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Tout ce qui a été posté par ThomAndGO

  1. Merci ! Maintenant tout fonctionne correctement
  2. Ma config est "normalement" bonne : Le port est bien le même sur le Bungee et les serveurs et les paramètres entrés sont les mêmes aussi.. cependant le problème persiste...
  3. La version que tu m'a donné fait maintenant bien apparaître le block de redstone mais maintenant un autre problème se pose... Le block de redstone (qui signifie que le serveur est inaccessible apparaît même quand le serveur demandé est accessible... Comment faire ? (Ps : j'ai toujours ce code ci-dessous mais je pense que le serveur n'est pas détecté) CODE: on rightclick with a clock: open virtual chest with 1 rows named " §8>> §b§lMenu des Voyages §8<<" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with gray stained glass pane named "§7§l<< §f| §7§l>> " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with bedrock named "§8§l>> §7Serveur Bêta §8§l<<" with lore "§5Cliques pour rejoindre le serveur Bêta" to close then run [make player say "/sb"] format slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable if bungeecord server "Survie" is running: format slot 3 of player with grass block named "§8§l>> §aServeur Survie §8§l<<" with lore "§5Cliques pour rejoindre le serveur Survie" to close then run [make player execute command "/ss"] else: format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "§8§l>> §aServeur Survie §8§l<<" with lore "§4SERVEUR INACCESSIBLE !" to be unstealable
  4. le voici : on rightclick with a clock: open virtual chest with 1 rows named " §8>> §b§lMenu des Voyages §8<<" to player wait 3 ticks format slot 0 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with gray stained glass pane named "§7§l<< §f| §7§l>> " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with bedrock named "§8§l>> §7Serveur Bêta §8§l<<" with lore "§5Cliques pour rejoindre le serveur Bêta" to close then run [make player say "/sb"] format slot 6 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with gray stained glass pane named " " with lore " " to be unstealable if bungeecord server "Survie" is running: format slot 3 of player with grass block named "§8§l>> §aServeur Survie §8§l<<" with lore "§5Cliques pour rejoindre le serveur Survie" to close then run [make player execute command "/ss"] else: format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "§8§l>> §aServeur Survie §8§l<<" with lore "§4SERVEUR INACCESSIBLE !" to be unstealable quand je reload le script il n'apparaît pas d'erreur mais l'item du serveur "Survie" ne s'affiche pas
  5. Version de Minecraft : 1.15.2 Version de Skript : 2.X.X Addons utilisés: Skungee, SkQuery, TuSKe, skRayFall, BungeeMaster Description du script : Bonjour, je voudrais faire un menu de téléportation avec un gui (ça je sais faire) tout en vérifiant que les serveurs affichés sont bien en ligne pour dire si oui ou non il est possible de s'y connecter... j'ai essayer avec cette partie de code : if bungeecord server "Survie" is running: format slot 3 of player with grass block named "§8§l>> §aServeur Survie §8§l<<" with lore "§5Cliques pour rejoindre le serveur Survie" to close then run [make player execute command "/ss"] else: format slot 3 of player with redstone block named "§8§l>> §aServeur Survie §8§l<<" with lore "§4SERVEUR INACCESSIBLE !" to be unstealable Mais cela à pour effet de ne plus afficher les items dans le slot souhaité (image ci dessous) Quelqu'un peut-il m'aider à résoudre ce problème ?
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