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  1. Sa ne Change rien Si c'est en 1.16 si tu as toujours SkQuery est touts les addons Tu n'as pas besoin de tout convertire ! ( est si tu as Skript à jours )
  2. Bonjour , Il Me faudrait le plugins / Variable skript pour la money ! Sinon Voila Le code Presque Fini ( il me manque la Money ) command /join [<text>]: permission: connexion.use permission message: LeMessageDePermission trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&cAjoutez un message de connexion !" stop if arg 1 is set: set {join.%player%} to true set {join.arg} to arg 1 send "&aVous avez bien Ajouter un message de connexion ( join )" on join: if {join.%player%} is true: set {_playtime::*} to placeholder "playtime_player" from all players set join message to " %player% %{join.arg}% arrive parmis nous avec %{_playtime::*}% de temps de jeu et %{jspquelleeconomytuas}% coins " stop if {join.%player%} is false: set join message to "&r " stop command /quit [<text>]: permission: deconnexion.use permission message: LeMessageDePermission trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&cAjoutez un message de connexion !" stop if arg 1 is set: set {quit.%player%} to true set {quit.arg} to arg 1 send "&aVous avez bien Ajouter un message de deconnexion ( quit )" on quit: if {quit.%player%} is true: set quit message to "%player% %{quit.arg}%" stop if {quit.%player%} is false: set quit message to "&r " stop Pour les placeholders il te faut skript-placeholders
  3. Noyox

    résolu ✔ Changement de loots

    @xLilou5 mais ton sujets en resolu stp
  4. quelles addons tu as stp ?
  5. Noyox

    inactif ✖ minecart tnt

    Hey, Je n'ai pas très bien compris la demande du skript pourrais tu pourrais faire un exemple car la j'ai pas très bien compris !
  6. Bonjour, Merci de votre reponse il y'a des erreurs sur votre code Vous Pouvez aider a les regler ? Les Erreurs :
  7. Version de Minecraft : 1.12.2 Version de Skript : Derniere Version ( 2.5.2 ) Addons utilisés: Tout les addons ( skrayfalls , Skript , SkDragon etc ... ) Type du skript : Scoreboard Animée Description du skript : Bonjour , Bonsoir petit probleme lors de mon Dev j'ai cette erreur qui s'affiche : The score id surfcraft does not exist! J'ai essayer de trouver l'erreur mais je n'est pas trouver mon erreur Merci de m'aider Le code: on join: if player is in "lobby": wait 10 ticks wipe player's sidebar wait a tick set name of sidebar of player to "&d✧ &5&lSurfCraft&r &d✧" set score " " in sidebar of player to 16 set score "&aMon Profil " in sidebar of player to 15 set score "⊳ &3&lPseudo &r&7» %player% " in sidebar of player to 14 set id based score "⊳ &f&lGrade &r&7» %{grade.%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 13 with id "Gradee" set id based score "⊳ &e&lCoins &7» &e%{coins.%player%}% " in sidebar of player to 12 with id "Coinsss" set id based score "⊳ &dGemmes &7» &5%{gemmes.%player%}% " in sidebar of player to 11 with id "Gemess" set score " " in sidebar of player to 10 set score "⊳ &cInformation Serveur " in sidebar of player to 9 set score "⊳ &a&lTPS &r&7» %{tps.count}% " in sidebar of player to 8 set id based score "⊳ &b&lConnectées &r&7» &a%player count%" in sidebar of player to 7 with id "listt" set score " " in sidebar of player to 6 set id based score " & " in sidebar of player to 5 with id "surfcraft" edit score id "listt" to "⊳ &b&lConnectées &r&7» &a%player count% " and 7 wait 10 ticks while {_scoreboardanimé} > 0: edit score id "surfcraft" to " &fp& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5p&fl& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5pl&fa& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5pla&fy& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play&f.& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.&fs& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.s&fu& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.sur&ff& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfc&fr& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcr&fa& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcra&ff& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcraf&ft& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcraft&f.&5net " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcraft.&fn&5et " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcraft.n&fe&5t " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 Une idée ? merci de votre reponse
  8. Version de Minecraft : 1.12.2 Version de Skript : Derniere Version ( 2.5.2 ) Addons utilisés: Tout les addons ( skrayfalls , Skript , SkDragon etc ... ) Type du skript : Scoreboard Animée Description du skript : Bonjour , Bonsoir petit probleme lors de mon Dev j'ai cette erreur qui s'affiche : The score id surfcraft does not exist! J'ai essayer de trouver l'erreur mais je n'est pas trouver mon erreur Merci de m'aider Le code: on join: if player is in "lobby": wait 10 ticks wipe player's sidebar wait a tick set name of sidebar of player to "&d✧ &5&lSurfCraft&r &d✧" set score " " in sidebar of player to 16 set score "&aMon Profil " in sidebar of player to 15 set score "⊳ &3&lPseudo &r&7» %player% " in sidebar of player to 14 set id based score "⊳ &f&lGrade &r&7» %{grade.%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 13 with id "Gradee" set id based score "⊳ &e&lCoins &7» &e%{coins.%player%}% " in sidebar of player to 12 with id "Coinsss" set id based score "⊳ &dGemmes &7» &5%{gemmes.%player%}% " in sidebar of player to 11 with id "Gemess" set score " " in sidebar of player to 10 set score "⊳ &cInformation Serveur " in sidebar of player to 9 set score "⊳ &a&lTPS &r&7» %{tps.count}% " in sidebar of player to 8 set id based score "⊳ &b&lConnectées &r&7» &a%player count%" in sidebar of player to 7 with id "listt" set score " " in sidebar of player to 6 set id based score " & " in sidebar of player to 5 with id "surfcraft" edit score id "listt" to "⊳ &b&lConnectées &r&7» &a%player count% " and 7 wait 6 ticks wait 10 ticks set {_scoreboardanimé} to 100000000000 while {_scoreboardanimé} > 0: edit score id "surfcraft" to " &fp& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5p&fl& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5pl&fa& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5pla&fy& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play&f.& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.&fs& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.s&fu& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.sur&ff& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfc&fr& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcr&fa& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcra&ff& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcraf&ft& " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcraft&f.&5net " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcraft.&fn&5et " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " &5play.surfcraft.n&fe&5t " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 wait 6 ticks edit score id "surfcraft" to " & " and 5 remove 1 from {_scoreboardanimé} Une idée ? merci de votre reponse
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