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2 résultats trouvés

  1. Version de Minecraft : 1.8.8 Version de Skript : dernière version Type du skript : Script pour un serveur minecraft. Le problème viens d'un gui pour des kits de grades Description du script : Le skript propose plusieurs choses mais le problème viens juste d'un bout du code c'est au niveaux d'un gui qui normalement sert a sélectionner des kits par des grades, sans passer par des commandes mais par des gui Le problème rencontré avec le bout de code qui pose problème: je ne sais pas le Code: [Contenu masqué] Le problème:
  2. Salut , j'ai un gros problème avec mon système de kits enfait genre tout fonctionne sauf un le kit construction vip+ (niveau 3) enfait j'ai exactement le meme code pour le 1 et le 2 j'ai juste modifié certains truc , je vous explique mon kit a un coldown qui normalement du 2 heure mais je l'ai reduit a 2 heures pour vip+ mais le bleme c'est que il me donne jamais les items il me met toujours le message que moi j'ai mis quand il faut attendre et le truc c'est que je comprend pas pourquoi vu que c'est exactement le meme code que le kit construction vip et basique juste que les {cktlvl2.%UUID of player%} le 2 est remplacer par un 3 voila mon code et si quelqu'un peut m'aider je le remercie options: Kt: &3Kits &6>> command /kit: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&3Kits &6>> &bMenu des kits" to player wait 2 ticks format slot 0 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with iron chestplate named "&fKits BASIQUE" to run [make player execute command "/open_basickitgui"] format slot 13 of player with diamond chestplate named "&fKits &eVIP" to run [make player execute command "/open_vipkitgui"] format slot 15 of player with shiny diamond chestplate named "&fKits &e&lVIP&5&l+" to run [make player execute command "/open_bigvipconstruct"] command /open_basickitgui: trigger: open chest with 6 rows named "&bKit BASIQUE" to player wait 2 ticks format slot 0 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with iron chestplate named "&fKits BASIQUE" to run [make player execute command "/open_basickitgui"] format slot 13 of player with diamond chestplate named "&fKits &eVIP" to run [make player execute command "/open_vipkitgui"] format slot 15 of player with shiny diamond chestplate named "&fKits &e&lVIP&5&l+" to run [make player execute command "/open_bigvipconstruct"] format slot 49 of player with shiny fence named "&c&lRetour" to run [make player execute command "/kit"] format slot 36 of player with grass named "&b&lKit construction basique" to close then run [make player execute command "/kitlvl1construct"] command /open_vipkitgui: trigger: open chest with 6 rows named "&bKit &eVIP" to player wait 2 ticks format slot 0 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with iron chestplate named "&fKits BASIQUE" to run [make player execute command "/open_basickitgui"] format slot 13 of player with diamond chestplate named "&fKits &eVIP" to run [make player execute command "/open_vipkitgui"] format slot 15 of player with shiny diamond chestplate named "&fKits &e&lVIP&5&l+" to run [make player execute command "/open_bigvipconstruct"] format slot 49 of player with shiny fence named "&c&lRetour" to run [make player execute command "/kit"] format slot 11 of player with iron chestplate named "&fKits BASIQUE" to run [make player execute command "/open_basickitgui"] format slot 36 of player with sand named "&b&lKit construction &e&lvip" to close then run [make player execute command "/kitlvl2construct"] command /open_vip+kitgui: trigger: open chest with 6 rows named "&bKits &e&lVIP&5&l+" to player wait 2 ticks format slot 0 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with shiny gray glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with iron chestplate named "&fKits BASIQUE" to run [make player execute command "/open_basickitgui"] format slot 13 of player with diamond chestplate named "&fKits &eVIP" to run [make player execute command "/open_vipkitgui"] format slot 15 of player with shiny diamond chestplate named "&fKits &e&lVIP&5&l+" to run [make player execute command "/open_vip+kitgui"] format slot 49 of player with shiny fence named "&c&lRetour" to run [make player execute command "/kit"] format slot 36 of player with obsidian named "&b&lKit construction &e&lvip&5&l+" to close then run [make player execute command "/open_bigvipconstruct"] command /kitlvl1construct: aliases: cktlvl1 trigger: if {cktlvl1.%UUID of player%} is not set: set {cktlvl1.%UUID of player%} to 1 if {cktlvl1.%UUID of player%} is 1: give 8 oak wood to player give 4 obsidian to player give 12 grass to player give 8 sand to player give 4 glass to player give 4 bookshelf to player send "{@Kt} &b&lKit construction basique reçu !" set {cktlvl1.%UUID of player%} to 2 wait 10 seconds set {cktlvl1.%UUID of player%} to 1 stop trigger if {cktlvl1.%UUID of player%} is 2: message "{@Kt} &4Erreur : &c&lMerci de patitenté 1 heure !" to player stop trigger command /kitlvl2construct: aliases: cktlvl2 trigger: if {cktlvl2.%UUID of player%} is not set: set {cktlvl2.%UUID of player%} to 1 if {cktlvl2.%UUID of player%} is 1: give 16 oak wood to player give 8 obsidian to player give 24 grass to player give 16 sand to player give 8 glass to player give 6 bookshelf to player send "{@Kt} &b&lKit construction &e&lvip &b&lreçu !" set {cktlvl2.%UUID of player%} to 2 wait 15 seconds set {cktlvl2.%UUID of player%} to 1 stop trigger if {cktlvl2.%UUID of player%} is 2: message "{@Kt} &4Erreur : &c&lMerci de patitenté 1 heure 30 !" to player stop trigger command /open_bigvipconstruct: aliases: cktlvl3 trigger: if {cktlvl3.%UUID of player%} is not set: set {cktlvl3.%UUID of player%} to 1 if {cktlvl3.%UUID of player%} is 1: give 32 oak wood to player give 16 obsidian to player give 48 grass to player give 32 sand to player give 16 glass to player give 8 bookshelf to player message "{@Kt} &b&lKit construction &e&lvip&5&l+ &b&lreçu" set {cktlvl3.%UUID of player%} to 2 wait 10 seconds set {cktlvl3.%UUID of player%} to 1 stop trigger if {cktlvl3.%UUID of player%} is 2: message "{@Kt} &4Erreur : &c&lMerci de patitenté 2 heures !" to player stop trigger
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