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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 02/22/20 dans Messages

  1. 1 point
    # - nom des sorts (si tu changes le nom, faut aussi le changer de le on rightclick (sans couleur), et durée des cooldowns options: cooldownTime: 60, 90, 135, 120, 240, 300 nameSorts: &5Sort de &lSOIN, &4Degat, &1Vitesse, &2Lenteur, &3Coeur bonus, &aPrison # - Give baguette command /givesort: permission: blabla trigger: give 1 blaze rod named "&5Baguette" with lore "&6Sort actif:" and "&5Sort de &lSOIN" to the player # - Utilisation de la baguette on rightclick with blaze rod: if name of player's tool is "&5Baguette": set {_time} to "{@cooldownTime}" set {_time::*} to {_time} split at ", " set {_sort} to "{@nameSorts}" set {_sort::*} to {_sort} split at ", " loop {_sort::*}: if uncolored loop-value is uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool: set {_cooldown} to "%{_time::%loop-index%}% seconds" parsed as timespan set {_waited} to difference between {cooldown::%uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool%::%player%} and now if {_waited} < {_cooldown}: message "&cVous devez attendre avant de réutiliser ce sort: &6%uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool%" stop # - Sort soin if uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool is "Sort de SOIN": heal player by 4 hearts message "&aVous avez été heal" to the player # - Sort degat if uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool is "Degat": loop all players in radius 10 around the player: if loop-player is targeted entity: damage targeted entity by 6 hearts message "&aLa cible a été touché ! (Degat)" to the player stop message "&cVous avez loupé votre cible ! (Degat)" to the player # - Sort vitesse if uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool is "Vitesse": apply speed 2 to player for 30 seconds message "&aVous avez reçu un boost de vitesse" to the player # - Sort lenteur if uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool is "Lenteur": loop all players in radius 10 around the player: if loop-player is targeted entity: apply slowness 1 to targeted entity for 5 seconds message "&aLa cible a été touché ! (Lenteur)" to the player stop message "&cVous avez loupé votre cible ! (Lenteur)" to the player # - Sort coeur bonus if uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool is "Coeur bonus": apply absorption 10 to player for 90 seconds message "&aVous avez reçu un boost de vie" to the player # - Sort prison if uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool is "Prison": loop all players in radius 10 around the player: if loop-player is targeted entity: set {_p} to targeted player's location set {_pos1} to location at x-coord of {_p} + 1, y-coord of {_p}, z-coord of {_p} + 1 set {_pos2} to location at x-coord of {_p} - 1, y-coord of {_p}, z-coord of {_p} - 1 loop blocks within {_pos1} to {_pos2}: if block at loop-block's location is air: add loop-block's location to {_location::*} set block at loop-block's location to stone slab set {_pos1} to location at x-coord of {_p} + 1, y-coord of {_p} +2, z-coord of {_p} + 1 set {_pos2} to location at x-coord of {_p} - 1, y-coord of {_p} +2, z-coord of {_p} - 1 loop blocks within {_pos1} to {_pos2}: if block at loop-block's location is air: add loop-block's location to {_location::*} set block at loop-block's location to stone slab set block at {_p} to air message "&aLa cible a été touché ! (Prison)" to the player set {_decompte} to 0 while {_decompte} < 5: add 1 to {_decompte} wait 1 second loop {_location::*}: set block at {_location::%loop-index%} to air stop message "&cVous avez loupé votre cible ! (Prison)" to the player set {cooldown::%uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool%::%player%} to now # - Changement de sort on leftclick with blaze rod: if name of player's tool is "&5Baguette": set {_sort} to "{@nameSorts}" set {_sort::*} to {_sort} split at ", " loop {_sort::*}: if uncolored loop-value is uncolored line 2 of lore of player's tool: set {_nb} to loop-index parsed as number +1 if loop-index parsed as number = 6: set {_nb} to 1 set line 2 of lore of player's tool to "&1%{_sort::%{_nb}%}%" message "&6Le sort %{_sort::%{_nb}%}% &6est actif" to the player stop
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    Voilà ^^ Je n'ai pas test ce skript, s'il comporte des erreurs fait le moi savoir Lucas, En espérant t'avoir aidé ,
  4. 1 point
    Je te fait sa! C'est bon ça ? command /info: trigger: send "&bTon ping : &c%ping of player%&b. &bTickParSecondes de %server name% : &c%server tps%&b."
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