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29 Sur la voie de la sagesse ...

À propos de MrSkyzZ

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  1. Bonjour, est ce que ce skript est fait pour la 1.8 ? si oui pouvez vous me donner une version de citizens car mes versions de citizens ne fonctionnent pas (ps: je suis avec spigot) Merci.
  2. MrSkyzZ

    [Xp] Condition avec la money

    command /magic <number>: trigger: if arg 1 is "30": if player's account >= 50: add 30 level to player remove 50$ from the player's balance else: message "tu n'as pas assez d'argent" à toi de le modifier ! ;)
  3. MrSkyzZ


    GroupeManager ou les groupes de ton skript ?
  4. MrSkyzZ

    [Xp] Condition avec la money

    dis nous .. tu veux combien de level et pour quel prix ? genre : 50$ = 30 levels ? 100$ = 100 levels ?
  5. MrSkyzZ


    "with bow of infinite 1 named "arc"" par exemple ! ;)
  6. MrSkyzZ


    ***** TU AS OUBLIE DE METTRE LES "TO CLOSE" A LA FIN DES LIGNES !! ***** Correction : on right click holding a head: wait 5 tick open chest with 5 rows named "&8Menu principal" to player format slot 0 of player with enchanted book named "&6Statistique" with lore "&7Cliquez ici pour afficher vos statistiques" to close then run "" if {sync.perm.%player%} is 0: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore " En cours :|| &eGrade: Joueur %nl% %nl% &eCoins: &b{sync.coins.%player%} %nl% &e *Secret*: &a{sync.*Secret*.%player%} %nl% &eBooster: &c&l✘" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 1: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 2: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 3: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 4: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 5: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 6: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 7: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 8: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 9: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 10: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 11: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 12: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 13: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 14: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close if {sync.perm.%player%} is 15: format slot 4 of player with player's skull named "&6Profil" with lore "ton texte l1 %nl% ton texte ligne 2" to close format slot 8 of player with gold ingot named "&6Boutique" with lore "&7Cliquez ici pour ouvrir la boutique" to close then run "" format slot 9 of player with redstone repeater named "&6Paramètres" with lore "&7Cliquez ici pour afficher vos paramètres" to close then run "" format slot 12 of player with bed named "&6Spawn" with lore "&7Téléportation au spawn!" to close then run "guitp-spawn %player%" format slot 14 of player with feather named "&6Jump" with lore "&7Cliquez ici pour aller au jump" to close then run "jump %player%" format slot 17 of player with nether star named "&6Cosmétiques" with lore "&7Cliquez ici pour afficher les cosmétiques" to close then run "" format slot 30 of player with apple named "*Secret*" with lore "&7Cliquez ici pour aller a *Secret*" to close then run "guitp-ae %player%" format slot 31 of player with ice named "&3*Secret*" with lore "&7Clique ici pour aller a *Secret*" to close then run "guitp-ib %player%" format slot 32 of player with non-splash speed potion named "*Secret*" with lore "&7Clique ici pour aller au *Secret*" to close then run ""
  7. MrSkyzZ

    Menu : Erreur introuvable

    Tu as juste oublié les to close .... à la fin de certaines lignes !!!! command /modo <player>: description: Ouvrir le menu de modération d'un joueur permission: modo.admin permission message: &7[Erreur] &cTu n'as pas droit à cette commande ! trigger: if arg 1 is not set: message "&eTu dois indiquer un joueur &a/modo &c<pseudo> &e!" else: open chest with 5 rows named "&aModération &e&l%player%" to player wait 1 tick format slot 1 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with Skull of "%arg 1%" parsed as player named "&6%arg 1%" with lore "&a&oStatistiques :||&e&oMonnaie : ||&e&oGrade : " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with glass pane:5 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with glass pane:5 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with glass pane:4 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 14 of player with glass pane:14 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with glass pane:14 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with glass pane:14 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with glass pane:14 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with paper named "&e&lMessage privé" with lore "&a&oÉcris le message à envoyer dans le chat" to close then run [make player execute command "modotell %arg 1%"] format slot 21 of player with eye of ender named "&5Téléportation" with lore "&a&oTéléporte toi au joueur" to close then run [make player execute command "tp %arg 1%"] format slot 22 of player with glass pane:4 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with splash potion of harming named "&c&lAvertissement" with lore "&aÉcris l'avertissement dans le chat" to close then run [make player execute command "modowarn %arg 1%"] format slot 24 of player with piston named "&c&lÉjecter un joueur" with lore "&a&oÉcris la raison dans le chat" to close then run [make player execute command "modokick %arg 1%"] format slot 25 of player with cobweb named "&c&lMute un joueur" to close then run "modomute %arg 1%" format slot 26 of player with anvil named "&c&lBannir un joueur" with lore "&a&oTu n'as plus qu'à choisir la durée !" to close then run [make player execute command "modoban %arg 1%"] format slot 27 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 28 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 29 of player with glass pane:5 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 30 of player with glass pane:5 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 31 of player with glass pane:4 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 32 of player with glass pane:14 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 33 of player with glass pane:14 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 34 of player with glass pane:14 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 35 of player with glass pane:14 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 36 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 37 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 38 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 39 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 40 of player with barrier named "&e&lQuitter" to close format slot 41 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 42 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 43 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 44 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable format slot 45 of player with glass pane:3 named "&fModoHelp" with lore "&7&lPar Loki_" to be unstealable j'ai mis des "to be unstealable" car je pense que les glass pane doivent être pour la décoration ;) Cordialement, MrSkyzZ. En espérant de t'avoir aidé ! ^^
  8. MrSkyzZ

    [Xp] Condition avec la money

    salut, est ce que ta monnaie est sous forme de variable ?? genre : {money.%player%} .??
  9. MrSkyzZ

    Enchantement (2enchants)

    Ok ... deso pour toi :/
  10. MrSkyzZ

    Enchantement (2enchants)

    Ah bon ? 0_o et ... ca te gene sur quelque chose si tas pas la nouvelle version de skript ?
  11. MrSkyzZ

    Enchantement (2enchants)

    Ahhh ou bien essaye: set slot 0 of player to stone sword of sharpness 1 and unbreaking 1
  12. MrSkyzZ

    Enchantement (2enchants)

    Et tas essayer de mettre les id des enchant ? Ou dabord denlever le of ??
  13. MrSkyzZ

    Enchantement (2enchants)

    Nop --' ta bien vu sur les screenshots cest pas ca ! 0_o
  14. MrSkyzZ

    Enchantement (2enchants)

    Quand tu ecris skript 2.2 sur google tu as un lien .. tu clique sur le premier et tu verras sur bukkit un lien dropbox et dedans tu verras skript 2.2 et skquery essaye de mettre les deux ^^
  15. MrSkyzZ

    Enchantement (2enchants)

    Change ton skquery ! ;)
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