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Affichage des résultats pour les étiquettes 'banque'.
2 résultats trouvés
Version de Minecraft : 1.17.1 Type du skript : Ce skript devra etre un plugin pour minecraft 1.17.1. Description du script : Bonjour, je voudrais réaliser un cité avec mes amis et moi, sur le modèle de la cité des éléments, des nations, du swagg… Malheureusement, je n’ai pas de plugin permettant de comptabiliser le nombre d’émeraudes collecté par les équipes. Il faudrait que l’on puisse comptabiliser le nombre d’émeraudes grâce a un pnj ou un coffre, comme dans la cité des nations. Ainsi, quand on donnerait les émeraudes au pnj ou au coffre, le nombre d’émraudes déposées s’ajoute au nombre total, qui serai afficher dans le scoreboard. J’espère que vous pourrait me fournir ce plugin, D’avance merci pour vos réponses. Cordialement Ace_Pendragon.
Version de Minecraft : 1.12.2 Version de Skript : last Type du skript : Skript de banque avec vault Bonjour, Je souhaite sur mon serveur implementer un systeme de banque avec des interets et pouvoir deposer et retirer son argent ! Voici mon script : on join: if {argent.%player%} isn't set: set {argent.%player%} to 0 on right click on villager: if name of entity is "&2Banque": cancel event make player execute command "/banque menu" on damage: if victim is villager: if name of entity is "&2Banque": cancel event command /banque [<text>]: trigger: if arg is "menu": open virtual chest with 1 rows named "&a&lBanque de %player%" to player wait 1 ticks make a gui slot 0,1,2,4,6,7 and 8 of player with gray glass pane named "&8Ca ne sert a rien... " with lore " " to do nothing make a gui slot 3 of player with green glass named "&aDeposer de l'argent" with lore " " to close then run player command "/banque depose" make a gui slot 4 of player with ender chest named "&6 Votre fortune :" with lore "&6%{argent.%player%}%" to do nothing make a gui slot 5 of player with red glass named "&cRetirer de l'argent" with lore " " to close then run player command "/banque retire" make a gui slot 8 of player with barrier named "&4&lFermer" to close if arg is "depose": open virtual chest with 1 rows named "&aChoisir le montant a deposer" to player wait 1 ticks make a gui slot 0 of player with green glass named "&a&l5 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function add_money(player, 5) make a gui slot 1 of player with green glass named "&a&l10 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function add_money(player, 10) make a gui slot 2 of player with green glass named "&a&l50 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function add_money(player, 50) make a gui slot 3 of player with green glass named "&a&l100 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function add_money(player, 100) make a gui slot 4 of player with green glass named "&a&l500 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function add_money(player, 500) make a gui slot 5 of player with green glass named "&a&l1000 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function add_money(player, 1000) make a gui slot 6 of player with green glass named "&a&l5000 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function add_money(player, 5000) make a gui slot 7 of player with green glass named "&a&l10000 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function add_money(player, 10000) make a gui slot 8 of player with arrow named "&cRetour" with lore "" to close then run player command "/bank menu" if arg is "retire": open virtual chest with 1 rows named "&aChoisir le montant a deposer" to player wait 1 ticks make a gui slot 0 of player with red glass named "&a&l5 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function remove_money(player, 5) make a gui slot 1 of player with red glass named "&a&l10 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function remove_money(player, 10) make a gui slot 2 of player with red glass named "&a&l50 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function remove_money(player, 50) make a gui slot 3 of player with red glass named "&a&l100 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function remove_money(player, 100) make a gui slot 4 of player with red glass named "&a&l500 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function remove_money(player, 500) make a gui slot 5 of player with red glass named "&a&l1000 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function remove_money(player, 1000) make a gui slot 6 of player with red glass named "&a&l5000 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function remove_money(player, 5000) make a gui slot 7 of player with red glass named "&a&l10000 CubyCoins" with lore " " to close then run function remove_money(player, 10000) make a gui slot 8 of player with arrow named "&cRetour" with lore "" to close then run player command "/bank menu" function add_money(p: player, am: integer): #Fonction pour ajouter de la money dans le coffre if balance of {_p} is greater than or equal to {_am}: add {_am} to {argent.%player%} make console execute command "eco take %{_p}% %{_am}%" else: send "&4Vous n'avez pas assez de money !" function remove_money(p: player, am: integer): #Fonction pour enlever la money du coffre if {argent.%player%} is greater than or equal to {_am}: remove {_am} to {argent.%player%} make console execute command "eco give %{_p}% %{_am}%" else: send "&4Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent dans votre compte en banque !" on load: send "--------------------------------------------" to console send " " to console send "Banque Loaded" to console send "By Waz0x_x " to console send "--------------------------------------------" to console on unload: send "--------------------------------------------" to console send " " to console send "Banque Unloaded" to console send "By Waz0x_x " to console send "--------------------------------------------" to console Malheureusement j'ai quelques erreures : a la ligne 54 donc : add {_am} to {argent.%player%}. ensuite au niveau des messages : send "&4Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent dans votre compte en banque !" et send"&4Vous n'avez pas assez de money !" et ensuite a la ligne 63 le 2e else je cite : 'else' has to be placed just after an 'if' or 'else if' section (, line63: else:') J'aurais vraiment besoin d'aide svp je vous remercie deja !