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À propos de LeCraftDeOuf.

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  1. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Ducoup ? :p Or, tous le monde voir les message entre staff
  2. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Bonjour, Donc J'ai ceci : on chat: if first character of message is "@": cancel event if player has permission "chat.staff": loop all players: set {_smsg} to message replace all "@" with "" in {_smsg} send "&4[&cStaff-Chat&4] &c%player%: &c %{_smsg}%" to loop-players else: message "&cTu n'a pas la permission !" Or, J'aimerai Que si le joueur a la permission "chat.mod" devant son pseado sa lui affiche "Modérateur" chat.mod > "Modérateur" chat.admin > "Admin" chat.fondateur > "Fondateur" chat.C-builder > "Chef-Builder" chat.builder > "Builder" > "Développeur" chat.C-mod > "Chef-Modérateur" Cordialement, Merci
  3. Bonjour, Bonsoir Merci, Mais J'ai vu Que s'il le joueur est a coté d'un mur cela casse le mur sans le réparé par la suite :/ Donc Si Vous avez une solution ca serai sympa Ou enlever les block qui l'entour si vous en n'avez pas merci :D
  4. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Problème Skript

    c fait mes ce n'est pas sa l'erreur :c
  5. ban.mod pour Le /ban, /banip. unban.mod pour le /unban, /unbanip. kick.mod pour le /kick. /mute staff.use pour le /kickall, /freeze, /avertissement pour le /modération ps: Pour le /report tous le monde a les permission S'y tu souhaite y rajouter une permission Rajoute ceci entre la ligne 196 et la ligne 197. permission: (ta permission) exemple : staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de report ! en gros sa donne : #===================================# #---- By 6moon ----# #===================================# options: PrefixMod: &7&lModération » #===================================# #---- Bannisement (+Bannisement IP) / UnBan / Kick & KickAll ----# #===================================# on connect: if {ban.%uuid of player%} is true: add 1 to {ban.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of player%} kick player due to "&7Vous avez été définitivement banni de nos Serveurs !%nl%&fVous avez été banni par le Staff &c%{ban.bannisseur.%uuid of player%}%&f !%nl%&fRaison du Bannissement: &c%{ban.raison.%uuid of player%}% &f!%nl%&fDate du Bannissement: &c%{ of player%}% &f!%nl%&fCela fait &c%{ban.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of player%}% &fque vous essayer de vous connecter !" if {banip.%uuid of player%} is true: if {banip.ip.%uuid of player%} is "%IP of player%": add 1 to {banip.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of player%} kick player due to "&7Vous avez été définitivement banni-ip de nos Serveurs !%nl%&fVous avez été banni-ip par le Staff &c%{banip.bannisseur.%uuid of player%}%&f !%nl%&fRaison du Bannissement: &c%{banip.raison.%uuid of player%}% &f!%nl%&fDate du Bannissement: &c%{ of player%}% &f!%nl%&fCela fait &c%{ban.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of player%}% &fque vous essayer de vous connecter !" command /ban [<player>] [<text>]: permission: ban.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de ban ! executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if arg 2 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Pour quelle Raison tu veux bannir le joueur &e%arg 1% &7?" to player stop else: set { of arg 1%} to now set {ban.%uuid of arg 1%} to true set {ban.raison.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%arg 2%" set {ban.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%player%" broadcast "&e%arg 1% &7a été banni pour &c%arg 2%" kick arg 1 due to "&fVous avez été banni par le Staff &c%{ban.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%}%&f !%nl%&fRaison du Bannissement: &c%{ban.raison.%uuid of arg 1%}% !%nl%&fDate du Bannissement: &c%{ of arg 1%}%" loop all players: play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.end" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 10 strike lightning at arg-1 wait 5 tick strike lightning at arg-1 wait a tick launch star firework colored blue and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 wait a tick launch star firework colored red and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 wait a tick launch star firework colored green and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 command /banip [<player>] [<text>]: permission: ban.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de ban ! executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if arg 2 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Pour quelle Raison tu veux bannir le joueur &e%arg 1% &7?" to player stop else: set { of arg 1%} to now set {banip.%uuid of arg 1%} to true set {banip.ip.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%IP of arg 1%" set {banip.raison.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%arg 2%" set {banip.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%player%" broadcast "&e%arg 1% &7a été banni-ip pour &c%arg 2%" kick arg 1 due to "&fVous avez été banni-ip par le Staff &c%{banip.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%}%&f !%nl%&fRaison du Bannissement: &c%{banip.raison.%uuid of arg 1%}% !%nl%&fDate du Bannissement: &c%{ of arg 1%}%" loop all players: play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.end" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 10 strike lightning at arg-1 wait 5 tick strike lightning at arg-1 wait a tick launch star firework colored blue and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 wait a tick launch star firework colored red and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 wait a tick launch star firework colored green and white at arg-1 timed 0.2 command /unban [<offline player>]: permission: unban.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas la permission de déban executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if {ban.%uuid of arg 1%} is true: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as débanni le joueur &e%arg 1%" to player clear { of arg 1%} delete {ban.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {ban.raison.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {ban.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {ban.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of arg 1%} else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Le joueur &e%arg 1% &7n'est pas banni !" to player command /unbanip [<offline player> ]: permission: unban.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas la permission de déban executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if {banip.%uuid of arg 1%} is true: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as débanni-ip le joueur &e%arg 1%" to player clear { of arg 1%} delete {banip.ip.%uuid of arg 1%} delete {banip.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {banip.raison.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {banip.bannisseur.%uuid of arg 1%} clear {banip.essaiedeconnexion.%uuid of arg 1%} else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Le joueur &e%arg 1% &7n'est pas banni-ip !" to player command /kick [<player>] [<text>]: permission: kick.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas la permission de Kick executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if arg 2 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Pour quelle Raison tu veux Kick le joueur &e%arg 1% &7?" to player stop else: broadcast "&e%arg 1% &7a été kick pour &c%arg 2%" kick arg 1 due to "&7Vous avez été Kick du Serveur%nl%&fRaison du Kick: &c%arg 2%" loop all players: play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.end" at loop-player with pitch 2 volume 10 command /kickall: permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de Kick tous les joueurs ! trigger: kick all players due to "&cTous les joueurs on été déconnectés !" broadcast "{@PrefixMod} &cTous les joueurs ont été déconnectés !" #===================================# #---- Mute, Report & Freeze ----# #===================================# command /mute [<player>] [<text>]: permission: kick.mod permission message: Tu n'as pas la permission de Kick executable by: console and player trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur !" to player stop else: if arg 2 isn't set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Pour quelle Raison tu veux Mute le joueur &e%arg 1% &7?" to player stop else: if {mute.%arg 1%} isn't set: broadcast "&e%arg 1% &7a été mute pour &c%arg 2%" send "&7Vous avez été Mute pour &c%arg 2%" to arg 1 set {mute.%arg 1%} to true else: send "&7Le joueur &e%arg 1% &7n'est plus mute" to player send "&7Tu n'es plus mute" to arg 1 delete {mute.%arg 1%} on chat: if {mute.%player%} is true: send "&7Tu es mute, donc tu ne peux pas parler !" to player cancel event else: if {grade.fondateur%player%} is true: broadcast "&aFondateur: %message%" cancel event if {grade.admin.%player%} is true: broadcast "&cAdmin: %message%" cancel event command /report [<player>] [<text>]: executable by: player aliases: reports, r permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de Freeze ! trigger: if arg 1 is online: if arg 2 is set: set {_cooldown} to difference between {report.cooldown.%player%} and now if {_cooldown} is less than 1 minute: send "{@PrefixMod} &cDésolé, vous pouvez Report un joueur seulement toute les 1 minute ! &6&lTemps depuis le dernier Report: %{_cooldown}%" else: if arg 1 is online: send "&8» &aTon report a bien été envoyé, il sera traité dès que possible." loop all players: if loop-player has permission "staff.alert": send " " to loop-player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Le Joueur &e%player% &7a signalé &c%arg 1% &7pour: &c%arg 2%" to loop-player send " " to loop-player set {report.cooldown.%player%} to now send "{@PrefixMod} &aVous avez signalé: &e%arg 1%" to player else: send "{@PrefixMod} &cMerci de donner un argument !" to player else: send "{@PrefixMod} &c%arg 1% &7n'est pas en ligne !" to player command /freeze [<player>] [<text>]: executable by: player aliases: gel permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de Freeze ! trigger: if arg 1 is online: if arg 2 is not set: if {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} is not set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Donne un raison !" to player if {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} is true: delete {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as retirer le &7&lFreeze &7du Joueur &c%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &cTu n'es plus en &c&lFreeze &c!" to arg 1 delete {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} execute console command "/effect %arg 1% clear" else: if {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} is not set: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as &7&lFreeze &7le Joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &cTu as été &c&lFreeze &cpar &6%player% &cpour: &7%arg 2% &c!" to arg 1 send "{@PrefixMod} &cEn cas de déconnexion, tu seras sanctionné d'un &c&lban &c!" to arg 1 apply jump boost 250 to arg 1 for 999 days apply slowness 250 to arg 1 for 999 days apply blindness 250 to arg 1 for 999 days set action bar of arg 1 to "&cTu as été &c&lFreeze &cpar &6%player%" set {moderation.freezeverif.%arg 1%} to true else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Séléctionne un Joueur en Ligne !" to player on quit: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: execute console command "/ban %player% Déconnexion en Freeze" delete {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} on command " ": if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas executer des commandes !" to player on place: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas placer de block !" to player on break: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas casser de blocks" to player on damage: if {moderation.freezeverif.%attacker%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas donner de coup !" to attacker on pickup: if {moderation.freezeverif.%player%} is true: cancel event send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu ne peux pas prendre des items !" to player #===================================# #---- Système d'Avertissement ----# #===================================# on join: if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of player%} isn't set: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of player%} to 0 if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of player%} isn't set: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of player%} to 0 command /avertissement [<offline player>] [<text>]: executable by: player permission: staff.use permission message: Tu n'as pas le droit de mettre des Avertissements ! trigger: if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is "Cheat" or "Triche": if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 0: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} to 1 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &71er Avertissement !" to player stop if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 1: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} to 2 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &72ème Avertissements !" to player stop if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 2: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} to 3 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &73ème Avertissements !" to player send " " to player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Dernier Avertissement avant le &cBannissement Permanent" to player stop if {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 3: set {avertissement.cheat.%uuid of arg 1%} to 0 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Ce joueur à reçu 3 avertissements" to player send " " to player send "{@PrefixMod} &c&lBan Permanent du joueur &c%arg 1%" to player execute console command "/ban %arg 1% 3 Avertissements !" stop if arg 2 is "Spam" or "Mute" or "Insultes" or "Insulte": if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 0: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} to 1 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &71er Avertissement !" to player stop if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 1: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} to 2 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &72ème Avertissements !" to player stop if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 2: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} to 3 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &73ème Avertissements !" to player send " " to player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Dernier Avertissement avant le &cBannissement Permanent" to player stop if {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} is equal to 3: set {avertissement.mute.%uuid of arg 1%} to 0 send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu as mis un avertissement au joueur &e%arg 1%" to player send "{@PrefixMod} &7Ce joueur à reçu 3 avertissements" to player send " " to player send "{@PrefixMod} &c&lMute du joueur &c%arg 1%" to player execute console command "/mute %arg 1% 3 Avertissements !" stop else: send "{@PrefixMod} &c&lChoisi le mode de Sanction: &cCheat &c&lou &cMute" else: send "{@PrefixMod} &7Tu dois séléctionner un Joueur !" to player #===================================# #---- MenuGUI (/modération) avec plein de sanctions possibles ----# #===================================# command /modération [<player>] [<text>]: aliases: modo, modérations, modos, mod, mods permission: permission message: &7Tu n'as pas la permission ! trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: send "&cChoisi un joueur" to player else: if arg 2 isn't set: open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%arg 1%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close if arg 2 is "banip": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay of sharpness 5 named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] format slot 36 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Aimbot"] format slot 37 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-KnockBack" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Anti-KnockBack"] format slot 38 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7AutoClick" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% AutoClick"] format slot 39 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Bow Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Bow Aimbot"] format slot 40 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7SpeedHack" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% SpeedHack"] format slot 41 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Fly" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Fly"] format slot 42 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7ForceField" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% ForceField"] format slot 43 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Kill-Aura" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Kill-Aura"] format slot 44 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7NoFall" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% NoFall"] format slot 45 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7Nuker" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% Nuker"] format slot 46 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7FastBow" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% FastBow"] format slot 47 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7VanillaTP" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% VanillaTP"] format slot 48 of player with red clay named "&4Raison: &7X-Ray" to run [make player execute command "/banip %{_arg1modération}% X-Ray"] if arg 2 is "ban": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay of sharpness 5 named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] format slot 36 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Aimbot"] format slot 37 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-KnockBack" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Anti-KnockBack"] format slot 38 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7AutoClick" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% AutoClick"] format slot 39 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Bow Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Bow Aimbot"] format slot 40 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7SpeedHack" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% SpeedHack"] format slot 41 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Fly" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Fly"] format slot 42 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7ForceField" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% ForceField"] format slot 43 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Kill-Aura" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Kill-Aura"] format slot 44 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7NoFall" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% NoFall"] format slot 45 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7Nuker" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% Nuker"] format slot 46 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7FastBow" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% FastBow"] format slot 47 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7VanillaTP" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% VanillaTP"] format slot 48 of player with orange clay named "&4Raison: &7X-Ray" to run [make player execute command "/ban %{_arg1modération}% X-Ray"] if arg 2 is "kick": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay of sharpness 5 named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] format slot 36 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Aimbot"] format slot 37 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-KnockBack" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Anti-KnockBack"] format slot 38 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7AutoClick" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% AutoClick"] format slot 39 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Bow Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Bow Aimbot"] format slot 40 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7SpeedHack" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% SpeedHack"] format slot 41 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Fly" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Fly"] format slot 42 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7ForceField" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% ForceField"] format slot 43 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Kill-Aura" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Kill-Aura"] format slot 44 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7NoFall" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% NoFall"] format slot 45 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7Nuker" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% Nuker"] format slot 46 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7FastBow" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% FastBow"] format slot 47 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7VanillaTP" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% VanillaTP"] format slot 48 of player with yellow clay named "&4Raison: &7X-Ray" to run [make player execute command "/kick %{_arg1modération}% X-Ray"] if arg 2 is "mute": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay of sharpness 5 named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with light green clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/mute %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] if arg 2 is "kickall": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay of sharpness 5 named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Spam"] format slot 36 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Redémarrage du Serveur" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Redémarrage du Serveur"] format slot 37 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Reload du Serveur" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Reload du Serveur"] format slot 38 of player with green clay named "&4Raison: &7Bug de Serveur" to run [make player execute command "/kickall Bug de Serveur"] if arg 2 is "avertissement": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay of sharpness 5 named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with cyan clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/avertissement %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with cyan clay named "&4Raison: &7Insulte" to run [make player execute command "/avertissement %{_arg1modération}% Insulte"] if arg 2 is "freeze": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay of sharpness 5 named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with light blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/freeze %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] if arg 2 is "report": open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lModération &7%arg 1%" to player wait 3 ticks set {_arg1modération} to arg 1 format slot 4 of player with skull of "%player%" parsed as offline player named "&f» &a%arg 1%" to close format slot 9 of player with red clay named "&4Ban-IP &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% banip"] format slot 10 of player with orange clay named "&cBan &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% ban"] format slot 11 of player with yellow clay named "&eKick &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kick"] format slot 12 of player with light green clay named "&aMute &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% mute"] format slot 13 of player with green clay named "&2Kick All &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% kickall"] format slot 14 of player with cyan clay named "&9Avertissement &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% avertissement"] format slot 15 of player with light blue clay named "&bFreeze &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% freeze"] format slot 16 of player with blue clay of sharpness 5 named "&1Report &7» &7%arg 1%" to run [make player execute command "/modération %{_arg1modération}% report"] format slot 17 of player with purple clay named "&dAucun &7» &7%arg 1%" to close format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 19 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 20 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 21 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 22 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 23 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 24 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 25 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane named " " to close format slot 27 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Cheat" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Cheat"] format slot 28 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-Jeu" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Anti-Jeu"] format slot 29 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Multi-Comptes" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Multi-Comptes"] format slot 30 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Use-Bug" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Use-Bug"] format slot 31 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Spawn Kill" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Spawn Kill"] format slot 32 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Insultes" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Insultes"] format slot 33 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Spam" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Spam"] format slot 36 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Aimbot"] format slot 37 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Anti-KnockBack" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Anti-KnockBack"] format slot 38 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7AutoClick" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% AutoClick"] format slot 39 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Bow Aimbot" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Bow Aimbot"] format slot 40 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7SpeedHack" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% SpeedHack"] format slot 41 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Fly" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Fly"] format slot 42 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7ForceField" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% ForceField"] format slot 43 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Kill-Aura" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Kill-Aura"] format slot 44 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7NoFall" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% NoFall"] format slot 45 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7Nuker" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% Nuker"] format slot 46 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7FastBow" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% FastBow"] format slot 47 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7VanillaTP" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% VanillaTP"] format slot 48 of player with blue clay named "&4Raison: &7X-Ray" to run [make player execute command "/report %{_arg1modération}% X-Ray"] N'hésite pas à mettre un like s'y je t'es aidé ;)
  6. LeCraftDeOuf.


    Tu as quel addons ?
  7. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Merci, Un like à tous le monde. Pas de jaloux hein :p
  8. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Tkt @aAxelGaming
  9. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Effect flêches

    J'avais pas vu merci
  10. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Tchat Staff

    Merci Les Gens, AxelGaming non j'galère :') merci ! jgo tester
  11. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Effect flêches

    Desoler jme suis mal interprété en gros je veux que celui qui recoit une fleche a un effect de nausée de 15 seconds
  12. Jgo le teste Maintenant merci :p
  13. LeCraftDeOuf.

    Effect flêches

    Bonjour J'ai juste un petit skript a faire qui consiste en : le monde : world_the_ent mettre un effect de nausée 15 seconds a la victime Merci x)
  14. si il à des modification à faire n'hésite pas
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