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En skript je sais pas si tu peut
command /mod: trigger: if {mod.%uuid of player%} is true: clear player's inventory else: set slot 0 of player to wooden sword named "KockSword" of knockback 5 set slot 2 of player to ice named "Freeze" set slot 4 of player to blaze rod named "Kill" set slot 6 of player to coal named "Clear" on rightclick: if player is holding ice named "Freeze": if target is a player: apply blindness 250 to targeted-player for 99999 seconds apply resistance 250 to targeted-player for 99999 seconds apply slowness 250 to targeted-player for 99999 seconds apply jump -10 to player targeted-player 99999 seconds if player is holding blaze rod named "Kill": if target is a player: kill targeted-player if player is holding coal named "Clear": if target is a player: clear inventory of targeted-player
Ah de mémoire je crois que le mien marche , ah non tu a raison j'avais mis name ""
Pas obliger avec le set slot ;D
Apres avoir regarder sur le forum pas d'anti xray disponible pour le moment
Tu ne peut pas rename en couleur donc sert toi de sa , meme si le joueur rename un objet luckyblock skript ne va pas detecter la couleur donc aucune action ne va se passer on break: if named of event-block is "&e&lLuckyBlock":
Tu est toujours la pour me corriger toi ! ;D Re-Voila un code: command /mod: trigger: if {mod.%uuid of player%} is true: clear player's inventory else is {mod.%uuid of player%} is false: set slot 0 of player to wooden sword named "KockSword" of knockback 5 set slot 2 of player to ice named "Freeze" set slot 4 of player to blaze rod named "Kill" set slot 6 of player to coal named "Clear" on rightclick: if player is holding ice named "Freeze": if targeted-block is a player: apply blindness 250 to targeted-player for 99999 seconds apply resistance 250 to targeted-player for 99999 seconds apply slowness 250 to targeted-player for 99999 seconds apply jump -10 to player targeted-player 99999 seconds if player is holding blaze rod named "Kill": if targeted-block is a player: kill targeted-block if player is holding coal named "Clear": if targeted-block is a player: clear inventory of targeted-block
Je pense qu'il marche , si il y a des erreur dit le moi en mp
command /mod: trigger: if {mod.%uuid of player%} is true: clear player's inventory else is {mod.%uuid of player%} is false: set slot 0 of player to wooden sword named "KockSword" of knockback 5 set slot 2 of player to ice named "Freeze" set slot 4 of player to blaze rod named "Kill" set slot 6 of player to coal named "Clear" on rightclick: if player is holding ice named "Freeze": if targeted-block is a player: apply blindness 250 to targeted-block for 99999 seconds apply resistance 250 to targeted-block for 99999 seconds apply slowness 250 to targeted-block for 99999 seconds apply jump -10 to player targeted-block 99999 seconds if player is holding blaze rod named "Kill": if targeted-block is a player: kill targeted-block if player is holding coal named "Clear": if targeted-block is a player: clear inventory of targeted-block
command /test: trigger: make console execute command "/summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {Invisible:1b,NoGravity:1b,Equipment:[{},{},{},{},{id:"skull",Count:1b,Damage:3b,tag:{SkullOwner:"Notch"}}]}"
Au pire tu fait : set slot (numéro du slot dans le quelle tu veut que l'épée soit) to stone sword of sharpness 1, unbreaking 1
Donc faut qu'il créer un skript grade , @Stanislas2013 tu peut maintenant te debrouiller avec les informations donné