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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 02/19/20 dans toutes les zones

  1. 1 point
    Merci tout d'abord de ta réponse ! J'ai pu tester ce skript et il marche à la perfection ! Merci à nouveau de ton aide ^^ Cordialement :3
  2. 1 point
    every 10 seconds: loop all players: if y-coordinate of loop-player <= 100: send "ton message ici" to loop-player
  3. 0 point
    Salut, command /mctoggle: trigger: if {mc::%player%} isn't set: set {mc::%player%} to true send "MagicCarpet activé" else: delete {mc::%player%} send "MagicCarpet désactivé" loop {mc::%player%::*}: set block at loop-value to air function mc(p: player, i: integer): loop {mc::%{_p}%::*}: set block at loop-value to air set {_b1} to location at x-coordinate of {_p} + 2, y-coordinate of {_p} - {_i}, z-coordinate of {_p} + 2 in world "world" set {_b2} to location at x-coordinate of {_p} - 2, y-coordinate of {_p} - {_i}, z-coordinate of {_p} - 2 in world "world" loop blocks within {_b1} to {_b2}: if loop-block is air: set loop-block to glass set {mc::%{_p}%::%location of loop-block%} to location of loop-block on jump: if {mc::%player%} is set: mc(player, 1) on walk on glass: if {mc::%player%} is set: if {mc::%player%::%location of event-block%} is set: mc(player, 1) on sneak toggle: if {mc::%player%} is set: if player isn't sneaking: mc(player, 2) on break: if {mc::%player%::%location of event-block%} is set: cancel event Il te faut skript 2.3 minumum pour l'évent on jump:
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