and close set {_numbV} to the first element out of objects in column "item_nombre" from result of query "SELECT item_nombre FROM offres_hde WHERE id = '%{_id}%'" and close set {_itemV} to the first element out of objects in column "item_vente" from result of query "SELECT item_vente FROM offres_hde WHERE id = '%{_id}%'" and close set {_numbP} to the first element out of objects in column "echange_nombre" from result of query "SELECT echange_nombre FROM offres_hde WHERE id = '%{_id}%'" and close send "%{_itemP}% %{_numbV}% %{_itemV}% %{_numbP}%" to {_changer} if number of {_itemP} in {_changer}'s inventory < {_numbP}: set {_msgAnnul} to {@NoSuffItems} replace all "[prix]" in {_msgAnnul} with "%{_itemIdP}%" broadcast "bite" annuler({_changer}, "%{_msgAnnul}%") stop remove {_numbP} of {_itemP} from {_changer}'s inventory give {_numbV} of {_itemV} to {_changer} annuler({_changer}, {@SuccEchange}) command /hde: trigger: add objects in column "id" from result of query "SELECT id FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_ID::*} add objects in column "pseudo_vendeur" from result of query "SELECT pseudo_vendeur FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_vendeur::*} add objects in column "item_id" from result of query "SELECT item_id FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_idV::*} add objects in column "item_nombre" from result of query "SELECT item_nombre FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_numbV::*} add objects in column "item_name" from result of query "SELECT item_name FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_nameV::*} add objects in column "item_enchantements" from result of query "SELECT item_enchantements FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_enchantV::*} add objects in column "echange_id" from result of query "SELECT echange_id FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_idP::*} add objects in column "echange_nombre" from result of query "SELECT echange_nombre FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_numbP::*} add objects in column "echange_enchantements" from result of query "SELECT echange_enchantements FROM offres_hde LIMIT 0,45" and close to {_enchantP::*} open chest with 6 rows named {@NomMenuHDE} to player format slot 48 of player with egg named "&bVendre" to close then run [send {@VendreMenu}] format slot 50 of player with stick named "&r%{_nombreOffres}% offres en ventes" to be unstealable format slot 53 of player with 2 arrows named "&rPage &a2" to be unstealable set {_count} to 0 set {_count1} to 1 loop 45 times: if {_idV::%{_count1}%} is not set: stop add {_count1} to {list::*} set {_item} to "%{_idV::%{_count1}%}%" parsed as item set {_itemP} to "%{_idP::%{_count1}%}%" parsed as item if {_enchantP::%{_count1}%} is "NULL": set {_enchantsP} to "" else: replace all "/" in {_enchantP::%{_count1}%} with "||&7" set {_enchantsP} to "||&7echanté(e)(s)||&7%{_enchantP::%{_count1}%}%" if {_nameV::%{_count1}%} is "NULL": if {_enchantV::%{_count1}%} is "NULL": format slot {_count} of player with {_numbV::%{_count1}%} of {_item} with lore "||||&eVendu par: &7%{_vendeur::%{_count1}%}%||&eContre: &7%{_numbP::%{_count1}%}% %{_itemP}%%{_enchantsP}%" to close then run [changeIt(player, loop-number)] else: replace all "/" in {_enchantV::%{_count1}%} with "||&7" format slot {_count} of player with {_numbV::%{_count1}%} of {_item} with lore "&7%{_enchantV::%{_count1}%}%||||&eVendu par: &7%{_vendeur::%{_count1}%}%||&eContre: &7%{_numbP::%{_count1}%}% %{_itemP}%%{_enchantsP}%" to close then run [changeIt(player, loop-number)] else: if {_enchantV::%{_count1}%} is "NULL": format slot {_count} of player with {_numbV::%{_count1}%} of {_item} named "&b&o%{_nameV::%{_count1}%}%" with lore "||||&eVendu par: &7%{_vendeur::%{_count1}%}%||&eContre: &7%{_numbP::%{_count1}%}% %{_itemP}%%{_enchantsP}%" to close then run [changeIt(player, loop-number)] else: replace all "/" in {_enchantV::%{_count1}%} with "||&7" format slot {_count} of player with {_numbV::%{_count1}%} of {_item} named "&b&o%{_nameV::%{_count1}%}%" with lore "&7%{_enchantV::%{_count1}%}%||||&eVendu par: &7%{_vendeur::%{_count1}%}%||&eContre: &7%{_numbP::%{_count1}%}% %{_itemP}%%{_enchantsP}%" to close then run [changeIt(player, loop-number)] add 1 to {_count} add 1 to {_count1} J'ai pas testé mais sa devrais marcher. Donne moi en des nouvelles
  19. Je te fais sa dans une heure, j'ai un cours de conduite dans 15 mins donc je n'ai pas le temps de le faire pour le moment sa ne sera pas long
  20. Si tu les mets un à côté de l'autre, le 4e serait loop-number Sa fait plaisir
  21. Ajoutes toutes les valeurs de tes {_count1} dans une liste {_list::*}, par la suite tu fais que lorsque le joueur clique sur un item qui est ex le 4e item du menu, tu prends la 4e valeur de ta liste et le set dans une certaine variable que tu mets ensuite à la place de ton %{_count1}% dans click to run Si je n'ai pas été clair, dis le moi je vais te faire un exemple
  22. Bon premièrement, il nous manque des informations, As tu des erreurs lorsque tu reload le skript? Qu'est ce qui ne fonctionne pas? Et personnellement j'inverserais le push player forwards et push player upward, vu que le joueur est poussé par en avant avant d'être poussé vers le haut
  23. Bon ben... Ce fut..? Productif? [22:03:35] « Gatt »: Oh um, [22:03:37] « Gatt »: it should [22:03:38] « Gatt »: maybe -Gatt [21:50:01]« Nicholas Fell »: Apparently so -NFell Personne ne semble sur finalement :/
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