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help in particles

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There is several problems:

1) you’re using an outdated version of skript (2.1.2). Use bensku’s version 2.2dev27

2) you will crash you server instantly, because 20times per second, it display some particles at location of all your players... you can’t find a better way to crash your server xD


If you want a particle skript for a hub or a anything like this, tell me and I will give you a link of some very good skript :)

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Tu parles bien Anglais :p


- There is so many particles Scripts on this forum (resource tab) !

-> For example :➥-skparticules-•-code-optimisé-100-customisable.942/update?update=1663


You can look at it and see what's different and how to improve your Script.

You can also search for particles effect or any other things here :

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(Sorry for my bad english ^^)

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