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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 06/22/15 dans toutes les zones

  1. 2 points
    Edit: Ajout fake join/left Salut à tous ! Je viens vous faire part d'un de mes skripts qui me paraît certes très basique mais tout autant super utile que ce soit pour un serveur faction ou je ne sais quoi d'autres ;) Compatible 1.7.X et 1.8.X Commandes: - /vanish ou /v Permission: - vanish.toggle (modfiable) Config: permission-vanish: vanish.toggle damage-vanish: oui # oui/non | Permet d`activer tous les dégats en vanish drop-vanish: oui # oui/non | Permet de dropper en vanish pickup-vanish: non # oui/non | Permet de ramasser en vanish fake-message-vanish: oui # oui/non | Permet de faire une fausse déconnexion ou connexion join-message-vanish: &e%player% joined the game # Message à modifier selon votre serveur left-message-vanish: &e%player% left the game # Message à modifier selon votre serveur Télécharger:
  2. 2 points
    Bonjour ! C'est un nouveau Skript, qui vous permet d'ajouter de nouveaux craft, de nouveaux moyens de s'alimenter !. Vous avez la liste des crafts ci-dessous et leur description: [spoiler=Crafts][spoiler=Hamburger]Permet de regagner 5 points de nourriture [spoiler=Soupe de cactus] Permet de regagner 1 point de nourriture [spoiler=Chocolat] Permet de regagner 4 points de nourriture [spoiler=Purée de pommes de terre] Permet de regagner 5 points de nourriture [spoiler=Purée de carottes] Permet de regagner 4 points de nourriture [spoiler=Pho] Permet de regagner 2 points de nourriture Pour faire fonctionner correctement le Skript, vous avez besoin de SkQuery. Copiez/collez le Skript et mettez-le dans vos FTP [Contenu masqué]
  3. 1 point
    Voici un skript fait par un de mes amis anglais (voila pourquoi le skript est en anglais) je les modifier un peux beacoup donc je peux dire que on a colaboré a le faire ensemble Vous aurez besoin de : WorldEdit, WorldGuard et de permissionEX ou GroupeManager [spoiler=Déroule moi :p] #------------------Script code start------------------ on script load: if {@loadmessage} is true: send "&f[&6Skript&f] &r{@cityprefix} &6enabled!" to the console command /cityadmin <text> [<player>] [<text>]: permission: skript.cityapartments.admin trigger: if argument 1 is "stats": send "{@cityprefix} There are %{city.stats}% CA signs." to player if argument 1 is "signlist": send "%{signs::*}%" to player if argument 1 is "clearstats": set {city.stats} to 0 clear {signs::*} send "{@cityprefix} Sign stats cleared." if argument 1 is "help": send "{@cityprefix}" send "" to player send "&2Sign usage&f:" to player send "&cLine 1: &fcity" to player send "&cLine 2: &f[region]" to player send "&cLine 3: &f[price]" to player send "&2Commands:" to player send "&c /cityadmin debug on &fand &c/cityadmin debug off &f- Debug mode toggling" to player send "&c /cityadmin clear <player> &f- player's home reseting" to player send "&c /cityadmin stats &f- amount of all CA signs." to player send "&c /cityadmin signlist &f- list of all CA signs." to player send "&c /cityadmin clearstats &f- clears all CA signs statistics." to player send "&c /cityadmin signclear &f- clears all CA signs. &cUse with caution&f." to player if argument 1 is "debug": if argument 3 is "on": set {city.debug} to true send "{@debugprefix} Debug is on." to player if argument 3 is "off": set {city.debug} to false send "{@debugprefix} Debug is false." to player if argument 1 is "clear": set {city.limit.%argument 2%} to false execute console command "rg removeowner %{region.%argument 2%}% %argument 2% -w {@world}" clear {region.%argument 2%} send "{@cityprefix} %argument 2%'s home and his home limit has been set to &afalse&f." if argument 1 is "signclear": loop {signs::*}: set block at location of loop-value to air clear {signs::*} send "{@cityprefix} All signs removed." to player command /city <text> [<player>]: permission: skript.cityapartments.player trigger: if argument 1 is "help": send "{@cityprefix}" send "&2Commands:" send "&c/city test &f- Checking your home status." send "&c/city add <player> &f- Add player to your home." send "&c/city remove <player> &f- Remove player from your home." if argument 1 is "test": send "{@cityprefix} Your region is &c%{region.%player%}%&f." if {city.limit.%player%} is true: send "{@cityprefix} Your home limit is &ctrue&f, you cannot buy apartments." else: send "{@cityprefix} Your home limit is &afalse&f, you can buy apartments." if argument 1 is "add": if {@city.managing} is true: if {@city.managing.paying} is true: execute console command "eco take %player% {@city.managing.addprice}" send "{@cityprefix} You have paid {@city.managing.addprice} for adding player &c%argument 2% &fto your home." execute console command "rg addmember %{region.%player%}% %argument 2% -w {@world}" else: send "{@cityprefix} Sorry, but home managing is disabled." if argument 1 is "remove": if {@city.managing} is true: if {@city.managing.paying} is true: execute console command "eco take %player% {@city.managing.removeprice}" send "{@cityprefix} You have paid {@city.managing.removeprice} for removing player &c%argument 2% &ffrom your home." execute console command "rg removemember %{region.%player%}% %argument 2% -w {@world}" else: send "{@cityprefix} Sorry, but home managing is disabled." on sign change: if line 1 is "city": if player is op: set line 1 to "&6[CITY]" add 1 to {city.stats} if {city.debug} is true: message "{@debugprefix} Sign placed." to player if player does not have permission "skript.cityapartments.make": message "{@cityprefix} You don't have permission & &fto make a &aCityApartments &fsign." cancel event stop if line 2 is empty: message "{@cityprefix} Second line is not set." cancel event stop if line 3 is empty: message "{@cityprefix} Third line is not set." cancel event stop send "{@cityprefix} Sign succesfully created!" else: send "{@cityprefix} You don't have permission to make CA signs!" on break of sign: if line 1 is "&4[Apartment]" or "&6[CITY]": if player is op: send "{@cityprefix} You have destroyed CityApartments sign!" remove 1 from {city.stats} on rightclick on a sign: if line 1 of the clicked block is "&6[CITY]": if {city.debug} is true: message "{@debugprefix} Buy sign hit." to player if {city.debug} is true: message "{@debugprefix} Clicked sign's line 1 is city." to player if player has permission "": if {city.debug} is true: message "{@debugprefix} Player has permission." to player set {_price} to line 3 of the clicked block if player's money is less than {_price}: send "{@cityprefix} You don't have enough money." stop else: cancel event if {city.limit.%player%} is true: send "{@cityprefix} You have reached your apartment limit!" cancel event else: set {region.%player%} to line 2 of clicked block add location of clicked block to {signs::*} send "{@cityprefix} You have bought an apartment &2%line 2%&f for &c%line 3%&f $." execute console command "rg addowner %line 2% %player% -w {@world}" execute console command "eco take %player% %line 3%" set line 1 of the clicked block to "&4[Apartment]" set line 2 of the clicked block to "%player%" set line 3 of the clicked block to " " set {city.limit.%player%} to true stop else: stop trigger on rightclick on a sign: if line 1 of the clicked block is "&4[Apartment]": send "{@cityprefix} This apartment is occupied." #------------------Script code end------------------ Fonctionnement : 1 ere ligne: City 2 eme ligne: [region] 3 eme ligne: [prix] ---------------------Commande /city - Commande par default - skript.cityapartments.player /city help - Petit aide. /city test - Check la limite de la region de ta maison. /city add [Player] - Ajoute des joueur a votre maison. /city remove [Player] - Enleve des joueur de votre maison. ---------------------Commande Admin /cityadmin - Commande pour les admin - skript.cityapartments.admin /cityadmin stats - No Desc. /cityadmin signlist - No Desc. /cityadmin clearstats - No Desc. /cityadmin help - Petite aide. /cityadmin clear [Player] - No Desc. /cityadmin debug on - No Desc /cityadmin debug off - No Desc /cityadmin signclear - No Desc. ---------------------Permission skript.cityapartments.make - No Desc - Achete les maison Voila merci pour votre visite :p
  4. 1 point
    Voila un skript pack qui contien 10 skript Chaqu'un une utiliter mais il a (Aucun bug) en touka de ce que j'ai tester mais voila dsl si le telechargement est sur bukkit c'est juste parceque je suis chez mon papa et je n'est pas mes skript sous la main touka bonne apréciation :P [spoiler=Déroule moi le lien est ici :P][Contenu masqué]
  5. 1 point
    command /setspawnspoint: description: Sets a spawn point aliases: ss usage: /setspawn trigger: add 1 to {spawn.amount} set {spawn.%{spawn.amount}%} to location of player message "You have set spawn point %{spawn.amount}%" command /removespawnspoint <integer>: description: Sets a spawn point aliases: rs usage: /removespawn <Number> trigger: if player is op: delete {spawn.%argument%} remove 1 from {spawn.amount} #Avec sa tu dois faire que le joueur click droit ou gauche sur un truc pour que sa le TP set {_spawnnum} to a random integer from 1 to {spawn.amount} teleport player to {spawn.%{_spawnnum}%} apres tu fait un truc qui tp le joueur a un spawn
  6. 1 point
    Oui, c'est prévu, je pense en ajouter dans l'ender ;)
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    On fait comme sa : On join: give 1 stone named "Lol" to player if player has 1 stone named "Lol": cancel event #Tu peux changer le *stone* et le *Lol* il peux avoir des erreur donc modifie a ta facons :P voila j'espere t'avoir aider
  9. 1 point
    Juste enorme en + j'était en train d'en faire un X)) quelle coinsidance :P mais voila Gros GG a toi :P
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Super! Excellente idée ca peut créer des modes de jeux super cool !
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