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En fait je veut faire spawn un mob a un certain endroit qd 10 zombie ont ete tué mais on m'affiche l'erreur:

Can't understand this condition/effect: set {spawn-mob.%arg-1%} at location of player (, line 4: set {spawn-mob.%arg-1%} at location of player')


Voici mon code pour le mob:


On death of zombie:

add 1 to {Ancien}

{Ancien} is equal to 10:

set {Ancien} to 0

broadcast "&4&lAncien Chevalier Niveau &5&l20 &4&la spawn!"

teleport players at {spawn-mob.ancien}

spawn 1 zombie at {spawn-mob.ancien}

set name of spawned entity to "&8&lAncien chevalier"

equip spawned entity with a gold helmet of protection 6

equip spawned entity with a gold chestplate of protection 6

equip spawned entity with a gold leggings of protection 6

equip spawned entity with a gold boots of protection 6

set tool of spawned entity to diamond sword of sharpness 10


et pour la commande :


command /spawnmob [<text>]:


if player is op:

set {spawn-mob.%arg-1%} at location of player

send "&4&lgood job"


Aidez moi svp

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De-rien :p

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