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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 04/06/23 dans toutes les zones

  1. 1 point
    Bonjour bonsoir, aujourdhui je vais vous presenter l'un de mes skript que j'ai fait. Il permet de savoir si un joueur utilise un mods de triche tels que x-ray de façon manuel mais sur à 80% Ils va déja commencer par compter le nombre de minerai miner par chaque personnes sans pioche SilkTouch. Sinon les résultat seront fossé.Il va aussi permettrent d'avoir un ratio entre le nombre de stone miner et le nombre de diamant miner. cette valeurs sera entre 0% et 3%. Si cette valeurs est depasser le serveur va envoyer automatiquement un message a tout les joueurs op pour avertir le joueur de sont x-ray. Plus avertir le joueur qui x-ray en cas de non connection d'un staff. (ce qui peut dissuader). Vous aurez accès a une interface avec toutes ces valeurs via la commande /topluck [<player>] depuis se menu vous pourrez avertir bannir ou encore regarde les valeurs. En aucun cas le serveur ne laguera car il fait les calcul que lorsque le joueur mine le diamant ou que la commande est executer.Le pourcentage du ratio stone-diamant se trouve sur la tête du joueur. Un petit apercu :) [Contenu masqué] =============================================== command /topluck [<player>] [<text>]: permission: topluck.perm permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission trigger: if arg 1 is not set: send "&a/topluck &f[&cplayer&f] &f(&2permet de connaitre les statistiques des block/joueur&f)" to player send "&a/topluck &f[&cplayer&f] &f[&creset&f] &f(&2permet de reset les stats du joueur&f)" to player if arg 1 is set: if arg 2 is not set: teleport player to arg-player send "&4&o%player% &c&oteleporter a &4&o%arg player%" to player set {diamond.%arg-player%} to (({diamond.mine.%arg-player%} / {stone.mine.%arg-player%}) * 100) open chest with 5 rows named "&4&n&oTopLuck" to player if {diamond.mine.%arg-player%} is not set: set {diamond.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 if {stone.mine.%arg-player%} is not set: set {stone.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 if {redstone.mine.%arg-player%} is not set: set {redstone.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 if {coal.mine.%arg-player%} is not set: set {coal.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 if {iron.mine.%arg-player%} is not set: set {iron.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 if {Lapis.mine.%arg-player%} is not set: set {Lapis.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 if {Or.mine.%arg-player%} is not set: set {Or.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 wait 3 tick format slot 9 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 11 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 14 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with stone named "&e&o%{stone.mine.%arg-player%}%" with lore "&2&oStone miner par le joueur %arg player%" to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with redstone named "&e&o%{redstone.mine.%arg-player%}%" with lore "&2&oRedstone miner par le joueur %arg player%" to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with coal named "&e&o%{coal.mine.%arg-player%}%" with lore "&2&ocoal miner par le joueur %arg player%" to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with iron ingot named "&e&o%{iron.mine.%arg-player%}%" with lore "&2&oiron miner par le joueur %arg player%" to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with lapis:4 named "&e&o%{Lapis.mine.%arg-player%}%" with lore "&2&olapis miner par le joueur %arg player%" to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with golden ingot named "&e&o%{or.mine.%arg-player%}%" with lore "&2&oOr miner par le joueur %arg player%" to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with diamond named "&e&o%{diamond.mine.%arg-player%}%" with lore "&2&oDiamant miner par le joueur %arg player%" to be unstealable format slot 27 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 28 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 29 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 30 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 31 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 32 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 33 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 34 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 35 of player with stained glass pane:7 named "&e&l---" with lore "&c" to be unstealable format slot 40 of player with skull of "%arg player%" parsed as offline player named "&4&o%{diamond.%arg-player%}%/100" to be unstealable format slot 44 of player with tnt:1 named "&4&n&lBannir &7(x-ray)" with lore "&cSi vous clicker vous bannisser le joueur" to close then run [make player execute command "/ban %arg-player% &4Vous avez etait banni definitivement &7(raison x-ray)"] format slot 43 of player with 401 named "&a&n&lAvertir &7(x-ray)" with lore "&aSi vous clicker vous avertisser le joueur" to close then run [make console execute command "/avertissement %arg-player%"] if arg 2 is "reset": set {diamond.%arg-player%} to 0 set {diamond.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 set {stone.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 set {stone.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 set {redstone.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 set {coal.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 set {iron.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 set {Lapis.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 set {or.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 set {diamond.mine.%arg-player%} to 0 send "&cVous avez reset les stats de %arg-player%" to player command /avertissement [<player>]: permission: topluck.perm permission message: &cVous n'avez pas la permission trigger: launch flickering trailing creeper firework colored red and white at arg-player timed 0 send "" to arg-player send "&a&lAvertissement: &c&oVous avez ete suspecte de x-ray" to arg-player send "" to arg-player on mine of diamond ore: if tool of player is enchanted with silk touch 1: stop else: add 1 to {diamond.mine.%player%} set {diamond.%player%} to (({diamond.mine.%player%} / {stone.mine.%player%}) * 100) set {variable} to 3 wait 3 tick if {diamond.%player%} >= {variable}: loop all players: if player is op: send "&4&l[&c&lALERTE&4&l]&f &a%player% est superieur a &c3/100 &ade chances de minerai de diamant miner" to loop-players execute console command "/avertissement %player%" on mine of stone: if tool of player is enchanted with silk touch 1: stop else: add 1 to {stone.mine.%player%} on mine of redstone ore: if tool of player is enchanted with silk touch 1: stop else: add 1 to {redstone.mine.%player%} on mine of coal ore: if tool of player is enchanted with silk touch 1: stop else: add 1 to {coal.mine.%player%} on mine of iron ore: if tool of player is enchanted with silk touch 1: stop else: add 1 to {iron.mine.%player%} on mine of lapis ore: if tool of player is enchanted with silk touch 1: stop else: add 1 to {Lapis.mine.%player%} on mine of gold ore: if tool of player is enchanted with silk touch 1: stop else: add 1 to {or.mine.%player%}
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