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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 03/08/18 dans toutes les zones

  1. 1 point
    Hihi si ta besoin d'aide n'hésite pas x)
  2. 1 point
    Ola il me semble que tu a mal compris la demande lazerda456 Mia123 veut un /dons send et /dons open en gros pas un genre de /pay
  3. 1 point
    Voilà :D Aucun addons nécessaire. Juste le skript [spoiler=Code] options: chat.format.kill.1: &6&m----------&a&o Classement balance %{_entre}%&a&o-%{_et}% &6&m---------- chat.format.kill.2: &6» &7##&b%loop-index% &c%loop-value%&7: &3%{navaria_money::%loop-value%}%$ command /balancetop [<number=1>] [<number=10>]: trigger: send "&7Recherche en cours..." BalanceTop(player, arg 1, arg 2) function BalanceTop(p: player, entre: number, et: number): loop {navaria_money::*}: add 1 to {_size} if {} is not set: set {} to loop-index else: set {_n} to 0 loop {_size} times: set {_n} to {_n}+1 {{_n}%} is not set set {{_n}%} to loop-index stop loop wait 1 tick set {_n} to size of {*} loop {*}: set {{_n}%} to loop-value set {_n} to {_n}-1 wait 1 tick send "{@chat.format.kill.1}" to {_p} if {_entre} = 1: if {_et} = 10: loop {*}: loop-value is {_p} set {_o.%loop-value%} to loop-index parsed as number wait 2 ticks if {_o.%loop-value%} = 1: send "&3Vous êtes &e%{_o.%loop-value%}% &3er" to {_p} send " " to {_p} stop loop else: send "&3Vous êtes &e%{_o.%loop-value%}% &3ième" to {_p} send " " to {_p} stop loop loop {*}: add 1 to {_result} if {_result} >= {_entre}: if {_result} <= {_et}: send "{@chat.format.kill.2}" to {_p} clear {*} and {_result} and {_size} and {_n} and {*} set {_Bal} to {_entre}+10 set {_Bal2} to {_et}+10 loop {navaria_money::*}: add 1 to {_size} if {} is not set: set {} to loop-index else: set {_n} to 0 loop {_size} times: set {_n} to {_n}+1 {{_n}%} is not set set {{_n}%} to loop-index stop loop wait 1 tick set {_n} to size of {*} loop {*}: set {{_n}%} to loop-value set {_n} to {_n}-1 wait 1 tick loop {*}: add 1 to {_result} if {_result} >= {_Bal}: if {_result} <= {_Bal2}: set {_True?} to true stop loop if {_True?} is true: json("%{_p}%", "&cClique ici pour voir la page suivante.||cmd:/BalanceTop %{_Bal}% %{_Bal2}%")
  4. 1 point
    Je l’aimais bien alors j’ai repris des choses et j’ai adapté :p
  5. 1 point
    Ça me ferait super plaisir, merci beaucoup en avance.
  6. 1 point
    J'peut essayer de te faire sa demain :)
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