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Tout ce qui a été posté par OryGaming

  1. OryGaming


    Cela fais bientôt 1 ans que je skript et 8 mois fofo tu as gérer !
  2. Tu es ultra connu dans le site "Internet" pour qu'il soit reconnu mondialement ?
  3. Quand je fais le report /report pseudo sa m'ouvre le gui je choisis la raison puis quand je reçoi l'info en tant que staff cela me met pour le tp send json ça : Puis j'aimerais que vous ajoutiez dans les infos du report sont ip si possible merci le code : options: ld: &a&l[&c&lReport&a&l] &a-> command /report <player> [<text>]: usage: "{@ld} &cIndique un pseudonyme !" trigger: open chest with 3 rows named "&o&2Report &o&4--> &o&cMenu" to player format slot 0 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 1 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 2 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 3 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 4 of player with player head named "&c%arg 1%" to be unstealable format slot 5 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 6 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 7 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 8 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 9 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 10 of player with diamond sword named "&cFREKILL" to close then run [make player execute command "/report %arg 1% FK"] format slot 11 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 12 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 13 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 14 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 15 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 16 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 17 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 18 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 19 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 20 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 22 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 23 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 24 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 25 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 26 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable format slot 21 of player with white glass named " " to be unstealable if arg 2 is "FK": loop all players: if loop-player have permission "inovia.staff": message "&6&l====== Information du joueur %arg 1% ======" message "&4Pour: FreeKill" send json "&4TP Joueur: &c%arg 1%" tooltip "&aClique ici !" run "/tp %arg 1%" to loop-player message "&6&l====== Information du joueur %arg 1% ======"
  4. OryGaming

    Skript | Bug Maire

    Cela bug quand ça sa rajoute + 1 je pense
  5. OryGaming

    Skript | Bug Maire

    Quand je fais la commande /maire fonctionne mais sa ne nous mais pas le grade pas de broadcast pour le /oui et /non pour %player% a voté ! :( command /maire: trigger: if {elections.all} is true: message "&6Impossible, un mandat est en cours !" if {elections.all} is false: set {elections.all} to true set {vote.oui.%player%} to true set {vote.non.%player%} to true broadcast "&6&l[Maire] &6%player% se présente en maire ! Utilisez /oui ou /non !" wait 5 minutes set {vote.oui.%player%} to false set {vote.non.%player%} to false if {vote.oui} is more than {vote.non}: broadcast "&6%player% est passé maire !" make console execute command "/pex user group maire %player%" set {maire} to player set {elections.all} to true if {vote.non} is more than {vote.oui}: broadcast "&6%player% n'est pas passé maire !" delete {vote.oui} delete {vote.non} set {elections.all} to false broadcast "&cPour se présenter, /maire !" on death of player: if victim is {maire}: delete {maire} broadcast "&6Le maire est mort ! Elections ouverte !" set {elections.all} to false command /electionoff: trigger: if player is op: set {elections.all} to true broadcast "&6Election maire fermé !" command /electionon: trigger: if player is op: set {elections.all} to false broadcast "&6Election maire ouverte !" command /oui: trigger: if {vote.oui.%player%} is true: message "&6Tu ne peux pas re-voté (ou voté si tu postules en tant que maire) ! Attend 2 minute !" wait 2 minute delete {vote.oui.%player%} message "&6Tu peux re-voté !" else if {vote.oui.%player%} is false: add 1 to {vote.oui} broadcast "&6%player% a voté oui !" set {vote.oui.%player%} to true command /non: trigger: if {vote.non.%player%} is true: message "&6Tu ne peux pas re-voté (ou voté si tu postules en tant que maire) ! Attend 2 minute !" wait 2 minute delete {vote.non.%player%} message "&6Tu peux re-voté !" else if {vote.non.%player%} is false: add 1 to {vote.non} broadcast "&6%player% a voté non !" set {vote.non.%player%} to true
  6. OryGaming


    if player is in "world": Si c'est un joueur.
  7. OryGaming

    Skript pour le broadcast

    Merci @Chronoos89 , je ne savais pas ^^
  8. OryGaming

    Skript pour le broadcast

    Ou ais-je fais un double post j'ai juste répondu au question envoie un scréé stp je ne le voie pas !
  9. OryGaming

    Skript pour le broadcast

    Je n'ais fais aucun double post ^^
  10. OryGaming

    Skript Job

    Cela est totalement simple et possible je te fais ça demain quand je ne serais plus malade mdrr j'ai pas cours Fuck <3 Sur un pc.
  11. OryGaming

    Skript pour le broadcast

    Je suis malade et je réponds à certain skript ^^ xD
  12. OryGaming

    Skript pour le broadcast

    Tu ne devrais pas te déranger avec ça sans être méchant, mais cela est trouvable dans la documentation :)
  13. OryGaming

    Vanish | L'erreur ?

    Je voudrais savoir l'Erreur ? command /vanish: trigger: make console execute command "/effect %player% invisibility 9999 255" spawn 10 bats strike lightning at the player strike lightning at the player strike lightning at the player strike lightning at the player strike lightning at the player strike lightning at the player strike lightning at the player wait 15 ticks kill all bats set {vanish.%player%} to true else if set {vanish.%player%} to false make console execute command "/effect %player% invisibility 0 0"
  14. OryGaming

    /verif pour admin

    Je peux l'avoir le code ?
  15. OryGaming


    Modif après test demande à quelqu'un d'autre désolé !
  16. OryGaming


    Jte fait ça !
  17. Oui c'est possible ! mais je ne suis que débutant atant que quelqu'un te contact désolé ! Cordialement, OryGaming
  18. OryGaming


    D'accord merci !
  19. OryGaming


    Ok simple ! Code: on join: make player execute command "/scoreboard" Command /scoreboard: trigger: display board named "&k-=- &6&l %player%&f &k-=-" to player make score "&f" in board of player to 5 make score "&6Serveur : " in board of player 4 make score "-Kolo-" in board of player 3 make score "&7" in board of player to 2 make score "&6Vos morts : " in board of player 1 make score "%{morts.%player%}%" in board of player 0 move display of player to sidebar on death of player: add 1 to {kills.%attacker%} add 1 to {morts.%victim%} command /rscore: trigger: loop all players: make loop-players execute command "/scoreboard" /rscore Pour reload le scoreboard il y a une attente de 3 secondes avant qu'il se réaffiche !
  20. OryGaming


    Demande en résolu stp
  21. OryGaming

    Skript de PNJ gui

    Demande skript en résolu stp
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