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    10 [Faire un don]

Tout ce qui a été posté par McLincoln2

  1. Mon premier plugin, un plugin KOTH mis en relation avec Factions. C'est un début :)
  2. Le java c'est cool à développer pour ceux qui n'en n'ont jamais fait.
  3. Essaie: block above block at player isn't air #ou block above block above block at player isn't air
  4. Intéressant, quelques questions: Pour ça: [make] [a] square of %itemstack% [named %-string%] (for|to) %players% [without click [effect]] [[and] stuck inventory] Cela fait le contour ? J'ai pas trop compris. Je pense que cela peut être intéressant de globaliser un peu les lignes et colonnes en en remplissant plusieurs d'un coup: [make] column %integers% of %itemstack% [named %-string%] (for|to) %players% [without click [effect]] [[and] stuck inventory] Au lieu de: [make] column %integer% of %itemstack% [named %-string%] (for|to) %players% [without click [effect]] [[and] stuck inventory] Pourquoi pas rajouter: loop (row|column)s %integers% of %players%: Pour récupérer les items étant dedans. J'éditerais si des choses me viennent, bonne soirée.
  5. [spoiler=Code] function slines(lines:numbers) :: numbers: loop {_lines::*}: add integers between 9*((loop-value)-1) and 9*(loop-value)-1 to {_results::*} return {_results::*} function fillines(player:player,item:item,lines:numbers): loop slines({_lines::*}): format gui slot loop-value of {_player} with {_item} function scolumns(columns:numbers) :: numbers: loop {_columns::*}: loop 6 times: add loop-value-1+9*((loop-value-2)-1)-1 to {_results::*} return {_results::*} function fillcolumns(player:player,item:item,columns:numbers): loop scolumns({_columns::*}): format gui slot loop-value of {_player} with {_item} Ce code contient 2 fonctions utilisables n'importe où à la condition de bien le faire. Vous pouvez remplir plusieurs lignes d'un coup et/ou plusieurs colonnes d'un coup. Syntaxes: fillines(%player%,%item stack%,%numbers%) fillcolumns(%player%,%item stack%,%numbers%) fillines() permet de remplir une/des ligne(s), fillcolumns() permet de remplir une/des colonne(s). Exemple de code: command /fills [<number=6>]: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size argument to player fillines(player,stone,(1 and argument)) fillcolumns(player,stone,(1 and 9)) Cet exemple permet de remplir le contour d'un coffre de hauteur X ici %argument%. Image: [ATTACH=full]8395[/ATTACH] [spoiler=Aller plus loin] Ce code contient deux autres fonctions, qui servent à obtenir les slots correspondants à une/des (ligne(s)|colonne(s)): Syntaxes: slines(%numbers%) scolumns(%numbers%) Exemple de code: command /fills [<number=6>]: trigger: open virtual chest inventory with size argument to player loop slines(1): format gui slot loop-value of player with loop-value of stone loop scolumns(1): format gui slot loop-value of player with loop-value of stone Image: [ATTACH=full]8396[/ATTACH]
  6. C'est possible mais je ne pourrais pas te le faire désolé.
  7. McLincoln2 updated maze - Tournament between teams with a new update entry: 21/05/2018 19:02 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. McLincoln2 updated maze - Tournament between teams with a new update entry: 21/05/2018 17:54 'Esthétique' Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. Tu peux utiliser ce script sinon: scoreboards
  10. McLincoln2 updated maze - Tournament between teams with a new update entry: 21/05/2018 11:54 Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Mon script (ici), dans la function 'start' plus précisément.
  12. C'est utile dans les boucles, mais pas ici visiblement.
  13. McLincoln2 updated maze - Tournament between teams with a new update entry: 20/05/2018 10:34 Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. McLincoln2 updated maze - Tournament between teams with a new update entry: 20/05/2018 Read the rest of this update entry...
  15. McLincoln2 updated maze - Tournament between teams with a new update entry: 19/05/2018 18:31 Read the rest of this update entry...
  16. McLincoln2 updated maze - Tournament between teams with a new update entry: 19/05/2018 13:41 Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. McLincoln2 submitted a new resource: [plain]maze - Tournament between teams[/plain] - [plain]Créer vos propres tournois dans un jeu de labyrinthe.[/plain] [spoiler=Vidéo] - Le script - Ce script permet la création de tournois dans un jeu... Read more about this resource...
  18. Exemple de configuration pour mon petit jeu avec autant de partie possbile;
  19. J'ai bien avancé dans mon petit jeu pour ceux que ça peut intéresser je vous montre demain :p
  20. McLincoln2

    Classement dans le tab...

    Je viens de voir cela avec TuSKe 1.0 loop alphabetical order of all players: send "%loop-object%" Donc on a: function players(permissions:objects) :: players: loop {_permissions::*}: loop alphabetical order of all players: if loop-object has permission "%loop-value-1%": if {_players::%loop-object%} is not set: set {_players::%loop-object%} to loop-object add loop-object to {_R::*} return {_R::*} C'est pas bien ça pour trier en fonction des permissions ? command /tri: trigger: set {_permissions::*} to "a", "b", "c" and "d" loop players({_permissions::*}): #ETC
  21. Petit jeu: Merci @[3033:@4rno] pour l'algorithme du labyrinthe.
  22. McLincoln2


    McLincoln2 submitted a new resource: [plain]sKalendar[/plain] - [plain]Avoir un calendrier sur son serveur est désormais possible.[/plain] Read more about this resource...
  23. @MaxDu56YT @Ertonia J'ai réalisé ce script, il marche pour moi. Version de mon serveur: 1.11.2 Add-ons: - TuSKe 1.8.3-PikachuPatch-v1 - Skript 2.2-dev32d - SkStuff - skript-yaml Dans 'plugins/Skript/scripts/' load: load yaml "plugins/sS/config.yml" as "sSConfig" function spawners() :: objects: loop skript-yaml nodes with keys "GUI.spawners" from "sSConfig" without string checks: if loop-value is not "global item": add loop-value to {_S::*} return {_S::*} function decorations() :: objects: set {_R::*} to skript-yaml list "GUI.decoration" from "sSConfig" return {_R::*} function d(S:string) :: string: set {_R} to skript-yaml value "GUI.spawners.%{_S}" from "sSConfig" return {_R} function s(S:string) :: number: set {_R} to skript-yaml value "GUI.spawners.%{_S}%.slot" from "sSConfig" return {_R} function p(S:string) :: number: set {_R} to skript-yaml value "GUI.spawners.%{_S}%.price" from "sSConfig" return {_R} function nbt(S:object) :: string: set {_R} to skript-yaml value "GUI.spawners.%{_S}%.nbt" from "sSConfig" replace all "$s" with "%s({_S})%" in {_R} replace all "$p" with "%p({_S})%" in {_R} replace all "$id" with "%{_S}%" in {_R} return {_R} on command: set {_CMD} to skript-yaml value "command" from "sSConfig" if command is {_CMD}: cancel event set {_NAME} to skript-yaml value "" from "sSConfig" set {_S} to skript-yaml value "GUI.height" from "sSConfig" set {_B} to "%skript-yaml value "" item"" from ""sSConfig""%" parsed as item open virtual chest inventory with size {_S} named "%{_NAME}%" to player loop spawners(): set {_S} to loop-value format gui slot s({_S}) of player with {_B} with custom nbt "%nbt({_S})%" to run: if targeted block of player is a mob spawner: set {_E} to "%nbt of targeted block%" set {_E::*} to {_E} split by ":{Entity:{id:""" set {_F} to first element of {_E::2} split by """}" if d({_S}) is not "%{_F}%": replace all "%{_F}%" with "%d({_S})%" in {_E} if money of player is bigger or equal to p({_S}): remove p({_S}) from money of player set block at targeted block to mob spawner add "%{_E}%" to nbt of targeted block loop decorations(): set {_I} to loop-value set {_I::*} to {_I} split by "|" if {_I::4} is "confirmation": format gui slot {_I::1} parsed as number of player with "%{_I::2}%" parsed as item with custom nbt "%{_I::3}%" to run: set {_P} to skript-yaml value "GUI.basic spawner.price" from "sSConfig" set {_NAME} to skript-yaml value "GUI.basic" from "sSConfig" set {_S} to skript-yaml value "GUI.basic spawner.confirmation.height" from "sSConfig" open virtual chest inventory with size {_S} named "%{_NAME}%" to player set {_I::*} to "GUI.basic spawner.confirmation.accept" and "GUI.basic spawner.confirmation.deny" set {_I2::*} to "slot", "item" and "nbt" loop {_I::*}: loop {_I2::*}: set {_I3::%loop-value-3%} to skript-yaml value "%loop-value-2%.%loop-value-3%" from "sSConfig" set {_A} to loop-value-2 format gui slot {_I3::slot} of player with "%{_I3::item}%" parsed as item with custom nbt "%{_I3::nbt}%" to run: if {_A} is "GUI.basic spawner.confirmation.accept": if player's money is bigger or equal to {_P}: remove {_P} from money of player execute console command "/give %player% mob_spawner 1 0 {BlockEntityTag:{EntityId:minecraft:pig}}" else: execute player command "%{_CMD}%" clear {_I3::*} loop skript-yaml list "GUI.basic spawner.decoration" from "sSConfig": set {_F} to loop-value-2 set {_F::*} to {_F} split by "|" format gui slot {_F::1} parsed as number of player with "%{_F::2}%" parsed as item with custom nbt "%{_F::3}%" else: format gui slot {_I::1} parsed as number of player with "%{_I::2}%" parsed as item with custom nbt "%{_I::3}%" 'plugins/sS/config.yml' command: sS-edit GUI: name: '§3Spawners' height: 6 basic spawner: price: 50000 confirmation: name: '§3Spawners' height: 3 # between 1 and 6 accept: slot: 15 item: emerald nbt: '{display:{Name:"§2Valider l''achat"}}' deny: slot: 11 item: rose red nbt: '{display:{Name:"§4Annuler l''achat"}}' decoration: - '4|mob spawner|{display:{Name:"§3Achat Spawner Cochon"}}|confirmation' decoration: - '53|mob spawner|{display:{Name:"§3Achat Spawner Cochon"}}|confirmation' # You can add others decoration tools spawners: global item: 'spawn egg' # do not edit this # [Contenu masqué] # $p is price # $s is slot # $id is ID, for llama is 'llama' llama: slot: 0 data: 'minecraft:llama' nbt: '{EntityTag:{id:minecraft:llama},display:{Name:"$id",Lore:["$p$"]}}' price: 5000 enderman: slot: 1 data: 'minecraft:enderman' nbt: '{EntityTag:{id:minecraft:enderman},display:{Name:"$id",Lore:["$p$"]}}' price: 10000 endermite: slot: 2 data: 'minecraft:endermite' nbt: '{EntityTag:{id:minecraft:endermite},display:{Name:"$id",Lore:["$p$"]}}' price: 5000 spider: slot: 3 data: 'minecraft:spider' nbt: '{EntityTag:{id:minecraft:spider},display:{Name:"$id",Lore:["$p$"]}}' price: 2500 blaze: slot: 4 data: 'minecraft:blaze' nbt: '{EntityTag:{id:minecraft:blaze},display:{Name:"$id",Lore:["$p$"]}}' price: 5000 chicken: slot: 5 data: 'minecraft:chicken' nbt: '{EntityTag:{id:minecraft:chicken},display:{Name:"$id",Lore:["$p$"]}}' price: 1000 cow: slot: 6 data: 'minecraft:cow' nbt: '{EntityTag:{id:minecraft:cow},display:{Name:"$id",Lore:["$p$"]}}' price: 2500
  24. McLincoln2

    Addon Skutilities

    TuSKe suffit amplement.
  25. McLincoln2

    Addon Skutilities

    options: gui name: <MM>/<YY> <M> function G(MM:number,DD:number,YY:number) :: number: if {_MM} >= 3: set {_z} to {_YY} else if {_MM} is 1 or 2: set {_z} to {_YY}-1 set {_A} to floor(23*{_MM}/9) set {_B::*} to floor({_z}/4), floor({_z}/100) and floor({_z}/400) if {_MM} is 1 or 2: set {_D} to {_A}+{_DD}+4+{_YY}+{_B::1}-{_B::2}+{_B::3} else: set {_D} to {_A}+{_DD}+4+{_YY}+{_B::1}-{_B::2}+{_B::3}-2 return mod({_D},7) function JDay(JJ:number) :: string: set {_d::*} to "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi" and "Dimanche" if {_JJ} is 0: set {_JJ} to 7 return {_d::%{_JJ}%} function MMonth(MM:number) :: string: set {_m::*} to "Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre" and "Décembre" return {_m::%{_MM}%} function isB(YY:number) :: boolean: if mod({_YY},4) != 0: return false else if mod({_YY},100) != 0: return true else if mod({_YY},400) != 0: return false else: return true function nbMY(MM:number,YY:number) :: number: set {_n::*} to 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30 and 31 if isB({_YY}) is true: set {_n::2} to {_n::2}+1 return {_n::%{_MM}%} on command: if command is "jour": cancel event set {_a::*} to arguments split by " " if {_a::1} is set: if {_a::2} parsed as number is set: if {_a::3} parsed as number is set: # /MM /DD /YY if {_a::1} parsed as number is smaller or equal to 12: send "%JDay(G({_a::1} parsed as number,{_a::2} parsed as number,{_a::3} parsed as number))% %{_a::2}% %MMonth({_a::1} parsed as number)% %{_a::3}%" to player else: set {_n} to "%now%" set {_t::*} to first element of {_n} split by " " split by "/" set {_t::1} to {_t::1} parsed as number set {_t::2} to {_t::2} parsed as number set {_t::3} to {_t::3} parsed as number+2000 execute player command "/jour %{_t::2}% %{_t::1}% %{_t::3}%" else if command is "calendrier": cancel event set {_a::*} to arguments split by " " if {_a::1} is set: if {_a::2} parsed as number is set: # /MM /YY set {_MM} to {_a::1} parsed as number set {_YY} to {_a::2} parsed as number set {_i::*} to "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi" and "Dimanche" loop all numbers between 1 and nbMY({_MM},{_YY}): set {_N} to loop-number loop {_i::*}: if loop-value-2 is JDay(G({_MM},{_N},{_YY})): add {_N} to {_i::%loop-index%::*} set {_NAME} to "{@gui name}" replace all "<M>" with "%MMonth({_MM})%" in {_NAME} if {_MM} is smaller than 10: replace all "<MM>" with "0%{_MM}%" in {_NAME} else: replace all "<MM>" with "%{_MM}%" in {_NAME} replace all "<YY>" with "%{_YY}%" in {_NAME} open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "%{_NAME}%" to player loop 7 times: loop {_i::%loop-value%::*}: if loop-value-2 is 1: set {_S} to loop-value-1 loop {_i::%loop-value%::*}: if loop-value-2 parsed as number - {_S} < 0: format gui slot loop-value-1 + (loop-index parsed as number-1) * 9 of player with loop-value-2 of glass pane named "%{_i::%loop-value-1%}% %loop-value-2%" else: format gui slot loop-value-1 + loop-index parsed as number * 9 of player with loop-value-2 of glass pane named "%{_i::%loop-value-1%}% %loop-value-2%" if {_MM} is not 1: format gui slot 45 of player with paper named "§fMois précédent" to run player command "/%command% %{_MM}-1% %{_YY}%" if {_MM} is not 12: format gui slot 53 of player with paper named "§fMois suivant" to run player command "/%command% %{_MM}+1% %{_YY}%" else: format gui slot 53 of player with paper named "§fMois suivant" to run player command "/%command% 1 %{_YY}+1%" stop format gui slot 45 of player with paper named "§fMois précédent" to run player command "/%command% 12 %{_YY}-1%" format gui slot 53 of player with paper named "§fMois suivant" to run player command "/%command% %{_MM}+1% %{_YY}%" else: execute player command "/calendrier" else: set {_n} to "%now%" set {_t::*} to first element of {_n} split by " " split by "/" set {_t::2} to {_t::2} parsed as number set {_t::3} to {_t::3} parsed as number+2000 execute player command "/calendrier %{_t::2}% %{_t::3}%" Plus besoin de faire (J+1).
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