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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 06/22/17 dans toutes les zones

  1. 2 points
    Je veut pas faire le chieurs mais c'est illisibles met de la couleurs des espaces stp ... & évite le Double Poste
  2. 1 point
    HardTrox submitted a new resource: [plain][RP] SkName #2[/plain] - [plain]Roleplay ajoutés un nom & prenom[/plain] Read more about this resource...
  3. 1 point
    Titre > Menu | Gui Version > 1.9.x Skript > Bonsoir, je possède actuellement un skript qui me donne une map à chaque connexion,en cliquant sur cette map un menu s'ouvre, le problème, c'est que je sais pas comment faire pas changer la map en étoile du nether, et comment ajouter des fonctions dans le menu, genre /shop etc, aussi les joueurs peuvent drop la map et peuvent aussi la déplacé dans l'inventaire et à chaque reco la map ce stack, je vous montres le code et des screens. Screen > * Et le code > on join: # Pour give l'item quand il spawn wait 3 ticks give empty map named "&8>> &6Menu &8<<" to slot 0 of player on click with empty map: if name of player's tool is "&8>> &6Menu &8<<": cancel event open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&8>> &6Menu &8<<" to player wait 1 ticks make a gui slot 0 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 1 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 2 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 3 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 5 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 6 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 7 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 8 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 9 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 17 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 27 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 35 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 36 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 37 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 38 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 39 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 41 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 42 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 43 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 44 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&7Revenir en arrière" to close make a gui slot 40 of player with barrier named "&7Revenir en arrière" to close
  4. 1 point
    je te les mis le systeme pour pas la déplacer ... mais sinon pq tu fait pas une commandes car give une étoile c'est dangereux :/ car skript si le mec a une mauvais ping il arriveras a le glitch dans un coffres fait simplement une commandes
  5. 1 point
    Et n'hésites pas à liker mes commentaires et mettre ton message en résolu
  6. 1 point
    Oui à la fin ajoutes ça : On drop nether star: cancel event
  7. 1 point
    Merci sa fonctionne, sauf que le joueur peux déplace l'étoile et la drop par terre et à chauqe reco l'étoile se stack, tu pourrais m'aider s'il te plais ?
  8. 1 point
    Non il ne peuvent pas bouger je te fais un exemple sur le slot 0 avec la commande /gamemode 1 : on join: # Pour give l'item quand il spawn wait 3 ticks give nether star named "&8>> &6Menu &8<<" to slot 0 of player on click with nether star: if name of player's tool is "&8>> &6Menu &8<<": cancel event open virtual chest inventory with size 5 named "&8>> &6Menu &8<<" to player wait 1 ticks make a gui slot 0 of player with stained glass pane named "Gamemode 1 " to run player command "/gamemode1" make a gui slot 1 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 2 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 3 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 5 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 6 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 7 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 8 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 9 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 17 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 27 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 35 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 36 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 37 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 38 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 39 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 41 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 42 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 43 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 44 of player with stained glass pane named " " to do nothing make a gui slot 4 of player with barrier named "&7Revenir en arrière" to close make a gui slot 40 of player with barrier named "&7Revenir en arrière" to close éssayes
  9. 1 point
    Merci mais comment je fais pour ajouter des fonctions ? Enfin quand il clique sur un item dans le menu une commande ce fais ? Fais juste un exemple sur un slots, et aussi ils peuvents toujours bougé etc non ?
  10. 1 point
    Je demande juste si cela mérite un like, pas besoin d'être autant vulgaire ...
  11. 1 point
    Ho la pute à like :O Choqué et fortement déçu
  12. 1 point
    Oui je chipote :) D'ailleurs j'ai utilisé mes talents en décryptage pour traduire son message: :) Il veut un script qui fasse que lors du click sur un item spécifique (Dans le RP, c'est un téléphone), un GUI doit s'ouvrir, ce GUI contiendras trois items: Le premier se nommera Métiers et permettra d'accéder à un GUI de métiers. Lorsque le joueur choisit un métier, le script doit checker si le joueur possède l'argent nécessaire (argent géré par un des mods du serveur). Le second se nommera ATM et permettra de déposer et retirer de l'argent sur un compte Le troisième permettra d'effectuer un action tel qu'un message dans le chat ou je ne sais pas trop quoi, il faut éclaircir ce point avec l'auteur. Voilà je crois que c'est ce qu'il veut :)
  13. 1 point
    Il est interdit de gratter des likes @Uneo7 la règles a changer ?
  14. 1 point
    Si si test tu verra une tnt met 4 secondes a peter <3 :p
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Bha l'autre mec a l'air de dire qu'il a taffé dur pour un skript de 15 lignes , il veux pas le copyright aussi XD ?
  17. 1 point
    Premièrement le every 1 second FAIT lagguer a partir d'un moment peut importe ton hébergeur. Ensuite oui il a recopié ton code mais lui n'a pas fait d'erreur. Et surtout il fait a peine 20 lignes et c'est loin d'être compliqué ^^.
  18. 1 point
    Je comprend Bonne continuation merci d'avoir pris le temps de lire tout cela...
  19. 1 point
    Merci pour ton aide et ta contribution :D !
  20. 1 point
    Sinon tu peut faire cela , je trouve cela plus simples apres je c'est pas si ça te convient on rightclick with flint and steel: #Quand on clique droit sur un bricket if event-block is tnt:#si le bloc est une tnt message "%player% a allumer une tnt :D"#On annonce le joueurs qui a allumer la tnt wait 4 seconds #on attend 4 secondes message "%player% a fait peter une tnt :D" #On annonce le joueurs qui a fait peter la tnt
  21. 1 point
    J'avoue c illisible, sa ne donne pas envie de lire...
  22. 1 point
    Je doute que quelqu'un feras cela gratuitement...
  23. 1 point
    Voila c'est fait :D petites précisions : -Je n'ai pas pu vérifier si on récupérait bien tous les items vu que tu joues en moddé. -Je n'ai pas fait le système du kit barré, mais plutôt un timer qui s'affiche avec le temps restant avant la prochaine utilisation(si tu y tiens vraiment, je peux te le faire ;D ) -J'ai rajouté un "TabCompleter" (plus besoin de noter tout le nom du kit, suffit de faire tab) Le Code : (normalement sans erreurs) command /kit [<text>]: aliases: kits trigger: if arg 1 is set: if arg 1 is "Soldat": if player has permission "kits.joueur": if {kitsol.cooldown.%player%} is not set: set {kitsol.cooldown.%player%} to now give 1 diamond helmet of protection 2 to player give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 1 to player give 1 diamond leggings of protection 1 to player give 1 diamond boots of protection 2 to player give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 1 to player give 2 golden apple to player give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 1 to player give 1 diamond axe of efficiency 1 to player give 1 diamond shovel of efficiency 1 to player else: if difference between {kitsol.cooldown.%player%} and now >= 3 hours: set {kitsol.cooldown.%player%} to now give 1 diamond helmet of protection 2 to player give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 1 to player give 1 diamond leggings of protection 1 to player give 1 diamond boots of protection 2 to player give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 1 to player give 2 golden apple to player give 1 diamond pickaxe of efficiency 1 to player give 1 diamond axe of efficiency 1 to player give 1 diamond shovel of efficiency 1 to player else: set {_sl} to {kitsol.cooldown.%player%} add 3 hours to {_sl} set {_sl} to difference between {_sl} and now message "&2>> &aVous devez encore attendre &6%{_sl}% %nl%&aavant de pouvoir récupérer ce Kit." else if arg 1 is "Mercenaire": if player has permission "kits.soldat": if {kitmer.cooldown.%player%} is not set: set {kitmer.cooldown.%player%} to now give 1 casque emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 plastron emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 jambiere emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 bottes emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 epee en topaze of sharpness 1 to player give 6 golden apple to player give 1 pioche en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player give 1 ache en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player give 1 pelle en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player else: if difference between {kitmer.cooldown.%player%} and now >= 3 hours: set {kitmer.cooldown.%player%} to now give 1 casque emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 plastron emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 jambiere emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 bottes emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 epee en topaze of sharpness 1 to player give 6 golden apple to player give 1 pioche en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player give 1 ache en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player give 1 pelle en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player else: set {_sl} to {kitmer.cooldown.%player%} add 3 hours to {_sl} set {_sl} to difference between {_sl} and now message "&2>> &aVous devez encore attendre &6%{_sl}% %nl%&aavant de pouvoir récupérer ce Kit." if arg 1 is "Hero": if player has permission "kits.hero": if {kithero.cooldown.%player%} is not set: set {kithero.cooldown.%player%} to now give 1 casque emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 plastron emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 jambiere emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 bottes emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 epee en topaze of sharpness 1 to player give 6 golden apple to player give 1 pioche en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player give 1 ache en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player give 1 pelle en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player else: if difference between {kithero.cooldown.%player%} and now >= 3 hours: set {kithero.cooldown.%player%} to now give 1 casque emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 plastron emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 jambiere emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 bottes emeraude of protection 1 to player give 1 epee en topaze of sharpness 1 to player give 6 golden apple to player give 1 pioche en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player give 1 ache en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player give 1 pelle en emeraude of efficiency 1 to player else: set {_sl} to {kithero.cooldown.%player%} add 3 hours to {_sl} set {_sl} to difference between {_sl} and now message "&2>> &aVous devez encore attendre &6%{_sl}% %nl%&aavant de pouvoir récupérer ce Kit." if arg 1 is "Marechal": if player has permission "kits.marechal": if {kitmar.cooldown.%player%} is not set: set {kitmar.cooldown.%player%} to now give 1 casque opale of protection 1 to player give 1 plastron opale of protection 1 to player give 1 jambiere opale of protection 1 to player give 1 bottes acier of protection 1 to player give 1 epee en opale of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 1 to player give 16 golden apple to player give 1 pioche en opale of efficiency 1 to player give 1 ache en opale of efficiency 1 to player give 1 pelle en opale of efficiency 1 to player else: if difference between {kitmar.cooldown.%player%} and now >= 3 hours: set {kitmar.cooldown.%player%} to now give 1 casque opale of protection 1 to player give 1 plastron opale of protection 1 to player give 1 jambiere opale of protection 1 to player give 1 bottes acier of protection 1 to player give 1 epee en opale of sharpness 2 and fire aspect 1 to player give 16 golden apple to player give 1 pioche en opale of efficiency 1 to player give 1 ache en opale of efficiency 1 to player give 1 pelle en opale of efficiency 1 to player else: set {_sl} to {kitmar.cooldown.%player%} add 3 hours to {_sl} set {_sl} to difference between {_sl} and now message "&2>> &aVous devez encore attendre &6%{_sl}% %nl%&aavant de pouvoir récupérer ce Kit." else: send "&6Kits: &fSoldat &fMercenaire &fHero &fMarechal" on tab completer for "kit": add "Soldat" to completions add "Mercenaire" to completions add "Hero" to completions add "Marechal" to completions Voila si ça fonctionne pour toi passe en résolu :)
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