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jomax24 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 21 octobre 2018

jomax24 a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

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  1. Salut, tu as déjà 12 avertissements, tu as déjà été banni, mais tu continue. La prochaine fois tu sera banni un moment.... bien plus que 2 semaines.
  2. jomax24

    scorboard money essentials

    Ouais !!! merci beaucoup sa marche ! :)
  3. jomax24

    scorboard money essentials

    Mais moi j'avais mis sa %{balance.%loop-player%}% et sa a marcher mes dans mon scorboard sa mes None
  4. jomax24

    scorboard money essentials

    There's ni loop that matches 'loop-player to 3' (, line 10: set score "&e✺&fLynors&f: &e%player's balance%" in sidebar of loop-player to 3') Voila ce que sa me dis
  5. jomax24

    scorboard money essentials

    J'ai tous mes sa ne marche pas peux tu me le faire en copiant collant mon code et la bonen chose a mettre stp ?
  6. Bonjours, j'aimerais savoir comment ont mes l'argent de essentials (/money) la ou il y a ce symbole si "??????" dans ce scorboard. every 2 seconds: loop all players: wipe loop-player's sidebar set name of sidebar of loop-player to "&6&lLynosia" set score "&r &r" in sidebar of loop-player to 8 set score "&fKills&f: &a%{kill.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 7 set score "&fMorts&f: &c%{mort.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 6 set score "&fRatios&f: &6%{ratio.%loop-player%}%" in sidebar of loop-player to 5 set score "&8 " in sidebar of loop-player to 4 set score "&e✺&fLynors&f: &e??????" in sidebar of loop-player to 3 set score "&b❂&fCristaux&f: " in sidebar of loop-player to 2 set score " " in sidebar of loop-player to 1 set score "&" in sidebar of loop-player to 0 Merci d'avance.
  7. jomax24

    [Kits] PvPFaction

    Oui j'y est pensée mes avec essentialskitsmanager je peux creer que un kit les autres je les creers mes j pas accès j essayer avec des permissions et tous sa marche pas
  8. jomax24

    [Kits] PvPFaction

    Variable d'items ? cet a dire ?
  9. jomax24

    [Kits] PvPFaction

    Je compren dpas trop ou le mettre dans le code :/ le if player has enought place for ...
  10. jomax24

    [Kits] PvPFaction

    Minecraft 1.8 Skript 1.8 Bonjours,bonsoir j'aimerais de l'aide a mon skript ci dessous pour que quand le joueur fait sont kit sa lui mes 24h d'attente dans tous les kits et lui met les secondes d'attente dans la commande et si possible si le joueur est full quand il fait sont kit sa tombe a terre. Merci :) command /kit: trigger: open chest with 5 rows named "&6Kits" to player wait 2 tick format slot 11 of player with 1 336 named "&7Lynosien" to run [make player execute command "/kitlynosien"] format slot 21 of player with 1 265 named "&9Baby-VIP" to run [make player execute command "/kitbaby-vip"] format slot 13 of player with 1 266 named "&eVIP" to run [make player execute command "/kitvip"] format slot 23 of player with 1 388 named "&aPaladin" to run [make player execute command "/kitpaladin"] format slot 15 of player with 1 264 named "&bVIP+" to run [make player execute command "/kitvip+"] command /kitlynosien: permission: kit.lynosien permission message: &cTu n'as pas accès a avoir ce kit ! trigger: give 1 iron sword to player give 16 297 to player give 1 iron chestplate to player give 1 iron leggings to player give 1 iron helmet to player give 1 iron boots to player give 1 278 to player give 1 258 to player give 1 256 to player give 16 17 to player stop command /kitBaby-Vip: permission: kit.Baby-Vip permission message: &cTu n'as pas accès a avoir ce kit ! trigger: give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 3 and unbreaking 1 to player give 32 steak to player give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond leggings of protection 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond helmet of protection 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond boots of protection 2 and unbreaking 3 to player give 32 49 to player give 128 384 to player give 48 368 to player stop command /kitVip: permission: kit.Vip permission message: &cTu n'as pas accès a avoir ce kit ! trigger: give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 4 and unbreaking 2 to player give 64 steak to player give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond leggings of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond helmet of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond boots of protection 3 and unbreaking 3 to player give 64 49 to player give 256 384 to player give 80 368 to player stop command /kitVip+: permission: kit.Vip+ permission message: &cTu n'as pas accès a avoir ce kit ! trigger: give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 to player give 80 steak to player give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 to player give 96 49 to player give 112 384 to player stop command /kitPaladin: permission: kit.Paladin permission message: &cTu n'as pas accès a avoir ce kit ! trigger: give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 and unbreaking 3 and fire aspect 2 to player give 96 steak to player give 1 diamond chestplate of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond leggings of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond helmet of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 to player give 1 diamond boots of protection 4 and unbreaking 3 to player give 128 49 to player give 144 384 to player stop
  11. jomax24

    Reload skript beug

    Euhh oulaa sa me met plein de chose
  12. jomax24

    Reload skript beug

    Bonjour/Bonsoir Skript 1.8 /Minecraft 1.8 Type du Serveur : PvPFaction J'aimerais savoir pourquoi mes skripts ne vont plus quand je reload ou redémarre mon serveur minecraft Merci :)
  13. jomax24

    Pas de permission (je crois)

    Il ne reçoivent rien sa mes juste un message que j'ai déjà codée
  14. Bonjour j'ai fais un skript avec une clef et quand quand clic sur le coffre avec la clef sa donne des coins mes les joueurs n'on pas acces quand il click avec la clef et je ne sais pas pk :( Esque quelqu'un pourrais m'aider svp :) ce serrais vraiment sympas. on rightclick on chest: cancel event command /openboite: trigger: if player is in world "ffa": open chest with 1 rows named "&e Coffre du Bourgeois" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with 41 named "&e 10 000 coins" with lore "&a5%% &7de chance" to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with 41 named "&e 5 000 coins" with lore "&a10%% &7de chance" to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with 266 named "&e 1 000 coins" with lore "&a20%% &7de chance" to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with 371 named "&e 500 coins" with lore "&a25%% &7de chance" to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with 166 named "&c Rien" with lore "&a50%% &7de chance" to be unstealable command /givecle: trigger: if player is op: if player is in world "ffa": give hook of unbreaking 3 named "&dClé du Coffre Bourgeois" to player on rightclick on chest: if player isn't holding tripwire hook: if player is in world "ffa": message "&b[&e✦&b] &cVous devez avoir une clé Bourgeois !" on leftclick on chest: if player is in world "ffa": make player execute command "openboite" on rightclick on chest with a tripwire hook of unbreaking 3: if name of player's tool is "&dClé du Coffre Bourgeois": if player is in world "ffa": remove 1 tripwire hook from player's inventory chance of 5%: make player execute command "coins add %player% 10000" message "&cCoffre Bourgeois &7 > Tu as reçus &e10 000 coins" broadcast "&cCoffre Bourgeois &7 > %player% a reçus &e10 000 coins" else: chance of 10%: make player execute command "coins add %player% 5000" message "&cCoffre Bourgeois &7 > Tu as reçus &e5 000 coins" broadcast "&cCoffre Bourgeois &7 > %player% a reçus &e5 000 coins" else: chance of 20%: make player execute command "coins add %player% 1000" message "&cCoffre Bourgeois &7 > Tu as reçus &e1 000 coins" broadcast "&cCoffre Bourgeois &7 > %player% a reçus &e1 000 coins" else: chance of 25%: make player execute command "coins add %player% 500" message "&cCoffre Bourgeois &7 > Tu as reçus &e500 coins" broadcast "&cCoffre Bourgeois &7 > %player% a reçus &e500 coins" else: chance of 50%: message "&7Pas de chance tu n'as &crien &7eu :/"
  15. Parceque chui pas trés fort en englais et j'ai directement les id devant moi Et Merci Niware sa marche ! :)
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