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Tout ce qui a été posté par WilliamEzzz

  1. WilliamEzzz

    ID ScoreBoard

    je crois qu'il veut le scoreboard que dans le monde lobby
  2. WilliamEzzz

    Arc -Fleche -Block

    projectile hit: projectile is an arrow block at location of projectile is wool set block at location of projectile to air
  3. WilliamEzzz

    Aide classe.

    tu peux faire ceci pour faire moins lagger: tu apply weakness 1 to the player for 999 days quand il prend son kit à la place de faire un every seconds loop all players
  4. Hehe ^^ Moi je suis comme ça :)!
  5. D'accord @Polymeth, j'ai edit.
  6. C'est sûr xD! C'est du fake à 100%
  7. WilliamEzzz

    Causes de morts

    Scrren de l'erreur? Essaie: if death is caused by fall:
  8. WilliamEzzz

    Variable - Retirer

    Passe le sujet en résolu si tout est bon :)
  9. J'ai lu, tu as juste à modifer le skript -_-
  10. J'ai trouver ceci en une minute: [Contenu masqué] cherche un peu !
  11. On peut pas t'aider si tu dis rien Omg... Des erreurs dans la console? La version de ton serveur?
  12. Avec tes explications merdiques: on join: add 1 to {nb} wait 1 second if {nb} is equal to 4: execute console command "" on quit: remove 1 to {nb} every 5 minutes: if {nb} is lower than 4: broadcast ""
  13. WilliamEzzz


    Donnes lui tes addons
  14. loop all players: if loop-player's world is "world" Peut être, sinon jsp
  15. Quand la personne quit, tu enlèves 1 dans la variable ou pas? Si tu l'enlève pas bah c'est normal
  16. Pour ajouter: add player to {Variable::*} add 1 to {Variable} Pour enlever: remove player from {Variable::*} remove 1 from {Variable} Pour savoir si il y en a 2: if {Variable} is equal to 2:
  17. Ah moi je l'ai fait en 1.8 Je sais pas si ça marche en 1.7
  18. Voilà des erreurs? command /jobs: permission: permission message: &4Tu n'as pas la permission ! trigger: open chest with 4 rows named "&aMétier" to player format slot 0 of player with Light green Wool named "&aGrade Basique" with lore "&aTout Les Grade Neutre" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eNe Clique Pas Sur Les Laines Choisis toi un metier !"] format slot 1 of player with Leather Tunic named "&aCivil" with lore "&aGrade De Debut" to close then run [make player execute command "/commande0"] format slot 2 of player with Book named "&cMaire" with lore "&cDeviens Gérant De La Ville" to close then run [make player execute command "/commande1"] format slot 9 of player with Blue Wool named "&9Police" with lore "&9Tout Les Grade De La Police" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eNe Clique Pas Sur Les Laines Choisis toi un metier !"] format slot 10 of player with Chain Helmet named "&1Policier" with lore "&1Premier Grade De La Police" to close then run [make player execute command "/commande2"] format slot 18 of player with Yellow Wool named "&eLes Hors La Lois" with lore "&eTout Les Metier Ilégal" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eNe Clique Pas Sur Les Laines Choisis toi un metier !"] format slot 19 of player with Sugar named "&6Rebelle" with lore "&6Enemi de la police" to close then run [make player execute command "/commande3"] format slot 27 of player with red Wool named "&4Grade Staff" with lore "&cTout Les Staff" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eNe Clique Pas Sur Les Laines Choisis toi un metier !"] format slot 28 of player with Wooden Sword named "&bModérateur" with lore "&bDeviens Un Grand Modérateur De ArmaCube !" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &bTa Vraiment crue t'allais devenir Modérateur ? =')"] format slot 29 of player with Wooden Axe named "&4Admin" with lore "&cDeviens Le Meilleur Admin De France !" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &cTa Vraiment crue t'allais Devenir Admin ? =')"] command /commande0: trigger: if {jobs.%player%} is true: if {jobs.%player%::*} contains "maire": remove "maire" from {jobs.%player%::*} remove 1 from {} if {jobs.%player%::*} contains "gendarme": remove "gendarme" from {jobs.%player%::*} remove 1 from {} if {jobs.%player%::*} contains "rebelle": remove "rebelle" from {jobs.%player%::*} remove 1 from {} make player execute command "/manudel %player%" send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eDe Retour Au Chomage ? =O " broadcast "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &e %Player% Viens de retourner au chomage (civil)" delete {jobs.%player%} command /commande1: trigger: if {jobs.%player%} is not set: if {} is smaller than 8: add 1 to {} add "maire" to {jobs.%player%::*} set {jobs.%player%} to true make player execute command "/maire" send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eBonne Chance Au Election" command /commande2: trigger: if {jobs.%player%} is not set: if {} is smaller than 8: add 1 to {} add "gendarme" to {jobs.%player%::*} set {jobs.%player%} to true make player execute command "/manuadd %player% gendarme" send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eBienvenue dans la Police %player% " broadcast "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &e %Player% Viens de rejoindre les forces de L'ordre" command /commande3: trigger: if {jobs.%player%} is not set: if {} is smaller than 8: add 1 to {} add "rebelle" to {jobs.%player%::*} set {jobs.%player%} to true make player execute command "/manuadd %player% rebelle" send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eBienvenue Du Côter Rebelle %player% ! " broadcast "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &e %Player% Viens de rejoindre les Rebelles"
  19. WilliamEzzz


    Ça serait vraiment super Tu fais des dossiers avec les plugins par monde qu'on pourrait mettre dedans, aucune idée si c'est possible mais si oui, ça serait le feu!
  20. Je ne sais pas si ça marche: command /jobs: permission: permission message: &4Tu n'as pas la permission ! trigger: open chest with 4 rows named "&aMétier" to player format slot 0 of player with Light green Wool named "&aGrade Basique" with lore "&aTout Les Grade Neutre" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eNe Clique Pas Sur Les Laines Choisis toi un metier !"] format slot 1 of player with Leather Tunic named "&aCivil" with lore "&aGrade De Debut" to close then run [make player execute command "/commande0"] format slot 2 of player with Book named "&cMaire" with lore "&cDeviens Gérant De La Ville" to close then run [make player execute command "/commande1"] format slot 9 of player with Blue Wool named "&9Police" with lore "&9Tout Les Grade De La Police" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eNe Clique Pas Sur Les Laines Choisis toi un metier !"] format slot 10 of player with Chain Helmet named "&1Policier" with lore "&1Premier Grade De La Police" to close then run [make player execute command "/commande2"] format slot 18 of player with Yellow Wool named "&eLes Hors La Lois" with lore "&eTout Les Metier Ilégal" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eNe Clique Pas Sur Les Laines Choisis toi un metier !"] format slot 19 of player with Sugar named "&6Rebelle" with lore "&6Enemi de la police" to close then run [make player execute command "/commande3"] format slot 27 of player with red Wool named "&4Grade Staff" with lore "&cTout Les Staff" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eNe Clique Pas Sur Les Laines Choisis toi un metier !"] format slot 28 of player with Wooden Sword named "&bModérateur" with lore "&bDeviens Un Grand Modérateur De ArmaCube !" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &bTa Vraiment crue t'allais devenir Modérateur ? =')"] format slot 29 of player with Wooden Axe named "&4Admin" with lore "&cDeviens Le Meilleur Admin De France !" to close then run [send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &cTa Vraiment crue t'allais Devenir Admin ? =')"] command /commande0: trigger: if {jobs.%player%} is true: if {jobs.%player%::*} contains "maire": remove "maire" from {jobs.%player%::*} remove 1 from {} if {jobs.%player%::*} contains "gendarme": remove "gendarme" from {jobs.%player%::*} remove 1 from {} if {jobs.%player%::*} contains "rebelle": remove "rebelle" from {jobs.%player%::*} remove 1 from {} make player execute command "/manudel %player%" send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eDe Retour Au Chomage ? =O " broadcast "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &e %Player% Viens de retourner au chomage (civil)" delete {jobs.%player%} command /commande1: trigger: if {jobs.%player%} is not set: if {} is smaller than 8: add 1 to {} add "maire" to {jobs.%player%::*} set {jobs.%player%} to true make player execute command "/maire" send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eBonne Chance Au Election" command /commande2: trigger: if {jobs.%player%} is not set: if {} is smaller than 8: add 1 to {} add "gendarme" to {jobs.%player%::*} set {jobs.%player%} to true make player execute command "/manuadd %player% gendarme" send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eBienvenue dans la Police %player% " broadcast "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &e %Player% Viens de rejoindre les forces de L'ordre" command /commande3: trigger: if {jobs.%player%} is not set: if {} is smaller than 8: add 1 to {} add "rebelle" to {jobs.%player%::*} set {jobs.%player%} to true make player execute command "/manuadd %player% rebelle" send "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &eBienvenue Du Côter Rebelle %player% ! " broadcast "&7&l[&cArmaJobs&7&l] &e %Player% Viens de rejoindre les Rebelles"
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