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1 Neutre

À propos de DMNKKiiZyx

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  1. okok , jsuis désolé mais ducoup je dois mettre quoi ? :')
  2. ok donc si j'ai bien compris , je dois mettre la syntaxe "on inventory click" ?
  3. J'ai déjà TuSKe mais j'ai oublier de le mettre désolé , je devrai retirer un des addons ? ils peuvent rentrer en conflits ?
  4. Salut , je vais essayer je te fais une update tout de suite !
  5. Version de Minecraft : 1.16.4 Version de Skript : 2.5.3 Addons utilisés: Skelett, SkQuery Type du skript : téléportation en fonction de la tête d'un joueur Description du script : Bonjour , je voudrais de l'aide pour mon Skript alors en faite j'aimerai que quand un joueur clic sur la tête d'un autre joueur dans le gui cela téléporte le joueur a l'ile qui correspond a la tête. Je vais vous expliquer avec un screen parce que je sais pas si mes explication écrite vont être comprise Voici le Skript que j'ai créer mais il me manque quelque chose : [Contenu masqué] Merci pour l'aide.
  6. Je te remet l'ip au cas ou:
  7. @FromFX Salut envoie moi un messages quand tu te connecte comme ça je viens et je t'op quand tu es la. La version du serveur est en 1.8.8
  8. Salut @FromFX l'ip c'est Et peut tu me donner ton pseudo Minecraft comme ça je t'op si besoin ☺
  9. Salut FromFX ! Tu peut m'aider s'il te plait j'ai une erreur quand je met ton skript Je te la copie colle ! Erreur: [18:53:01] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to "&f%victim% &da ?t? tu? par &f%attacker%"' (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 410: set action bar of loop-player to "{@death_msg_1}"') [18:53:01] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to "&f%victim% &dest mort"' (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 413: set action bar of loop-player to "{@death_msg_2}"') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe player's sidebar (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 470: wipe player's sidebar') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe {_p}'s sidebar (, line 202: wipe {_p}'s sidebar') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&dRushFFA" (, line 203: set name of sidebar of {_p} to "{@scoreboard_name}"') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fKills: %{rf_kills::%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 15 (, line 204: set score "{@scoreboard_1}" in sidebar of {_p} to 15') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fMorts: %{rf_deaths::%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 14 (, line 205: set score "{@scoreboard_2}" in sidebar of {_p} to 14') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fRatio: %{_ratio}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 13 (, line 206: set score "{@scoreboard_3}" in sidebar of {_p} to 13') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%script's" (, line 306: delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%script's"') [18:53:02] [server thread/WARN]: an entity cannot be saved, i.e. the contents of the variable {rf_lasthit::%the attacked entity%} will be lost when the server stops. (, line 334: set {rf_lasthit::%victim%} to attack
  10. Salut , si tu à le temps tu peut passer sur mon serveur pour que tu vois mes plugins mais si tu n'a pas le temps dit le moi je te les donnes desuite !
  11. Salut , une fois que j'ai mis tous j'ai toutes ces erreurs: [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 218! (, line 322: observer?s = 218') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (, line 324: white(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 219') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 220! (, line 325: orange(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 220') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 221! (, line 326: magenta(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 221') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 222! (, line 327: light(_| )blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 222') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 223! (, line 328: yellow(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 223') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 224! (, line 329: (lime|light(_| )green)(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 224') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 225! (, line 330: pink(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 225') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 226! (, line 331: gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 226') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 227! (, line 332: light(_| )gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 227') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 228! (, line 333: cyan(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 228') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 229! (, line 334: [purple(_| )]shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 229') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 230! (, line 335: blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 230') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 231! (, line 336: brown(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 231') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 232! (, line 337: green(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 232') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 233! (, line 338: red(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 233') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 234! (, line 339: black(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 234') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (, line 340: [<any>](_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 449! (, line 343: totem(_| )of(_| )Undying?s = 449') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 450! (, line 344: shulker(_| )shell?s = 450') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 452! (, line 345: iron(_| )nugget?s = 452') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 213! (, line 348: magma(_| )block?s = 213') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 214! (, line 349: nether(_| )wart(_| )block?s = 214') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 215! (, line 350: red(_| )nether(_| )brick?s = 215') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 216! (, line 351: bone(_| )block?s = 216') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 217! (, line 352: structure(_| )void?s = 217') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 198! (, line 355: end[er](_| )rod?s = 198') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 199! (, line 356: chorus(_| )plant?s = 199') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 200! (, line 357: chorus(_| )flower?s = 200') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 201! (, line 358: purpur(_| )block?s = 201') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 202! (, line 359: purpur(_| )pillar?s = 202') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 203! (, line 360: purpur(_| )stairs = 203') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 204! (, line 361: purpur(_| )double(_| )slab?s = 204') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 205! (, line 362: purpur(_| )slab?s = 205') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 206! (, line 363: endstone(_| )bricks = 206') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 207! (, line 364: beetroot(_| )block?s = 207') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 208! (, line 365: grass(_| )path?s = 208') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 209! (, line 366: ender(_| )gateway?s = 209') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 210! (, line 367: repeating(_| )command(_| )block?s = 210') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 211! (, line 368: chain(_| )command(_| )block?s = 211') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 212! (, line 369: frosted(_| )ice?s = 212') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 255! (, line 371: structure(_| )block?s = 255') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 426! (, line 374: ender(_| )crystal?s = 426') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 432! (, line 375: chorus(_| )fruit?s = 432') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 433! (, line 376: popped(_| )chorus(_| )fruit?s = 433') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 434! (, line 377: beetroot?s = 434') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 435! (, line 378: beetroot(_| )seeds = 435') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 436! (, line 379: beetroot(_| )soup?s = 436') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 437! (, line 380: dragon(_| )breath?s = 437') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 438! (, line 381: splash(_| )potion?s = 438') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 439! (, line 382: spectral(_| )arrow?s = 439') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 440! (, line 383: tipped(_| )arrow?s = 440') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 441! (, line 384: lingering(_| )potion?s = 441') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 442! (, line 385: shield?s = 442') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 443! (, line 386: elytra?s = 443') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 444! (, line 387: spruce(_| )boat?s = 444') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 445! (, line 388: birch(_| )boat?s = 445') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 446! (, line 389: jungle(_| )boat?s = 446') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 447! (, line 390: acacia(_| )boat?s = 447') [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 448! (, line 391: dark(_| )oak(_| )boat?s = 448') EDIT: J'ai régler le premier problème maintenant j'ai ça :( :( : [18:53:01] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to "&f%victim% &da ?t? tu? par &f%attacker%"' (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 410: set action bar of loop-player to "{@death_msg_1}"') [18:53:01] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to "&f%victim% &dest mort"' (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 413: set action bar of loop-player to "{@death_msg_2}"') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe player's sidebar (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 470: wipe player's sidebar') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe {_p}'s sidebar (, line 202: wipe {_p}'s sidebar') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&dRushFFA" (, line 203: set name of sidebar of {_p} to "{@scoreboard_name}"') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fKills: %{rf_kills::%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 15 (, line 204: set score "{@scoreboard_1}" in sidebar of {_p} to 15') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fMorts: %{rf_deaths::%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 14 (, line 205: set score "{@scoreboard_2}" in sidebar of {_p} to 14') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fRatio: %{_ratio}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 13 (, line 206: set score "{@scoreboard_3}" in sidebar of {_p} to 13') [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%script's" (, line 306: delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%script's"') [18:53:02] [server thread/WARN]: an entity cannot be saved, i.e. the contents of the variable {rf_lasthit::%the attacked entity%} will be lost when the server stops. (, line 334: set {rf_lasthit::%victim%} to attack
  12. DMNKKiiZyx

    Pack Addons [1.8]

    Bonjour, le lien estrès mort possibilité de le changer svp ?
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