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5 Neutre

À propos de Scorvex_III

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  1. Version de Minecraft : 1.13.2 Version de Skript : 2..3.5 Addons utilisés: Skent, Skore, SkQuery, SkRayFall, SkStuff, Tablisknu, TuSKe Type du skript : Pouvoir jouer un son ... Bonjour, j'ai un serveur en 1.13.2 et je souhaiterai pouvoir jouer un son à un ou plusieurs joueurs malheureusement toutes les synthaxes que j'ai trouvé sur internet ne donnent des erreurs (Can't understand this condition/effect). Par exemple tout ça ne marche pas : play sound "entity.experience_orb.pickup" play raw sound "ANGRY_VILLAGER" at %player% with pitch 1 and volume 0.5 play sound "ENTITY_ARROW_HIT_PLAYER" with volume 0.5 to the player Je crois aussi que les noms des sons ont changé entre la 1.8 et la 1.9 donc si jamais ce ne sont pas les bons prévenez-moi. Merci d'avoir pris le temps de lire, bonne journée.
  2. Scorvex_III

    Dynamic Arrows

    Fonctionne super bien, c'était exactement ce que je cherchais ! Merci 5/5
  3. up ? j'en ai aussi besoin et j'ai aussi des erreurs (j'utilise Skript 2.2 et Mc 1.9) Mais je comprend pas très le Skript de la flèche ...
  4. Version de Minecraft : 1.9 Version de Skript : 2.2 Addons utilisés: La plupart Type du skript : Scoreboard Description du script : Bonjour, c'est un skript qui fait un scoreboard sans clignotement mais le problème c'est que je voudrais qu'il n'y est que son équipe (qui est choissie au préalable) qui s'affiche or mon problème c'est que lorsque qu'un autre joueur rejoint une autre équipe, une équipe s'ajoute sur le scoreboard même si le joueur n'est pas dedans... Toute aide est la bienvenue, Merci. Mon Code : every seconds: loop all players: set {_p} to loop-player set {_puuid} to {_p}'s uuid wait a tick if {team.%{_puuid}%} is not set : edit score id "team.%{_p}%" to "&7Equipe : Aucune" and 8 if {team.%{_puuid}%} is set : edit score id "team.%{_p}%" to "&7Equipe : %{team.%{_puuid}%}%" and 8 edit score id "temps" to "&7Temps : %{minutes}%:%{secondes}%" and 7 edit score id "day" to "&7Jour : %{day}%" and 6 edit score id "pvp.statue" to "&7PvP : %{Pvp.statue}%" and 5 edit score id "nether.statue" to "&7Nether : %{Nether.statue}%" and 4 edit score id "end.statue" to "&7End : %{End.statue}%" and 3 edit score id "assauts.statue" to "&7Assauts : %{Assauts.statue}%" and 2 on join: wait 3 tick wipe player's sidebar wait 3 tick set name of sidebar of player to " &l&6Fallen Kingdom " set score " " in sidebar of player to 9 set id based score "&7Equipe : %{team.%player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of player to 8 with id "team.%player%" set id based score "&7Temps : %{minutes}%:%{secondes}%" in sidebar of player to 7 with id "temps" set id based score "&7Jour : %{day}%" in sidebar of player to 6 with id "day" set id based score "&7PvP : %{Pvp.statue}%" in sidebar of player to 5 with id "pvp.statue" set id based score "&7Nether : %{Nether.statue}%" in sidebar of player to 4 with id "nather.statue" set id based score "&7End : %{End.statue}%" in sidebar of player to 3 with id "end.statue" set id based score "&7Assauts : %{Assauts.statue}%" in sidebar of player to 2 with id "assauts.statue" set score " " in sidebar of player to 1 (C'est ce que je ne veux pas sur le screen car je suis déjà dans l'équipe Bleu et donc pas dans la Rose ...)
  5. Cela ne change rien au problème que je ne peut rejoindre la partie ... )=
  6. Le quel ? Celui là ? set {_world} to {_winner}'s world
  7. J'ai essayé de l'enlever et cette fois il y a 2 erreur mais je peut faire /rush Problème ... c'est que quand je le fait cela me dit : La partie est pleine
  8. Bonjour, je voulais utiliser le skript de 6moon ([Contenu masqué]) Mais j'ai une erreur et quand je fait la commande /rush cela me dit que la commande n'existe pas ... /: Vous pouvez m'aider ? #===================================# #---- RUSH BY 6moon ----# #===================================# # - OPTION / CONFIG - # options: PrefixRush: &3&lRush &f> Bungeecord: false # Si tu as BungeeCord, met "true" BungeecordServeurRush: Rush BungeecordServeurHUB: Hub Timer: 30 # Nombre Compte à Rebourd Timer2: 3 # Nombre Compte à Rebourd Slot: 4 # Slot de la partie JoueurMini: 1 # A combien de joueur la partie se lance CoucheMinimal: 190 # Coordonnés Y où le joueur se fait tuer ! AlreadyStart: &7Une partie est déjà en cours ! PartyPleine: &7La partie est pleine ! Join: &3%player% &7a rejoint la partie ! Leave: &3%player% &7a quitté la partie ! Start: &3La partie commence ! &bBonne Chance ! CompteARebourd: &7Début du jeu dans &a%{_timer}% &aseconde(s) &7! -1Joueur: &7Il n'y pas assez de joueur ! EstTombé: %player% &fest tombé(e) AétéTué: %player% &fa été tué par Eliminée: %player% &fest éliminé(e) ! BreakBlue: &7Le lit de l'équipe &bBleu &7a été détruite ! BreakRed: &7Le lit de l'équipe &cRouge &7a été détruite ! BreakYellow: &7Le lit de l'équipe &eJaune &7a été détruite ! BreakGreen: &7Le lit de l'équipe &aVert &7a été détruite ! # Victoire: # Defaite: # - OPTION / CONFIG - # # - FIN DE PARTIE - # sub "EndRush": set {_winner} to parameter 1 send "&3%{_winner}% &7a gagné la partie !" to {_winner} set {_count} to 1 loop {rush.count} times: set block at {rush.blocklocation.%{_count}%} to air clear {rush.blocklocation.%{_count}%} add 1 to {_count} wait 0.1 tick set {_count2} to 1 loop {rush.count.bed} times: set block at {rushbed.blocklocation.%{_count2}%} to bed clear {rushbed.blocklocation.%{_count2}%} # clear {rushbed.block.%{_count2}%} add 1 to {_count2} wait 0.1 tick set {_world} to {_winner}'s world loop all dropped items in world "%{_world}%": delete loop-value teleport {_winner} at {rush.location.lobby} clear {_winner}'s inventory delete {{_winner}%} clear {rush.joueurs::*} delete {rush.start} # - FIN DE PARTIE - # # - CONDITION / EVENEMENT / MINERAI - # on craft: if {rush.start} is true: cancel event on place: if {rush.start} is true: if {} is true: if event-block isn't bed and wool: add 1 to {rush.count} set {rush.blocklocation.%{rush.count}%} to location of event-block else: cancel event else: cancel event on break: if {rush.start} is true: if event-block is end stone, sandstone, sand stone:1 or sand stone:2: cancel event else: cancel event every 1 second: if {rush.start} is true: drop brick item named "&cBronze" at {rush.location.minerai::*} every 15 seconds: if {rush.start} is true: drop iron ingot item named "&7Fer" at {rush.location.minerai::*} every 60 seconds: if {rush.start} is true: drop golden ingot item named "&eOr" at {rush.location.minerai::*} every 5 minutes: if {rush.start} is true: drop diamond item named "&bDiamant" at {rush.location.minerai::*} on rightclick on villager: if {rush.start} is true: make player execute command "/shop§" cancel event # - CONDITION / EVENEMENT / MINERAI - # # - COMMANDE ADMIN - # command /rushadm [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if player is op: if arg 1 is "set": if arg 2 is "lobby": set {rush.location.lobby} to player's location send "&3Tu as SET la localisation du Looby !" to player if arg 2 is "minerai": add player's location to {rush.location.minerai::*} send "&3Tu as SET la localisation du Spawn des Minerais !" to player if arg 2 is "bleu": set {rush.location.spawnbleu} to player's location send "&3Tu as SET la localisation du Spawn Bleu !" to player if arg 2 is "rouge": set {rush.location.spawnrouge} to player's location send "&3Tu as SET la localisation du Spawn Rouge !" to player if arg 2 is "jaune": set {rush.location.spawnjaune} to player's location send "&3Tu as SET la localisation du Spawn Jaune !" to player if arg 2 is "vert": set {rush.location.spawnvert} to player's location send "&3Tu as SET la localisation du Spawn Vert !" to player if arg 1 is "del": if arg 2 is "minerai": clear {rush.location.minerai::*} send "&3Tu as SUPPRIM2 la localisation du Spawn des Minerais !" to player if arg 1 is "reset": delete {rush.start} clear {rush.joueurs::*} delete {rush.dontmove} broadcast "&cTOUT A ETE CLEAR" loop all players: delete {} # - COMMANDE ADMIN - # # - COMMANDE - # command /rush: trigger: if {rush.start} isn't set: if {} isn't set: if size of {rush.joueurs::*} isn't greater than 4: teleport player at {rush.location.lobby} add player to {rush.joueurs::*} send "{@PrefixRush} {@Join}" to {rush.joueurs::*} set {} to true if size of {rush.joueurs::*} > 0: set {_timer} to {@Timer} while {_timer} is more than 0: set {rush.joueurs::*}'s level to {_timer} remove 1 from {_timer} wait a second if {_timer} is 60 or 30 or 25 or 20 or 15 or 10 or 4 or 5 or 3 or 2 or 1: set action bar of {rush.joueurs::*} to "{@PrefixRush} {@CompteARebourd}" play raw sound "random.orb" at {rush.joueurs::*} with pitch 1 volume 1 if size of {rush.joueurs::*} < 1: set {_timer} to 0 send "{@PrefixRush} {@-2Joueur}" to player size of {rush.joueurs::*} > 1 if "{@Bungeecord}" is "true": loop {rush.joueurs::*}: bungeecord connect loop-value to "{@BungeecordServeurRush}" wait a tick set {rush.dontmove} to true wait a second broadcast "{@PrefixRush} {@Start}" to {rush.joueurs::*} size of {rush.joueurs::*} = 2: set {rush.player.bleu} to {rush.joueurs::1} set {rush.player.rouge} to {rush.joueurs::2} teleport {rush.player.bleu} at {rush.location.spawnbleu} teleport {rush.player.rouge} at {rush.location.spawnrouge} size of {rush.joueurs::*} = 3: set {rush.player.bleu} to {rush.joueurs::1} set {rush.player.rouge} to {rush.joueurs::2} set {rush.player.jaune} to {rush.joueurs::3} teleport {rush.player.bleu} at {rush.location.spawnbleu} teleport {rush.player.rouge} at {rush.location.spawnrouge} teleport {rush.player.jaune} at {rush.location.spawnjaune} size of {rush.joueurs::*} = 4: set {rush.player.bleu} to {rush.joueurs::1} set {rush.player.rouge} to {rush.joueurs::2} set {rush.player.jaune} to {rush.joueurs::3} set {rush.player.vert} to {rush.joueurs::4} teleport {rush.player.bleu} at {rush.location.spawnbleu} teleport {rush.player.rouge} at {rush.location.spawnrouge} teleport {rush.player.jaune} at {rush.location.spawnjaune} teleport {rush.player.vert} at {rush.location.spawnvert} set {rush.start} to true loop {rush.joueurs::*}: set {rush.bed.%loop-value%} to 1 clear {rush.joueurs::*}'s inventory set {rush.joueurs::*}'s gamemode to survival heal {rush.joueurs::*} set {_timer} to {@Timer2} while {_timer} is more than 0: set {rush.joueurs::*}'s level to {_timer} play level up at {rush.joueurs::*} with pitch 1 set action bar of {rush.joueurs::*} to "{@PrefixRush} {@CompteARebourd}" send {rush.joueurs::*} title "{@CompteARebourd}" with subtitle " " for 1 second remove 1 from {_timer} wait a second delete {rush.dontmove} else: send "{@PrefixRush} {@PartyPleine}" to player else: send "{@PrefixRush} {@Leave}" to {rush.joueurs::*} remove player from {rush.joueurs::*} delete {} stop else: send "{@PrefixRush} {@AlreadyStart}" to player # - COMMANDE - # # - CHAT - # on chat: if {} is true: if "%player%" = "%{rush.player.bleu}%": cancel event send "{@PrefixRush} &b%player%&f: %message%" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" = "%{rush.player.rouge}%": cancel event send "{@PrefixRush} &c%player%&f: %message%" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" = "%{rush.player.jaune}%": cancel event send "{@PrefixRush} &e%player%&f: %message%" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" = "%{rush.player.vert}%": cancel event send "{@PrefixRush} &a%player%&f: %message%" to {rush.joueurs::*} # - CHAT - # # - QUAND UN JOUEUR QUITTE - # on quit: if {} is true: clear player's inventory teleport player at {rush.location.lobby} delete {} remove player from {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" = "% {rush.player.bleu}%": send "&3L'équipe &bBleu &3est détruite &7(&bDéconnexion de &b%player%&7" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" = "% {rush.player.rouge}%": send "&3L'équipe &cRouge &3est détruite &7(&bDéconnexion de &c%player%&7" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" = "% {rush.player.jaune}%": send "&3L'équipe &eJaune &3est détruite &7(&bDéconnexion de &e%player%&7" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" = "% {rush.player.vert}%": send "&3L'équipe &aVert &3est détruite &7(&bDéconnexion de &a%player%&7" to {rush.joueurs::*} if size of {rush.joueurs::*} is smaller than 2: invoke "EndRush" from {rush.joueurs::*} # - QUAND UN JOUEUR QUITTE - # # - RESPAWN - # on respawn: if {} is true: if {rush.bed.%player%} is 1: if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.bleu}%": teleport {rush.player.bleu} at {rush.location.spawnbleu} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.rouge}%": teleport {rush.player.rouge} at {rush.location.spawnrouge} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.jaune}%": teleport {rush.player.jaune} at {rush.location.spawnjaune} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.vert}%": teleport {rush.player.vert} at {rush.location.spawnvert} if {rush.bed.%player%} is 0: if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.bleu}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &b{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.rouge}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &c{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.jaune}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &e{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.vert}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &a{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} teleport player at {rush.location.lobby} remove "%player%" from {rush.joueurs::*} delete {} clear {rush.bed.%player%} if size of {rush.joueurs::*} is smaller than 2: invoke "EndRush" from {rush.joueurs::*} # - RESPAWN - # # - MORT - # on death of player: if {} is true: clear drops set death message to "" if {rush.bed.%player%} is 1: if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.bleu}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &b{@AétéTué} &6%attacker%" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.rouge}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &c{@AétéTué} &6%attacker%" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.jaune}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &e{@AétéTué} &6%attacker%" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.vert}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &a{@AétéTué} &6%attacker%" to {rush.joueurs::*} if {rush.bed.%player%} is 0: if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.bleu}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &b{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.rouge}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &c{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.jaune}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &e{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.vert}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &a{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} teleport player at {rush.location.lobby} remove "%player%" from {rush.joueurs::*} delete {} clear {rush.bed.%player%} if size of {rush.joueurs::*} is smaller than 2: invoke "EndRush" from {rush.joueurs::*} # - MORT - # # - COUCHE MINIMALE - # on any move: if {} is true: if {rush.dontmove} is true: if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.bleu}%": wait 5 ticks teleport player to {rush.location.spawnbleu} stop if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.rouge}%": wait 5 ticks teleport player to {rush.location.spawnrouge} stop if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.jaune}%": wait 5 ticks teleport player to {rush.location.spawnjaune} stop if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.vert}%": wait 5 ticks teleport player to {rush.location.spawnvert} stop if y-coordinate of player is less than {@CoucheMinimal}: if {rush.bed.%player%} is 1: if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.bleu}%": wait a tick teleport {rush.player.bleu} at {rush.location.spawnbleu} send "{@PrefixRush} &b{@EstTombé}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.rouge}%": wait a tick teleport {rush.player.rouge} at {rush.location.spawnrouge} send "{@PrefixRush} &c{@EstTombé}" to {rush.joueurs::*} wait 2 tick if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.jaune}%": wait a tick teleport {rush.player.jaune} at {rush.location.spawnjaune} send "{@PrefixRush} &e{@EstTombé}" to {rush.joueurs::*} wait 2 tick if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.vert}%": wait a tick teleport {rush.player.vert} at {rush.location.spawnvert} send "{@PrefixRush} &a{@EstTombé}" to {rush.joueurs::*} wait 2 tick if {rush.bed.%player%} is 0: if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.bleu}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &b{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.rouge}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &c{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.jaune}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &e{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} if "%player%" is "%{rush.player.vert}%": send "{@PrefixRush} &a{@Eliminée}" to {rush.joueurs::*} teleport player at {rush.location.lobby} remove "%player%" from {rush.joueurs::*} delete {} clear {rush.bed.%player%} if size of {rush.joueurs::*} is smaller than 2: invoke "EndRush" from {rush.joueurs::*} # - COUCHE MINIMALE - # # - TNT FLY - # on rightclick with flint and steel: {} is true if event-block is tnt: cancel event set event-block to air set {_x} to x-coordinate of event-block set {_y} to y-coordinate of event-block set {_z} to z-coordinate of event-block spawn an primed tnt push last spawned primed tnt downwards at speed 1 wait 2 tick teleport last spawned primed tnt at location {_x}, {_y}, {_z} teleport last spawned primed tnt at location of last spawned primed tnt on explode: cancel event loop all blocks in radius 6 around event-location: if loop-blocks is tnt: set block at loop-blocks to air set {_x} to x-coordinate of loop-blocks set {_y} to y-coordinate of loop-blocks set {_z} to z-coordinate of loop-blocks spawn an primed tnt at loop-blocks teleport last spawned primed tnt at location {_x}, {_y}, {_z} teleport last spawned primed tnt at location of last spawned primed tnt if loop-blocks is bed: set block at loop-blocks to air add 1 to {rush.count.bed} set {rushbed.blocklocation.%{rush.count.bed}%} to location of loop-blocks if loop-blocks is blue wool: {rush.bed.%{rush.player.bleu}%} = 1 send "{@PrefixRush} {@BreakBlue}" to {rush.joueurs::*} set {rush.bed.%{rush.player.bleu}%} to 0 cancel event if loop-blocks is red wool: {rush.bed.%{rush.player.rouge}%} = 1 send "{@PrefixRush} {@BreakRed}" to {rush.joueurs::*} set {rush.bed.%{rush.player.rouge}%} to 0 cancel event if loop-blocks is yellow wool: {rush.bed.%{rush.player.jaune}%} = 1 send "{@PrefixRush} {@BreakYellow}" to {rush.joueurs::*} set {rush.bed.%{rush.player.jaune}%} to 0 cancel event if loop-blocks is green wool: {rush.bed.%{rush.player.vert}%} = 1 send "{@PrefixRush} {@BreakGreen}" to {rush.joueurs::*} set {rush.bed.%{rush.player.vert}%} to 0 cancel event loop all players: if distance between loop-player and event-location <= 5: push loop-player upwards at speed 0.35 push loop-player forwards at speed 0.6 # - TNT FLY - # # - SHOP - # command /shop§ [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 isn't set: open chest with 1 rows named "&8Shop" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 1 of player with steak named "&6Le Tarvernier" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ tavernier"] format slot 3 of player with diamond sword named "&dLe Terroriste" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ terroriste"] format slot 5 of player with sandstone named "&bLe Batisseur" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ batisseur"] format slot 7 of player with iron chestplate named "&eL'armurier" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ armurier"] if arg 1 is "tavernier": open chest with 1 rows named "&8Shop" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 2 of player with 2 cooked beef with lore "&3Coût: &c4 Bronzes" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ tavernier steak"] format slot 3 of player with golden apple:0 with lore "&3Coût: &71 Fer" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ tavernier goldenapple"] format slot 5 of player with potion of:373 with lore "&3Coût: &b1 Diamant" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ tavernier potionregen"] format slot 6 of player with potion of:438 with lore "&3Coût: &b1 Diamant" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ tavernier potiondegat"] if arg 2 is "steak": if player's inventory contains 4 brick: remove 4 brick from player's inventory give 2 steak to player if arg 2 is "goldenapple": if player's inventory contains 1 iron ingot: remove 1 iron ingot from player's inventory give 1 golden apple:0 to player if arg 2 is "potionregen": if player's inventory contains 1 diamond: remove 1 diamond from player's inventory give 1 potion of:373 to player if arg 2 is "potiondegat": if player's inventory contains 1 diamond: remove 1 diamond from player's inventory give 1 potion of:438 to player if arg 1 is "terroriste": open chest with 1 rows named "&8Shop" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 2, knockback 1 named "&bEpée III" with lore "&3Coût: &77 Fers" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ terroriste epee3"] format slot 1 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&bEpée II" with lore "&3Coût: &73 Fers" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ terroriste epee2"] format slot 2 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&bEpée I" with lore "&3Coût: &71 Fer" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ terroriste epee1"] format slot 3 of player with diamond sword of sharpness 2, knockback 1 named "&bEpée IV" with lore "&3Coût: &b1 Diamant &3et &75 Fers" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ terroriste epee4"] format slot 6 of player with tnt with lore "&3Coût: &73 Fers" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ terroriste tnt"] format slot 7 of player with 3 tnt with lore "&3Coût: &b1 Diamant" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ terroriste tnt2"] format slot 8 of player with flint and steel with lore "&3Coût: &e1 Or" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ terroriste briquet"] if arg 2 is "epee3": if player's inventory contains 7 iron ingot: remove 7 iron ingot from player's inventory give diamond sword of sharpness 2, knockback 1 named "&bEpée III" to player if arg 2 is "epee2": if player's inventory contains 3 iron ingot: remove 3 iron ingot from player's inventory give diamond sword of sharpness 2 named "&bEpée II" to player if arg 2 is "epee1": if player's inventory contains 1 iron ingot: remove 1 iron ingot from player's inventory give diamond sword of sharpness 1 named "&bEpée I" to player if arg 2 is "epee4": if player's inventory contains 1 diamond and 5 iron ingot: remove 5 iron ingot from player's inventory remove 1 diamond from player's inventory give diamond sword of sharpness 2, knockback 1 named "&bEpée III" to player if arg 2 is "tnt": if player's inventory contains 3 iron ingot: remove 3 iron ingot from player's inventory give tnt to player if arg 2 is "tnt2": if player's inventory contains 1 diamond: remove 1 diamond from player's inventory give 3 tnt to player if arg 2 is "briquet": if player's inventory contains 1 golden ingot: remove 1 golden ingot from player's inventory give flint and steel to player if arg 1 is "batisseur": open chest with 1 rows named "&8Shop" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 1 of player with 4 sand stone:2 with lore "&3Coût: &c1 Bronze" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ batisseur smoothsandstone"] format slot 2 of player with end stone with lore "&3²Coût: &c4 Bronzes" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ batisseur endstone"] format slot 3 of player with iron pickaxe of efficiency 1 with lore "&3Coût: &c4 Bronzes" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ batisseur pioche1"] format slot 5 of player with iron pickaxe of efficiency 2 with lore "&3Coût: &72 Fers" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ batisseur pioche2"] format slot 6 of player with diamond pickaxe of efficiency 3 with lore "&3Coût: &e1 Or" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ batisseur pioche3"] if arg 2 is "smoothsandstone": if player's inventory contains 1 brick: remove 1 brick: from player's inventory give 4 sand stone:2 to player if arg 2 is "endstone": if player's inventory contains 4 brick: remove 4 brick: from player's inventory give end stone to player if arg 2 is "pioche1": if player's inventory contains 4 brick: remove 4 brick: from player's inventory give iron pickaxe of efficiency 1 to player if arg 2 is "pioche2": if player's inventory contains 2 iron ingot: remove 2 iron ingot: from player's inventory give iron pickaxe of efficiency 2 to player if arg 2 is "pioche3": if player's inventory contains 1 golden ingot: remove 1 golden ingot: from player's inventory give diamond pickaxe of efficiency 3 to player if arg 1 is "armurier": open chest with 1 rows named "&8Shop" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with leather chestplate named "&bArmure I" with lore "&3Coût: &c2 Bronzes" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ armurier armure1"] format slot 1 of player with leather chestplate of protection 1 named "&bArmure II" with lore "&3Coût: &72 Fers" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ armurier armure2"] format slot 2 of player with leather chestplate of protection 1 named "&bArmure II" with lore "&3Coût: &c15 Bronzes" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ armurier armure22"] format slot 6 of player with leather chestplate of protection 2 named "&bArmure III" with lore "&3Coût: &e1 Or" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ armurier armure3"] format slot 7 of player with leather chestplate of protection 2 named "&bArmure III" with lore "&3Coût: &b1 Diamant" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ armurier armure33"] format slot 8 of player with compass named "&aTraqueur" with lore "&3Coût: &e1 Or" to run [make player execute command "/shop§ armurier traqueur"] if arg 2 is "armure1": if player's inventory contains 2 brick: remove 1 brick from player's inventory give leather chestplate named "&3Armure I" to player if arg 2 is "armure2": if player's inventory contains 2 iron ingot: remove 2 iron ingot from player's inventory give leather chestplate of protection 1 named "&3Armure II" to player if arg 2 is "armure22": if player's inventory contains 15 brick: remove 15 brick from player's inventory give leather chestplate of protection 1 named "&3Armure II" to player if arg 2 is "armure3": if player's inventory contains 1 golden ingot: remove 1 golden ingot from player's inventory give leather chestplate of protection 2 named "&3Armure III" to player if arg 2 is "armure33": if player's inventory contains 1 diamond: remove 1 diamond from player's inventory give leather chestplate of protection 2 named "&3Armure III" to player if arg 2 is "traqueur": if player's inventory contains 1 golden ingot: remove 1 golden ingot from player's inventory give compass named "&aTraqueur" to player # - SHOP - #
  9. Nan cela ne marche pas ... every 1 seconds: loop all players: if slot 1 of player is air: set slot 0 of player to feather named "&3Fly &7(click-droit)" [Contenu masqué]
  10. Bonjour, Bonsoir j'aimerai savoir si cela est possible de détecter une slot vide ... Si oui pourriez vous m'envoyer la ligne de code ? =) (Version Plus Compréhensible : Comment faire pour que quand l'emplacement 1 de la hot-bar est vide, sois remplacer par un objet ?) Cordialement Scorvex_III =)
  11. Alors comment tu as fait ? Je n'ai pas dit ...
  12. Oui mais je ne veut pas ... =) Oké mais je l'intègre où ? =)
  13. Voila je voudrai savoir comment je peut envoyer un messege a tout les admins ... command /chatchange: permission: aliases: cg trigger: loop all players: if loop-player has permission "": if {chat.%player%} = "staff": set {chat.%player%} to "global" message "&aTu es à présent dans le chat &c%{chat.%player%}%" else if {chat.%player%} = "global": if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&7Joueur" or "&3VIP" or "&bMini-VIP": message "&7Tu n'as pas accès a cette commande !" else: set {chat.%player%} to "staff" message "&aTu es à présent dans le chat &c%{chat.%player%}%" on chat: if {chat.%player%} is "staff": loop all players: if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&7Joueur" or "&3VIP" or "&bMini-VIP": wait 1 tick else: cancel event wait 1 tick send "&f[&3Staff&f] &3%player% &7> &3%message%"
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