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Affichage du contenu avec la meilleure réputation le 03/20/17 dans toutes les zones

  1. 1 point
    voici un code que j'ai trouvé attention a ne pas avoir la perm donc ne pas etre op ;) : on quit: {combatlog::players::%player%::in.combat} is true kill player broadcast "&f&l[&6&lAnti&f&l-&b&lDécoCombat] &6&lLe joueur &b&l%player% &6&lest mort car il à déco combat." delete {combatlog::players::%player%::*} on command: {combatlog::players::%player%::in.combat} is true command is "spawn" or "warp" or "tp" or "tpa" or "tpaccept" or "tpahere" or "back" or "home" or "world" or "god" or "suicide" message "&f&l[&6&lAnti&f&l-&b&lDécoCombat] &6&lVous ne pouvez pas utiliser cette commande en combat !" cancel the event on damage: victim is a player attacker is a player attacker is not the victim attacker does not have permission "anticombatlog.bypass" victim does not have permission "anticombatlog.bypass" if {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.combat} is true: set {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.seconds.until.out} to 10 stop send "&f&l[&6&lAnti&f&l-&b&lDécoCombat]] &6&lVous êtes en combat &f&l! &6&lne vous déconnectez pas !" to victim set {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.combat} to true set {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.seconds.until.out} to 10 while {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.seconds.until.out} is more than 1: {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.seconds.until.out} is not set: stop subtract 1 from {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.seconds.until.out} wait 1 second delete {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.combat} delete {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.seconds.until.out} send "&f&l[&6&lAnti&f&l-&b&lDécoCombat] &6&lVous ne pouvez pas vous déconnectez !" to victim on death: delete {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.combat} delete {combatlog::players::%victim%::in.seconds.until.out} on damage: victim is a player attacker is a player attacker is not the victim attacker does not have permission "anticombatlog.bypass" victim does not have permission "anticombatlog.bypass" if {combatlog::players::%attacker%::in.combat} is true: set {combatlog::players::%attacker%::in.seconds.until.out} to 10 stop send "&f&l[&6&lAnti&f&l-&b&lDécoCombat]] &6&lVous êtes en combat &f&l! &6&lne vous déconnectez pas !" to attacker set {combatlog::players::%attacker%::in.combat} to true set {combatlog::players::%attacker%::in.seconds.until.out} to 10 while {combatlog::players::%attacker%::in.seconds.until.out} is more than 1: {combatlog::players::%attacker%::in.seconds.until.out} is not set: stop subtract 1 from {combatlog::players::%attacker%::in.seconds.until.out} wait 1 second delete {combatlog::players::%attacker%::in.combat} delete {combatlog::players::%attacker%::in.seconds.until.out} send "&f&l[&6&lAnti&f&l-&b&lDécoCombat] &6&lVous ne pouvez pas vous déconnectez !" to attacker on join: delete {combatlog::players::%player%::*} on script load: delete {combatlog::players::*}
  2. 1 point
    Chez moi non c'est pour sa que je le passe , je n'était pas au courant
  3. 1 point
    command /tchat [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is "on": if player has permission "tchat.on": if {} = false: set {} to true broadcast "&f&l[&b&lChat&f&l] &6&lLe chat a été réactiver par &f&l: &b&l%player%" else: send "&c&lLe chat n'est pas désactiver" else: send "&c&lTu n'as pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande &f&l!" if arg 1 is "off": if player has permission "": if {} = true: set {} to false broadcast "&f&l[&b&lChat&f&l] &6&lLe chat a été désactiver par &f&l: &b&l%player%" else: send "&c&lLe chat est déjà désactiver &f&l!" else: send "&c&lTu n'as pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande &f&l!" if arg 1 is "clear": if player has permission "tchat.clear": loop 60 times: broadcast "" broadcast "&f&l[&b&lChat&f&l] &6&lLe chat a clear par &f&l: &b&l%player%" on load: set {} to true On chat: if {} = false: cancel event send "&c&lLe chat a été désactiver &f&l!"
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