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Tout ce qui a été posté par TyliZ

  1. @KneaXy j'ai déjà essayé, sa ne marche pas non plus. EDIT : J'ai réussi finalement ... Je ne sais comment mais j'ai réussi, c'était à cause des wait ? ticks
  2. Version de Minecraft : 1.8.8 Version de Skript : 2.0 Addons utilisés: MundoSK, Skellett, SkQuery, skRayFall, skUtilities, Tuske, Umbaska, WildSkript. Description du script : J'ai fais une commande (/boutique) permettant d'ouvrir un coffre, j'y ai mit un item, et je voudrais que quand la personne clique dessus, le menu se ferme et le joueur est forcé d’exécuter une commande, pour cela j'ai codé ça : command /boutique: aliases: shop trigger: wait 2 tick open chest with 3 row named "&6Boutique" to player format slot 13 of player with golden axe named "&eVIP" with lore "&7Tous avantages sont à||&7retrouver sur notre discord|| ||&7Prix : &b85000 coins" to run [make player execute command "buyvip"] Et le menu ne se ferme pas, et la commande ne s’exécute pas non plus, pourriez vous m'aider, merci d'avance.
  3. TyliZ

    Skript ne marchant plus

    Le lien est "dangereux" et ne marche pas :/
  4. TyliZ

    Skript ne marchant plus

    Quand tu dis syntaxe de Tuske c'est à dire ?
  5. TyliZ

    Skript ne marchant plus

    Je n'y arrive pas mais j'ai récupérer ma version skript : 2.1.2 et même en utilisent tuske et en métant un "wait 0.5 second"cela ne marche pas ...:(
  6. TyliZ

    Skript ne marchant plus

    Ok je vais essayer merci d'avance :)
  7. TyliZ

    Skript ne marchant plus

    Bonjour/Bonsoir, j'ai actuellement un skript qui marchait sur un autres serveur mais qui ne marche actuellement plus (inventaire de connexion + menugui), j'ai les addons suivants : WildSkript, SkRayfall, SkQuery. Je ne connais pas la version de mon skript mais la version minecraft est 1.8.8 voici le skript : #------------------------------------------------------------------# #Skripts de Connexions et Déconnexions :# on join: set join message to "&8[&a+&8] &7%player% &8à rejoint le Serveur !" set slot 0 of player to gold ingot named "&eB&boutique" with lore "&e» Voici la boutique !" wait 0.5 second set slot 4 of player to end portal frame named "&eM&benu" with lore "&e» Voici le menu principal !" wait 0.5 second set slot 8 of player to redstone torch named "&cNotre Équipe" with lore "&c» Voici le Staff du Serveur !" on quit: set quit message to "&8[&c-&8] &7%player% &8à quitté le Serveur !" #------------------------------------------------------------------# #Skripts de MenuGui's :# on rightclick with end portal frame: if name of tool is "&eM&benu": open chest with 6 rows named "&eM&benu" to player format slot 0 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 27 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 35 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 36 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 44 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 45 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 46 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 47 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 48 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 49 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 50 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 51 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 52 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 53 of player with stained glass pane:3 named " " to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with bed item named "&eS&bpawn" with lore "&7» Retour au Spawn" to run [make player execute command "/spawn"] format slot 23 of player with paper item named "&eR&bègles" with lore "&7» Voici les règles !" to run [make player execute command "/regles"] format slot 21 of player with gold ingot item named "&eB&boutique" with lore "&7» Voici la Boutique !" to run [make player execute command "/boutique"] format slot 22 of player with player's skull item named "&eP&brofil" with lore "&7» Pseudo : &e%player%||&7» Coins : &eBientôt" to be unstealable Merci d'avance. Cordialement, TyliZ
  8. @Tarradon Je voudrais savoir comment on fait pour afficher si le Joueur est OP ou pas, voici mon Skript : command /infoplayer [<player>]: aliases: /iplayer, /ifp permission: permission message: &cTu n'as pas accès à cette commande ! trigger: if arg 1 is "TwizZi_": send "&8===&6*&8===&6* &3| &6Informations sur &7%arg 1% &3| &6*&8===&6*&8===" to player send "&7Joueur : &e%arg 1%" to player send "&7IP : &eInacessible" to player send "&7Mode de jeu : &e%gamemode of arg 1%" to player send "&7Vie : &e%health of arg 1%" to player send "&7Nourriture : &e%food of arg 1%" to player send "&7Coordonees : &e%location of arg 1%" to player send "&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===" to player if arg 1 is not "TwizZi_": send "&8===&6*&8===&6* &3| &6Informations sur &7%arg 1% &3| &6*&8===&6*&8===" to player send "&7Joueur : &e%arg 1%" to player send "&7IP : &e%arg 1's IP%" to player send "&7Mode de jeu : &e%gamemode of arg 1%" to player send "&7Vie : &e%health of arg 1%" to player send "&7Nourriture : &e%food of arg 1%" to player send "&7Coordonees : &e%location of arg 1%" to player send "&7Opérateur : &e%OUI ou NON%" to player send "&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===&6*&8===" to player
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