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    38 [Faire un don]

Tout ce qui a été posté par ThzCrapy

  1. Tiens comme sa il si retrouve meiux : on right click with a golden hoe: if player is holding golden hoe of unbreaking 1 named "&eElectrocution": if targeted entity is a player: strike lightning at the targeted entity send "&aVous avez lancé un sort à %name of targeted entity%!" to player send "&c%player% vous a lancé un sort!" to targeted entity set player's speed to 0 wait 3 seconds set player's speed to 1
  2. ThzCrapy

    Plusieurs effects dans un GUI

    Tiens :') command /menu: permission: gui trigger: open chest with 1 rows named "&a&lMenu" to player wait 1 ticks format slot 0 of player with stone named "&6Ce que tu veux" to close then run [make player execute command "/effet"] command /effet: permission: ce que tu veux trigger: execute console command "test" delete {Variable}
  3. ThzCrapy

    3 erreur a mon skript

    Déja, tu nous montre pas les erreurs la ^^' ta mias un espae de trop a broacast et send au début command /info <text>: permission: Info.player permission message: Mais le tiens trigger: broadcast "&a[info]&a%player% &c&ldit %arg 1%" send "&a[info]&c&l Vous avez envoyé %arg 1% dans le chat" to player
  4. ThzCrapy

    Jump !!!

    Déja , execute console command "/bc GG a %player% pour avoir termine le jump!!" , enléve le "/" car c'est la console et elle n'a pas besoin de /
  5. ThzCrapy

    on region enter buggué

    on region enter: wait 1 tick if "%region at player%" contains "KOTH": Sa sa ne marche pas ? Tu as fait les region avec WorldGuard ?
  6. ThzCrapy

    on region enter buggué

    Rajoue wait 1 ticks entre on region enter et if ..."
  7. ThzCrapy

    Gui SkQuery 3-4

    Ton code ?
  8. ThzCrapy


    on inventory click: cancel event
  9. ThzCrapy


    on join: give compass named "&aMenu" to player
  10. ThzCrapy


    Ah oui excuse moi j'ai pas fait attention merci ;) !
  11. Donne ton Skype [EDIT] Bon, j'ai tester il y avait des erreurs j'ai tous corriger tiens (fait /ffa pour avoir le coffre) on right click with chest: wait 1 ticks open chest with 1 rows named "&aKits FFA" to player format slot 0 of player with golden apple named "&aDefault" with lore "&1Click ici!" to close then run [make player execute command "kitdefault"] wait 1 ticks format slot 2 of player with golden apple named "&aDefault2" with lore "&1Click ici!" to close then run [make player execute command "kitdefault2"] wait 1 ticks format slot 4 of player with fishing rod named "&aVIP" with lore "&1Click ici!" to close then run [make player execute command "kitvip"] wait 1 ticks format slot 6 of player with diamond sword named "&aDonateur" with lore "&1Click ici!" to close then run [make player execute command "kitvip"] wait 1 ticks command /ffa: trigger: give chest named "&aKits FFA" to player command /kitdefault: permission: kit.use trigger: set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 1 named "&1Default" set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 1 named "&1Default" set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 1 named "&1Default" set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 1 named "&1Default" give diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&1Default" to player give bow of power 1 named "&1Default" to player give 64 arrows named "&1Default" to player give fishing rod named "&1Default" to player give 64 cobble named "&1Default" to player give 64 steak named "&1Default" to player give 2 water bucket named "&1Default" to player give 2 lava bucket named "&1Default" to player give 6 golden apple named "&1Golden Apple" to player give 3 golden apple named "&1Golden Head" to player command /kitdefault2: permission: kit.use trigger: set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 2 named "&1Default2" set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 2 named "&1Default2" set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 2 named "&1Default2" set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 2 named "&1Default2" give diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&1Default2" to player give bow of power 2 named "&1Default2" to player give 64 arrows named "&1Default2" to player give fishing rod named "&1Default2" to player give 64 cobble named "&1Default2" to player give 64 steak named "&1Default2" to player give 2 water bucket named "&1Default2" to player give 2 lava bucket named "&1Default2" to player give 6 golden apple named "&1Golden Apple" to player give 3 golden apple named "&1Golden Head" to player command /kitvip: permission: VIP.use trigger: set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 3 named "&1VIP" set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 3 named "&1VIP" set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 3 named "&1VIP" set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 3 named "&1VIP" give diamond sword of sharpness 3 named "&1VIP" to player give bow of power 3 named "&1VIP" to player give 64 arrows named "&1VIP" to player give fishing rod named "&1VIP" to player give 64 cobble named "&1VIP" to player give 64 steak named "&1VIP" to player give 2 water bucket named "&1VIP" to player give 2 lava bucket named "&1VIP" to player give 6 golden apple named "&1Golden Apple" to player give 3 golden apple named "&1Golden Head" to player command /kitdonateur: permission: VIP.use trigger: set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 4 named "&1Dondateur" set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 4 named "&1Dondateur" set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 4 named "&1Dondateur" set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 4 named "&1Dondateur" give diamond sword of sharpness 4 named "&1Dondateur" to player give bow of power 4 named "&1Dondateur" to player give 64 arrows named "&1Dondateur" to player give fishing rod named "&1Dondateur" to player give 64 cobble named "&1Dondateur" to player give 64 steak named "&1Dondateur" to player give 2 water bucket named "&1Dondateur" to player give 2 lava bucket named "&1Dondateur" to player give 6 golden apple named "&1Dondateur" to player give 3 golden apple named "&1Dondateur" to player On consume of a golden apple: if name of tool of player is "&1Golden Head": apply regeneration 2 to player for 10 seconds
  12. ThzCrapy


    Essaye sa (C'est bizzard que celui de noa marche ps) on join: give compass named"&6Menu" to player on rightclick with compass: If tool of player is compass named "&6Menu": make player execute command "/menu"
  13. ThzCrapy


    Neuronix, tu n'estr pas obliger de faire mon skipt marché trés bien sa teleport le joueur au spawn de base donc bon
  14. on rightclick on sign: line 1 of the clicked block is "&4Repair" line 2 of the clicked block is "CLIQUE ICI": make player execute command "/repair" message "&eTu as réparé ton équipement avec succès."
  15. ThzCrapy


    command /suicide: trigger: kill player teleport player to spawn
  16. ThzCrapy


    Jsp pas si s'a vas marché j'ai fait sa en 2 min: on mine of diamond ore: loop all players: if loop-player has the permission "view.xray": add 1 to {xray.%player%} send "&a%player% a trouver 1 diamond" command /xray <offline player>: permission: "xray.use" trigger: send "&dA trouver: %{xray.%player%}% diamants !" to player
  17. Bah modifie les les effet et corrigé les fautes
  18. Dit moi les fautes, et le chest marche tu l'a juste pas apellé kits ffa
  19. Non, j'ai tester les 2 echnage leur place ;)!
  20. on right click with chest: open chest with 1 rows named "&aKits FFA" to player format slot 0 of player with golden apple named "&aDefault" with lore "&1Click ici!" to close then run [make player execute command "kitdefault"] format slot 2 of player with golden apple named "&aDefault2" with lore "&1Click ici!" to close then run [make player execute command "kitdefault2"] format slot 4 of player with fishing rod named "&aVIP" with lore "&1Click ici!" to close then run [make player execute command "kitvip"] format slot 6 of player with diamond sword named "&aDonateur" with lore "&1Click ici!" to close then run [make player execute command "kitvip"] command /kitdefault: perission: kit.use trigger: set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 1 named "&1Default" set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 1 named "&1Default" set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 1 named "&1Default" set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 1 named "&1Default" give diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&1Deault" to player give bow of power 1 named "&1Default" to player give 64 arrows named "&1Default" to player give fishing rod named "&1Default" to player give 64 cobble named "&1Default" to player give 64 steak named "&1Default" to player give 2 water bucket named "&1Default" to player give 2 lava bucket named "&1Default" to player give 6 golden apple named "&1Golden Apple" to player give 3 golden apple named "&1Golden Head" to player command /kitdefault2: perission: kit.use trigger: equip p set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 2 named "&1Default2" set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 2 named "&1Default2" set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 2 named "&1Default2" set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 2 named "&1Default2" give diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&1Default2" to player give bow of power 2 named "&1Default2" to player give 64 arrows named "&1Default2" to player give fishing rod named "&1Default2" to player give 64 cobble named "&1Default2" to player give 64 steak named "&1Default2" to player give 2 water bucket named "&1Default2" to player give 2 lava bucket named "&1Default2" to player give 6 golden apple named "&1Golden Apple" to player give 3 golden apple named "&1Golden Head" to player command /kitvip: perission: VIP.use trigger: equip p set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 3 named "&1VIP" set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 3 named "&1VIP" set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 3 named "&1VIP" set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 3 named "&1VIP" give diamond sword of sharpness 3 named "&1VIP" to player give bow of power 3 named "&1VIP" to player give 64 arrows named "&1VIP" to player give fishing rod named "&1VIP" to player give 64 cobble named "&1VIP" to player give 64 steak named "&1VIP" to player give 2 water bucket named "&1VIP" to player give 2 lava bucket named "&1VIP" to player give 6 golden apple named "&1Golden Apple" to player give 3 golden apple named "&1Golden Head" to player command /kitdonateur: perission: VIP.use trigger: equip p set player's helmet to diamond helmet of protection 4 named "&1Dondateur" set player's chestplate to diamond chestplate of protection 4 named "&1Dondateur" set player's leggings to diamond leggings of protection 4 named "&1Dondateur" set player's boots to diamond boots of protection 4 named "&1Dondateur" give diamond sword of sharpness 4 named "&1Dondateur" to player give bow of power 4 named "&1Dondateur" to player give 64 arrows named "&1Dondateur" to player give fishing rod named "&1Dondateur" to player give 64 cobble named "&1Dondateur" to player give 64 steak named "&1Dondateur" to player give 2 water bucket named "&1Dondateur" to player give 2 lava bucket named "&1Dondateur" to player give 6 golden apple named "&1Dondateur" to player give 3 golden apple named "&1Dondateur" to player On consume of a golden apple: if name of tool of player is "&1Golden Head": apply 10 seconds of regeneration to player
  21. command /spoint 1: trigger: set {spoint1} to location of player command /spoint 2: trigger: set {spoint2} to location of player on join: if player is op: teleport player to {spoint1} else: teleport player to {spoint2}
  22. ThzCrapy

    commande par la console

    on death: execute console command "test" on drink milk: execute console command "test"
  23. on command "spawn": equip green leather helmet equip green leather chestplate equip green leather leggings equip green leather boots
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