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    38 [Faire un don]

Tout ce qui a été posté par ThzCrapy

  1. ThzCrapy

    commande par la console

    on command "mage-4573": wait 5 seconds execute console command "&cTa commande" wait 2 seconds teleport player to {spawn}
  2. En code Command /mage-7548: trigger: send "Bravo tu as la classe Mage !"
  3. J'ai pas trés bien mais compris mais: on rightclick on sign: line 1 of the clicked block is "&4Repair" line 2 of the clicked block is "CLIQUE ICI": if player is holding diamond sword: repair the tool of player if player is wearing a diamond helmet: repair the helmet of player if player is wearing a diamond chestplate: repair the chestplate of player if player is wearing a diamond leggings: repair the leggings of player if player is wearing a diamond boots: repair the boots of player else: send "&cTu ne pas repair!" to player message "&eTu as réparé ton équipement avec succès."
  4. Tiens, cadeau: command /bowswap <text> [<player>]: description: BowSwap usage: /bowswap <activé:désactivé:toggle> permission: bowswap.admin trigger: if arg 1 is "activé": set {bowswap} to true send "&7BowSwap &a&lActivé!" if arg 1 is "désactivé": set {bowswap} to false message "&7BowSwap &c&lDésactivé!" if arg 1 is "toggle": if {bowswap} is true: set {bowswap} to false message "&7BowSwap &c&lDésactivé!" stop if {bowswap} is false: set {bowswap} to true message "&7BowSwap &a&lActivé!" stop on damage: if damage was caused by projectile: if projectile is arrow: chance of 30%: teleport attacker to victim teleport victim to {pos} on shoot: projectile is an arrow: set {pos} to location of shooter
  5. ThzCrapy


    Oui, désolé
  6. ThzCrapy


    Mets : force respawn player's
  7. Je vais tester sa se soir attend
  8. Ah ah de rien contact moi si tu as un problème
  9. ThzCrapy

    Skript reload

    Olala, sa c'est impossible il faut modifier sa dans le spigot je croit
  10. ThzCrapy


    Il y a des erreurs ?
  11. Tiens, déja tu developpe mal tu parle de quoi en disant "ect" ? Et un bouquin d'inventaire, je sais pas comment on fait un random tp mais j'ai un début toi: on right click with stick: if name of tool of player is "&aVanish": if player's tool is a stick: make player execute command "/invisible" on right click with fence: if name of tool of player is "&cUnVanish": if player's tool is a fence: make player execute command "/unvisible" command /invisible: permission: vanish executable by: player trigger: player has permission "evanish.eban" hide the player from all players send "&aTu est maintenant invisible !" to the player command /kitmod: trigger: give 1 stick named "&aVanish" to player give 1 fence named "&cUnVanish" to player command /unvisible: permission: unvanish trigger: reveal the player from all players send "&cTu n'est plus invisible" to the player
  12. on death: if player has permission "mort.kick": kick player
  13. Oui, j'ai pris le plus simple hein
  14. ThzCrapy


    Bah relis bien :c
  15. Tu fait sa pour tous les block que tu veux mettre: on place of stone: #Remplace stone pas le nom de ton block wait 5 ticks give 1 stone to player #Remplace stone pas le nom de ton block
  16. ThzCrapy

    Encore moi x)

    Je me trompe Mastersfelix ? :c variables: {menu.beacon.%arg 1%} = 1 { 1%} = 1 {menu.feather.%arg 1%} = 1 {menu.steal.%arg 1%} = 1 command /menu [<text>] [<text>]: permission: skript.uhc trigger: if arg 1 is not set: open chest with 3 rows named "&9? &4&lRégles de l'UHC &9?" to player wait 3 tick if {menu.beacon.%arg 1%} = "1": format slot 0 of player with diamond ore named "&eMinage: StripMinning" with lore "||&a[Autorisé]" to close then run [make player execute command "/menu beacon 2"] else: format slot 0 of player with diamond ore named "&eMinage: StripMinning" with lore "||&c[Non autorisé]" to close then run [make player execute command "/menu beacon 1"] if { 1%} = "1": format slot 2 of player with lava bucket named "&eiPvP" with lore "||&a[Autorisé]" to close then run [make player execute command "/menu star 2"] else: format slot 2 of player with lava bucket named "&eiPvP" with lore "||&c[Non autorisé]" to close then run [make player execute command "/menu star 1"] if {menu.feather.%arg 1%} = "1": format slot 4 of player with feather named "&eStalk" with lore "||&a[Autorisé]" to close then run [make player execute command "/menu feather 2"] else: format slot 4 of player with feather named "&eStalk" with lore "||&c[Non autorisé]" to close then run [make player execute command "/menu feather 1"] if {menu.steal.%arg 1%} = "1": format slot 6 of player with diamond item named "&eSteal" with lore "||&a[Autorisé]" to close then run [make player execute command "/menu steal 2"] else: format slot 6 of player with diamond item named "&eSteal" with lore "||&c[Non autorisé]" to close then run [make player execute command "/menu steal 1"] else: if arg 2 is set: set {menu.%arg 1%.%player%} to "%arg 2%" command /regles: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&9? &4&lRégles de l'UHC &9?" to player wait 3 tick if {menu.beacon.%arg 1%} = "1": format slot 0 of player with diamond ore named "&eMinage: StripMinning" with lore "||&a[Autorisé]" to be unstealable else: format slot 0 of player with diamond ore named "&eMinage: StripMinning" with lore "||&c[Non autorisé]" to be unstealable if { 1%} = "1": format slot 2 of player with lava bucket named "&eiPvP" with lore "||&a[Autorisé]" to be unstealable else: format slot 2 of player with lava bucket named "&eiPvP" with lore "||&c[Non autorisé]" to be unstealable if {menu.feather.%arg 1%} = "1": format slot 4 of player with feather named "&eStalk" with lore "||&a[Autorisé]" to be unstealable else: format slot 4 of player with feather named "&eStalk" with lore "||&c[Non autorisé]" to be unstealable if {menu.steal.%arg 1%} = "1": format slot 6 of player with diamond item named "&eSteal" with lore "||&a[Autorisé]" to be unstealable else: format slot 6 of player with diamond item named "&eSteal" with lore "||&c[Non autorisé]" to be unstealable command /rgs: permission: skript.uhc trigger: give a cyan dye named "&6&lSéléctions des règles pour l'uhc" to player on rightclick with cyan dye: execute player command "menu"
  17. AH oui s'i tu veut que quandtu touche quelqu'un sa mets speed 4: command /paintball: trigger: give iron horse armour named "&b&lArme" to the player on right click with a iron horse armour: if player has 1 snowball in her inventory: if player is holding iron horse armour named "&b&lArme": shoot an snowball remove 1 snowball from player's inventory else: send "&cTu n'as pas de boule de neige !" to player on damage: if damage was caused by projectile: if projectile is snowball: if attacker is a player: apply speed 4 to attacker for 5 seconds
  18. command /paintball: trigger: give iron horse armour named "&b&lArme" to the player on right click with a iron horse armour: if player has 1 snowball in her inventory: if player is holding iron horse armour named "&b&lArme": shoot an snowball remove 1 snowball from player's inventory else: send "&cTu n'as pas de boule de neige !" to player Voila
  19. ThzCrapy


    AH non, désolé, tu vas dans umbaskacordconfig.txt et tu mets tes bungee
  20. ThzCrapy


  21. ThzCrapy


    Oui, c'est possbile, il te faut l'addons Umbaska et WildSkript, il faut changer dans la config d'umbaka "use bungee" tu remplace false par true
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