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  1. Version de Minecraft : 1.12.2 Version de Skript : 2.4.1 Type du skript : Skript ./shop (MENU GUI) Description du script : Bien le Bonsoir/Bonjour ! J’espère que vous vous portez bien, et que vos proches également. Je me permet d'écrire sur le Forum de Skript-MC, car j'ai actuellement commencé un Skript de ./shop (boutique d'item pour un PvP/Faction). Or, voila mon soucis, je n'est fais que 4Blocs (image ci-joins) et sa me fais déjâ un skript énorme (Plus de 160 Lignes pour 4blocs !!!) ! J'aimerai donc avoir votre avis ou des conseils, pour réduire celui-ci, des techniques ancestrale que vos maîtres vous on appris ! Pour ma part, si vous voyez quelque chose qui vous fait pouffez de rire dans mes lignes de code, ou qui vous dérange, ne me critiquez pas ! J'ai commencé seul, j'en fais depuis envrion 2 semaines, plus précisément 1 semaine, car la première c'etait beaucoup plus de théorie, apprendre les bases etc.. donc je me répéte, si vous voyez des choses absurdes dite moi simple : Ce n'est pas compliqué Juste de la politesse ! sur ce, je vous met ci-dessous mon skript, et en pj ce que donne mon menu. #SHOP command /shop: trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &e&lShop" to player wait 1 ticks format slot 0 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with glowing diamond chestplate named "&f>> &c&lGrade" to run [make player execute command "/grade"] format slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with gold ore named "&f>> &c&lAchat" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/achat"] format slot 15 of player with diamond ore named "&f>> &c&lVente" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/vente"] format slot 16 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with glowing bedrock named "&f>> &c&lFermer le menu" to close format slot 24 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with yellow stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " to be unstealable #CATEGORIE ACHAT/VENTE command /achat: trigger: open chest with 5 rows named "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &e&lAchat" to player wait 2 ticks format slot 0 of player with glowing stone named "&f>> &c&lStone" with lore "&f>> &d&l2$/u" to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with stone named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 1" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 2$" to run [make player execute command "/stone"] format slot 18 of player with 16 stone named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 16" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 32$" to run [make player execute command "/stone2"] format slot 27 of player with 32 stone named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 32" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 64$" to run [make player execute command "/stone3"] format slot 36 of player with 64 stone named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 64" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 128$" to run [make player execute command "/stone4"] format slot 1 of player with glowing dirt named "&f>> &c&lDirt" with lore "&f>> &d&l1$/u" to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with dirt named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 1" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 1$" to run [make player execute command "/dirt"] format slot 19 of player with 16 dirt named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 16" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 16$" to run [make player execute command "/dirt2"] format slot 28 of player with 32 dirt named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 32" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 32$" to run [make player execute command "/dirt3"] format slot 37 of player with 64 dirt named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 64" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 64$" to run [make player execute command "/dirt4"] format slot 2 of player with glowing grass block named "&f>> &c&lGrass" with lore "&f>> &d&l2$/u" to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with grass block named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 1" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 2$" to run [make player execute command "/grass"] format slot 20 of player with 16 grass block named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 16" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 32$" to run [make player execute command "/grass2"] format slot 29 of player with 32 grass block named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 32" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 64$" to run [make player execute command "/grass3"] format slot 38 of player with 64 grass block named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 64" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 128$" to run [make player execute command "/grass4"] format slot 3 of player with glowing cobblestone named "&f>> &c&lCobbleStone" with lore "&f>> &d&l0.5$/u" to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with cobblestone named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 1" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 0.5$" to run [make player execute command "/cobble"] format slot 21 of player with 16 cobblestone named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 16" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 8$" to run [make player execute command "/cobble2"] format slot 30 of player with 32 cobblestone named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 32" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 16$" to run [make player execute command "/cobble3"] format slot 39 of player with 64 cobblestone named "&f>> &e&lQuantitié: 64" with lore "&f>> &d&lPrix: 32$" to run [make player execute command "/cobble4"] command /vente: trigger: open chest with 5 rows named "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &e&lVente" to player #CATEGORIE ACHAT #STONE command /stone: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 1.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 2" make server execute command "give %player% stone 1" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /stone2: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 31.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 32" make server execute command "give %player% stone 16" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /stone3: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 63.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 64" make server execute command "give %player% stone 32" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /stone4: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 127.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 128" make server execute command "give %player% stone 64" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" #DIRT command /dirt: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 0.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 1" make server execute command "give %player% dirt 1" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /dirt2: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 15.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 16" make server execute command "give %player% dirt 16" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /dirt3: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 31.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 32" make server execute command "give %player% dirt 32" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /dirt4: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 63.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 64" make server execute command "give %player% dirt 64" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" #GRASS command /grass: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 1.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 2" make server execute command "give %player% grass 1" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /grass2: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 31.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 32" make server execute command "give %player% grass 16" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /grass3: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 63.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 64" make server execute command "give %player% grass 32" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /grass4: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 127.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 128" make server execute command "give %player% grass 64" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" #COBBLESTONE command /cobble: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 0.499: make server execute command "eco take %player% 0.5" make server execute command "give %player% cobble 1" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /cobble2: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 7.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 8" make server execute command "give %player% cobble 16" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /cobble3: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 15.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 16" make server execute command "give %player% cobble 32" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" command /cobble4: trigger: if player's balance is bigger than 31.999: make server execute command "eco take %player% 32" make server execute command "give %player% cobble 64" else: send "&e&k&liii&6&l[&e&lHawkron&6&l]&e&k&liii&r &cTu n'as pas assez d'argent" Merci de prendre le temps de me répondre Cdt InfinityXx
  2. Tu vas peut-être me prendre pour un fou, mais qu'es-ce que tu appelle variable ? Mon monde s'appelle "faction" mais sinon je sait pas
  3. Hey, merci pour ta réponse rapide, alors j'ai bien rajouté Exertsk. Maintenant le problème est toujours présent mais plus d'erreur dans le skript !
  4. Version de Minecraft : 1.12.2 Version de Skript : 2.4-beta10 Type du skript : Skript permettant de rester sur le serveur Faction après la mort, et non retourner au Lobby Description du script : Bonjour, Pour commencer j’espère que vous vous portez bien et vos proches également. Voila j'ai actuellement un problème, Quand un joueur meurt sur le faction, il es directement envoyé au lobby/hub et non au Spawn du faction ! J'ai parcouru les sujets a ce propos en vain. Quand j'essaye donc un Skript trouvé le message suivant apparait (ci-joint pj). Me manque t'il un plugin ? Le Skript est-il mauvais ? J'attend vos réponse avec impatience. on death: if world of player is "faction": force respawn the player teleport player to {faction} Merci de prendre le temps de me répondre, portez vous bien.
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