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Milwen a gagné pour la dernière fois le 6 février 2019

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2 Neutre

À propos de Milwen

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  1. Version de Minecraft : 1.8 Version de Skript : 2.2-Fixes-V8 Addons utilisés: piratesk, skellett, skellettcord, skematic, skquery, skrayfall, tuske, umbaska, wildskript Type du skript : X Description du script : Bonjour Je rencontre un problème dans le développement d'un skript de hide and seek. Je souhaite faire apparaître un bloc au pied de mon joueur lorsque celui ci s'arrête de bouger pendant un certain temps. En effet, quand la partie se lance, mon personnage deviens cacher de la vue des autres joueurs, et des blocs de sable tombant dont la texture est changé grâce a leurs nbt le suive. Problème : je souhaite que lorsque celui ci s'arrête pendant 5 seconde, pour un soucis de réalisme et de discrétion, les bloc de sable cesse de tomber et un block apparaît au pied du joueur tant que celui ci est immobile (dans mon code, le joueur est dit "immobile" tant qu'il ne bouge pas de plus d'un bloc). J'ai bien réussi la partie des bloc de sable, mais dès lors ou le bloc apparait un problème ce pose: mon joueur est expulsé de sa position car la collision entre le bloc solide et le joueur, étant a la même position, génère un push et celui ci ce retrouve décaler. C'est donc après cette longue description pour bien faire comprendre mon problème que je cherche votre aide : y a t-il moyen SOIT de désactiver la collision de mon bloc OU de mon joueur (sachant que je suis en 1.8 hein je le rappelle, donc les tuto pour désactiver les collision post 1.8 ne fonctionne pas), SOIT changer la texture d'un bloc semi plein (exemple: bloc de redstone, glass, glowstone, etc), soit un bloc qui ne push pas le joueur, pour lui donner la texture d'un bloc plein (ex: stonebricks, planche, jukebox etc...) sans texture pack, ou SOIT de remplacer le bloc par une entité ( Armor stand, Falling Sand, etc) mais je rappel que je suis en 1.8. Je peux donner plus de détails si besoin. Merci d'avance, G. OPPENLANDER
  2. C'est exactement ce que l'on a déjà fait 3 fois... ^^'
  3. Bonjour, Le problème étant que la syntaxe a été refaite manuellement ^^' En outre, j'ai déjà tenté de séparé le skript en plusieurs partis en vint. Darkmariosan l'a aussi séparé de A à Z. Merci d'avance.
  4. Bonjour, Malgré quelque recherche toujours aucune issues. Une idée ?
  5. Alors on a cherché, on a refait toutes les gui avec TuSke et... bah toujours rien. Ça ne marche pas. Ha et aussi je précise qu'il n'y a aucune erreur hein, ça ne veux juste pas marcher. Pas même de "an internal error...", non non! Rien !
  6. Sauf que comme je l'ai dit précédemment, j'ai fait d'autre skript dont les syntaxe de la GUI ne proviennent QUE de TuSke. Exemple: command /sword.enchant: trigger: if {} is "on": open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&aSword Enchant" to player format gui slot 1 of player with a 377 named "&aFire Aspect" to run player command "/" format gui slot 4 of player with a string named "&aSharpness" to run player command "/sword.sharpness" format gui slot 7 of player with a iron block named "&aUnbreaking" to run player command "/sword.unbreaking" Celui ci marche, maintenant si je prend celui-ci: command / trigger: if {} is "on": open virtual chest inventory with size 1 named "&aUnbreaking Enchant" to player wait 2 tick format gui slot 2 of player with 1 emerald named "&aFire Aspect 1" with lore "&aCout||&a&l32 Emeraudes" to run player command "/fa.01" format gui slot 4 of player with 2 emerald named "&aFire Aspect 2" with lore "&aCout||&a&l64 Emeraudes" to run player command "/fa.02" format gui slot 6 of player with 3 emerald named "&aFire Aspect 3" with lore "&aCout||&a&l2x64 Emeraudes" to run player command "/fa.03" Cela ne marche pas. Et je précise que cela ne viens pas de la variable {}, on a déjà essayé de l'enlever rien n'y fait.
  7. Bonjour, J'ai passé tous mes skript de GUI vers des skript supporté par TuSke. Problème, maintenant AUCUNE de mes nouvelles GUIs ne veulent bien s'ouvrir. J'ai beau en rajouté de TuSke, de SkQuery, rien n'y fait. Par exemple, pour ce code, ca ne marche pas: command /essais.GUI: trigger: open chest with 1 rows named "&eAcheter un grade" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with a gold ingot named "&eVanir" with lore "&eCout: &650000$" to close then run [make player execute command "/buy.vanir"] format slot 4 of player with a diamond named "&aLoki" with lore "&eCout: &6150000$" to close then run [make player execute command "/buy.loki"] format slot 6 of player with a emerald named "&3Baldur" with lore "&eCout: &61000000$" to close then run [make player execute command "/buy.baldur"] Alors que pour celui-ci ça fonctionne: command /grade: trigger: open chest with 1 rows named "&eAcheter un grade" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with a gold ingot named "&eVanir" with lore "&eCout: &650000$" to close then run [make player execute command "/buy.vanir"] format slot 4 of player with a diamond named "&aLoki" with lore "&eCout: &6150000$" to close then run [make player execute command "/buy.loki"] format slot 6 of player with a emerald named "&3Baldur" with lore "&eCout: &61000000$" to close then run [make player execute command "/buy.baldur"] Et c'est la même chose pour mes codes de GUI qui utilise TuSke. Comment doit-je faire ? Merci d'avance.
  8. Malgré avoir installer la dernier version de Tuske, les erreurs persistes J'y ferais attention ^^
  9. Merci beaucoup je regarde ça de suite ^^
  10. Vous avez un lien de ce skript ? Merci d'avance Milwen
  11. Bonjour, Si je suis la c'est par ce que une de mes GUI ne fonctionne pas. Je suis en 1.8 et j'ai Skript, + quelque addons (demandez moi pour plus d'info). Donc quand j'ouvre la GUI je peux récupérer (certaine fois) les items qu'elle contient, alors qu'avec mes autres GUI, aucun problème. Pourtant le skript est le même dans les deux cas... on rightclick on 120: set {_locheal} to location of event-block remove 1 from y-coordinate of {_locheal} set {} to "on" if block at {_locheal} is emerald block: open chest with 1 rows named "&aRune Table" to player wait a tick format slot 1 of player with a diamond sword named "&aSword Enchant" to run [make player execute command "/sword.enchant"] format slot 4 of player with a diamond pickaxe named "&aPickaxe Enchant" to run [make player execute command "/pickaxe.enchant"] format slot 7 of player with a diamond chestplate named "&aArmor Enchant" to run [make player execute command "/armor.enchant"] command /sword.enchant: trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aSword Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 1 of player with a 377 named "&aFire Aspect" to run [make player execute command "/"] format slot 4 of player with a string named "&aSharpness" to run [make player execute command "/sword.sharpness"] format slot 7 of player with a iron block named "&aUnbreaking" to run [make player execute command "/sword.unbreaking"] command /sword.sharpness: trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aSharpness Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with 1 emerald named "&aSharpness 5" with lore "&aCout||&a&l32 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/sh.01"] format slot 3 of player with 2 emerald named "&aSharpness 6" with lore "&aCout||&a&l64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/sh.02"] format slot 4 of player with 3 emerald named "&aSharpness 7" with lore "&aCout||&a&l2x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/sh.03"] format slot 5 of player with 4 emerald named "&aSharpness 8" with lore "&aCout||&a&l3x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/sh.04"] format slot 6 of player with 5 emerald named "&aSharpness 10" with lore "&aCout||&a&l5x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/sh.05"] command /sh.01: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 32 emeralds: remove 32 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with sharpness 5 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /sh.02: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 64 emeralds: remove 64 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with sharpness 6 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /sh.03: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 128 emeralds: remove 128 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with sharpness 7 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /sh.04: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 192 emeralds: remove 192 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with sharpness 8 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /sh.05: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 320 emeralds: remove 320 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with sharpness 10 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /sword.unbreaking: trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aUnbreaking Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with 1 emerald named "&aUnbreking 3" with lore "&aCout||&a&l32 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.01"] format slot 3 of player with 2 emerald named "&aUnbreking 4" with lore "&aCout||&a&l64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.02"] format slot 4 of player with 3 emerald named "&aUnbreking 5" with lore "&aCout||&a&l2x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.03"] format slot 5 of player with 4 emerald named "&aUnbreking 6" with lore "&aCout||&a&l3x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.04"] format slot 6 of player with 5 emerald named "&aUnbreking 8" with lore "&aCout||&a&l5x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.05"] command /un.01: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 32 emeralds: remove 32 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with unbreaking 3 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /un.02: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 64 emeralds: remove 64 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with unbreaking 4 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /un.03: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 128 emeralds: remove 128 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with unbreaking 5 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /un.04: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 192 emeralds: remove 192 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with unbreaking 6 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /un.05: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 320 emeralds: remove 320 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with unbreaking 8 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command / trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aUnbreaking Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with 1 emerald named "&aFire Aspect 1" with lore "&aCout||&a&l32 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/fa.01"] format slot 4 of player with 2 emerald named "&aFire Aspect 2" with lore "&aCout||&a&l64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/fa.02"] format slot 6 of player with 3 emerald named "&aFire Aspect 3" with lore "&aCout||&a&l2x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/fa.03"] command /fa.01: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 32 emeralds: remove 32 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with fire aspect 1 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /fa.02: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 64 emeralds: remove 64 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with fire aspect 2 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /fa.03: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 128 emeralds: remove 128 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with fire aspect 3 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /pickaxe.enchant: trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aSword Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 1 of player with a string named "&aEfficiency" to run [make player execute command "/pickaxe.efficiency"] format slot 4 of player with a diamond named "&aFortune" to run [make player execute command "/pickaxe.fortune"] format slot 7 of player with a iron block named "&aUnbreaking" to run [make player execute command "/pickaxe.unbreaking"] command /pickaxe.efficiency: trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aSharpness Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with 1 emerald named "&aEfficiency 5" with lore "&aCout||&a&l32 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/ef.01"] format slot 3 of player with 2 emerald named "&aEfficiency 6" with lore "&aCout||&a&l64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/ef.02"] format slot 4 of player with 3 emerald named "&aEfficiency 7" with lore "&aCout||&a&l2x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/ef.03"] format slot 5 of player with 4 emerald named "&aEfficiency 8" with lore "&aCout||&a&l3x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/ef.04"] format slot 6 of player with 5 emerald named "&aEfficiency 10" with lore "&aCout||&a&l5x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/ef.05"] command /ef.01: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 32 emeralds: remove 32 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with efficiency 5 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /ef.02: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 64 emeralds: remove 64 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with efficiency 6 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /ef.03: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 128 emeralds: remove 128 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with efficiency 7 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /ef.04: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 192 emeralds: remove 192 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with efficiency 8 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /ef.05: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 320 emeralds: remove 320 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with efficiency 10 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /pickaxe.unbreaking: trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aUnbreaking Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with 1 emerald named "&aUnbreking 3" with lore "&aCout||&a&l32 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.01"] format slot 3 of player with 2 emerald named "&aUnbreking 4" with lore "&aCout||&a&l64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.02"] format slot 4 of player with 3 emerald named "&aUnbreking 5" with lore "&aCout||&a&l2x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.03"] format slot 5 of player with 4 emerald named "&aUnbreking 6" with lore "&aCout||&a&l3x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.04"] format slot 6 of player with 5 emerald named "&aUnbreking 8" with lore "&aCout||&a&l5x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.05"] command /pickaxe.fortune: trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aUnbreaking Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with 1 emerald named "&aFortunte 3" with lore "&aCout||&a&l32 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/fo.01"] format slot 4 of player with 2 emerald named "&aFortunte 4" with lore "&aCout||&a&l64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/fo.02"] format slot 6 of player with 3 emerald named "&aFortunte 5" with lore "&aCout||&a&l2x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/fo.03"] command /fo.01: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 32 emeralds: remove 32 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with fortune 3 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /fo.02: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 64 emeralds: remove 64 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with fortune 4 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /fo.03: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 128 emeralds: remove 128 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with fortune 5 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /armor.enchant: trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aSword Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with a string named "&aProtection" to run [make player execute command "/"] format slot 6 of player with a iron block named "&aUnbreaking" to run [make player execute command "/armor.unbreaking"] command / trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aProtection Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with 1 emerald named "&aProtection 4" with lore "&aCout||&a&l32 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/po.01"] format slot 3 of player with 2 emerald named "&aProtection 5" with lore "&aCout||&a&l64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/po.02"] format slot 4 of player with 3 emerald named "&aProtection 6" with lore "&aCout||&a&l2x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/po.03"] format slot 5 of player with 4 emerald named "&aProtection 7" with lore "&aCout||&a&l3x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/po.04"] format slot 6 of player with 5 emerald named "&aProtection 10" with lore "&aCout||&a&l5x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/po.05"] command /po.01: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 32 emeralds: remove 32 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with sharpness 4 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /po.02: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 64 emeralds: remove 64 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with Protection 5 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /po.03: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 128 emeralds: remove 128 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with Protection 6 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /po.04: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 192 emeralds: remove 192 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with Protection 7 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /po.05: trigger: if {} is "on": if player has 320 emeralds: remove 320 emeralds from player enchant tool of player with Protection 10 send "&aEnchantement réussi !" set {} to "off" else: send "&cVous n'avez pas assez d'emeraudes !" set {} to "off" command /armor.unbreaking: trigger: if {} is "on": open chest with 1 rows named "&aUnbreaking Enchant" to player wait a tick format slot 2 of player with 1 emerald named "&aUnbreking 3" with lore "&aCout||&a&l32 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.01"] format slot 3 of player with 2 emerald named "&aUnbreking 4" with lore "&aCout||&a&l64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.02"] format slot 4 of player with 3 emerald named "&aUnbreking 5" with lore "&aCout||&a&l2x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.03"] format slot 5 of player with 4 emerald named "&aUnbreking 6" with lore "&aCout||&a&l3x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.04"] format slot 6 of player with 5 emerald named "&aUnbreking 8" with lore "&aCout||&a&l5x64 Emeraudes" to close then run [make player execute command "/un.05"] J'ai aussi essayé de mettre des wait 2 ticks, ça ne marche pas. Je peux vous envoyer d'autre code de GUI que j'aurais fait avant si vous le souhaitez. Merci d'avance. Milwen
  12. Milwen

    résolu Probleme de schematic

    oui c'est ce que je compte faire ^^ merci pour tous vos retours je pense que je peux passer le sujet en résolu maintenant ?
  13. Parfait ! Ça marche super ! Merci beaucoup !! ?
  14. J'ai donc essayé de modifier le skript que tu m'a envoyé: Le code: on leftclick with a stick: cancel event distance between clicked block and location of player is more than 19: send "§cTrop loin ! Pas plus de 20 blocks !" stop else: send "C'est bon ! La distance est de %distance between clicked block and location of player%" Mais la, ca me refait le bug d'avant...
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