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Tout ce qui a été posté par leoc1395

  1. Un cooldown sa te suffit ou pas ?
  2. Comme les golden apple ? je n'ai pas compris
  3. on dispense of potion:16425: cancel event remove 1 of item from block on rightclick with potion:16425 or potion:8233: remove tool from player cancel event send "&cCette potion est désactivée" Tiens sa marche
  4. on rightclick with Carrot: if name of player's tool is "&eCarrot": #Tu peut changer le nom cancel event remove player's tool from player's inventory wait 2 ticks apply speed 2 to the player for 300 seconds #tu peut changer le temps apply strength 2 to the player for 300 seconds command /givecarrot: permission: carrot.give trigger: execute console command "/give %player% Carrot 1 name:&eCarrot" Tiens ceci devrais marcher
  5. leoc1395

    Skript "Bags"

    Excuse-moi, mais il existe un plugin qui effectue sa.
  6. leoc1395

    Skript | Mode Modérateur

    command /mod: permission: mm.mod trigger: if {staff.mode.%player%} isn't set: wait 2 ticks set {staff.mode.%player%} to true send "&c(&4!&c) &3Tu est maintenant en staff mode !" set {staffinv.%player%} to player's serialized inventory set {staff.%player%::casque} to helmet of player set {staff.%player%::plastron} to chestplate of player set {staff.%player%::pantalon} to leggings of player set {staff.%player%::bottes} to boots of player wait 2 ticks clear player's inventory make player execute command "/vanish" make player execute command "/fly on" set slot 0 of player to music disc named "&cTP Random Player" set slot 1 of player to 160:11 named "&aModeration" set slot 2 of player to wooden sword of knockback 10 named "&6Test-AntiKB" set slot 3 of player to stick of Unbreaking 2 named "&cKick" set slot 4 of player to packed ice named "&bFreeze" set slot 5 of player to book named "&aInventaire" set slot 6 of player to 351:10 named "&6Vanish &f[&aON&f]" set slot 7 of player to 160:11 named "&aModeration" set slot 8 of player to 76 named "&cQuitter" else if {staff.mode.%player%} is true: wait 2 ticks clear player's inventory restore inventory of player from {staffinv.%player%} set helmet of player to {staff.%player%::casque} set chestplate of player to {staff.%player%::plastron} set leggings of player to {staff.%player%::pantalon} set boots of player to {staff.%player%::bottes} delete {staff.mode.%player%} wait 2 ticks make player execute command "/vanish" send "&c(&4!&c) &3Tu as quitter le staff mode !" to player on drop: if {staff.mode.%player%} is true: send "&8[&6Server&8] &eTu ne peus pas drop d'items &7!" cancel event on break: if {staff.mode.%player%} is true: send "&8[&6Server&8] &eTu ne peus pas casser de block &7!" cancel event on place: if {staff.mode.%player%} is true: send "&8[&6Server&8] &eTu ne peus pas poser de block &7!" cancel event on pickup: if {staff.mode.%player%} is true: cancel event On hunger meter change: if {staff.mode.%player%} is true: cancel event on rightclick with dye: if name of player's tool is "&6Vanish &f[&aON&f]": make player execute command "/vanish off" send "&c(&4!&c) &bTu n'est plus vanish !" set slot 6 of player to 351:8 named "&6Vanish &f[&cOff&f]" stop if name of player's tool is "&6Vanish &f[&cOff&f]": send "&c(&4!&c) &bTu est maintenant en vanish !" make player execute command "/vanish on" set slot 6 of player to 351:10 named "&6Vanish &f[&aON&f]" on rightclick with stick: if name of player's tool is "&cKick": if targeted entity is a player: make player execute command "/kick %targeted entity% Vous êtes suspecter des cheat." else: send "&cVise un joueur !" to player stop on rightclick with book: if name of player's tool is "&aInventaire": if targeted entity is a player: make player execute command "/invsee %targeted entity%" else: send "&cVise un joueur !" to player stop on rightclick with redstone torch: if name of player's tool is "&cQuitter": make player execute command "/mod" stop on rightclick with stick: if name of player's tool is "&cKill": if targeted entity is a player: make player execute command "/kill %targeted entity%" else: send "&cVise un joueur !" to player stop on rightclick with blaze rod: if name of player's tool is "&bFreeze": if targeted entity is a player: make player execute command "/freeze %targeted entity%" else: send "&cVise un joueur !" to player stop on rightclick with music disc: if name of player's tool is "&cTP Random Player": if world is not "MONDE": send "&8[&6Server&8] &eVous ne vous situé pas au bon monde" else: loop all players: add loop-player to {*} set {} to a random element out of {*} teleport player to {} delete {*} send "&8[&6Server&8] &eTu as été téléporté en direction de &7: &a%{}%"
  7. command /home: trigger: message "&eCommande impossible" command /sethome: trigger: message "&eCommande impossible"
  8. leoc1395

    Menu gui via NPC

    on right click on entity: name of clicked entity contains "NPC" make player execute command "/COMMANDE"
  9. leoc1395

    [Gui] Offline player

    options: MessageError: &cVous n'avez pas accès a cette commande ! on join: remove player from {offline::*} on quit: add player to {offline::*} command /Test: permission: list.joueur permission message: {@MessageError} trigger: open chest with 6 rows named "&eJoueur Offline" to player wait 2 ticks
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