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    56 [Faire un don]

Tout ce qui a été posté par NikosDev

  1. NikosDev

    inactif ✖ /mod

    Des erreurs dans la console?
  2. Version de Minecraft : 1.9.4 Version de Skript : 2.2-dev25 Addons utilisés: Quasi-tous (Holographic Display aussi) Type du skript : Hologramme touchable Description du script : Bonjour tout le monde, je cherche à rendre un hologramme touchable. J'ai déjà essayé le "on hologram touch", mais il ne fonctionne pas. Merci si vous pourrez m'apporter votre aide.
  3. Version de Minecraft : 1.9.4 Version de Skript : 2.2-dev25 Addons utilisés: Quasi tous Type du skript : J'aimerai un skript d'une splash potion qui enflamme les joueurs autour (2 blocs) lorsqu'elle touche le sol. Description du script : J'ai déjà essayé plusieurs skript et même les plus basiques rien que pour voir si les variables sont bien set, cela ne marche pas. on projectile hit: "%projectile%" is "thrown potion" broadcast "ABC" # NE FONCTIONNE PAS on projectile hit: loop all entities in radius 1 of projectile: ignite loop-entity # NE FONCTIONNE PAS on projectile hit: broadcast "%shooter%" broadcast "%projectile%" broadcast "%event-block%" # NE FONCTIONNE PAS on projectile hit: set {_block} to event.getHitBlock() send "%{_block}%" # NE FONCTIONNE PAS Aucun d'eux ne fonctionnent. Merci d'avance Cordialement,
  4. Problème résolu merci.
  5. Salut, j'ai l'erreur suivante : 'named "&kG01" at {block.mine.%player%} without velocity' is not an entity type (, line 83: drop 1 cookie named "&kG01" at {block.mine.%player%} without velocity') J'ai beaucoup d'addons et je suis en 1.8.0 spigot. Version essayé : drop 1 of cookie named "&kG01" without velocity at {block.mine.%player%} drop 1 cookie named "&kG01" at {block.mine.%player%} without velocity drop 1 of cookie named "&kG01" without velocity at {block.mine.%player%} Aucun n'a marché pour les mêmes raisons. Cordialement,
  6. NikosDev

    Utilisation de Skungee

    Hey j'ai une erreur -> "couldn't be created on port: 1337" Pourrais tu me décrire comment la corriger si tu le sait? EDIT: J'ai changé le port et tout va bien.
  7. Non, puisque le dropped item ne se drop pas extactement à {block.mine.%player%}, il bouge un peu de un demi bloc ou quoi donc l'hologramme n'est pas exactement au dessus du drop.
  8. NikosDev

    résolu Aide /vanish

    "Has" à la forme négative ne marche pas. Essaie donc "don't have" & "have". Perso ça marche.
  9. Tout est dans le titre, voici mon code : drop 1 cookie named "&kG01" at {block.mine.%player%} # l'item ne se drop pas exactement à "{block.mine.%player%}", il bouge un peu. wait 2 second # le temps qu'il tombe create holo object "&6Cookie... :p ?" with id "gadget.mine" at location of last dropped item # "location of last dropped item" ne fonctionne pas. Cordialement.
  10. Beh c'est que ma console est saturé xd
  11. Le truc après c'est que ça marche xd ça me pourris juste la console
  12. Cela ne résous rien et en plus elle bug chez moi, des codes ne marchent plus. Je repasse donc sous l'ancienne version et vous demande a nouveau votre aide.
  13. Si utiliser la version dev27 résous mon problème alors go discord $-$
  14. Je ne vois pas quelque chose qui dépasse 40
  15. Je vais look ça merci de ta réponse.
  16. NikosDev

    GUI item avec un lore

    Perso j'utilise pas du tout ce format, mais après je suis en 1.8 ^^ Si ça peut t'aider voilà mon code : open chest with 1 rows named "Menu" to player format slot 4 of player with feather named "Nom" with lore "Lore" to be unstealable.
  17. Bonjour, j'ai un problème avec mon scoreboard. Je n'ai aucune erreur lors du reload du skript par contre : Voici ce qui apparaît dans la console lorsque j'actualise mon scoreboard. [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! [Skript] Severe Error: [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! If you're developing an add-on for Skript this likely means that you have done something wrong. [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! If you're a server admin however please go to [Contenu masqué] [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! and check whether this error has already been reported. [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! If not please create a new ticket with a meaningful title, copy & paste this whole error into it, [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! and describe what you did before it happened and/or what you think caused the error. [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! If you think that it's a trigger that's causing the error please post the trigger as well. [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! By following this guide fixing the error should be easy and done fast. [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Stack trace: [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Entry cannot be longer than 40 characters! [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scoreboard.CraftObjective.getScore( [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at net.rayfall.eyesniper2.skrayfall.scoreboard.IdScoreBoardManager.updateSingleScore( [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at net.rayfall.eyesniper2.skrayfall.scoreboard.EffEditIdScore.execute( [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk( [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.lang.TriggerItem.walk( [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at ch.njol.skript.effects.Delay$ [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.B( [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.B( [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.A( [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! at Source) [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Version Information: [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Skript: 2.1.2 [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Bukkit: 1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Minecraft: 1.8.8 [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Java: 1.8.0_211 [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Running CraftBukkit: false [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Current node: null [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Current item: null [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! Thread: Server thread [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! End of Error. [16:13:05 ERROR]: #!#! > Voici mon code : on join: wait 20 tick wipe player's sidebar wait 3 tick set name of sidebar of player to " &b&lCruise&d&lMC " set score "&1 " in sidebar of player to 10 set score " &7&l➥ &f&lServeur" in sidebar of player to 9 set score "&2 " in sidebar of player to 8 set id based score "&7Connectés en tout : &f%amount of all players%" in sidebar of player to 7 with id "online" set id based score "&7Ping : &f%player's ping%" in sidebar of player to 6 with id "ping.%player's uuid%" set score "&3 " in sidebar of player to 5 set score " &e&l➥ &6&l%player%" in sidebar of player to 4 set score "&4 " in sidebar of player to 3 set id based score "&2→ &aRang : &e%{rank.%player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of player to 2 with id "rank.%player's uuid%" set id based score "&5→ &dTokens : &cSOON" in sidebar of player to 1 with id "token.%player's uuid%" set score "&5 " in sidebar of player to 0 every 5 seconds: loop all players: if loop-player is in "hub": set {_p} to loop-player set {_puuid} to {_p}'s uuid wait 5 tick edit score id "online" to "&7Connectés en tout : &f%amount of all players%" and 7 edit score id "ping.%{_puuid}%" to "&7Ping : &f%{_puuid}%" and 6 edit score id "rank.%{_puuid}%" to "&2→ &aRang : &e%{rank.%{_puuid}%}%" and 2 edit score id "token.%{_puuid}%" to "&5→ &dTokens : &cSOON" and 1 if loop-player is in "combo": set {_p} to loop-player set {_puuid} to {_p}'s uuid set {_amount} to amount of players in world "combo" wait 5 tick edit score id "online.combo" to "&7Connectés en Combo : &f%{_amount}%" and 7 edit score id "ping.%{_puuid}%" to "&7Ping : &f%{_puuid}%" and 6 edit score id "rank.%{_puuid}%" to "&2→ &aRang : &e%{rank.%{_puuid}%}%" and 2 edit score id "coin.combo.%{_puuid}%" to "&5→ &dCoins Combo : &cSOON" and 1 if loop-player is in "Skypvp": set {_p} to loop-player set {_puuid} to {_p}'s uuid set {_amount} to amount of players in world "Skypvp" wait 5 tick edit score id "online.skypvp" to "&7Connectés en SkyPvp : &f%{_amount}%" and 7 edit score id "ping.%{_puuid}%" to "&7Ping : &f%{_puuid}%" and 6 edit score id "rank.%{_puuid}%" to "&2→ &aRang : &e%{rank.%{_puuid}%}%" and 2 edit score id "coin.skypvp.%{_puuid}%" to "&5→ &dCoins SkyPvp : &cSOON" and 1 on world change: wait 5 tick if player is in "combo": wipe player's sidebar wait 3 tick set {_amount} to amount of players in world "combo" set name of sidebar of player to " &e&lComboFFA " set score "&1 " in sidebar of player to 10 set score " &7&l➥ &f&lMini-jeu" in sidebar of player to 9 set score "&2 " in sidebar of player to 8 set id based score "&7Connectés en Combo : &f%{_amount}%" in sidebar of player to 7 with id "online.combo" set id based score "&7Ping : &f%player's ping%" in sidebar of player to 6 with id "ping.%player's uuid%" set score "&3 " in sidebar of player to 5 set score " &e&l➥ &6&l%player%" in sidebar of player to 4 set score "&4 " in sidebar of player to 3 set id based score "&2→ &aRang : &e%{rank.%player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of player to 2 with id "rank.%player's uuid%" set id based score "&5→ &dCoins Combo : &cSOON" in sidebar of player to 1 with id "coin.combo.%player's uuid%" set score "&5 " in sidebar of player to 0 if player is in "hub": wipe player's sidebar wait 3 tick set name of sidebar of player to " &b&lCruise&d&lMC " set score "&1 " in sidebar of player to 10 set score " &7&l➥ &f&lServeur" in sidebar of player to 9 set score "&2 " in sidebar of player to 8 set id based score "&7Connectés en tout : &f%amount of all players%" in sidebar of player to 7 with id "online" set id based score "&7Ping : &f%player's ping%" in sidebar of player to 6 with id "ping.%player's uuid%" set score "&3 " in sidebar of player to 5 set score " &e&l➥ &6&l%player%" in sidebar of player to 4 set score "&4 " in sidebar of player to 3 set id based score "&2→ &aRang : &e%{rank.%player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of player to 2 with id "rank.%player's uuid%" set id based score "&5→ &dTokens : &cSOON" in sidebar of player to 1 with id "token.%player's uuid%" set score "&5 " in sidebar of player to 0 if player is in "Skypvp": wipe player's sidebar wait 3 tick set {_amount} to amount of players in world "Skypvp" set name of sidebar of player to " &a&lSkyPvp " set score "&1 " in sidebar of player to 10 set score " &7&l➥ &f&lMini-jeu" in sidebar of player to 9 set score "&2 " in sidebar of player to 8 set id based score "&7Connectés en SkyPvp : &f%{_amount}%" in sidebar of player to 7 with id "online.combo" set id based score "&7Ping : &f%player's ping%" in sidebar of player to 6 with id "ping.%player's uuid%" set score "&3 " in sidebar of player to 5 set score " &e&l➥ &6&l%player%" in sidebar of player to 4 set score "&4 " in sidebar of player to 3 set id based score "&2→ &aRang : &e%{rank.%player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of player to 2 with id "rank.%player's uuid%" set id based score "&5→ &dCoins SkyPvp : &cSOON" in sidebar of player to 1 with id "coin.combo.%player's uuid%" set score "&5 " in sidebar of player to 0 Cordialement,
  18. Le problème c'est que quand je met cela ça me met quelques choses qui s'apparente a ça: [Administrateur] NikosDev # Ce qui est voulu [Administrat # Ce que ça me donne a cause de la limite de caractère.
  19. Merci pour ta réponse ? Le seul problème c'est que je ne veux pas utiliser un plugin pour mes rank ? Je voudrais juste un skript ou un plugin qui ne fait que agrandir les caractères.
  20. Cool merci pour ta réponse, j'ai vu avec Mundo SK que l'on pouvait agrandir le tab pour en faire un comme en 1.7 ? Des pistes ? Ou un plugin qui ne fais QUE agrandir la tablist ?
  21. Je m'ennuie actuellement.
    Si quelqu'un veux une skript assez simple (car je suis nul), qui me demande hehe.

    1. Vengelis_


      Un skript de topluck comme sur paladium 😉 

    2. NikosDev


      Je connais pas paladium x)


  22. Pour répondre au sujet, peut être que le scoreboard s'affiche dans tous les mondes mais n'est plus actualisé. Essaye de faire une command /test qui supprime le scoreboard et attendre 10 secondes dans un autre monde.
  23. Plateforme : Bukkit Version : 1.8.8 Addons : Beaucoup trop Demande : Bonjour, bonsoir Je viens demander votre aide parce-que suite à de nombreuses recherches concernant ce sujet je n'ais toujours rien trouvé. Je souhaiterez mettre des préfixs dans la tab mais la limite de caractères me coincent. Toutes les façons sont bonnes, j'attends vos réponses avec impatiences !
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