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    32 [Faire un don]

Tout ce qui a été posté par Choukrouteuuh__

  1. Choukrouteuuh__

    inactif ✖ Ville

    Version de Minecraft : 1.15.2 Version de Skript : 2.4.1 Type du skript : Ville (PLOT) Description du script : Bonjour, j'ai besoin de faire un système de ville pour mon serveur, voila un screen
  2. Merci, mais je viens d'essayer, mais pas tout ne marche, voila les erreurs: Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe {_p}'s to sidebar (, line 3: wipe {_p}'s to sidebar') 'the player' can only ever have one valu at most, thus the 'amount of ...' expression is useless. Use '...exist' instead to fing out whether the expression has a value. (, line 15: set score "&8Connectés: &7%amount of player%" in sidebar of {_p} to 2') Invalid use of quotes ("). If you want to use quotes in "quoted text", double them "". (, line 17: set id based score "&" in sidebar of {_p} to 0 with "Ip%{_p}%') The function 'Ip' does not exist ', line 19: Ip(player)')
  3. Hé bhé, ca m'aide beaucoup haha ^^ merci a toi
  4. Version de Minecraft : 1.8.8 Version de Skript : 2.2-Fixes-V9b Addons utilisés: SkRayFall, TusKe, WildSkript, SkQuery Description du script : Bonjour, j'ai commencé a créer un ScoreBoard pour mon serveur RPG, mais il m''y affiche des erreurs que je n'arrive pas a trouver... Ce qui est bizarre, c'est que les 3 première lignes de mon scoreboard s'affiche mais pas les autres. Merci a vous pour votre aide ! Les erreurs: > [05:01:34 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe {_p}'s to sidebar (, line 3: wipe {_p}'s to sidebar') > [05:01:35 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: set score " &e» &fClasse: &7Chasseur" to sidebar of {_p} to 8 (, line 9: set score " &e» &fClasse: &7Chasseur" to sidebar of {_p} to 8') > [05:01:35 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: set score " &e» &fGuilde: &&c✘" to sidebar of {_p} to 7 (, line 10: set score " &e» &fGuilde: &&c✘" to sidebar of {_p} to 7') > [05:01:35 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: set score " &e» &Team: &cWathrogs" to sidebar of {_p} to 6 (, line 11: set score " &e» &Team: &cWathrogs" to sidebar of {_p} to 6') > [05:01:35 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: set score " &e» &fMana: &d50/50" to sidebar of {_p} to 5 (, line 12: set score " &e» &fMana: &d50/50" to sidebar of {_p} to 5') > [05:01:35 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: set score " &e» &fStamina: &a10/10" to sidebar of {_p} to 4 (, line 13: set score " &e» &fStamina: &a10/10" to sidebar of {_p} to 4') > [05:01:35 ERROR]: [Skript] Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&8Connectés: &7%amount of player%" to sidebar of {_p} to 2 (, line 15: set score "&8Connectés: &7%amount of player%" to sidebar of {_p} to 2') > [05:01:35 ERROR]: [Skript] Invalid use of quotes ("). If you want to use quotes in "quoted text", double them: "". (, line 17: set id based score "&" in sidebar of {_p} to 0 with id "Ip.%{_p}%') > [05:01:35 ERROR]: [Skript] The function 'Ip' does not exist (, line 19: Ip(player)') Code: on join: set {_p} to player wipe {_p}'s to sidebar set name of sidebar of {_p} to " &6&lZeranium " set score "&a " in sidebar of {_p} to 12 set score "&eProfil:" in sidebar of {_p} to 11 set score " &e» &fGrade: &7Adventurer" in sidebar of {_p} to 10 set score " &e» &fGemmes: &70" in sidebar of {_p} to 9 set score " &e» &fClasse: &7Chasseur" to sidebar of {_p} to 8 set score " &e» &fGuilde: &&c✘" to sidebar of {_p} to 7 set score " &e» &Team: &cWathrogs" to sidebar of {_p} to 6 set score " &e» &fMana: &d50/50" to sidebar of {_p} to 5 set score " &e» &fStamina: &a10/10" to sidebar of {_p} to 4 set score "&a " in sidebar of {_p} to 3 set score "&8Connectés: &7%amount of player%" to sidebar of {_p} to 2 set score "&a " in sidebar of {_p} to 1 set id based score "&" in sidebar of {_p} to 0 with id "Ip.%{_p}% wait 1 second Ip(player) function Ip(p: player): while {_p} is online: wait 1 second if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&ep&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&fp&e&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&ep&fl&e&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6p&el&fa&ey&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6pl&ea&fy&e.&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6pla&ey&f.&ez&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play&e.&fz&ee&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.&ez&fe&er&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.z&ee&fr&ea&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.ze&er&fa&en&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.zer&ea&fn&ei&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.zera&en&fi&eu&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.zeran&ei&fu&em&" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.zerani&eu&fm&e.&6fr" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.zeraniu&em&f.&ef&6r" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.zeranium&e.&ff&er" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.zeranium.&ef&fr" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&6play.zeranium.f&er" and 0 wait 2 tick else: stop if {_p} is online: edit score id "Ip.%{_p}%" to "&" and 0 else: stop
  5. pas de soucis, je t'envoie une demande d'ami sur discord
  6. Version de Minecraft : 18.8 Version de Skript : 2.2-Fixes-V9b Type du skript : Téléportation Description du script : Bonjour, j'ai un petit problème, cela fait quelques heures que je ne trouve pas la solution. J'essaye de faire un skript de téléportation, ici, c'est pour le /spawn. Je voudrait savoir comment faire pour annulé la téléportation si le joueur bouge. Voila déjà le skript que j'ai fait
  7. Hey, merci, mais quand je fait les commande, cela ne m'affiche pas le menuGUI...
  8. Moi aussi les menu s'ouvre, mais, quand je clique sur le truc pour me tp au warp ou prendre le kit, ca me mets le message "correct usage: /kit ou /warp" voila la code de mon /kit et mon /warp #--------------------------------------------------------- # - # Le /warps - # - # - #--------------------------------------------------------- command /warp: trigger: open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lZeranium &e» &c&oWarp" to player wait 2 tick format slot 0 of player with nether star named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with nether star named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 14 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with enchanted book named "&f» &6&lEnchantement" with lore "&7➤ &eTéléporte-toi au &b&lTables d'Enchant|| &equi sont à disposition sur ce serveur|| &eafin de &b&lt'enchanter &e!||&6||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour y accéder" to run [make player execute command "/warp enchant"] format slot 21 of player with chest named "&f» &6&lCaisse" with lore "&7➤ &eTéléporte-toi au &b&lBoîtes|| &equi sont à ouvrables grâce|| &eau &b&lClés||&6||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour y accéder" to run [make player execute command "/warp boc"] format slot 23 of player with gold ingot named "&f» &6&lBanque" with lore "&7➤ &eTéléporte-toi a la &b&lBanque|| &equi te permettra de gagner de|| &el'&b&largent &een étant &b&lAFK &e!||&6||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour y accéder" to run [make player execute command "/warp banque"] format slot 24 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&f» &6&lMinage" with lore "&7➤ &eTéléporte-toi au &b&lmonde Minage|| &eafin de récolter des &b&lminerais|| &epour te faire su &b&lStuff||&6||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour y accéder" to run [make player execute command "/warp minage"] format slot 25 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 27 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 28 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 29 of player with emerald named "&f» &6&lAvenue Marchande" with lore "&7➤ &eTéléporte-toi a la &b&lzone Marchande|| &eoù tu y retrouvera tout les|| &b&lShop &edisponible &e!||&6||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour y accéder" to run [make player execute command "/warp marchand"] format slot 34 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 35 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 36 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 37 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 38 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 39 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 40 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 41 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 42 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 43 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 44 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 45 of player with nether star named " " to be unstealable format slot 46 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 47 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 48 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 49 of player with arrow named "&c&lRetour en jeu" to close format slot 50 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 51 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 52 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 53 of player with nether star named " " to be unstealable et voici mon /kit #--------------------------------------------------------- # - # Le /kit - # - # - #--------------------------------------------------------- command /kit: trigger: open chest with 6 rows named "&6&lZeranium &e» &c&oVos Kits" to player wait 2 tick format slot 0 of player with nether star named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with light green glass named "&aEmplacement Dévérouiller" to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with red glass named "&cEmplacement Bloquer" with lore "&e Montez en grades pour y avoir||&e accès !" to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&cEmplacement Bloquer" with lore "&e Montez en grades pour y avoir||&e accès !" to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&cEmplacement Bloquer" with lore "&e Montez en grades pour y avoir||&e accès !" to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with red glass named "&cEmplacement Bloquer" with lore "&e Montez en grades pour y avoir||&e accès !" to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with nether star named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with wooden sword named "&f» &8&lKit Mousaillon &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------||&7Ce kit contient&8:||&8- &7Full fer P1||&8- &7Une épée en fer T2||&8- &7Des outils en fer E2||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit mousaillon"] format slot 12 of player with stone sword named "&f» &3&lKit Pirate &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------||&bCe kit contient&9:||&9- &bFull Diamant P1||&9- &bUne épée en Diamant T2||&9- &bDes outils en Diamant E2||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit pirate"] format slot 13 of player with iron sword named "&f» &2&lKit Capitaine &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------||&aCe kit contient&2:||&2- &aFull Diamant P2||&2- &aUne épée en Diamant T3||&2- &aDes outils en Diamant E3||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit capitaine"] format slot 14 of player with golden sword named "&f» &6&lKit Corsair &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------||&eCe kit contient&6:||&6- &eFull Diamant P3 U1||&6- &eUne épée en Diamant T4 U1 F1||&6- &eDes outils en Diamant E4 U1||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit corsair"] format slot 15 of player with diamond sword named "&f» &5&lKit Phantom &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------||&dCe kit contient&5:||&5- &dFull Diamant P4 U2||&5- &dUne épée en Diamant T5 U2 F2||&5- &dDes outils en Diamant E5 U2||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit phantom"] format slot 16 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with red glass named "&cEmplacement Bloqué" with lore "&e Achetez ce kit depuis le||&6 /Farm2Win &eou sur notre &6site &e!" to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with red glass named "&cEmplacement Bloqué" with lore "&e Achetez ce kit depuis le||&6 /Farm2Win &eou sur notre &6site &e!" to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with red glass named "&cEmplacement Bloqué" with lore "&e Achetez ce kit depuis le||&6 /Farm2Win &eou sur notre &6site &e!" to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with red glass named "&cEmplacement Bloqué" with lore "&e Achetez ce kit depuis le||&6 /Farm2Win &eou sur notre &6site &e!" to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with red glass named "&cEmplacement Bloqué" with lore "&e Achetez ce kit depuis|| &enotre &6site &e!" to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 27 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 28 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 29 of player with grass named "&f» &2&lKit constructions &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------|| &3Un kit avec une assez grande|| &3variétée de blocs de décorations et autres.||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit contruction"] format slot 30 of player with enchantment table named "&f» &d&lKit Enchantement &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------|| &3Un kit contenant tout le|| &3nécéssaire pour réussir vos enchantements.||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit enchantement"] format slot 31 of player with ender pearl named "&f» &3&lKit Explorateur &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------|| &3Un kit avec tout les objets nécéssaire|| &3afin de partir a la recherche de pillage.||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit exploration"] format slot 32 of player with cauldron item named "&f» &6&lKit Alchimie &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------|| &3Un kit avec tout les ingrédients requis|| &3afin de préparer une grande variété de potions.||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit alchimie"] format slot 33 of player with diamond helmet named "&f» &5&lKit Abysse &f«" with lore "&7&m----------------------------|| &3Un kit trouvé par un groupe de pirates|| &3Il contient une armure précieuse...||&7&m----------------------------||&4&l∎ &c&oClique ici pour l'utiliser" to run [make player execute command "/kit abysse"] format slot 34 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 35 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 36 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 37 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 38 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 39 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 40 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 41 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 42 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 43 of player with yellow glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 44 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 45 of player with nether star named " " to be unstealable format slot 46 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 47 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 48 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 49 of player with arrow named "&c&lRetour en jeu" to close format slot 50 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 51 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 52 of player with black glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 53 of player with nether star named " " to be unstealable
  9. Merci Il y a aussi un problème, dans le menu, quand je clique pour recevoir un kit par exemple, ca me dit "correct usage: /kit" :c
  10. Haha merci :p, mais je n'ai pas trouvé (a vrai dire, j'ai pas une vue top-top) j'ai chercher un peu dans la config et tout, j'ai pas trouvé comment les mettre en plus importante, j'ai même rechercher sur internet, mais rien ne satisfait ma commande :c
  11. Version de Minecraft : 1.8.8 Version de Skript : 2.X.X Description du script : Bonjour, j'essaye depuis quelques temps de faire un /warp avec skript, mais vu que je suis avec essentials comme système de warp, je suis obligé de mettre un s (/warps) sinon cela n'ouvre pas le menuGUI des warps, pareil pour le /kit (=/kits), du coup, j'aimerais savoir comment faire pour pouvoir fait /kit, /warp et pas /warps, /kits (me faut-t-il des addons ?) Merci a vous pour votre aide
  12. Version de Minecraft : 18.8 Version de Skript : 2.2-Fixes-V9b Type du skript : Avoir des caisse de vote, et autres Description du script : Bonjour, j'aurais besoin d'un skript qui permette de créer tout type de box (box de vote,maudite, perdu, trésor du capitaine) On pourrai de give des clefs grâce a la commande /key [joueur] [box] [montant] Et pour établir les lots d'une box, il faudrait faire /box items [box], et ca ouvre un menu sur lequel on dépose les items souhaité pour les boxs. Pour établir une box, il faut regarder un bloc, et faire /box set [box] et cela mets la box sur le blocs que l'on designe. Pour l'enlever, /box remove [regarder la box] Pour les lots, il faudrait des % de chance que je pourrai mettre pas la suite. Pour le Menu quand on en ouvre une, il faudrait que ce soit un menu de 3 lignes, avec 1 torche de redstone dans la case du milieu de la ligne 1 et 3, et sur les côtés de ces derniers, des vitres de couleur aléatoire qui apparaissent. Dans la ligne numéro 2, il y a tout les objets de la box qui défilent pendant 4 secondes, puis donne le lot. Il faudrait aussi faire que on peut attribuer des commandes a certains lots (avec une commande par exemple: /lot cmdadd [commande), exemple, si on tombe sur l'épée en diamant, cela nous donne un kit Phantom. Quand on essayera d'ouvrir une box et que l'on a pas la clé, cela nous éjecte de quelque blocs avec un sont (a vous de choisir). On pourrai aussi attribuer des particules qui tourne autour de la box, imaginons une caisse, avec des particules violettes qui lui tourne autours (/box particules [box] [type-de-particules]) Quand on ouvre une box, a part celle de vote (donc la box maudite, perdu, et le trésor du capitaine), cela affiche un message pour tout le monde dans le chat, comme: pour la box maudite; &6&l[Joueur] &eouvre la &c&lBoîte Maudite &e! Pour la caisse perdu; &6&l[Joueur] &eouvre la caisse &c&lPerdu Pour la caisse Trésor du capitaine, &6&l[Joueur] &eouvre &c&lLe Trésor Du Capitaine &e! Pour plus d'info utile, merci de me contacter via discord ✟ 𝓒𝔥𝔬𝔲𝑘𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔱𝔢 ❧#4016
  13. Pas de soucis, la version Spigot est 1.8.8 et skript est en 2.2-Fixes-V9b. Pour répondre a ton autre réponse, il me faut de l'aide ou que quelqu’un m'explique comment faire des nouvelles amures (grâce au pack) et a modifier leur caractéristique. Mais c'est assez compliqué a détailler a l'écris, mon discord est dans le paragraphe plus haut.
  14. Version de Minecraft : 1.8.X Version de Skript : 1.9.X Type du skript : Ecrivez ici le type de skript souhaité Description du script : Bonjour, je fait depuis quelques moi un serveur minecraft PvP/FACTION RPG/MAGIE vanilla, qui contient de nouvelles armures faite grâce a un pack de texture qui sera obligatoire sur mon serveur. Toutes les textures sont déjà créée. Mais cela fait déjà quelques mois que je cherche comment faire pour attribuer une texture a un item portant tel ou tel nom et de modifier leurs code afin de leur apporter plus de durabilité mais aucun résultats... TOUT CECI N'EST PAS MODEE. Je me permet de demander de l'aide car je suis perdu, je ne comprend pas, mais c'est possible, je connais des serveur qui adopte ce système Il y a 4 armure en tout: L'armure en Emeraude (craftable avec les emeraude (1 emeraude est craftable grâce a 9 fragment d'Emeraude)) L'armure en Rubis (craftable avec les Rubis (1 rubis est craftable grâce a 9 fragment de Rubis)) L'armure en Saphir (craftable avec les Saphir (1 Saphir est craftable grâce a 9 fragment de ce dernier)) Et enfin, l'armure Abyssale. (Non-craftable, uniquement disponible a avoir pendant des event. (cette armure doit procurer un effet de force constant, de speed, et de résistance de niveaux 1)) Il y a aussi les épées : L'Epée en Emeraude (craftables et enchantables, comme les armures) L'Epée en Rubis (craftables et enchantables, comme les armures) + Les épée "modée" : La Fendeuse de Roche Les Brise Etoile Le Grand Sabre Pirate La Lame de Corsair L'épée Maudite L'épée Volcanesque L'épée Arc-en-Ciel La Gangrelame Il y a aussi des pioches spécials, Morph'Outils par exemple, mais pour plus d'informations, merci de me contacter sur discord a l'adresse suivante : Chouk'#4016
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