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    15 [Faire un don]

Tout ce qui a été posté par Protoxy

  1. Mhh t'es fort en math et en géométrie :o
  2. Protoxy

    Problème MySQL

    C'est quoi le nom de ta table ? Et quand tu appelles la fonction il faut mettre getNiveau("Chester") avec les guillemets car c'est un string donc du texte.
  3. Up, ça fait 1 semaine que j'essaye de régler ce problème :'(
  4. Ca marche pas, ça détecte pas l'item &7&lPlanches
  5. Bonjour j'aimerai régler ce problème qui me dérange énormément. J'ai testé toutes les façons d'écrire les items mais ça active toujours le else: PS: J'ai testé, 1 of oak wood planks, 1 of wood, 1 5, 1 planks ect ... #L'item est pas reconnu function craft1(p: player, craftitem: items, recipe1: items): if {_p} has {_recipe1}: remove {_recipe1} from {_p} give {_craftitem} to {_p} play "ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_LEATHER" to {_p} at volume 1 else: send "&7[&cRust&7] &7Vous n'avez pas les ingrédients nécéssaire." to {_p} command /basic [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is "blocs": close player's inventory open chest with 5 rows named "&7Catégorie: &aItems" to player wait 2 ticks format slot 0 of player with 5 named "&7&lPlanches" with lore "&7Besoin de: &a1 bûche" to run [craft1(player, 1 of 5, 1 of 17)]
  6. Non parce-que j'utilise le resourcepack pour modifier la texture de l'item frame pour donner ça:
  7. Les items frames sont buggé, il détecte pas le block behind comme le coffre
  8. Le event-entity est détecté comme le joueur qui pose l'item frame.
  9. Bonsoir, j'ai un pti problème que j'arrive pas à régler. on place of item frame: loop blocks in radius 1 around event-entity: if loop-block is chest: if {pin.block::%location of loop-block%} is not set: set {pin.block::%location of loop-block%} to player set {pin.code::%location of loop-block%} to "0000" Aucune erreur mais le loop block in radius 1, ne trouve pas le coffre. Merci :)
  10. Alors bonjour à tous, voici une autre méthode pour ne pas passer un par un addon pour transmettre des données sur un site, qui est peut-être plus rapide et plus optimisé. Alors tout d'abord il vous faut configurer le pour le lier à votre BDD. database 1: type: MySQL pattern: db.* monitor changes: true monitor interval: 15 seconds # == MySQL configuration == host: HOST # Where the database server is located at, e.g. '', 'localhost', or '' port: 3306 #(Port d'origine) user: root password: 123 database: mabdd #Une table variables21 va être automatiquement créée. Ensuite vous allez devoir créer votre variable qui sera stocké dans la table "variables21" de la base de donnée "mabdd" command /sync: trigger: set {bd.vartoweb::%player%} to "%player% aime le chocolat." parsed as text #parsed as text est très important La variable est maintenant stocké dans la base de donnée. Vous voyez bien que le code est crypté. Maintenant il faut le décrypter en utilisant PHP et le faire apparaître. <?php mysql_connect ('HOST','UTILISATEUR','MDP'); mysql_select_db ('BDD'); mysql_query ("SET CHARACTER SET UTF8"); $req = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM variables21 WHERE name = "db.votrevariable"'); $result = mysql_fetch_array($req); $rest = substr($result[value], 2, 250); #Pour décrypter echo ("<font color='black'><strong>$rest</strong></font>"); # $rest est la valeur de la variable. ?> RESULTAT:
  11. Protoxy

    [Demande de Test] Guildes !

    Ton Skript est pas du tout finit, oui on peut rejoindre le clan inviter des joueurs ect ... Mais il y a pleins d'autre bugs que je vais pas énuméré. Par exemple quand on disband son clan, l'autre membre est toujours dans le clan ...
  12. Protoxy

    [Demande de Test] Guildes !

    Il s'est engagé à être Skripteur, il me rassurait qu'il avait un bon niveau et il me parlait d'un skript Clan qu'il faisait alors je me suis dit tu pourras nous le filer ? Il a fait en 4 jours ce que je fais en 1h et son Skript était vraiment buggé. Je lui ai gentilement dit que son Skript tenait pas la route et il l'à vraiment mal prit. Bon tout ça pour clarifier les choses même si je n'est pas à me justifier.
  13. Voilà mon système hyper complexe mais sûr pour avoir un vrai système de niveau intelligent. Du niveau 0 à 1: Il faut 20 kills. Entre le niveau 0 et 10 il faut 20 kills pour passer un niveau. Entre le niveau 10 et 20 il faut 30 kills pour passer un niveau. Entre le niveau 20 et 30 il faut 40 kills pour passer un niveau. Ect ... J'ai ajouté un système de killstreak avec des bonus. Tu auras besoin de l'addon SkQuery et SkRayFall. Voici le skript badass: [spoiler=Le skript] on death of player: clear drops attacker is a player: victim is a player: set {killstreak.%uuid of victim%} to 0 if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 0: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 1: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 1 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 1&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 1&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 1: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 2: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 2 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 2&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 2&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 2: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 3: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 3 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 3&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 3&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 3: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 4: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 4 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 4&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 4&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 4: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 5: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 5 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 5&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 5&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 5: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 6: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 6 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 6&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 6&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 6: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 7: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 7 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 7&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 7&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 7: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 8: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 8 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 8&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 8&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 8: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 9: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 9 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 9&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 9&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 9: add 0.05 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.05 if attacker's level is 10: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 10 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 10&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 10&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 10: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 11: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 11 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 11&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 11&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 11: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 12: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 12 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 12&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 12&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 12: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 13: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 13 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 13&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 13&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 13: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 14: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 14 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 14&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 14&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 14: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 15: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 15 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 15&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 15&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 15: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 16: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 16 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 16&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 16&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 16: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 17: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 17 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 17&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 17&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 17: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 18: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 18 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 18&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 18&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 18: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 19: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 19 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 19&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 19&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 19: add 0.033 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.033 if attacker's level is 20: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 20 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 20&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 20&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 20: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 21: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 21 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 21&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 21&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 21: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 22: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 22 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 22&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 22&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 22: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 23: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 23 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 23&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 23&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 23: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 24: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 24 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 24&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 24&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 24: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 25: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 25 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 25&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 25&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 25: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 26: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 26 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 26&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 26&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 26: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 27: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 27 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 27&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 27&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 27: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 28: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 28 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 28&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 28&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 28: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 29: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 29 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 29&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 29&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 29: add 0.028 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.028 if attacker's level is 30: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 30 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 30&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 30&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 30: add 0.020 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.020 if attacker's level is 31: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 31 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 31&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 31&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 31: add 0.020 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.020 if attacker's level is 32: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 32 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 32&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 32&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 32: add 0.020 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.020 if attacker's level is 33: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 33 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 33&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 33&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 33: add 0.020 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.020 if attacker's level is 34: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 34 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 34&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 34&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 34: add 0.020 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.020 if attacker's level is 35: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 35 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 35&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 35&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds play level up at player with pitch 1 stop if {level.%uuid of attacker%} is 35: add 0.020 to {xp.%uuid of attacker%} increase the attacker's level progress by 0.020 if attacker's level is 36: set {level.%uuid of attacker%} to 36 set {xp.%uuid of attacker%} to 0 broadcast "&8» &f%attacker% &7vient d'être promu &aniveau 36&7." send attacker title "&8[&eNiveau 36&8]" with subtitle "&7Félicitations %attacker% !" for 2 seconds stop if {killstreak.%uuid of attacker%} is equal to 3: apply potion of speed of tier 2 to the attacker for 30 seconds broadcast "&8» &c%attacker% &7à un killstreak de 3." play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 10 wait 2 seconds send attacker title "&8[&eKillstreak&8]" with subtitle "&7[&e+Speed II&7] &a(30s)" for 2 seconds if {killstreak.%uuid of attacker%} is equal to 5: apply potion of speed of tier 2 to the attacker for 30 seconds broadcast "&8» &c%attacker% &7à un killstreak de 5." wait 2 seconds send attacker title "&8[&eKillstreak&8]" with subtitle "&7[&e+Speed II&7] &a(30s) &7[&e+ Missiles&7]" for 2 seconds heal the attacker play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 10 if {killstreak.%uuid of attacker%} is equal to 7: apply potion of regeneration of tier 2 to the attacker for 15 seconds broadcast "&8» &c%attacker% &7à un killstreak de 7." wait 2 seconds send attacker title "&8[&eKillstreak&8]" with subtitle "&7[&e+Regen II&7] &a(15s) &7[&e+ Missiles&7]" for 2 seconds play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 10 if {killstreak.%uuid of attacker%} is equal to 10: apply potion of regeneration of tier 2 to the attacker for 15 seconds send attacker title "&8[&eKillstreak&8]" with subtitle "&7[&e+Regen II&7] &a(15s) &7[&e+ Missiles&7]" for 2 seconds broadcast "&8» &c%attacker% &7à un killstreak de 10, c'est un carnage !" play raw sound "note.pling" at player with pitch 1 volume 10 wait 2 seconds send attacker title "&8[&eKillstreak&8]" with subtitle "&7[&e+Regen II&7] &a(15s) &7[&e+ Missiles&7]" for 2 seconds set death message to "&8» &f%attacker% &6[&c%health of attacker%❤&6] &7a tué &f%victim%" send attacker title "&9" with subtitle "&7[&e+10&7]" for 1 second PS: Si quelqu'un peut me faire une fonction pour pas répeter 30 milles fois le même trucs est prier de se manifester.
  14. Welcome nfell ! And remember that song ! I like it.
  15. Tu n'expliques pas vraiment les codes c'est tout.
  16. Merci énormément, j'attend la suite des tutos !
  17. Protoxy

    Système de radiation

    Oups désolé ca faisait tellement longtemps que j'avais pas poster un sujet ... J'ai perdu habitude
  18. Protoxy

    Système de radiation

    Oui regarde la présentation de mon serveur. [Contenu masqué]
  19. Protoxy

    Système de radiation

    Oui, pour mon mode de jeu "Rust" avec resourcepack en 3D, ainsi que des vrais véhicules.
  • Créer...

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