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    38 [Faire un don]

Tout ce qui a été posté par Tom

  1. command /testzombie: trigger: loop blocks in radius 10 around player: if loop-block is air: if block above loop-block is air: add loop-block's location to {_locs::*} set {_loc} to random element of {_locs::*} spawn a zombie at {_loc}
  2. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Commande admin: give un item permettant d'ajouter le bloc cliqué à la liste des blocs à trouver command /thelynk [<text>]: permission: thelynk.use trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&c&lCommandes Admins" send "&f» &7/thelynk item" send "&f» &7/thelynk clear" if arg-1 is "item": give 1 stick named "&eThe&aLynk" to player if arg-1 is "clear": clear {find.blocks::*} clear {alreadyfind.blocks::*} send "&6» La liste des blocs à trouver a été supprimée." #Permission admin: ajouter un bloc à la liste des blocs à trouver (clic droit: ajouter / clic gauche: retirer) on rightclick: if clicked block is set: if player is holding a stick named "&eThe&aLynk": if player have the permission "thelynk.use": if "%{find.blocks::*}%" contains "%location of clicked block%": send player title "&cCe bloc appartient déjà à" with subtitle "&cla liste des blocs à trouver." else: add location of the clicked block to {find.blocks::*} send player title "&aCe bloc à été ajouté à" with subtitle "&ala liste des blocs à trouver." on leftclick: if clicked block is set: if player is holding a stick named "&eThe&aLynk": if player have the permission "thelynk.use": if "%{find.blocks::*}%" contains "%location of clicked block%": remove location of the clicked block from {find.blocks::*} send player title "&aCe bloc à été retiré de" with subtitle "&ala liste des blocs à trouver." else: send player title "&cCe bloc n'appartient pas à" with subtitle "&cla liste des blocs à trouver." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Fonction du joueur (cliquer sur un bloc à trouver) on rightclick: if clicked block is set: if player isn't holding a stick named "&eThe&aLynk": if "%{find.blocks::*}%" contains "%location of clicked block%": send player title "&a&lBravo !" with subtitle "&bVous avez trouvé un secret." remove location of the clicked block from {find.blocks::*} add location of the clicked block to {alreadyfind.blocks::*} stop if "%{alreadyfind.blocks::*}%" contains "%location of clicked block%": send player title "&c&lMince !" with subtitle "&eCe secret a déjà été trouvé." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Je t'ai créé la commande /thelynk dans laquelle tu as deux fonctions : - obtenir un item qui va te permettre d'ajouter ou de retirer un bloc que le joueur devra trouver grâce à un clic (/thelynk item) ; - effacer la totalité des blocs que tu as ajouté à la liste auparavant (/thelynk clear). Dis moi si tu as un problème ou quelque chose à rajouter ou modifier.
  3. Donc tu as 4 commandes différentes si j'ai bien compris ?
  4. command /t: trigger: if player has apple: remove 1 apple from player's inventory apply strength to player for 100 seconds send "&aAchat effectué !" set {orbe.%player%} to true else: send "&cVous n'avez pas d'orbe de force !" on respawn: wait 2 ticks if {orbe.%player%} is true: apply strength to player for 100 seconds Essaie ce code
  5. C'est "strength" et pas "strenght"
  6. Fais ceci pour toutes tes commandes : command /§dis2: trigger: loop items in player's inventory: if loop-item is 5335: remove 1 of 5335 from player's inventory give 1 of 6097 named "&7Eau" to player
  7. Il me semble qu'il y a l'événement on smelt, qui s'utilise lorsque tu fais fondre un minerai, tu devrais regarder la documentation pour en savoir plus la concernant.
  8. Tom

    résolu ✔ /elo

    variables: {kills.%player%} = 0 on death of player: add 1 to {kills.%attacker%} add -1 to {kills.%victim%} on join: if "%{elo.players::*}%" does not contain "%player%": add "%player%" to {elo.players::*} if {kills.%player%} is equal to "<none>": set {kills.%player%} to 0 command /elo [<text>]: trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "&6&l» Votre elo : &e&l%{kills.%player%}%" if arg-1 is "all": loop {elo.players::*}: message "&6&l» %loop-value% : &e&l%{kills.%loop-value%}%" if arg-1 is "resetall": if player have permission "elo.resetall": loop {elo.players::*}: set {kills.%loop-value%} to 0 send "&6&l» &e&lTous les ELO ont été reset."
  9. Tom

    inactif ✖ Aide Script passe de combat

    Fais /passedecombat reset, et tu devrais rajouter en début de code ceci : on first join: set {passedecombat.palier.%player%} to 0 set {passedecombat.temps.%player%} to 0 set player's level to 0
  10. Tom

    inactif ✖ Aide Script passe de combat

    Oui, ça doit certainement venir du lore.
  11. Tom

    résolu ✔ Canne à joueur

    on damage of player: if projectile is fish: set {_wait} to difference between {canne.%attacker%.lastused} and now if {_wait} is less than 5 seconds: send "&cTu dois attendre &e%difference between 5 seconds and {_wait}% &cavant de réutiliser ce pouvoir." to attacker stop teleport victim to attacker set {canne.%attacker%.lastused} to now Quelque chose comme ça ?
  12. Tom

    inactif ✖ Aide Script passe de combat

    Essaie avec cette version de SkQuery : [Contenu masqué]
  13. Tom

    inactif ✖ Aide Script passe de combat

    Je t'ai fait un code en 3-4 heures, dis-moi si tu veux que j'essaie d'améliorer ou corriger deux, trois petites choses. Je pense qu'il existe plus optimisé que ça comme code parce qu'il fait plus de 1000 lignes en fin de compte mais ça peut faire l'affaire. J'ai mis la permission (de skin) en fonction du plugin GroupManager, mais si tu utilises autre chose pour les permissions, tu peux modifier ça à la ligne 27. options: Site: #<-------- qui mène à l'achat du passe de combat Temps: 300 #<-------- en secondes IDpalier: red glass #<-------- bloc qui signifie que le joueur n'a pas encore atteint le palier #Remettre les niveaux à jour à la mort du joueur qui a la permission "passedecombat.valide". on respawn: if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 1 tick execute console command "xp set %player% %{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%L" #Toutes les X secondes, les joueurs qui ont la permission "passedecombat.valide" gagnent un palier. every 20 ticks: loop all players: if loop-player have permission "passedecombat.valide": if {passedecombat.palier.%loop-player%} < 100: add 1 to {passedecombat.temps.%loop-player%} if {passedecombat.temps.%loop-player%} = {@Temps}: add 1 to {passedecombat.palier.%loop-player%} set {passedecombat.temps.%loop-player%} to 0 add 1 to the loop-player's level execute console command "manuaddp %loop-player% skin.%{passedecombat.palier.%loop-player%}%" #Commandes liées au passe de combat. command /passedecombat [<text>]: aliases: /passe trigger: if arg-1 is not set: if player doesn't have permission "passedecombat.valide": open chest with 1 row named "&a&lPasse de combat" to player format slot 0 of player with diamond named "&e&lAcheter" with lore "&e» &6{@Site}" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat buy"] if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is equal to 0: execute player command "passedecombat 1" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 1 and 5: execute player command "passedecombat 1" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 6 and 10: execute player command "passedecombat 2" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 11 and 15: execute player command "passedecombat 3" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 16 and 20: execute player command "passedecombat 4" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 21 and 25: execute player command "passedecombat 5" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 26 and 30: execute player command "passedecombat 6" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 31 and 35: execute player command "passedecombat 7" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 36 and 40: execute player command "passedecombat 8" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 41 and 45: execute player command "passedecombat 9" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 46 and 50: execute player command "passedecombat 10" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 51 and 55: execute player command "passedecombat 11" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 56 and 60: execute player command "passedecombat 12" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 61 and 65: execute player command "passedecombat 13" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 66 and 70: execute player command "passedecombat 14" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 71 and 75: execute player command "passedecombat 15" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 76 and 80: execute player command "passedecombat 16" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 81 and 85: execute player command "passedecombat 17" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 86 and 90: execute player command "passedecombat 18" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 91 and 95: execute player command "passedecombat 19" if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} is between 96 and 100: execute player command "passedecombat 20" if arg-1 is "1": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l2" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 2"] format slot 0 of player with nether star named "&6&lPalier » &e&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to be unstealable if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 1: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l2" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l3" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l4" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l5" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 2: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l1" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l3" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l4" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l5" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 3: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l1" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l2" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l4" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l5" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 4: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l1" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l2" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l3" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l5" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 5: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l1" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l2" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l3" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l4" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 1: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l1" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l2" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l3" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l4" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l5" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 5: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l1" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l2" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l3" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l4" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l5" to close if arg-1 is "2": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l3" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 3"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l1" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 1"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 6: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l7" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l8" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l9" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l10" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 7: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l6" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l8" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l9" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l10" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 8: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l6" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l7" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l9" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l10" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 9: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l6" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l7" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l8" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l10" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 10: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l6" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l7" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l8" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l9" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 6: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l6" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l7" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l8" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l9" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l10" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 10: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l6" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l7" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l8" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l9" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l10" to close if arg-1 is "3": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l4" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 4"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l2" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 2"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 11: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l12" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l13" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l14" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l15" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 12: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l11" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l13" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l14" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l15" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 13: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l11" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l12" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l4" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l5" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 14: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l11" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l12" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l13" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l15" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 15: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l11" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l12" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l13" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l14" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 11: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l11" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l12" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l13" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l14" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l15" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 15: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l11" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l12" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l13" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l14" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l15" to close if arg-1 is "4": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l5" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 5"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l3" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 3"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 16: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l17" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l18" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l19" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l20" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 17: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l16" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l18" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l19" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l20" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 18: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l16" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l17" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l9" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l20" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 19: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l16" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l17" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l18" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l20" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 20: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l16" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l17" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l18" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l19" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 16: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l16" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l17" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l18" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l19" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l20" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 20: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l16" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l17" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l18" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l19" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l20" to close if arg-1 is "5": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l6" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 6"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l4" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 4"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 21: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l22" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l23" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l24" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l25" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 22: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l21" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l23" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l24" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l25" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 23: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l21" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l22" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l24" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l25" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 24: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l21" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l22" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l23" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l25" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 25: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l21" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l22" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l23" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l24" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 21: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l21" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l22" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l23" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l24" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l25" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 25: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l21" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l22" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l23" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l24" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l25" to close if arg-1 is "6": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l7" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 7"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l5" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 5"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 26: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l27" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l28" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l29" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l30" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 27: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l26" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l28" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l29" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l30" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 28: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l26" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l27" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l29" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l30" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 29: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l26" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l27" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l28" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l30" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 30: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l26" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l27" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l28" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l29" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 26: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l26" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l27" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l28" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l29" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l30" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 30: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l26" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l27" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l28" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l29" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l30" to close if arg-1 is "7": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l8" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 8"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l6" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 6"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 31: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l32" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l33" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l34" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l35" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 32: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l31" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l33" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l34" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l35" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 33: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l31" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l32" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l34" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l35" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 34: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l31" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l32" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l33" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l35" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 35: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l31" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l32" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l33" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l34" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 31: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l31" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l32" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l33" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l34" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l35" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 35: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l31" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l32" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l33" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l34" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l35" to close if arg-1 is "8": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l9" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 9"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l7" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 7"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 36: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l37" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l38" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l39" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l40" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 37: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l36" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l38" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l39" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l40" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 38: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l36" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l37" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l39" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l40" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 39: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l36" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l37" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l38" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l40" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 40: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l36" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l37" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l38" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l39" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 36: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l36" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l37" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l38" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l39" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l40" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 40: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l36" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l37" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l38" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l39" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l40" to close if arg-1 is "9": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l10" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 10"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l8" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 8"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 41: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l42" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l43" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l44" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l45" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 42: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l41" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l43" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l44" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l45" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 43: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l41" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l42" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l44" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l45" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 44: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l41" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l42" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l43" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l45" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 45: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l41" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l42" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l43" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l44" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 41: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l41" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l42" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l43" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l44" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l45" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 45: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l41" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l42" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l43" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l44" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l45" to close if arg-1 is "10": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l11" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 11"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l9" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 9"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 46: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l47" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l48" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l49" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l50" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 47: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l46" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l48" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l49" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l50" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 48: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l46" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l47" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l49" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l50" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 49: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l46" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l47" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l48" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l50" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 50: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l46" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l47" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l48" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l49" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 46: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l46" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l47" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l48" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l49" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &2&l50" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 50: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l46" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l47" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l48" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l49" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l50" to close if arg-1 is "11": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l12" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 12"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l10" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 10"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 51: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l52" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l53" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l54" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l55" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 52: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l51" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l53" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l54" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l55" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 53: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l51" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l52" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l54" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l55" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 54: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l51" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l52" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l53" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l55" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 55: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l51" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l52" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l53" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l54" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 51: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l51" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l52" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l53" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l54" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l55" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 55: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l51" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l52" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l53" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l54" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l55" to close if arg-1 is "12": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l13" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 13"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l11" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 11"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 56: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l57" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l58" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l59" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l60" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 57: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l56" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l58" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l59" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l60" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 58: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l56" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l57" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l59" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l60" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 59: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l56" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l57" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l58" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l60" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 60: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l56" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l57" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l58" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l59" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 56: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l56" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l57" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l58" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l59" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l60" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 60: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l56" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l57" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l58" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l59" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l60" to close if arg-1 is "13": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l14" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 14"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l12" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 12"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 61: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l62" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l63" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l64" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l65" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 62: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l61" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l63" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l64" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l65" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 63: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l61" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l62" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l64" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l65" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 64: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l61" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l62" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l63" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l65" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 65: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l61" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l62" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l63" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l64" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 61: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l61" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l62" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l63" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l64" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l65" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 65: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l61" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l62" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l63" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l64" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l65" to close if arg-1 is "14": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l15" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 15"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l13" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 13"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 66: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l67" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l68" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l69" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l70" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 67: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l66" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l68" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l69" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l70" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 68: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l66" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l67" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l69" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l70" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 69: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l66" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l67" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l68" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l70" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 70: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l66" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l67" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l68" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l69" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 66: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l66" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l67" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l68" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l69" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l70" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 70: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l66" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l67" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l68" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l69" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l70" to close if arg-1 is "15": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l16" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 16"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l14" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 14"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 71: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l72" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l73" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l74" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l75" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 72: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l71" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l73" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l74" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l75" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 73: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l71" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l72" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l74" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l75" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 74: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l71" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l72" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l73" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l75" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 75: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l71" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l72" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l73" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l74" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 71: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l71" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l72" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l73" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l74" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l75" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 75: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l71" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l72" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l73" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l74" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l75" to close if arg-1 is "16": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l17" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 17"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l15" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 15"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 76: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l77" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l78" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l79" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l80" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 77: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l76" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l78" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l79" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l80" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 78: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l76" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l77" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l79" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l80" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 79: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l76" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l77" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l78" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l80" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 80: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l76" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l77" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l78" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l79" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 76: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l76" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l77" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l78" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l79" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l80" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 80: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l76" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l77" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l78" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l79" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l80" to close if arg-1 is "17": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l18" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 18"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l16" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 16"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 81: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l82" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l83" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l84" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l85" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 82: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l81" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l83" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l84" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l85" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 83: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l81" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l82" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l84" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l85" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 84: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l81" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l82" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l83" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l85" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 85: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l81" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l82" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l83" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l84" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 81: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l81" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l82" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l83" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l84" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l85" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 85: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l81" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l82" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l83" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l84" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l85" to close if arg-1 is "18": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l19" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 19"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l17" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 17"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 86: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l87" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l88" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l89" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l90" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 87: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l86" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l88" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l89" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l90" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 88: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l86" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l87" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l89" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l90" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 89: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l86" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l87" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l88" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l90" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 90: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l86" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l87" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l88" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l89" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 86: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l86" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l87" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l88" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l89" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l90" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 90: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l86" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l87" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l88" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l89" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l90" to close if arg-1 is "19": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l20" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 20"] format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l18" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 18"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 91: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l92" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l93" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l94" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l95" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 92: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l91" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l93" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l94" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l95" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 93: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l91" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l92" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l94" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l95" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 94: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l91" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l92" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l93" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l95" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 95: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l91" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l92" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l93" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l94" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 91: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l91" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l92" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l93" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l94" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l95" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} > 95: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l91" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l92" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l93" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l94" to close format slot 6 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l95" to close if arg-1 is "20": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": wait 5 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lPasse de combat: &f&lPage %arg-1%" to player format slot 8 of player with redstone named "&c&lQuitter" to close format slot 0 of player with paper named "&f&lPage » &7&l19" to close then run [make player execute command "passedecombat 19"] if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 96: format slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l97" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l98" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l99" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l100" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 97: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l96" to close format slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l98" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l99" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l100" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 98: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l96" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l97" to close format slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l99" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l100" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 99: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l96" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l97" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l98" to close format slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l100" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} = 100: format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l96" to close format slot 3 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l97" to close format slot 4 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l98" to close format slot 5 of player with light green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l99" to close format slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&lPalier &2&l%{passedecombat.palier.%player%}%" to close if {passedecombat.palier.%player%} < 96: format slot 2 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l96" to close format slot 3 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l97" to close format slot 4 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l98" to close format slot 5 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l99" to close format slot 6 of player with {@IDpalier} named "&c&lPalier &4&l100" to close if arg-1 is "buy": send "&2&l» &a&lAcheter le passe de combat : &f&l{@Site}" if arg-1 is "reset": if player have permission "passedecombat.valide": if player have permission "passedecombat.reset": set {passedecombat.palier.%player%} to 0 set {passedecombat.temps.%player%} to 0 set player's level to 0 send "&6&l» &e&lVotre passe de combat a été &f&lremis à zéro&e&l." if arg-1 is "help": send "" send "&f&l&m---&6&l Passe de combat&r &f&l&m---" send "&f&l»» &e/passedecombat" send "&f&l»» &e/passedecombat buy" send "&f&l»» &e/passedecombat reset" send "&f&l»» &e/passedecombat help" send ""
  14. Tom

    inactif ✖ Aide Script passe de combat

    Quel est ton plugin de permission ?
  15. Salut, j'ai vu que ton code n'était pas très optimisé et qu'il y avait beaucoup de répétitions, j'ai donc essayé de le refaire de A à Z tout en gardant tes idées (envoyer une demande de contrat, accepter une demande, refuser une demande, supprimer un contrat, afficher la liste de ses contrats). Voici ce que ça donne, si tu as une question ou un soucis, envoie moi un message, j'essaierai de t'aider. (J'ai également ajouté une option pour remettre tous ses contrats à 0.) on first join: set {contrats.nombre.%player%} to 0 command /contrat [<text>] [<player>]: aliases: contrats permission message: &cVous n'avez pas accès à cette commande. permission: contrat.use trigger: if arg-1 is not set: send "" send "&e&lCommandes &6&lContrats" send "&e» &6/contrat send <player>" send "&e» &6/contrat accept <player>" send "&e» &6/contrat decline <player>" send "&e» &6/contrat remove <player>" send "&e» &6/contrat list" send "" if arg-1 is "help": send "" send "&e&lCommandes &6&lContrats" send "&e» &6/contrat send <player>" send "&e» &6/contrat accept <player>" send "&e» &6/contrat decline <player>" send "&e» &6/contrat remove <player>" send "&e» &6/contrat list" send "" if arg-1 is "send": if arg-2 is set: if arg-2 is not "%player%": if "%{contrats.list.%player%::*}%" contains "%arg-2%": send "&c» %arg-2% est déjà dans votre liste de contrats." else: if "%{contrats.attente.%player%::*}%" contains "%arg-2%": send "&e» Vous avez déjà envoyé une demande de contrat à %arg-2%." else: send "&a» Votre demande de contrat a bien été envoyé à %arg-2%." to player send "&e» %player% vous a envoyé une demande de contrat." to arg-2 add "%arg-2%" to {contrats.attente.%player%::*} else: send "&c» Vous ne pouvez pas envoyer de demande de contrat à vous-même." else: send "&c» Vous devez préciser un joueur." if arg-1 is "accept": if arg-2 is set: if arg-2 is not "%player%": if "%{contrats.attente.%arg-2%::*}%" contains "%player%": send "&a» Vous avez accepté la demande de contrat de %arg-2%." to player send "&a» %player% a accepté votre demande de contrat." to arg-2 remove "%player%" from {contrats.attente.%arg-2%::*} add "%arg-2%" to {contrats.list.%player%::*} add "%player%" to {contrats.list.%arg-2%::*} add 1 to {contrats.nombre.%player%} add 1 to {contrats.nombre.%arg-2%} else: send "&c» %arg-2% ne vous a pas envoyé de demande de contrat." else: send "&c» Vous ne pouvez pas établir de contrat avec vous-même." else: send "&c» Vous devez préciser un joueur." if arg-1 is "decline": if arg-2 is set: if arg-2 is not "%player%": if "%{contrats.attente.%arg-2%::*}%" contains "%player%": send "&a» Vous avez refusé la demande de contrat de %arg-2%." to player send "&a» %player% a refusé votre demande de contrat." to arg-2 remove "%player%" from {contrats.attente.%arg-2%::*} else: send "&c» %arg-2% ne vous a pas envoyé de demande de contrat." else: send "&c» Vous ne pouvez pas établir de contrat avec vous-même." else: send "&c» Vous devez préciser un joueur." if arg-1 is "remove" or "delete": if arg-2 is set: if arg-2 is not "%player%": if "%{contrats.list.%player%::*}%" contains "%arg-2%": send "&a» Vous avez retiré %arg-2% de vos contrats." to player send "&a» %player% vous a retiré de ses contrats." to arg-2 remove "%arg-2%" from {contrats.list.%player%::*} remove "%player%" from {contrats.list.%arg-2%::*} remove 1 from {contrats.nombre.%player%} remove 1 from {contrats.nombre.%arg-2%} else: send "&c» Aucun contrat n'existe entre %arg-2% et vous." else: send "&c» Vous n'avez aucun contrat établit avec vous-même." else: send "&c» Vous devez préciser un joueur." if arg-1 is "list": if arg-2 is not set: if {contrats.nombre.%player%} = 0: send "&c&o» Vous n'avez aucun contrat enregistré. Pour plus d'informations /contrat help." if {contrats.nombre.%player%} > 0: send "&e&lContrats &6&lEnregistrés" loop {contrats.list.%player%::*}: message "&e» &6%loop-value%" if arg-2 is set: if arg-2 is not "%player%": if {contrats.nombre.%arg-2%} = 0: send "&c&o» %arg-2% n'a aucun contrat enregistré. Pour plus d'informations /contrat help." if {contrats.nombre.%arg-2%} > 0: send "&e&lContrats &6&lEnregistrés &7&o(%arg-2%)" loop {contrats.list.%arg-2%::*}: message "&e» &6%loop-value%" else: if {contrats.nombre.%player%} = 0: send "&c&o» Vous n'avez aucun contrat enregistré. Pour plus d'informations /contrat help." if {contrats.nombre.%player%} > 0: send "&e&lContrats &6&lEnregistrés" loop {contrats.list.%player%::*}: message "&e» &6%loop-value%" if arg-1 is "reset": send "&a» Vous n'avez plus aucun contrats." set {contrats.nombre.%player%} to 0 clear {contrats.list.%player%} clear {contrats.attente.%player%}
  16. Tom

    inactif ✖ Aide script

    Salut, as-tu SkQuery ?
  17. Un skript Hikabrain a été réalisé par @RED_MASTERS. Je te le joint ci-dessous.
  18. Tom

    résolu ✔ Re-spawn / Coma

    Essaie de remplacer teleport player to position -207 18 -18 (à la troisième ligne) par : execute console command "tp %player% -207 18 -18"
  19. Aidez moi svp, il faudrait que le joueur utilise la commande /kitcamel pour qu'il puisse avoir le speed 1 pendant 4 secondes si il marche sur du sable: command /kitcamel: permission: kit.camel trigger: send "&eVous avez choisi le kit Camel." on walking on sand: remove swiftness from player apply swiftness 1 to the player for 4 seconds mais quand je mets " if {kit.%player%} is "camel":" entre "on walking on sand" et "remove swiftness... for 4 seconds" ca ne marche plus. :(
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