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Message grade

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J'ai une erreur des que je met les variables {message.staff.%uuid of player%} ou {prototype.staff.%uuid of player%}:

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tu utilises visiblement à la fois des espaces et des tabulations dans l'indentation de ton code, ce qui provoque effectivement une erreur dans ton code; essaie d'activer l'affichage des caractères invisibles dans ton éditeur de texte, cela te permettra de mieux visualiser les caractères utilisés.





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J'ai une erreur des que je met les variables {message.staff.%uuid of player%} ou {prototype.staff.%uuid of player%}:

   prefix1: &l&6[staff]
   prefix2: &l&3[ProtectoServ]
command /setgrade [<offline player>] [<text>]:
   permission message: {@prefix2} &r&4You don't have permission to use this command!
       if arg 1 is not set:
           message "{@prefix2} &r&4Veuillez préciser le nom du joueur."
       else if arg 2 is not set:
           message "{@prefix2} &r&4Veuillez préciser le nom du grade."
           if arg 1 is set:
               if arg 2 is "Administrator":    #[staff]
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&l&4Administrator":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &l&4Administrator&r&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&l&4Administrator"
                       set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"                      
                       set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"                      
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&4Administrator&r&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &l&4Administrator&r&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Chief Moderator":    #[staff]
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&l&2Chief Moderator":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &l&2Chief Moderator&r&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&l&2Chief Moderator"
                       set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"                      
                       set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&2Chief Moderatortor&r&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &l&2Chief Moderator&r&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Chief Builder":    #[staff]
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&l&1Chief Builder":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &l&1Chief Builder&r&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&l&1Chief Builder"
                       set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"                      
                       set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&1Chief Builder&r&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &l&1Chief Builder&r&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Super Moderator":    #[staff]
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&l&aSuper Moderator":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &l&aSuper Moderator&r&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&l&aSuper Moderator"
                       set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"                      
                       set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&aSuper Moderator&r&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &l&aSuper Moderator&r&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Moderator":    #[staff]
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&l&8Moderator":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &l&8Moderator&r&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&l&8Moderator"
                       set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"                      
                       set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&8Moderator&r&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &l&8Moderator&r&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Builder":    #[staff]
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&1&9Builder":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &l&9Builder&r&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&l&9Builder"
                       set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"                      
                       set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&9Builder&r&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &l&9Builder&r&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Helper":    #[staff]
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&l&6Helper":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &l&6Helper&r&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&l&6Helper"
                       set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"                      
                       set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&6Helper&r&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &l&6Helper&r&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Youtuber":    #[staff]
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&l&4You&l&ftuber":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &l&4You&l&ftuber&r&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&l&4You&l&ftuber"
                       set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"                      
                       set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&4You&l&ftuber&r&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &l&4You&l&ftuber&r&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Alpha":    #80 euros
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&bAlpha":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &bAlpha&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&bAlpha"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &bAlpha&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &bAlpha&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Ultra Vip":    #40 euros
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&5Ultra Vip":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &5Ultra Vip&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&5Ultra Vip"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &5Ultra Vip&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &5Ultra Vip&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Vip":    #20 euros
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&eVip":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &eVip&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&eVip"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &eVip&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &eVip&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Croziumien":    #10 euros
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&1Croziumien":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &1Croziumien&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&1Croziumien"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &1Croziumien&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &1Croziumien&4!" to arg 1
               else if arg 2 is "Player":    #base
                   if {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} is "&7Player":
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est déja &7Player&4."
                       set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&7Player"
                       send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &7Player&4."
                       send "{@prefix1} &r&4Vous êtes devenue &7Player&4!" to arg 1
                   send "{@prefix2} &r&4This rank does not exist!"  
on chat:
   if world of player is "lobby1" or "lobby2" or "lobby3" or "lobby4" or "lobby5" or "lobby6" or "lobby7" or "lobby8" or "lobby9" or "lobby10" or "lobby11" or "lobby12" or "lobby13" or "lobby14" or "lobby15":                          
       if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&l&4Administrator":          
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &b%message%" in world of player  
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&l&2Chief Moderator":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &b%message%" in world of player  
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&l&1Chief Builder":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &b%message%"     in world of player              
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&l&aSuper Moderator":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &b%message%"     in world of player              
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&l&8Moderator":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &b%message%" in world of player                  
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&l&9Builder":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &b%message%"     in world of player              
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&l&6Helper":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &b%message%"     in world of player              
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&l&4You&l&ftuber":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% &4%player%: &b%message%" in world of player                      
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&bAlpha":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &r%message%"     in world of player                  
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&5Ultra Vip":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &r%message%"     in world of player              
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&eVip":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &r%message%"     in world of player                  
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&1Croziumien":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &r%message%"     in world of player                  
       else if {grade.%uuid of player%} is "&7Player":
           cancel event
           broadcast "%{grade.%uuid of player%}% %player%: &r%message%"     in world of player

on join:
   if {grade.%uuid of player%} is not set:
       set {grade.%uuid of player%} to "&7Player"

command /checkgrade [<offline player>]:
   aliases: /cg ,/cgrade ,/checkg
   permission message: {@prefix2} &r&4You don't have permission to use this command!
       if arg 1 is not set:
           message "{@prefix2} &r&4Veuillez préciser le nom du joueur."
       else if arg 1 is set:
           message "{@prefix2} &r&4Ce joueur est %{grade.%uuid of arg 1%}%."

command /ungrade [<offline player>]:
   aliases: /derank ,/dérank ,/unrank
   permission message:    {@prefix2} &r&4You don't have permission to use this command!  
       if arg 1 is not set:
           if {language.%uuid of player%} is "français":
               message "{@prefix2} &r&4Veuillez préciser le nom du joueur."
           else if {language.%uuid of player%} is "english":
               message "{@prefix2} &r&4Please specify the name of the player."
       else if arg 1 is set:
           set {grade.%uuid of arg 1%} to "&7Player"
           if {language.%uuid of player%} is "français":
               send "{@prefix2} &r&4Le joueur &2%arg 1% &4a été unrank!" to player
           else if {language.%uuid of player%} is "english":
               send "{@prefix2} &r&4The &2%arg 1% &4player was unrank!" to player
           if {language.%uuid of arg 1%} is "français":
               send "{@prefix1} &r&4Tu as été dérank par &2%player%&4!" to arg 1
           else if {language.%uuid of arg 1%} is "english":
               send "{@prefix1} &r&4You've been derank by &2%player%&4!" to arg 1



[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 19: set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 20: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 21: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&4Administrator&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 29: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 30: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&2Chief Moderatortor&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 38: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 39: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&1Chief Builder&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 47: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 48: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&aSuper Moderator&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 56: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 57: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&8Moderator&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 65: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 66: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&9Builder&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 74: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 75: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&6Helper&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 83: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 84: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&4You&l&ftuber&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 19: set {message.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 20: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 21: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&4Administrator&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 29: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 30: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&2Chief Moderatortor&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 38: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 39: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&1Chief Builder&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 47: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 48: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&aSuper Moderator&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 56: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 57: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&8Moderator&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 65: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 66: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&9Builder&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 74: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 75: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1% &4est devenue &l&6Helper&r&4."')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 83: set {prototype.staff.%uuid of arg 1%} to "true"')

[13:44:43] [server thread/ERROR]: indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs (, line 84: send "{@prefix2} &r&2%arg-1%


R.I.P l'optimisation è-è


Sinon sa vient des tabs (indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs)

Mais je comprends pas, il veux 24 espaces, mais il trouve 6 tabs.


Donc supprime toutes tes tabs et remets les

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R.I.P l'optimisation è-è


Sinon sa vient des tabs (indentation error: expected 24 spaces, but found 6 tabs)

Mais je comprends pas, il veux 24 espaces, mais il trouve 6 tabs.


Donc supprime toutes tes tabs et remets les

Ca change rien :(

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Ca change rien :(

Toujours les mêmes erreurs?

Eh bien essaie de les changers en espaces O_o

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