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    4 [Faire un don]

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1 Neutre

À propos de dup_62

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1002 visualisations du profil
  1. Avant de me lancer dans le skript j'ai fais quelque recherche et j'ai trouver ceci : [Contenu masqué]. Je n'ai pas testé, tu peux essayer pour voir et si cela ne te convient pas je ferais le skript moi même.
  2. Si tu veux quand même ton système de grade personnalisé en skript, je peux te faire un code pour un serveur pour voir si cela te convient puis le modifier pour le rendre utilisable sur un bungee.
  3. dup_62

    erreur de level

    Essaie un + %arg 1%
  4. dup_62

    Skript de Classement Faction

    Tu veux vraiment ce système là ou le "vrai" système du Factions ?
  5. variables: {banque.Mafieu} = 0 {banque.Yakuza} = 0 {banque.MS-13} = 0 command /givebanque <text> [<number>]: usage: /givebanque <gang> <prix> trigger: if arg 1 is "Mafieu" or "Yakuza" or "MS-13": if player has permission "givebanque.%arg 1%": if arg 2 is set: if player's balance >= arg 2: remove arg 2 from player's balance add arg 2 to {banque.%arg-1%} send "&eVous venez de donner &b%arg 2%€&e à la banque du gang &6%arg 1%" send "&eMonnaie du gang &6%arg 1%&e: &b%{banque.%arg-1%}%" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'argent." else: send "&eMonnaie du gang &6%arg 1%&e: &b%{banque.%arg-1%}%" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas la permission pour donner de l'argent à cette banque." else: send "&cEntrez un type de gang valide. &7(&aMafieu &7/ &aYakuza&7 / &aMS-13&7)" command /takebanque <text> <number>: usage: /takebanque <gang> <prix> trigger: if arg 1 is "Mafieu" or "Yakuza" or "MS-13": if player has permission "takebanque.%arg 1%": if {banque.%arg-1%} >= arg 2: remove arg 2 from {banque.%arg-1%} add arg 2 to player's balance send "&eVous venez de prendre &b%arg 2%€&e à la banque du gang &6%arg 1%" send "&eMonnaie du gang &6%arg 1%&e: &b%{banque.%arg-1%}%" else: send "&cLa banque n'avez pas assez d'argent." else: send "&cVous n'avez pas la permission pour prendre de l'argent à cette banque." else: send "&cEntrez un type de gang valide. &7(&aMafieu &7/ &aYakuza&7 / &aMS-13&7)" command /banque <text>: usage: /banque <gang> trigger: if arg 1 is "Mafieu" or "Yakuza" or "MS-13": if player has permission "banque.%arg 1%": send "&eMonnaie du gang &6%arg 1%&e: &b%{banque.%arg-1%}%" Tien essai sa
  6. dup_62

    [Staff] Commande /staff

    Beaucoup de skript déjà crée mais si tu souhaite avoir ton propre skript, n'hésite pas à me répondre
  7. Ok super, passe ton sujet en résolu si tu n'a plus aucune questions et évite les doubles poste
  8. Ok j'ai compris l'erreur je t'envoie demain
  9. options: pr : &f[&6Hikabrain&f] on right click with sponge: if name of tool is "&fVotre couleur?": make player execute command "/hikabrain couleur" cancel event on right click with double plant: if name of tool is "&cQuitter l'hikabrain": make player execute command "/hikabrain quit" cancel event command /sethbo: permission: permission message: &cErreur &f> &cVous n'avez pas accès à cette commande! trigger: wait 3 ticks set {hikabrain.oranges} to player's location send "&f[&6Hikabrain&f] &cVotre spawn d'hikabrain &6Orange &ca bien été mit" command /sethbv: permission: permission message: &cErreur &f> &cVous n'avez pas accès à cette commande! trigger: wait 3 ticks set {hikabrain.verts} to player's location send "&f[&6Hikabrain&f] &cVotre spawn d'hikabrain &2Vert &ca bien été mit" command /sethbs: permission: permission message: &cErreur &f> &cVous n'avez pas accès à cette commande! trigger: wait 3 ticks set {hikabrain.spawns} to player's location send "&f[&6Hikabrain&f] &cVotre spawn &4d'attente &cd'hikabrain a bien été mit" command /hikabrain [<text>] [<player>] [<player>]: trigger: if player's world is "Hikabrain": if arg 1 is "join": add 1 to {player.count} make console execute command "/broadcast &b%player% vient rejoint l'hikabrain ! &a[%{player.count}%]" teleport player to {hikabrain.spawns} set slot 0 of player to a 19:1 named "&fVotre couleur ?&f" set slot 8 of player to a 175:3 named "&cQuitter l'hikabrain" set block at location -171 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -172 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -173 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -174 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -174 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -174 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -171 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -172 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -173 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -231 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -230 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -229 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -228 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -228 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -228 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -231 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -230 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -229 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab make console execute command "/tp %arg 3% -229 10 -15" make console execute command "/tp %arg 2% -171 10 -15" make console execute command "/give %arg 2% iron_sword 1 knockback" make console execute command "/give %arg 3% iron_sword 1 knockback" make console execute command "/give %arg 2% 322 64" make console execute command "/give %arg 3% 322 64" make console execute command "/effect %arg 2% minecraft:regeneration 9999 1" make console execute command "/effect %arg 3% minecraft:regeneration 9999 1" make console execute command "/broadcast &cLa partie commencera quand 15 secondes" wait 15 seconds set block at location -171 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -172 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -173 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -174 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -174 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -174 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -171 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -172 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -173 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -231 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -230 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -229 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -228 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -228 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -228 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -231 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -230 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -229 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air make console execute command "/broadcast &cLa partie commence !" wait 5 minutes make console execute command "/broadcast &cLa partie se termine dans 10 minutes" wait 5 minutes make console execute command "/broadcast &cLa partie se termine dans 5 minutes" wait 4 minutes make console execute command "/broadcast cLa partie se termine dans 1 minutes" wait 50 seconds make console execute command "/broadcast &cLa partie se termine dans 10 seconds" wait 10 seconds make console execute command "/broadcast Fin de la partie!" make console execute command "/tp %arg 3% -192 15 -17" make console execute command "/tp %arg 4% -192 15 -17" if arg 1 is "quit": remove 1 from {player.count} make console execute command "/broadcast &b%player% vient de quitter l'hikabrain ! &c[%{player.count}%]" if arg 1 is "remove": delete {player.count} send "&f[&6Hikabrain&f] &cLe compteur des joueurs ont bien été reset" if arg 1 is "orange": wait 1 seconds teleport player to {} if arg 1 is "vert": wait 3 seconds teleport player to {} if arg 1 is "pointo": add 1 to {} make console execute command "/broadcast &cLe &6Orange &cvient de marquer un point ! &b[%{}%]" set block at location -171 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -172 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -173 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -174 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -174 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -174 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -171 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -172 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -173 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -231 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -230 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -229 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -228 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -228 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -228 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -231 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -230 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -229 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab make console execute command "/tp %arg 3% -229 10 -15" make console execute command "/tp %arg 2% -171 10 -15" make console execute command "/clear %arg 2%" make console execute command "/clear %arg 3%" make console execute command "/give %arg 2% iron_sword 1 knockback" make console execute command "/give %arg 3% iron_sword 1 knockback" make console execute command "/give %arg 2% 322 64" make console execute command "/give %arg 3% 322 64" wait 10 seconds set block at location -171 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -172 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -173 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -174 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -174 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -174 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -171 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -172 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -173 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -231 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -230 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -229 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -228 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -228 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -228 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -231 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -230 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -229 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air make console execute command "/broadcast &cLa partie reprend" if arg 1 is "pointv": add 1 to {point.vert} make console execute command "/broadcast &cLe &6Orange &cvient de marquer un point ! &b[%{point.vert}%]" set block at location -171 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -172 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -173 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -174 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -174 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -174 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -171 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -172 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -173 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -231 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -230 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -229 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -228 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -228 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -228 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -231 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -230 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab set block at location -229 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to stone slab make console execute command "/tp %arg 3% -229 10 -15" make console execute command "/tp %arg 2% -171 10 -15" make console execute command "/clear %arg 2%" make console execute command "/clear %arg 3%" make console execute command "/give %arg 2% iron_sword 1 knockback" make console execute command "/give %arg 3% iron_sword 1 knockback" make console execute command "/give %arg 2% 322 64" make console execute command "/give %arg 3% 322 64" wait 10 seconds set block at location -171 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -172 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -173 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -174 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -174 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -174 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -171 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -172 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -173 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -231 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -230 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -229 , 11 , -18 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -228 , 11 , -15 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -228 , 11 , -16 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -228 , 11 , -17 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -231 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -230 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air set block at location -229 , 11 , -14 "hikabrain" to air make console execute command "/broadcast &cLa partie reprend" Essaie cette correction
  10. Logiquement si, mais si cela ne fonctionne pas, dit le moi
  11. dup_62

    résolu skript de Grade

    Parfait, passe ton sujet résolu
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