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Tout ce qui a été posté par XELOX

  1. XELOX


    Hey, salut je viens de nouveaux... sur ce forum par ce que je n'arrive pas a utiliser les scoreboard de MundoSk Version 1.9.4 + ViaVersion 1.14.2 Skript : Skript bensku-2.4-alpha3 Plugin : <- Logique Erreur : <- PAS LOGIQUE Code : options: tabHeader: "&6&lUlti&5&l.Craft&f&" tabFooterHub "&6Aide sur &e&" function Hub{p: player}: set {_player} to {_p} teleport {_p} at {hub} clear {_p}'s inventory set {_p}'s hunger bar to 20 set {_p}'s healt to 20 set {_p}'s gamemode to adventure set slot 0 of {_p} to nether star named "&6Jeux" set slot 1 of {_p} to emerald named "&6Boutique" set slot 2 of {_p} to skull of player named "&6Infos" every 5 seconds: loop all player in world "Lobby4": wipe loop-player's sidebar wait 3 ticks set name sidebar of loop-player to "&5&lUlti&f&lCraft" set score " " in sidebar of loop-player to 11 set score "&7Connectées&f: %amout of players%" in sidebar of loop-player to 10 set score "&7Lobby&f: %world%" in sidebar of loop-player to 9 set score " " in sidebar of loop-player to 8 set score "&e<Compte : %loop-player%>" to sidebar of loop-player to 7 set score "&6Coins&f: &6%{CoinsUc.%loop-player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6 set score "&2gemme&f: &2%{GemmeUc.%loop-player's uuid%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5 set score " &a" in sidebar of loop-player to 4 set score "&eAide et News sur " in sidebar of loop-player to 3 set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to 2 set score " " in sidebar of loop-player to 1 set score "&3Serveur en &6&n️beta️" in sidebar of loop-player to 0 command /sethub: trigger: player is options set {hub} to player's location send "&5[Uc-Hub]Hey ! tu viens de set le hub aux cordonnées: &e%{hub}% &5!" to player command /hub: aliases: lobby trigger: Hub{player} Voila Merci bonne journée !
  2. XELOX

    With Lore x2

    Non pas vraiment..
  3. XELOX

    With Lore x2

    Je te conseille pas d'aller sur funcraft vus ta macro
  4. XELOX

    With Lore x2

    Euh une mauvaise connexion en LocalHost Mdr
  5. XELOX

    With Lore x2

    Normalement c'est la dernier version je le re télécharge on sais jamais
  6. XELOX

    With Lore x2

  7. XELOX

    With Lore x2

    Hey ! je viens ici de nouveaux car je ne sais pas comment faire pour mettre une deuxième descriptions. Ex: ★★★|★ Click to join Joueur : 432/500 Voici mon skript si besoin on right click: if name of tool is "&6Jeux": open chest with 5 rows named "&7>> &6jeux &7<<" to player format slot 23 of player with grass named "&6hub" with lore "&7>> tp au Lobby <<" to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with diamond sword named "&6Pvp Pox &3[In Dev]" with lore "&7Dev: SemonPseudoOk. ||||&b Joueurs: &e&k000||&a✪ Clique gauche pour jouer" to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with red wool named "&6Castle Wars &3[In Dev]" with lore "&6✪✪✪ &7|&a✪ Click to join " to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with tnt named "&6Tnt fly" with lore "&7Dev: SemonPseudoOk/Pvp_le_tuer ||||&b Joueurs: &e&k000||&a✪ Clique gauche pour jouer " to close then run [make player execute "/TntLobby"] format slot 13 of player with bed named "&6Faction" with lore "&7Dev: SemonPseudoOk. ||||&b Joueurs: &e&k000||&a✪ Clique gauche pour jouer" to close then run [make player execute "Mfaction"] format slot 14 of player with red stained hardened clay named "&6Creatif" with lore "&7Dev: Pvp_le_tuer ||||&b Joueur: &e&k000||&a✪ Clique gauche pour jouer" to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with diamond axe named "&6Survival" with lore "&7Dev: PERSONNE. ||||&b Joueurs: &e&k000||&a✪ Clique gauche pour jouer" to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with potion named "&6Practice" with lore "&7Dev: SemonPseudoOk/LvEnzoBros||||&b Joueurs: &e&k000||&a✪ Clique gauche pour jouer" to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with iron sword named "&6Rush" with lore "&7Dev: Personne :'(||||&b Joueurs: &e&k000||&a✪ Clique gauche pour jouer" to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with sandstone named "&6Hikabrain [✪New✪]" with lore "&7Dev : LvEnzoBros||||&b Joueurs: &e&k000||&a✪ Clique gauche pour jouer" to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with stone sword named "&6Octogone" with lore "&7Dev: SemonPseudoOk||||&b Joueurs: &e&k000||&a> Clique gauche pour jouer" to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with barrier named "&6Uhc" with lore "&7Dev : SemonPseudoOk/LvEnzoBros" to close then run [make player execute "/UhcLobby"] format slot 23 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&carrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 24 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 25 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 26 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 29 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 30 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 31 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 32 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 33 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 34 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 35 of player with barrier named "&cNo Game" with lore "&cArrive bientot ;)" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] format slot 9 of player with grass named "&7Lobby" with lore "&a✪ Click to join" to close then run [make console execute "/mvtp %player% Lobby4"] format slot 18 of player with diamond block named "&cFreeCube" with lore "&a✪ Click to join" to close then run [make player execute "/MCreatif"] format slot 27 of player with white stained glass named "&cRandom Game" with lore "&a✪ Click to join" to close then run [make player execute "/errore"] command /UhcLobby: trigger: make console execute command "mvtp %player% uhclobby" clear player's inventory give nether star named "&6Jeux" to slot 0 of player give emerald named "&6Boutique" to slot 1 of player give skull of player named "&6Infos" to slot 2 of player give gold block named "&eU&6h&ec &6P&ea&6r&et&ei&6e" to slot 4 of player command /TntLobby: trigger: make player execute command "/errore" Mes Plugin : Merci !
  8. XELOX

    Gui QUI BUG

    Non c'est bon je me suis débrouiller tout seul^^
  9. XELOX

    Gui QUI BUG

    Okay Merci
  10. XELOX

    Gui QUI BUG

    Oui et Comment on fait pour mettre un tête de décoration dans la gui par exemple une tête avec écris ([G]) pour groupe ?
  11. XELOX

    Gui QUI BUG

    Mais sa ne marche pas sur cette ligne format slot 4 of player with enchanting table named "&e&nPetBlocks" with lore "&bPet Disponible 3000||||&bcliquer pour ouvrire le menu petblocks" to be unstealable
  12. XELOX

    Gui QUI BUG

    merci de l'infos mais le wait 2 ticks est supprimez sinon certain item bug.
  13. XELOX

    Gui QUI BUG

    Hey Salut J'aurais besoin d'aide car mon skript pour les infos joueur ne marche pas Je joue en 1.9.4 Spigot voici les nom de mes adonne ( si sa peut vous aider a m'aider :') ) skript.jar skRayFall v1.9.10 SkStuff Tuske 1.8.2-de.6 WildSkript Skellett SkQuery RandomSk Et Voila le script :) on rightclick: if name of tool is "&6Infos": open chest with 6 rows named "&7<-> &6&lPlayer Interface &7<->" to player format slot 0 of player with skull of player named "&e&n&l%player%" with lore "&bGrade:||&bUltiCoins: &b||&bPartage de Coins:||||&bArgent mise en jeux:" to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with stained glass pane to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with stained glass pane to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with enchanting table named "&e&nPetBlocks" with lore "&bPet Disponible 3000+ ||||||&bcliquer pour ouvrire le menu petblocks" format slot 2 of player with ender chest named "&e&nFriends" with lore "&bAmie connecter :&k000||&bnombre d'amie :&k000||&2 Cliquer pour ouvrire le menu amie" Merci d'avance ^^
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