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Tout ce qui a été posté par ZaiLLeR

  1. ZaiLLeR updated Skript de Cannabis avancé with a new update entry: Skript de Cannabis Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. ZaiLLeR submitted a new resource: [plain]Skript de Cannabis avancé[/plain] - [plain]Skript de cannabis avec région[/plain] Read more about this resource...
  3. ZaiLLeR submitted a new resource: [plain]Personnalisé votre serveur très simplement[/plain] - [plain]Outil administrateur pour pérsonnaliser son serveur[/plain] Read more about this resource...
  4. ZaiLLeR

    FFA [Supprimé]

    This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  5. ZaiLLeR

    FFA [Supprimé]

    ZaiLLeR submitted a new resource: [plain]FFA[/plain] - [plain]Un free for all avec un kit par défaut.[/plain] Read more about this resource...
  6. ZaiLLeR

    Aide pour mon Skript d'ATM

    Mes variables sont définits et sinon je vais essayer le arg <=.Merci de ta réponse
  7. Bonjour j'ai un probléme lorsque je veux retirer l'argent de l'atm le serveur me dit comme quoi je n'ai pas assez d'argent pouvez vous m'aider merci d'avance :D Voici le code : command /banque <text> <text>: trigger: if arg 1 is "-": if arg 2 is set: if arg 2 is less than or equal to {money-banque.%player%}: add arg 2 to {money-joueur.%player%} remove arg 2 from {money-banque.%player%} send "&aTu as retiré &6&l%arg 2%$" else: send "&cTu n'as pas assé" else if arg 1 is "+": if arg 2 is set: if {money-joueur.%player%} is bigger than or equal to arg 2: remove arg 2 from {money-joueur.%player%} add arg 2 to {money-banque.%player%} send "&aTu as ajouté &6&l%arg 2%$" else: send "&cTu n'as pas assé"
  8. Bonjour/ Bonsoir j'aimerais obtenir votre aide pour mon système de mute de chat.Je m'explique: Lorsqu'une personnes fait /chat off seul le monde dans lequel il se trouve est mute. Merci d'avance pour votre aide ! :D
  9. ZaiLLeR

    Skript de Golden Head

    Tien : [Contenu masqué]#
  10. ZaiLLeR

    Skript Couvre-Feu

    Tien voila: Met en résolu et met un j'aime ça fait toujours plaisir :D
  11. ZaiLLeR


    Ah pas grave :/
  12. ZaiLLeR


    Oui mais si je fais ça le joueur pourrais le casser a la main.Sinon tu peux vocal sur discord au pire ?
  13. Je t'ai donné mon code :
  14. ZaiLLeR


    @PsYZiiK @Mastersfelix tenez: #_____________________________________________________________[OryZzOn]_____________________________________________________________# options: Prefix: &6[OryZzOn] name: &6[OryZzOn] item: diamond sword on right click on player with diamond sword: if name of tool of player is "&6[OryZzOn]": world is "Lobby": send "{@Prefix} &9%player% te défie en duel" to clicked player send "{@Prefix} &9Tu as défié %clicked player% en duel" to player make player execute command "/duelrush duel %clicked player%" set {demande.%clicked player%} to true on join: teleport player to {lobby.rush} wait 10 tick send "&3Bienvenue sur le serveur !" to player broadcast "&7[&b+&7] &a%player% &3 a rejoint le serveur ! " make player execute command "/duelrush" command /duelrush [<text>] [<player>]: trigger: world is "Lobby": clear player's inventory give an diamond sword named "{@name}" to slot 0 of player's inventory else: make console execute command "/mv tp %player% Lobby" send "{@Prefix} &9Te voila au rush !" to player clear player's inventory give an diamond sword named "{@name}" to slot 0 of player's inventory if arg 1 is "duel": if arg 2 is set: if {demande.%player%} is false: execute console command "/tellraw %arg 2% ["""",{""text"":""{@Prefix} &eAcceptez-vous le duel ? - &a""},{""text"":""&aOui"",""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""/duelrush accept %player%""}},{""text"":"" &e- &c""},{""text"":""&4Non"",""clickEvent"":{""action"":""run_command"",""value"":""/duelrush deny %player%""}}]" if arg 1 is "accept": if {demande.%player%} is true: send "{@Prefix}&e Le combat commence !" to player send "{@Prefix}&e Le combat commence !" to arg 2 clear player's inventory clear arg 2's inventory set arg 2's food level to 20 set player's food level to 20 wait 1 tick make arg 2 execute command "/rushkitduel Rouge" make player execute command "/rushkitduel Bleu" set {bed.rouge.%player%} to true set {bed.bleu.%arg 2%} to true set {demande.%player%} to false set {demande.%arg 2%} to false set {bleu.%arg 2%} to true set {rouge.%player%} to true set {enjeu.%arg 2%.vs.%player%} to true add player to {Rouge.%player%::*} add arg 2 to {Bleu.%arg 2%::*} if {join.rush1} is false: teleport player to {spawn.1.Rush1} teleport arg 2 to {spawn.2.Rush1} if {join.rush2} is false: teleport player to {spawn.1.Rush2} teleport arg 2 to {spawn.2.Rush2} if {join.rush3} is false: teleport player to {spawn.1.Rush3} teleport arg 2 to {spawn.2.Rush3} if {join.rush4} is false: teleport player to {spawn.1.Rush4} teleport arg 2 to {spawn.2.Rush4} if {join.rush5} is false: teleport player to {spawn.1.Rush5} teleport arg 2 to {spawn.2.Rush5} if {join.rush6} is false: teleport player to {spawn.1.Rush6} teleport arg 2 to {spawn.2.Rush6} if {join.rush1} is true: if {join.rush2} is true: if {join.rush3} is true: if {join.rush4} is true: if {join.rush5} is true: if {join.rush6} is true: send "{@Prefix}&9En attente qu'une partie ce finisse !" to player send "{@Prefix}&9En attente qu'une partie ce finisse !" to arg 2 else: send "{@Prefix}&7 Tu n'as pas de demande" to player if arg 1 is "deny": if {demande.%player%} is true: send "{@Prefix}&4 Tu as refusé le combat !" to player send "{@Prefix}&4 %player% a refusé le combat !" to arg 2 set {demande.%player%} to false set {demande.%arg 2%} to false else: send "{@Prefix}&7 Tu n'as pas de demande" to player if arg 1 is "leave": if arg 2 is set: if {enjeu.%arg 2%.vs.%player%} is true: set {bed.rouge.%player%} to false set {bed.bleu.%arg 2%} to false set {demande.%player%} to true set {demande.%arg 2%} to true set {bleu.%arg 2%} to false set {rouge.%player%} to false send "{@Prefix}&2 Fin du match !" to player send "{@Prefix}&2 Fin du match !" to arg 2 set {enjeu.%arg 2%.vs.%player%} to false every 1 second: loop all players: if loop-player's world is "Rush1": add 1 to {_Rush1} if {_Rush1} >= 2: set {join.rush1} to false if loop-player's world is "Rush2": add 1 to {_Rush2} if {_Rush2} >= 2: set {join.rush2} to false if loop-player's world is "Rush3": add 1 to {_Rush3} if {_Rush3} >= 2: set {join.rush3} to false if loop-player's world is "Rush4": add 1 to {_Rush4} if {_Rush4} >= 2: set {join.rush4} to false if loop-player's world is "Rush5": add 1 to {_Rush5} if {_Rush5} >= 2: set {join.rush5} to false if loop-player's world is "Rush6": add 1 to {_Rush6} if {_Rush6} >= 2: set {join.rush6} to false command /duelrushadmin [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if arg 1 is "setspawn": if arg 2 is set: world is "Rush1": set {spawn.%arg 2%.Rush1} to player's location send "{@Prefix}&8Tu as set le spawn %arg 2%/2" to player if arg 1 is "setlobby": set {lobby.rush} to player's location send "{@Prefix}&7Tu as set le lobby du rush" to player if arg 1 is "help": send "{@Prefix}&7 Set le spawn : &6/duelrushadmin setspawn (nombres) (arenes)" to player send "{@Prefix}&7 Set le lobby : &6/duelrushadmin setlobby" to player command /rushkitduel <text>: trigger: if {enjeu.%player%} is true: if arg 1 is "Rouge": equip player with a leather helmet dye player's helmet red equip player with a leather leggings dye player's leggings red equip player with a leather boots dye player's boots red if arg 1 is "Bleu": equip player with a leather helmet dye player's helmet blue equip player with a leather leggings dye player's leggings blue equip player with a leather boots dye player's boots blue on death of player: victim is a player set {_drops::*} to drops clear drops loop {_drops::*}: if loop-value is a chestplate: drop loop-value at player's location if {bed.rouge.%player%} is true: else: broadcast "{@Prefix} &9 %attacker% a gagné son duel contre %player%" make console execute command "/duelrush leave %attacker%" on respawn: if {enjeu.%player%} is true: if {rouge.%player%} is true: make player execute command "/rushkitduel Rouge" if {bleu.%player%} is true: make player execute command "/rushkitduel Bleu"
  15. ZaiLLeR


    Tiens tu seras tranquille au moins ! :D : [Contenu masqué]
  16. ZaiLLeR


    Tien il te faut par contre les addons on damage: world is {TonMonde}: set the no damage of victim to 0.1 tick
  17. ZaiLLeR


    C'est possible en skript essaye ça: on damage: damage was caused by player: world is {TonMonde}: set maximum damage delay of player to 0.01 second
  18. ZaiLLeR


    Pourrais tu développer d'avantage ta demande j'ai un peux du mal a comprendre la :D
  19. ZaiLLeR

    Porte-feuille - RP [Urgent]

    Dit moi si cela te convient: (pour info j'utilise le SkMoney)
  20. ZaiLLeR


    COmment te le donner ?
  21. ZaiLLeR

    Porte-feuille - RP [Urgent]

    Je vais éssayer de te faire ça ! :D
  22. ZaiLLeR

    Système de ticket

    ZaiLLeR submitted a new resource: [plain]Système de ticket[/plain] - [plain]Outil pour les administrateurs d'un serveur minecraft[/plain] Read more about this resource...
  23. ZaiLLeR


    Bonjour, je suis entrains de créer un skript rush mais hélas je suis bloqué a une étape importante celle de voir si le joueur a encore son lit.Mais sil il n'a plus son lit je souhaiterai qu'a sa prochaine mort il ne respawn pas et perd la parti.Donc si vous pouvez m'aider cela serait vraiment gentil ! :D
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