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Tout ce qui a été posté par BLKKILLEUR


    Custom drop

    Minecraft version: 1.19.2 Skript version: 2.6.4 Addons used: skellett, skrayfall, skquery Hello, I created a skript to create a custom drop on some blocks. Except the problem is that it doesn't drop. my code : on mine of clay: clear the drops set {_drop} to 1 stone button named "&x&9&a&a&3&b&3Particule d'Argile" drop {_drop} without velocity when I remove "of clay" (line 1) the drop works for all blocks. I only want it on one type of block. When the custom drop doesn't work, the block drops the block's natural loot (clay drop 4 clay balls and not the named stone button).
  2. Version de Minecraft : 1.19.2 Version de Skript : 2.6.4 Addons utilisés: SkRayFall Type du skript : Ecrivez ici le type de skript souhaité Description du script : J'aimerai créer des BossBar pour indiquer le temps restant des GenBoost, mais le problème c'est que le plugin Skript me renvoie eun message d'erreur lors du chargement disant : Line 102 : "&fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime2}% &eSecondes" is not a location create bossbar title "&fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime2}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray Voici le bout de code qui pose problème : on right click: if name of player's held item contains "&fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost2} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime2} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime2}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray loop all players: add bossbar "%player%" for loop-player wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost2} to false remove bossbar "genboostbossbar2" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&fx&a4 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost4} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&a4 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&a4 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost4} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&fx&a8 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost8} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&a8 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&a8 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost8} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&fx&b16 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost16} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&b16 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&b16 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost16} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&fx&b32 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost32} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&b32 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&b32 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost32} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&4&k! &fx&6&l64 &6Gen&cBoost &4&k!": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost64} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &4&k! &fx&6&l64 &6Gen&cBoost &4&k! &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&4&k! &fx&6&l64 &6Gen&cBoost &4&k!: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost64} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&4&kM &fx&d&l128 &6Gen&cBoost &4&kM": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost128} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &4&kM &fx&d&l128 &6Gen&cBoost &4&kM &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&4&kM &fx&d&l128 &6Gen&cBoost &4&kM: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost128} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" Pour plus de précision, voici le code en entier (Je précise qu'il n'est pas achevé, donc il manque des lignes de code ou comporte encore des erreurs hormis celle démontrée) : command /gengive <player> <text>: trigger: if player has permission "sk.gengive": if arg-2 is "dirt": give arg-1 dirt named "&6dirt Gen" if arg-2 is "sand": give arg-1 sand named "&6sand Gen" if arg-2 is "log": give arg-1 oak log named "&6log Gen" if arg-2 is "planks": give arg-1 oak planks named "&6planks Gen" if arg-2 is "leaves": give arg-1 leaves named "&6leaves Gen" if arg-2 is "moss": give arg-1 moss block named "&6moss Gen" if arg-2 is "brown": give arg-1 brown mushroom block named "&6brown muchroom Gen" if arg-2 is "red": give arg-1 red mushroom block named "&6red muchroom Gen" if arg-2 is "bee nest": give arg-1 bee nest named "&6bee nest Gen" if arg-2 is "beehive": give arg-1 beehive named "&6beehive Gen" if arg-2 is "clay": give arg-1 clay block named "&6clay Gen" if arg-2 is "sea": give arg-1 sea lantern named "&6sea Gen" if arg-2 is "wart": give arg-1 nether wart block named "&6wart block Gen" if arg-2 is "crying": give arg-1 crying obsidian named "&6crying Gen" if arg-2 is "respawn": give arg-1 respawn anchor named "&6repawn Gen" if arg-2 is "book": give arg-1 bookshelf named "&6bookshelf Gen" if arg-2 is "juck": give arg-1 jukebox named "&6juck Gen" if arg-2 is "sculk": give arg-1 sculk named "&6sculk Gen" on place: if name of player's held item contains "&6dirt Gen": add location of event-block to {placed::gens::%player's uuid%::*} on left click: if event-block is dirt: if {placed::gens::%player's uuid%::*} contains location of event-block: cancel event set event-block to air remove location of event-block from {placed::gens::%player's uuid%::*} give player dirt named "&6dirt Gen" every 1 second: loop all players: loop all blocks in radius 25 of loop-player: if loop-block is dirt: if {placed::gens::%loop-player's uuid%::*} contains location of loop-value-2: if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: drop 1 dirt at block above loop-value-2 if {genboost2} is true: drop 2 dirt at block above loop-value-2 if {genboost4} is true: drop 4 dirt at block above loop-value-2 if {genboost8} is true: drop 8 dirt at block above loop-value-2 if {genboost16} is true: drop 16 dirt at block above loop-value-2 if {genboost32} is true: drop 32 dirt at block above loop-value-2 if {genboost64} is true: drop 64 dirt at block above loop-value-2 if {genboost128} is true: drop 128 dirt at block above loop-value-2 command /genboost <player> <text>: trigger: if player has permission "sk.genboost": if arg-2 is "x2": give arg-1 sunflower named "&fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost" if arg-2 is "x4": give arg-1 sunflower named "&fx&a4 &6Gen&cBoost" if arg-2 is "x8": give arg-1 sunflower named "&fx&a8 &6Gen&cBoost" if arg-2 is "x16": give arg-1 sunflower named "&fx&b16 &6Gen&cBoost" if arg-2 is "x32": give arg-1 sunflower named "&fx&b32 &6Gen&cBoost" if arg-2 is "x64": give arg-1 sunflower named "&4&k! &fx&6&l64 &6Gen&cBoost &4&k!" if arg-2 is "x128": give arg-1 sunflower named "&4&kM &fx&d&l128 &6Gen&cBoost &4&kM" on right click: if name of player's held item contains "&fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost2} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime2} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime2}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray loop all players: add bossbar "%player%" for loop-player wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost2} to false remove bossbar "genboostbossbar2" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&fx&a4 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost4} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&a4 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&a4 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost4} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&fx&a8 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost8} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&a8 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&a8 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost8} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&fx&b16 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost16} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&b16 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&b16 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost16} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&fx&b32 &6Gen&cBoost": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost32} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &fx&b32 &6Gen&cBoost &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&fx&b32 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost32} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&4&k! &fx&6&l64 &6Gen&cBoost &4&k!": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost64} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &4&k! &fx&6&l64 &6Gen&cBoost &4&k! &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&4&k! &fx&6&l64 &6Gen&cBoost &4&k!: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost64} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" if name of player's held item contains "&4&kM &fx&d&l128 &6Gen&cBoost &4&kM": if {genboost2} or {genboost4} or {genboost8} or {genboost16} or {genboost32} or {genboost64} or {genboost128} is false: remove held item from player's inventory set {genboost128} to true broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &aUn &4&kM &fx&d&l128 &6Gen&cBoost &4&kM &aà été &2&lActivé &a!" broadcast "" set {globaltime} to 5 create bossbar title "&4&kM &fx&d&l128 &6Gen&cBoost &4&kM: &e%{globaltime}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray wait 5 minute broadcast "" broadcast "&6&l[&c&lBest&f&lSky&d&lGen&6&l] &cLe &6Gen&cBoost &cest désormais &4&lterminé &c!" broadcast "" set {genboost128} to false remove bossbar "genboost" else: send "&eVeuillez attendre, il y a déjà un &6Gen&cBoost &een cours !" every seconds: if {genboost2} is true: remove 1 to {globaltime2} create bossbar titled "&fx&82 &6Gen&cBoost: &e%{globaltime2}% &eSecondes" and id "genboost" for all players with progress 100 with colors dark_gray MERCI pour le temps que vous aller consacrer pour m'aide
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