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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 04/19/18 dans Messages

  1. 2 points
    Ended. function bigger(numbers:numbers) :: number: loop {_numbers::*}: if {_max} is not set: set {_max} to loop-value else if loop-value is bigger or equal to {_max}: set {_max} to loop-value return {_max} function smaller(numbers:numbers) :: number: loop {_numbers::*}: if {_min} is not set: set {_min} to loop-value else if loop-value is smaller or equal to {_min}: set {_min} to loop-value return {_min} function index(x:text="") :: objects: loop {claims::*}: loop {claims::%loop-value%::*}: add loop-value-2 to {_result::*} return {_result::*} function randomIndex(s:number) :: string: set {_char} to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZ0123456789" loop {_s} times: add a random element of {_char} split by "" to {_result::*} return join {_result::*} function canEdit(p:player,uuid:string,loc:location) :: boolean: loop {claims::*}: loop {claims::%loop-value%::*}: set {_c} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::1} set {_c2} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::2} if {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::world} is world of {_p}: if {_loc} is within {_c} to {_c2}: if loop-value-1 is {_uuid}: set {_o} to true else if {_p} has permission "unclaim.another": set {_o} to true else if {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::players::%{_uuid}%} is set: set {_o} to true if {_o} is true: return true stop return false stop return true command /claim <integer> <integer>: trigger: if {claims::%uuid of player%} is not set: set {claims::%uuid of player%} to uuid of player set {_corner} to location x-location of block at player-(int-arg-1), 256, z-location of block at player-(int-arg-2) of world of player set {_corner2} to location x-location of block at player+(int-arg-1), 0, z-location of block at player+(int-arg-2) of world of player set {_x::*} to x-location of block at player-(int-arg-1) and x-location of block at player+(int-arg-1) set {_z::*} to z-location of block at player-(int-arg-2) and z-location of block at player-(int-arg-2) loop {claims::*}: loop {claims::%loop-value%::*}: set {_world} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::world} set {_c} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::1} set {_c2} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::2} set {_c3} to location x-location of {_c}, 256, z-location of {_c2} of {_world} set {_c4} to location x-location of {_c2}, 0, z-location of {_c} of {_world} if {_world} is world of player: if {_c} is within {_corner} to {_corner2}: send "§cLa région appartient au joueur:§7 %offline player from loop-value-1%§c." to player stop if {_c2} is within {_corner} to {_corner2}: send "§cLa région appartient au joueur:§7 %offline player from loop-value-1%§c." to player stop if {_c3} is within {_corner} to {_corner2}: send "§cLa région appartient au joueur:§7 %offline player from loop-value-1%§c." to player stop if {_c4} is within {_corner} to {_corner2}: send "§cLa région appartient au joueur:§7 %offline player from loop-value-1%§c." to player stop set {_r} to randomIndex(10) while "%index()%" contains "%{_r}%": set {_r} to randomIndex(10) send "§aLa région est protégée et enregistrée dans vos régions en tant que:§f %{_r}%§a." to player set {claims::%uuid of player%::%{_r}%} to {_r} set {claims::%uuid of player%::%{_r}%::1} to {_corner} set {claims::%uuid of player%::%{_r}%::2} to {_corner2} set {claims::%uuid of player%::%{_r}%::world} to world of player command /unclaim: trigger: loop {claims::*}: loop {claims::%loop-value%::*}: set {_c} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::1} set {_c2} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::2} if {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::world} is world of player: if block at player is within {_c} to {_c2}: if loop-value-1 is uuid of player: set {_o} to true else if player has permission "unclaim.another": set {_o} to true if {_o} is true: send "§aLa région qui était enregistrée en tant que:§f %loop-value-2%§a, a été supprimée." to player delete {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::players::*} delete {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::1} delete {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::2} delete {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::world} delete {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%} stop send "§cVous ne possédez pas les droits pour supprimer la région:§7 %loop-value-2%§c, appartenant au joueur:§7 %offline player from loop-value-1%§c." to player stop send "§cVous n'êtes pas dans une région." to player command /claimadd <player>: trigger: loop {claims::*}: loop {claims::%loop-value%::*}: set {_c} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::1} set {_c2} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::2} if {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::world} is world of player: if block at player is within {_c} to {_c2}: if loop-value-1 is uuid of player: set {_o} to true else if player has permission "invite.another": set {_o} to true if {_o} is true: if {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::players::%uuid of arg%} is not set: if arg is not player: set {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::players::%uuid of arg%} to uuid of arg send "§aLe joueur:§f %arg%§a, a été ajouté dans la région:§f %loop-value-2%§a." to player else: send "§cVous ne pouvez pas vous inviter vous-même." to player send "§cLe joueur:§7 %arg%§c, est dans cette région." to player stop send "§cVous ne possédez pas les droits pour ajouter des joueurs dans la région:§7 %loop-value-2%§c, appartenant au joueur:§7 %offline player from loop-value-1%§c." to player stop send "§cVous n'êtes pas dans une région." to player command /claimremove <offline player>: trigger: loop {claims::*}: loop {claims::%loop-value%::*}: set {_c} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::1} set {_c2} to {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::2} if {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::world} is world of player: if block at player is within {_c} to {_c2}: if loop-value-1 is uuid of player: set {_o} to true else if player has permission "kick.another": set {_o} to true if {_o} is true: if {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::players::%uuid of arg%} is set: if arg is not player: delete {claims::%loop-value-1%::%loop-value-2%::players::%uuid of arg%} send "§aLe joueur:§f %arg%§a, a été retiré de la région:§f %loop-value-2%§a." to player else: send "§cVous ne pouvez pas vous exclure vous-même." to player send "§cLe joueur:§7 %arg%§c, n'est pas dans cette région." to player stop send "§cVous ne possédez pas les droits pour exclure des joueurs de la région:§7 %loop-value-2%§c, appartenant au joueur:§7 %offline player from loop-value-1%§c." to player stop send "§cVous n'êtes pas dans une région." to player break: cancel event if canEdit(player,uuid of player,event-location) is true: uncancel event place: cancel event if canEdit(player,uuid of player,event-location) is true: uncancel event rightclick on door item or chest or trapped chest or furnace or ender chest or note block or dispenser or dropper or anvil or enchantment table or hopper or crafting table or bed: cancel event if canEdit(player,uuid of player,event-location) is true: uncancel event 0 lag, taille infinie. # EDIT
  2. 1 point
    Ce code ne marchera pas.. Il faut remplace le by par with c'est probablement ce qui te cause ton erreur
  3. 1 point
    Les permission là sont verif.view et verif.reload. J'ai pas essayé, je l'ai pris d'un de mes skript et modifer. Si tu veux c'est le skript BAC disponible dans les ressources command /verif [<player>]: permission: verif.view trigger: wait 1 tick set {target.%player%} to arg 1 open chest with 6 rows named "&aBAC Vérif > &l%arg 1%" to player set {_playerinv} to arg 1 set {_slot} to 0 loop 35 times: set {verif.%arg 1%.%{_slot}%} to slot {_slot} of arg 1's inventory add 1 to {_slot} set {_slot} to 0 set {_slotmenu} to 18 wait 1 tick loop 35 times: format slot {_slotmenu} of player with {verif.%arg 1%.%{_slot}%} to close add 1 to {_slot} add 1 to {_slotmenu} set {_health.%arg 1%} to arg 1's health set {hunger.%arg 1%} to arg 1's hunger set {armorview.helmet.%arg 1%} to arg 1's helmet set {armorview.chestplate.%arg 1%} to arg 1's chestplate set {armorview.leggings.%arg 1%} to arg 1's leggings set { 1%} to arg 1's boots set {effects.%arg 1%::*} to all of the active potion effects on arg 1 # ---------- Armure ---------- if arg 1's gamemode is survival: format slot 3 of player with iron chestplate named "&aStuff" with lore "&6%{armorview.helmet.%arg 1%}%||&6%{armorview.chestplate.%arg 1%}%||&6%{armorview.leggings.%arg 1%}%||&6%{ 1%}%" to close else: format slot 3 of player with iron chestplate named "&aStuff" with lore "&cEn Créative" to close # ---------- Actualiser ---------- format slot 8 of player with clock named "&6&lActualiser" to close then run [make player execute command "vreload"] # ---------- TP ---------- format slot 0 of player with clock named "&cTP %arg 1%" with lore "&f%location of arg 1%" to close then run [make player execute command "tp %arg 1% "] loop 26 times: # ---------- Vie ---------- if arg 1's gamemode is survival: format slot 4 of player with arg 1's skull named "&eJoueur: &l%arg 1%" with lore "&aVie: &4%{_health.%arg 1%}% ❤" to close else: format slot 4 of player with arg 1's skull named "&e&n%arg 1%" with lore "&4En Créative ❤" to close # ---------- Ping ---------- format slot 5 of player with crafting table named "&aPing: %player's ping%" to close command /vreload: permission: verif.reload trigger: wait 2 ticks make player execute command "verif %{target.%player%}%" clear {target.%player%}
  4. 1 point
    death: attacker is a player victim is a player set death message to "" loop all players: execute console command "/tellraw %loop-player% ["""",{""text"":""%victim% à été tuer par %attacker% avec ""},{""text"":""%name of tool of attacker%"",""hoverEvent"":{""action"":""show_text"",""value"":""%tool of attacker%""}}]"
  5. 1 point
    Par contre stp le code en mode scratch on comprend encore moins alors ...
  6. 1 point
    VOILÀ command /settext <text>: . trigger: . set {} to arg 1 . replace all "_" by " " in {} Alors ? LES TRIPLES POSTES SVP
  7. 1 point
    Comme avec une enderpearl non, mais on peux le faire avec la durabilité de l'item ...
  8. 1 point
    C'est une erreur connu de Tuske qui n'a pas encore été réglé... J'ai une version recompilé avec l'erreur qui a été réglé ici: [Contenu masqué] sa devrait fonctionner avec cette version en théorie
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