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Tout ce qui a été posté par LeCraftDeOuf.

  1. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Ducoup ? :p Or, tous le monde voir les message entre staff
  2. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Bonjour, Donc J'ai ceci : on chat: if first character of message is "@": cancel event if player has permission "chat.staff": loop all players: set {_smsg} to message replace all "@" with "" in {_smsg} send "&4[&cStaff-Chat&4] &c%player%: &c %{_smsg}%" to loop-players else: message "&cTu n'a pas la permission !" Or, J'aimerai Que si le joueur a la permission "chat.mod" devant son pseado sa lui affiche "Modérateur" chat.mod > "Modérateur" chat.admin > "Admin" chat.fondateur > "Fondateur" chat.C-builder > "Chef-Builder" chat.builder > "Builder" > "Développeur" chat.C-mod > "Chef-Modérateur" Cordialement, Merci
  3. Bonjour, Bonsoir Merci, Mais J'ai vu Que s'il le joueur est a coté d'un mur cela casse le mur sans le réparé par la suite :/ Donc Si Vous avez une solution ca serai sympa Ou enlever les block qui l'entour si vous en n'avez pas merci :D
  4. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Problème Skript

    c fait mes ce n'est pas sa l'erreur :c
  5. ban.mod pour Le /ban, /banip. unban.mod pour le /unban, /unbanip. kick.mod pour le /kick. /mute staff.use pour le /kickall, /freeze, /avertissement pour le /modération ps: Pour le /report tous le monde a les permission S'y tu souhaite y rajouter une permission Rajoute ceci entre la ligne 196 et la ligne 197. permission: (ta permission) exemple : staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de report ! en gros sa donne : #===================================# #---- By 6moon ----# #===================================# options: PrefixMod: &7&lModération » #===================================# #---- Bannisement (+Bannisement IP) / UnBan / Kick & KickAll ----# #===================================# on connect: if {ban.%uuid of player%} is true: add 1 to {ban.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of player%} kick player due to "&7Vous avez été définitivement banni de nos Serveurs !%nl%&fVous avez été banni par le Staff &c%{ban.bannisseur.%uuid of player%}%&f !%nl%&fRaison du Bannissement: &c%{ban.raison.%uuid of player%}% &f!%nl%&fDate du Bannissement: &c%{ of player%}% &f!%nl%&fCela fait &c%{ban.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of player%}% &fque vous essayer de vous connecter !" if {banip.%uuid of player%} is true: if {banip.ip.%uuid of player%} is "%IP of player%": add 1 to {banip.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of player%} kick player due to "&7Vous avez été définitivement banni-ip de nos Serveurs !%nl%&fVous avez été banni-ip par le Staff &c%{banip.bannisseur.%uuid of player%}%&f !%nl%&fRaison du Bannissement: &c%{banip.raison.%uuid of player%}% &f!%nl%&fDate du Bannissement: &c%{ of player%}% &f!%nl%&fCela fait &c%{ban.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of player%}% &fque vous essayer de vous connecter !" command /ban [<player>] [<text>]: permission: ban.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de ban ! executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if arg 2 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Pour quelle Raison tu veux bannir le joueur &e%arg 1% &7?" to player stop else: set { of arg 1%} to now set {ban.%uuid of arg 1%} to true set {ban.raison.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%arg 2%" set {ban.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%player%" broadcast "&e%arg 1% &7a été banni pour &c%arg 2%" kick arg 1 due to "&fVous avez été banni par le Staff &c%{ban.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%}%&f !%nl%&fRaison du Bannissement: &c%{ban.raison.%uuid of arg 1%}% !%nl%&fDate du Bannissement: &c%{ of arg 1%}%" loop all players: play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.end" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 10 strike lightning at arg-1 wait 5 tick strike lightning at arg-1 wait a tick launch star firework colored blue and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 wait a tick launch star firework colored red and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 wait a tick launch star firework colored green and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 command /banip [<player>] [<text>]: permission: ban.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de ban ! executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if arg 2 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Pour quelle Raison tu veux bannir le joueur &e%arg 1% &7?" to player stop else: set { of arg 1%} to now set {banip.%uuid of arg 1%} to true set {banip.ip.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%IP of arg 1%" set {banip.raison.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%arg 2%" set {banip.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%player%" broadcast "&e%arg 1% &7a été banni-ip pour &c%arg 2%" kick arg 1 due to "&fVous avez été banni-ip par le Staff &c%{banip.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%}%&f !%nl%&fRaison du Bannissement: &c%{banip.raison.%uuid of arg 1%}% !%nl%&fDate du Bannissement: &c%{ of arg 1%}%" loop all players: play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.end" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 10 strike lightning at arg-1 wait 5 tick strike lightning at arg-1 wait a tick launch star firework colored blue and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 wait a tick launch star firework colored red and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 wait a tick launch star firework colored green and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 command /unban [<offline player>]: permission: unban.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas la permission de déban executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if {ban.%uuid of arg 1%} is true: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as débanni le joueur &e%arg 1%" to player clear { of arg 1%} delete {ban.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {ban.raison.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {ban.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {ban.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of arg 1%} else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Le joueur &e%arg 1% &7n'est pas banni !" to player command /unbanip [<offline player> ]: permission: unban.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas la permission de déban executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if {banip.%uuid of arg 1%} is true: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as débanni-ip le joueur &e%arg 1%" to player clear { of arg 1%} delete {banip.ip.%uuid of arg 1%} delete {banip.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {banip.raison.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {banip.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {banip.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of arg 1%} else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Le joueur &e%arg 1% &7n'est pas banni-ip !" to player command /kick [<player>] [<text>]: permission: kick.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas la permission de Kick executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if arg 2 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Pour quelle Raison tu veux Kick le joueur &e%arg 1% &7?" to player stop else: broadcast "&e%arg 1% &7a été kick pour &c%arg 2%" kick arg 1 due to "&7Vous avez été Kick du Serveur%nl%&fRaison du Kick: &c%arg 2%" loop all players: play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.end" at loop-player with pitch 2 volume 10 command /kickall: permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de Kick tous les joueurs ! trigger: kick all players due to "&cTous les joueurs on été déconnectés !" broadcast "{@PrefixMod} &cTous les joueurs ont été déconnectés !" #===================================# #---- Mute, Report & Freeze ----# #===================================# command /mute [<player>] [<text>]: permission: kick.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas la permission de Kick executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if arg 2 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Pour quelle Raison tu veux Mute le joueur &e%arg 1% &7?" to player stop else: if {mute.%arg 1%} isn't set: broadcast "&e%arg 1% &7a été mute pour &c%arg 2%" send "&7Vous avez été Mute pour &c%arg 2%" to arg 1 set {mute.%arg 1%} to true else: send "&7Le joueur &e%arg 1% &7n'est plus mute" to player send "&7Tu n'es plus mute" to arg 1 delete {mute.%arg 1%} on chat: if {mute.%player%} is true: send "&7Tu es mute, donc tu ne peux pas parler !" to player cancel event else: if {grade.fondateur%player%} is true: broadcast "&aFondateur: %message%" cancel event if {grade.admin.%player%} is true: broadcast "&cAdmin: %message%" cancel event command /report [<player>] [<text>]: executable by: player aliases: reports, r permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de Freeze ! trigger: if arg 1 is online: if arg 2 is set: set {_cooldown} to difference between {report.cooldown.%player%} and now if {_cooldown} is less than 1 minute: send "{@PrefixMod} &cDésolé, vous pouvez Report un joueur seulement toute les 1 minute ! &6&lTemps depuis le dernier Report: %{_cooldown}%" else: if arg 1 is online: send "&8» &aTon report a bien été envoyé, il sera traité dès que possible." loop all players: if loop-player has permission "staff.alert": send " " to loop-player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Le Joueur &e%player% &7a signalé &c%arg 1% &7pour: &c%arg 2%" to loop-player send " " to loop-player set {report.cooldown.%player%} to now send "{@PrefixMod} &aVous avez signalé: &e%arg 1%" to player else: send "{@PrefixMod} &cMerci de donner un argument !" to player else: send "{@PrefixMod} &c%arg 1% &7n'est pas en ligne !" to player command /freeze [<player>] [<text>]: executable by: player aliases: gel permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de Freeze ! trigger: if arg 1 is online: if arg 2 is not set: if {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} is not set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Donne un raison !" to player if {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} is true: delete {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as retirer le &7&lFreeze &7du Joueur &c%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &cTu n'es plus en &c&lFreeze &c!" to arg 1 delete {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} execute console command "/effect %arg 1% clear" else: if {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} is not set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as &7&lFreeze &7le Joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &cTu as été &c&lFreeze &cpar &6%player% &cpour: &7%arg 2% &c!" to arg 1 send "{@PrefixMod} &cEn cas de déconnexion, tu seras sanctionné d'un &c&lban &c!" to arg 1 apply jump boost 250 to arg 1 for 999 days apply slowness 250 to arg 1 for 999 days apply blindness 250 to arg 1 for 999 days set action bar of arg 1 to "&cTu as été &c&lFreeze &cpar &6%player%" set {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} to true else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur en Ligne !" to player on quit: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: execute console command "/ban %player% Déconnexion en Freeze" delete {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} on command " ": if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas executer des commandes !" to player on place: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas placer de block !" to player on break: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas casser de blocks" to player on damage: if {moderation.freezeverif.%attacker%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas donner de coup !" to attacker on pickup: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas prendre des items !" to player #===================================# #---- Système d'Avertissement ----# #===================================# on join: if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of player%} isn't set: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of player%} to 0 if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of player%} isn't set: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of player%} to 0 command /avertissement [<offline player>] [<text>]: executable by: player permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de mettre des Avertissements ! trigger: if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is "Cheat" or "Triche": if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 0: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} to 1 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &71er Avertissement !" to player stop if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 1: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} to 2 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &72ème Avertissements !" to player stop if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 2: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} to 3 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &73ème Avertissements !" to player send " " to player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Dernier Avertissement avant le &cBannissement Permanent" to player stop if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 3: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} to 0 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Ce joueur à reçu 3 avertissements" to player send " " to player send "{@PrefixMod} &c&lBan Permanent du joueur &c%arg 1%" to player execute console command "/ban %arg 1% 3 Avertissements !" stop if arg 2 is "Spam" or "Mute" or "Insultes" or "Insulte": if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 0: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} to 1 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &71er Avertissement !" to player stop if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 1: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} to 2 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &72ème Avertissements !" to player stop if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 2: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} to 3 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &73ème Avertissements !" to player send " " to player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Dernier Avertissement avant le &cBannissement Permanent" to player stop if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 3: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} to 0 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Ce joueur à reçu 3 avertissements" to player send " " to player send "{@PrefixMod} &c&lMute du joueur &c%arg 1%" to player execute console command "/mute %arg 1% 3 Avertissements !" stop else: send "{@PrefixMod} &c&lChoisi le mode de Sanction: &cCheat &c&lou &cMute" else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu dois séléctionner un Joueur !" to player #===================================# #---- MenuGUI (/modération) avec plein de sanctions possibles ----# #===================================# command /modération [<player>] [<text>]: aliases: modo, modérations, modos, mod, mods permission: permission message: &7Tu n'as pas la permission ! trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&cChoisi un joueur" to player else: if arg 2 isn't set: open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%arg 1%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close if arg 2 is "banip": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay of sharpness 5 named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] format slot 36 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Aimbot"] format slot 37 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-KnockBack" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Anti-KnockBack"] format slot 38 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7AutoClick" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% AutoClick"] format slot 39 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Bow Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Bow Aimbot"] format slot 40 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7SpeedHack" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% SpeedHack"] format slot 41 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Fly" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Fly"] format slot 42 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7ForceField" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% ForceField"] format slot 43 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Kill-Aura" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Kill-Aura"] format slot 44 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7NoFall" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% NoFall"] format slot 45 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Nuker" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Nuker"] format slot 46 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7FastBow" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% FastBow"] format slot 47 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7VanillaTP" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% VanillaTP"] format slot 48 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7X-Ray" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% X-Ray"] if arg 2 is "ban": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay of sharpness 5 named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] format slot 36 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Aimbot"] format slot 37 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-KnockBack" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Anti-KnockBack"] format slot 38 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7AutoClick" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% AutoClick"] format slot 39 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Bow Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Bow Aimbot"] format slot 40 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7SpeedHack" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% SpeedHack"] format slot 41 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Fly" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Fly"] format slot 42 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7ForceField" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% ForceField"] format slot 43 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Kill-Aura" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Kill-Aura"] format slot 44 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7NoFall" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% NoFall"] format slot 45 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Nuker" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Nuker"] format slot 46 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7FastBow" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% FastBow"] format slot 47 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7VanillaTP" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% VanillaTP"] format slot 48 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7X-Ray" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% X-Ray"] if arg 2 is "kick": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay of sharpness 5 named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] format slot 36 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Aimbot"] format slot 37 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-KnockBack" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Anti-KnockBack"] format slot 38 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7AutoClick" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% AutoClick"] format slot 39 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Bow Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Bow Aimbot"] format slot 40 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7SpeedHack" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% SpeedHack"] format slot 41 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Fly" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Fly"] format slot 42 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7ForceField" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% ForceField"] format slot 43 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Kill-Aura" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Kill-Aura"] format slot 44 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7NoFall" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% NoFall"] format slot 45 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Nuker" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Nuker"] format slot 46 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7FastBow" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% FastBow"] format slot 47 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7VanillaTP" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% VanillaTP"] format slot 48 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7X-Ray" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% X-Ray"] if arg 2 is "mute": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay of sharpness 5 named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] if arg 2 is "kickall": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay of sharpness 5 named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Spam"] format slot 36 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Redémarrage du Serveur" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Redémarrage du Serveur"] format slot 37 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Reload du Serveur" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Reload du Serveur"] format slot 38 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Bug de Serveur" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Bug de Serveur"] if arg 2 is "avertissement": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay of sharpness 5 named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with cyan clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/avertissement %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with cyan clay named "&4Raison: &7Insulte" to run [make player execute command "/avertissement %{_arg1modération}% Insulte"] if arg 2 is "freeze": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay of sharpness 5 named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] if arg 2 is "report": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay of sharpness 5 named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] format slot 36 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Aimbot"] format slot 37 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-KnockBack" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Anti-KnockBack"] format slot 38 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7AutoClick" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% AutoClick"] format slot 39 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Bow Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Bow Aimbot"] format slot 40 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7SpeedHack" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% SpeedHack"] format slot 41 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Fly" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Fly"] format slot 42 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7ForceField" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% ForceField"] format slot 43 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Kill-Aura" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Kill-Aura"] format slot 44 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7NoFall" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% NoFall"] format slot 45 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Nuker" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Nuker"] format slot 46 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7FastBow" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% FastBow"] format slot 47 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7VanillaTP" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% VanillaTP"] format slot 48 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7X-Ray" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% X-Ray"] N'hésite pas à mettre un like s'y je t'es aidé ;)
  6. LeCraftDeOuf.


    Tu as quel addons ?
  7. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Merci, Un like à tous le monde. Pas de jaloux hein :p
  8. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Tkt @aAxelGaming
  9. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Effect flêches

    J'avais pas vu merci
  10. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Merci Les Gens, AxelGaming non j'galère :') merci ! jgo tester
  11. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Effect flêches

    Desoler jme suis mal interprété en gros je veux que celui qui recoit une fleche a un effect de nausée de 15 seconds
  12. Jgo le teste Maintenant merci :p
  13. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Effect flêches

    Bonjour J'ai juste un petit skript a faire qui consiste en : le monde : world_the_ent mettre un effect de nausée 15 seconds a la victime Merci x)
  14. si il à des modification à faire n'hésite pas
  15. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Problème Skript

    options: Bungeecord: False Jeu_Name: HungerGames MsgJoin: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &aVous avez rejoint la partie ! MsgJoinOther: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &7%player% a rejoint la partie ! &5(%size of {FilePlayer::*}% / 4) NbrStart: 1 NbrMax: 4 Debut30: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &6Début dans 30 secondes ! Debut15: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &6Début dans 15 secondes ! Debut10: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &6Début dans 10 secondes ! Debut5: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &6Début dans 5 secondes ! Debut4: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &6Début dans 4 secondes ! Debut3: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &6Début dans 3 secondes ! Debut2: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &6Début dans 2 secondes ! Debut1: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &6Début dans 1 seconde ! Annulé: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &cCompte à rebours annulé : Pas assez de personnes &8(%size of {FilePlayer::*}% / 4) ! World: hg MortAttacker: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &c%victim% &6est mort de la main de &a%attacker% MortOther: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &c%victim% &6est mort ! MortJoueur: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &cVous êtes mort ! MsgQuit: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &7Vous avez &cquitté &7la partie ! MsgQuitOther: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &7%player% a &cquitté &7la partie ! &5(%size of {FilePlayer::*}% / 20) EnCours: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &7La partie est en cours ! Win: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &5%loop-value% a gagné ! Full: &9[&6HungerGames&9] &cLa partie est complete ! RadiusMap: 10 on join: set {_bungee} to "{@Bungeecord}" {_bungee} is "true" make player execute command "/§gamejoin" command /hg: trigger: set {_bungee} to "{@Bungeecord}" {_bungee} isn't "true" player's world is "{@World}" open chest with 1 rows named "&6Menu" to player wait 1 tick format slot 4 of player with a diamond named "&aRejoindre le &6HungerGames" to run [make player execute command "/gamejoin"] on right click with a bed: player is holding a bed named "&cRetour au hub" player's world is "{@World}" make player execute command "/§gamequit" on quit: make player execute command "/§gamequit" on death: victim's world is "{@World}" send "{@MortJoueur}" to victim set death message to "" loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player if attacker is a player: send "{@MortAttacker}" to loop-value remove victim from {FilePlayer::*} make victim execute command "/§gamequitmort" damage was caused by lava, fire, fall or burning: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@MortOther}" to loop-value command /setpos [<text>] [<number>]: permission: op permission message: &cTu n'as pas la permission trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&cUsage: /setpos [File/Spawn/Centre]" stop if arg 1 is not "File" or "spawn" or "Centre": send "&cUsage: /setpos [File/Spawn/Centre]" stop if arg 1 is "File": set {File} to player's location send "&aPosition de téléportation défini (File)" stop if arg 1 is "Spawn": if arg 2 is not set: send "&cUsage: /setpos Spawn Nombre" stop else: set {Spawn.%number-arg%} to player's location send "&aPosition de téléportation défini (Spawn n° %arg 2%)" if arg 1 is "Centre": set {Centre} to player's location send "&aPosition du centre bien défini :D" command /gamejoin: trigger: if {InGame} is not set: set player's gamemode to survival if {InFile.%player%} is not set: if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrMax}: send "{@Full}" stop else: player's world is "{@World}" set {LastPos.%player%} to player's location set {InFile.%player%} to true add player to {FilePlayer::*} teleport player to {File} set slot 8 of player to a bed named "&cRetour au hub" wait 1 tick loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@MsgJoinOther}" to loop-value send "{@MsgJoin}" to player make player execute command "/§consolestart" else: send "&cTu es dans la file" stop else: send "{@EnCours}" to player make console execute command "/gamemode %player% spectator" command /§gamequit: trigger: player's world is "{@World}" clear {cantmoove.%player%} if {InGame} is not set: if {InWait} is set: if size of {FilePlayer::*} = 2: if {InFile.%player%} is true: clear {InWait} clear {InFile.%player%} remove player from {FilePlayer::*} teleport player to {LastPos.%player%} clear sender's inventory loop {FilePlayer::*}: send "{@MsgQuitOther}" to loop-value send "{@MsgQuit}" to sender else: if {InFile.%player%} is true: clear {InWait} clear {InFile.%player%} remove player from {FilePlayer::*} teleport player to {LastPos.%player%} clear sender's inventory loop {FilePlayer::*}: send "{@MsgQuitOther}" to loop-value send "{@MsgQuit}" to sender else if {InFile.%player%} is not set: send "&cTu n'es pas dans la file" else: if {InFile.%player%} is true: remove player from {FilePlayer::*} clear {InFile.%player%} teleport player to {LastPos.%player%} clear sender's inventory loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@MsgQuitOther}" to loop-value send "{@MsgQuit}" to sender if size of {FilePlayer::*} = 1: loop {FilePlayer::*}: clear {cantmoove.%loop-value%} clear loop-value's inventory loop-value is a player broadcast "{@Win}" heal loop-value clear {InFile.%loop-value%} teleport loop-value to {LastPos.%loop-value%} clear {FilePlayer::*} clear {InGame} else if {InFile.%player%} is not set: send "&cTu n'es pas dans la file" on damage: victim's world is "{@World}" if {InWait} is set: cancel event if {InGame} is not set: cancel event command /§gamequitmort: trigger: player's world is "{@World}" clear {cantmoove.%player%} make console execute command "/gamemode %player% spectator" if {InFile.%player%} is true: remove player from {FilePlayer::*} clear {InFile.%player%} teleport player to {LastPos.%player%} clear sender's inventory if size of {FilePlayer::*} = 1: loop {FilePlayer::*}: clear loop-value's inventory clear {cantmoove.%loop-value%} loop-value is a player broadcast "{@Win}" heal loop-value teleport loop-value to {LastPos.%loop-value%} clear {InFile.%loop-value%} clear {FilePlayer::*} clear {InGame} clear {InWait} loop all players in world "{@World}": set loop-player's gamemode to survival on script load: clear {InWait} command /consolestart: trigger: {InWait} is not set {Centre} is set if {InGame} is true: send "&4ERREUR, partie en jeu !" to console stop else: if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Debut30}" to loop-value set {InWait} to true wait 15 seconds {InWait} is true if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Debut15}" to loop-value wait 5 seconds if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Debut10}" to loop-value wait 5 seconds if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Debut5}" to loop-value wait 1 seconds if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Debut4}" to loop-value wait 1 seconds if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Debut3}" to loop-value wait 1 seconds if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Debut2}" to loop-value wait 1 seconds if size of {FilePlayer::*} > {@NbrStart}: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Debut1}" to loop-value wait 1 seconds clear {InWait} set {_nombreTP} to 1 loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player teleport loop-value to {Spawn.%{_nombreTP}%} set {InGame} to true clear loop-value's inventory add 1 to {_nombreTP} set {cantmoove.%loop-value%} to true send loop-value title "&9Début dans" with subtitle "&45 secondes" for 1 seconds wait 1 second loop {FilePlayer::*}: send loop-value title "&9Début dans" with subtitle "&54 secondes" for 1 seconds wait 1 second loop {FilePlayer::*}: send loop-value title "&9Début dans" with subtitle "&c3 secondes" for 1 seconds wait 1 second loop {FilePlayer::*}: send loop-value title "&9Début dans" with subtitle "&62 secondes" for 1 seconds wait 1 second loop {FilePlayer::*}: send loop-value title "&9Début dans" with subtitle "&a1 seconde" for 1 seconds wait 1 second loop {FilePlayer::*}: send loop-value title "&9Début dans" with subtitle "&50 seconde" for 1 seconds wait 1 second loop {FilePlayer::*}: send loop-value title "&aGO" with subtitle "&aQue le meilleur gagne !" for 5 seconds clear {Cantmoove.%loop-value%} broadcast "{@Jeu_Name} &9La partie a commencé ! &aQue le meilleur gagne !" loop blocks in radius {@RadiusMap} around {Centre}: if loop-block is a chest: clear loop-block's inventory add 1 diamond chestplate to {_refill.list::*} add 1 diamond sword to {_refill.list::*} add 1 diamond boots to {_refill.list::*} add 1 diamond leggings to {_refill.list::*} add 1 diamond helmet to {_refill.list::*} add 12 golden apple to {_refill.list::*} add 1 flint and steel to {_refill.list::*} set {_reffil1} to a random element out of {_refill.list::*} set {_reffil2} to a random element out of {_refill.list::*} set {_reffil3} to a random element out of {_refill.list::*} add {_reffil1} to inventory of loop-block add {_reffil2} to inventory of loop-block add {_reffil3} to inventory of loop-block else: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value clear {InWait} stop else: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value clear {InWait} stop else: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value clear {InWait} stop else: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value clear {InWait} stop else: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value clear {InWait} stop else: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value clear {InWait} stop else: loop {FilePlayer::*}: loop-value is a player send "{@Annulé}" to loop-value clear {InWait} stop on any move: if {cantmoove.%player%} is set: cancel event command /leave: trigger: make player execute command "/§gamequit" on break: player's world is "{@World}" if player is not op: cancel event
  16. Bonjour Ou Bonsoir :p J'me présente je me appelle Henry, (Jrigole !) Nah Plus sérieusement, jvien vous voir pour finir mon skript de Freeze Donc J'aimerai que quand le joueur est freeze cela lui met un "ice" sur la tête, De plus ça lui jete un feux d'artifice puis sa l'entoure de block comme défini dans le Screenshot (si possible incassable pour tous les joueurs), j'aimerai donc que quand il soient unfreeze sa lui remet son casque (s'il en avais un) et sa retire les block. options: PrefixMod: &7&lModération » #===================================# #---- Freeze ----# #===================================# command /freeze [<player>] [<text>]: aliases: gel permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de Freeze ! trigger: if arg 1 is online: if arg 1 is not set: if {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} is not set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Donne une raison !" to player if {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} is true: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Ce joueur est déja freeze ! (/unfreeze, /ungel)" to player else: if {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} is not set: send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send "&6&l<<&m &r&1&lActasia&r&6&l&m &r&6&l>>" to arg 1 send " " send " &cTu as été &c&lFreeze &cpar &6%player% &c!" to arg 1 send " " send " &4&lVenez teamspeak:" to arg 1 send " &7&" to arg 1 send " " send " &cEn cas de déconnexion, tu seras sanctionné d'un &c&ltempban &c!" to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send "&6&l<<&m &r&1&lActasia&r&6&l&m &r&6&l>>" to arg 1 send "&6&l<<&m &r&1&lActasia&r&6&l&m &r&6&l>>" to player send " " to player send " &7Tu as &7&lFreeze &7le Joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send " " to player send "&6&l<<&m &r&1&lActasia&r&6&l&m &r&6&l>>" to player apply jump boost 150 to arg 1 for 999 days apply slowness 150 to arg 1 for 999 days set action bar of arg 1 to "&cTu as été &c&lFreeze &cpar &6%player%" set action bar of player to "&cTu à freeze &6%arg 1%" set {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} to true else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur en Ligne !" to player command /unfreeze [<player>]: aliases: ungel permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit d'UnFreeze ! trigger: if arg 1 is set: delete {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} send "&6&l<<&m &r&1&lActasia&r&6&l&m &r&6&l>>" to player send " " to player send " &7Tu as retirer le &7&lFreeze &7du Joueur &c%arg 1%" to player send " " to player send "&6&l<<&m &r&1&lActasia&r&6&l&m &r&6&l>>" send "&6&l<<&m &r&1&lActasia&r&6&l&m &r&6&l>>" to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send " &cTu as été &c&lUnFreeze" to arg 1 send " " to arg 1 send "&6&l<<&m &r&1&lActasia&r&6&l&m &r&6&l>>" to arg 1 delete {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} remove jump boost from arg 1 remove slowness from arg 1 else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Selectionne un joueur !" command /test: trigger: broadcast "&c&lConsole&r&6 à banni temporairement &c&l%player%&r&6 pour &c19 jours 13 heures 59 minutes&6: &9Déconnexion en Freeze/Refus Vérif !&6." on quit: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: execute console command "/tempban %player% 30d &9Déconnexion en Freeze/Refus Vérif !" broadcast "&c&lConsole&r&6 à banni temporairement &c&l%player%&r&6 pour &c19 jours 13 heures 59 minutes&6: &9Déconnexion en Freeze/Refus Vérif !&6." delete {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} on command "/spawn": if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas executer de commande !" to player on command "/warp": if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas executer de commande !" to player on place: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas placer de blocks !" to player on break: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas casser de blocks" to player on damage: if {moderation.freezeverif.%attacker%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas donner de coup !" to attacker on pickup: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event on drop: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas jeter des items !" to player cancel event Merci Beaucoup :D
  17. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Problème Skript

    Donc je vien de réinstallé un nouveau .sk donc la première partie tous va super mais a partir de la 2 ième c dead
  18. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Problème Skript

    Bonjour Ou Bonsoir :) Je fait appelle a vous skripteur et skripteuse ! J'ai télécharger le skript de 6moon de "HikaBrain" j'ai eu des erreurs sur les note. j'ai donc retiré les ligne ou il avais les erreurs mais ce n'est pas sa le problème, le problème est que quand je fait /mlgrush tousvas bien se me tp , 3, 2, 1 puis sa me mes un message bizarre (voir screenshot) Voici le skript: options: PermissionMessage: &cTu n'as pas le droit d'executer cette commande ! SetSpawn: &7Tu as set le Spawn aux coordonnés suivantes BlocInterdit: &cTu ne peux pas interagir ce bloc ! CoucheMinimal: 142 # Coordonée Y minimal où le joueur sera téléporté à son spawn ! HikaBrain: &3HikaBrain &f>> JoinPartie: &3%player% &7a rejoint la partie ! &f(&e%size of {game.player::*}%&f/&62&f) QuitPartie: &3%player% &7a quitté la partie ! &f(&e%size of {game.player::*}%&f/&62&f) LeavePartie: &cTu as quitté la partie ! CompteARebourd3: &bDébut de la partie dans &33 secondes &b! CompteARebourd23: &33 secondes ! CompteARebourd2: &bDébut de la partie dans &32 secondes &b! CompteARebourd22: &32 secondes ! CompteARebourd1: &bDébut de la partie dans &31 seconde &b! CompteARebourd21: &31 seconde ! DébutDeLaPartie: &7La partie commence ! EstTombé: %player% &fest tombé(e) AétéTué: %player% &fa été tué par PointPourBleu: %player% &fa marqué ! (&6%{game.pointbleu}% &fpoints) PointPourRouge: %player% &fa marqué ! (&6%{game.pointrouge}% &fpoints) Déconnexion: &fDéconnexion du joueur &6%player% &f! Victoire: %player% &fa gagné la partie ! # - Spawn - # on any move: if {game.start} is true: if {game.%player%} is true: if {game.dontmove} is true: if {} is "bleu": teleport player at {game.spawnbleu} if {} is "rouge": teleport player at {game.spawnrouge} # - Reset les Stats en cas de Bug - # command /resetmlgrush: trigger: delete {game.start} loop {game.player::*}: delete {game.%loop-value%} clear {} clear {game.player::*} set {game.pointrouge} to 0 set {game.pointbleu} to 0 delete {game.dontmove} stop # - Commande Admin - # command /mlgrushadm [<text>] [<text>]: permission: mlgrush.adm permission message: {@PermissionMessage} trigger: if arg 1 is "set": if arg 2 is "spawnrouge": set {game.spawnrouge} to player's location send "{@HikaBrain} {@SetSpawn}: &6%{game.spawnrouge}%" stop if arg 2 is "spawnbleu": set {game.spawnbleu} to player's location send "{@HikaBrain} {@SetSpawn}: &6%{game.spawnbleu}%" stop # - Commande Joueur - # command /mlgrush: aliases: hikabrain trigger: if {game.start} isn't set: if {game.start} isn't set: if {game.%player%} isn't set: if size of {game.player::*} isn't greater than 2: add player to {game.player::*} set {game.%player%} to true send "{@HikaBrain} {@JoinPartie}" to {game.player::*} if size of {game.player::*} is equal to 2: set {game.start} to true send "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd3}" to {game.player::*} wait 1 second if size of {game.player::*} is equal to 2: send "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd2}" to {game.player::*} wait 1 second if size of {game.player::*} is equal to 2: send "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd1}" to {game.player::*} wait 1 second if size of {game.player::*} is equal to 2: clear {game.player::*}'s inventory equip {game.player::1} with all leather armour named "&bÉquipement" equip {game.player::2} with all leather armour named "&cÉquipement" dye {game.player::1}'s helmet blue dye {game.player::1}'s chestplate blue dye {game.player::1}'s leggings blue dye {game.player::1}'s boots blue dye {game.player::2}'s helmet red dye {game.player::2}'s chestplate red dye {game.player::2}'s leggings red dye {game.player::2}'s boots red set slot 0 of {game.player::1} to iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&bEpée" set slot 0 of {game.player::2} to iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&cEpée" set slot 1 of {game.player::1} to iron pickaxe of unbreaking 3, efficiency 3 named "&bPioche" set slot 1 of {game.player::2} to iron pickaxe of unbreaking 3, efficiency 3 named "&cPioche" set slot 2 of {game.player::1} to 64 golden apple named "&bPomme d'Or" set slot 2 of {game.player::2} to 64 golden apple named "&cPomme d'Or" loop 10 times: give 64 sand stone:2 named "&bSandStone" to {game.player::1} loop 10 times: give 64 sand stone:2 named "&cSandStone" to {game.player::2} apply regeneration 2 to {game.player::1} for 999999 seconds apply regeneration 2 to {game.player::2} for 999999 seconds set {{game.player::1}%} to "bleu" set {{game.player::2}%} to "rouge" set {game.player::*}'s gamemode to survival teleport {game.player::1} at {game.spawnbleu} teleport {game.player::2} at {game.spawnrouge} set {game.dontmove} to true send "{@HikaBrain} {@DébutDeLaPartie}" to {game.player::*} set action bar of {game.player::*} to "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd23}" send {game.player::*} title "{@CompteARebourd23}" with subtitle " " for 1 second wait a second set action bar of {game.player::*} to "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd22}" send {game.player::*} title "{@CompteARebourd22}" with subtitle " " for 1 second wait a second set action bar of {game.player::*} to "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd21}" send {game.player::*} title "{@CompteARebourd21}" with subtitle " " for 1 second wait a second delete {game.dontmove} stop else: send "{@HikaBrain} {@LeavePartie}" to player remove player from {game.player::*} send "{@HikaBrain} {@QuitPartie}" to {game.player::*} delete {game.%player%} # - Si un joueur quitte la partie - # on quit: if {game.start} is true: if {game.%player%} is true: if {} is "bleu": # send "{@HikaBrain} &c{@Victoire}" to {game.player::*} send "{@HikaBrain} {@Déconnexion}" to {game.player::*} if {} is "rouge": # send "{@HikaBrain} &b{@Victoire}" to {game.player::*} send "{@HikaBrain} {@Déconnexion}" to {game.player::*} clear {game.player::*}'s inventory set {game.player::*}'s gamemode to spectator loop {game.player::*}: delete {game.%loop-value%} clear {} loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air delete {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*} loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::2}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air wait a second set {game.player::*}'s gamemode to survival make {game.player::*} execute command "/hub" delete {game.start} clear {game.player::*} set {game.pointrouge} to 0 set {game.pointbleu} to 0 delete {game.dontmove} stop # - Message dans le chat - # on chat: if {game.start} is true: if {game.%player%} is true: if {} is "bleu": cancel event broadcast "{@HikaBrain} &b%player%&f: %message%" if {} is "rouge": cancel event broadcast "{@HikaBrain} &c%player%&f: %message%" # - Plaçage de bloc - # on place: if {game.start} is true: if {game.%player%} is true: if block is sand stone:2: add location of block to {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%player%}%.blocs::*} set {%{mlgrushblockplacé.ignore.%player%}%.loc::%location of event-block%} to true stop else: cancel event send "{@HikaBrain} {@BlocInterdit}" to player # - Cassage de bloc - # on break: if {game.start} is true: if {game.%player%} is true: if block is sand stone:2: cancel event add location of block to {%player%.blocscassé::*} add type of block to {%player%.blocscassé.type::*} set {%{mlgrushbase}%.ignore.loc::%location of event-block%} to true set block to air else: cancel event send "{@HikaBrain} {@BlocInterdit}" to player # - Lorsque le joueur tombe - # on any move: if {game.start} is true: if y-coordinate of player is less than {@CoucheMinimal}: if {game.%player%} is true: if {} is "bleu": teleport player at {game.spawnbleu} send "{@HikaBrain} &b{@EstTombé}" to {game.player::*} wait 2 ticks heal the player if {} is "rouge": teleport player at {game.spawnrouge} send "{@HikaBrain} &c{@EstTombé}" to {game.player::*} wait 2 ticks heal the player # - Respawn du joueur - # on respawn: if {} is "bleu": teleport player at {game.spawnbleu} equip player with all leather armour named "&bÉquipement" dye player's helmet blue dye player's chestplate blue dye player's leggings blue dye player's boots blue set slot 0 of player to iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&bEpée" set slot 1 of player to iron pickaxe of unbreaking 3, efficiency 3 named "&bPioche" set slot 2 of player to 64 golden apple named "&bPomme d'Or" loop 10 times: give 64 sand stone:2 named "&bSandStone" to player if {} is "rouge": teleport player at {game.spawnrouge} equip player with all leather armour named "&cÉquipement" dye player's helmet red dye player's chestplate red dye player's leggings red dye player's boots red set slot 0 of player to iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&cEpée" set slot 1 of player to iron pickaxe of unbreaking 3, efficiency 3 named "&cPioche" set slot 2 of player to 64 golden apple named "&cPomme d'Or" loop 10 times: give 64 sand stone:2 named "&cSandStone" to player # - Mort du Joueur - # on death of player: if {game.start} is true: if {game.%victim%} is true: clear drops set death message to "" if {} is "bleu": if attacker isn't a player: send "{@HikaBrain} &b{@EstTombé}" to {game.player::*} else: send "{@HikaBrain} &b{@AétéTué} &c%attacker%" to {game.player::*} if {} is "rouge": if attacker isn't a player: send "{@HikaBrain} &c{@EstTombé}" to {game.player::*} else: send "{@HikaBrain} &c{@AétéTué} &b%attacker%" to {game.player::*} # - Lorsque l'on marche sur la laine - # on walk on blue wool: if {game.start} is true: if {game.%player%} is true: if {} is "rouge": add 1 to {game.pointrouge} send "{@HikaBrain} &c{@PointPourRouge}" to {game.player::*} if {game.pointrouge} is smaller than 5: set {game.dontmove} to true loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air delete {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*} loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::2}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air delete {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::2}%}%.blocs::*} clear {game.player::*}'s inventory equip {game.player::1} with all leather armour named "&bÉquipement" equip {game.player::2} with all leather armour named "&cÉquipement" dye {game.player::1}'s helmet blue dye {game.player::1}'s chestplate blue dye {game.player::1}'s leggings blue dye {game.player::1}'s boots blue dye {game.player::2}'s helmet red dye {game.player::2}'s chestplate red dye {game.player::2}'s leggings red dye {game.player::2}'s boots red set slot 0 of {game.player::1} to iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&bEpée" set slot 0 of {game.player::2} to iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&cEpée" set slot 1 of {game.player::1} to iron pickaxe of unbreaking 3, efficiency 3 named "&bPioche" set slot 1 of {game.player::2} to iron pickaxe of unbreaking 3, efficiency 3 named "&cPioche" set slot 2 of {game.player::1} to 64 golden apple named "&bPomme d'Or" set slot 2 of {game.player::2} to 64 golden apple named "&cPomme d'Or" loop 10 times: give 64 sand stone:2 named "&bSandStone" to {game.player::1} loop 10 times: give 64 sand stone:2 named "&cSandStone" to {game.player::2} teleport {game.player::1} at {game.spawnbleu} teleport {game.player::2} at {game.spawnrouge} set action bar of {game.player::*} to "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd23}" send {game.player::*} title "{@CompteARebourd23}" with subtitle " " for 1 second wait a second set action bar of {game.player::*} to "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd22}" send {game.player::*} title "{@CompteARebourd22}" with subtitle " " for 1 second wait a second set action bar of {game.player::*} to "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd21}" send {game.player::*} title "{@CompteARebourd21}" with subtitle " " for 1 second wait a second delete {game.dontmove} stop if {game.pointrouge} is equal to 5: send "{@HikaBrain} &c{@Victoire}" to {game.player::*} clear {game.player::*}'s inventory set {game.player::*}'s gamemode to spectator loop {game.player::*}: delete {game.%loop-value%} clear {} loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air delete {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*} loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::2}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air wait a second set {game.player::*}'s gamemode to survival make {game.player::*} execute command "/hub" delete {game.start} clear {game.player::*} set {game.pointrouge} to 0 set {game.pointbleu} to 0 delete {game.dontmove} stop on walk on red wool: if {game.start} is true: if {game.%player%} is true: if {} is "bleu": add 1 to {game.pointbleu} send "{@HikaBrain} &b{@PointPourBleu}" to {game.player::*} if {game.pointbleu} is smaller than 5: set {game.dontmove} to true loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air delete {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*} loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::2}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air clear {game.player::*}'s inventory equip {game.player::1} with all leather armour named "&bÉquipement" equip {game.player::2} with all leather armour named "&cÉquipement" dye {game.player::1}'s helmet blue dye {game.player::1}'s chestplate blue dye {game.player::1}'s leggings blue dye {game.player::1}'s boots blue dye {game.player::2}'s helmet red dye {game.player::2}'s chestplate red dye {game.player::2}'s leggings red dye {game.player::2}'s boots red set slot 0 of {game.player::1} to iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&bEpée" set slot 0 of {game.player::2} to iron sword of unbreaking 3 named "&cEpée" set slot 1 of {game.player::1} to iron pickaxe of unbreaking 3, efficiency 3 named "&bPioche" set slot 1 of {game.player::2} to iron pickaxe of unbreaking 3, efficiency 3 named "&cPioche" set slot 2 of {game.player::1} to 64 golden apple named "&bPomme d'Or" set slot 2 of {game.player::2} to 64 golden apple named "&cPomme d'Or" loop 10 times: give 64 sand stone:2 named "&bSandStone" to {game.player::1} loop 10 times: give 64 sand stone:2 named "&cSandStone" to {game.player::2} teleport {game.player::1} at {game.spawnbleu} teleport {game.player::2} at {game.spawnrouge} set action bar of {game.player::*} to "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd23}" send {game.player::*} title "{@CompteARebourd23}" with subtitle " " for 1 second wait a second set action bar of {game.player::*} to "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd22}" send {game.player::*} title "{@CompteARebourd22}" with subtitle " " for 1 second wait a second set action bar of {game.player::*} to "{@HikaBrain} {@CompteARebourd21}" send {game.player::*} title "{@CompteARebourd21}" with subtitle " " for 1 second wait a second delete {game.dontmove} stop if {game.pointbleu} is equal to 5: send "{@HikaBrain} &b{@Victoire}" to {game.player::*} clear {game.player::*}'s inventory set {game.player::*}'s gamemode to spectator loop {game.player::*}: delete {game.%loop-value%} clear {} loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air delete {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::1}%}%.blocs::*} loop {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::2}%}%.blocs::*}: set {_loc} to loop-value set block at {_loc} to air delete {%{mlgrushblockplacé.%{game.player::2}%}%.blocs::*} wait a second set {game.player::*}'s gamemode to survival make {game.player::*} execute command "/hub" delete {game.start} clear {game.player::*} set {game.pointrouge} to 0 set {game.pointbleu} to 0 delete {game.dontmove} stop cordialement !
  19. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Skript xray

    ok , mais sa m'aide en quoi ? ^^
  20. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Bonjour, Bonsoir ! Je fait appelle a vous skripteur et skripteuse pour m'effectué un skript qui consiste à mes staffs de parler entre eux sans que les autres joueur les voie message dans le chat pour parler entre staff "@ {msg}" permission: chat.staff Message dans le chat : &4[&cActasia&4] [Grade] <Joueur> ➜ {Msg} Message dans le chat personnalisable. Et merci de m'expliquer un peu le skript en lui meme pour que j'applique ce que vous m'aurai appris sur mes autres skript merci à tous !
  21. Possible de répondre sur ton skript de HikaBrain Merci ;)
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