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Réputation sur la communauté

8 Neutre

À propos de GillesClaes1104

  • Rang

Visiteurs récents du profil

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  1. Merci à vous deux pour les renseignement et pour votre aide, je vais tenir compte de vos avis :) ! (Je passe le sujet en "Résolu")
  2. Merci, c'est super sympa ! :) Je vais me remettre à suivre des tuto skript pendant ces vacances pour essayer de progresser un peu :) Par contre, je viens d'essayer et il dit qu'il y a des erreurs, après c'est peut être ma version de Skript qui est trop vieille ou le serveur qui est est d'une version trop peu récent (pour ma part le serveur est en 1.8) Voici le message d'erreur: En ce qui concerne la version de skript, c'est étrange j'ai vérifié s'il y avait pas moyen de mettre à jour avec /skript update et ça m'indique que j'ai la dernière (pourtant ça fait depuis longtemps que j'ai plus mis à jour)
  3. Bonjour, Cela fait très longtemps que j'ai délaissé Skript pour les cours et le peu que j'ai appris de Skript, je l'ai perdu et c'est dérangeant puisque j'ai un petit projet et du coup je stagne un peu. Ce que j'essaye de faire là : Un système qui puisse détecter si le joueur : Reçoit des dégâts - Est empoisonné - Brûle - A 3 cœur - A 1.5 cœur - A 0.5 cœurs A chaque évènement il y aurait une commande attribuée, par exemple si l'utilisateur reçoit des dégâts, alors la console exécute "/heal %player%" (par exemple) et une commande par évènement
  4. Bonjour, j'aimerais un Skript qui change le MOTD toutes les 24h 7x puis que ça reparte de 0. Par exemple Le premier MOTD sera le Lundi et sera "Bienvenue sur le serveur" puis 24h après donc le Mardi, ça afficherais le deuxième MOTD qui serait "Serveur FUN, rejoins nous !!" puis ect jusque dimanche ou juste avant lundi ça recommence à Lundi "Bienvenue sur le serveur". J'espère que vous avez compris, merci d'avance, ça me parait pas trop dur mais moi je sais pas comment faire :x, bref merci ^^ :).
  5. L'erreur c'était juste que l'ip que j'ai mis c'était pas sous forme numérique ^^ Merci j'ai trouvé ma solution mais j'ai un autre problème, j'ai un bungeecord et j'ai deux serveurs, tout est reliés, cependant quand je crée un portail d'accès vers le serveur factions, cela inquais que j'étais déjà sur le serveur (j'étais sur le lobby mais bon xD) et quand je me connectais sur le lobby avec /server Lobby ça me disais vous etes déjà connectés (alors j'suis co sur deux a la fois ? wtf xDD) puis j'ai réessayé et là ça a mis que le lobby et le fac existent pas (donc je dois en conclure que j'étais sur aucun serveur ?? j'étais sur un serveur fantome ? :o) nan plus sérieusement, je ne comprends pas d'où viens l'erreur, si vous savez je veux bien votre aide, voici le code. groups: md_5: - admin disabled_commands: - disabledcommandhere - /disabledcommandhere player_limit: 99999 stats: 94aae155-c7e8-467b-952a-e209f117c14b permissions: default: - bungeecord.command.server - bungeecord.command.list admin: - bungeecord.command.alert - bungeecord.command.end - bungeecord.command.ip - bungeecord.command.reload listeners: - query_port: 18338 motd: §a§ki§8|§e§ki§8|§d§ki§8|§c§ki§8|§b§ki§c§lGame§4§lCraft§b§ki§8|§c§ki§8|§d§ki§8|§e§ki§8|§a§ki tab_list: GLOBAL_PING query_enabled: true forced_hosts: pvp ping_passthrough: true default_server: 'GameCraft Lobby' bind_local_address: true fallback_server: 'GameCraft Factions' host: '' max_players: 99999 tab_size: 60 force_default_server: true timeout: 30000 connection_throttle: 4000 servers: 'GameCraft Lobby': address: '' restricted: false motd: §a§ki§8|§e§ki§8|§d§ki§8|§c§ki§8|§b§ki§c§lGame§4§lCraft§b§ki§8|§c§ki§8|§d§ki§8|§e§ki§8|§a§ki 'GameCraft Factions': address: '' restricted: false motd: '§4Ip incorrecte, s''il vous plaît, utilisez celleci: &' ip_forward: true online_mode: false
  6. Bonjour, je sais bien que ça n'a aucun rapport avec Skript mais en faite j'ai pour ma toute première fois acheter un BungeeCord pour mes deux serveurs et j'ai configurer selon le tutoriel de mon hébergeur (OMGserv) le bungeecord et les serveurs, j'ai relié ect mais cependant quand je rejoins le serveur BungeeCord ça me met une erreur en rouge avec comme texte ceci: "§cCould not found connect to default or Fallback server, please try again later :java.netConectExeption" et quand je me connecte aux deux serveurs qui sont reliés ça memet une erreur avec écrit BungeeCord et IP dedans (comme quoi le problème est relatif au BungeeCord) et je ne trouve aucune réponse à ce problème, ni sur les forums, ni l'assistance d'omgserv qui fait que de me foutre des vents, je sais que c'est hors sujet désolé mais c'est vraiment pas cool d'avoir payé deux serv plus un bungeecord et de ne pas pouvoir les utilisés juste à cause d'une erreur que l'assistance veut pas régler :( Merci d'avance à ceux qui m'aideront
  7. /bukkit:help /bukkit:plugins ect ^^ (Utilisé pour des alias en général) J'aurais bien voulu mais y a trop d'erreurs dans le chat du coup je peux juste screen une partie x) J'essayerais de prendre dans la soirée un screen avec une partie des erreurs et d'essayer les propositions (d'ailleur merci :))
  8. Bonjour, j'étais en train de faire un Skript, puis j'ai eu une interrogarion au niveau d'un code et je me suis dis bon au pire je vais le tester comme ça je verais si le rendu est comme je m'y attendais et là, 140 erreurs dans le code. Bon vu que le code se répète tout le temps c'est surement des petites erreurs qui reviennent tout le temps, merci d'avance :) ! aliases: end portal = 120 hook = 131 nether start = 399 nether quartz = 406 on open inventory: if gamemode is creative: wait 1 tick open chest with 6 rows named "&aInventaire du mode Créative" to player format slot 0 of player with brick block named "&7Blocs de construction" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:1"] format slot 1 of player with red flower named "&7Blocs décoratifs" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:2"] format slot 2 of player with redstone named "&7Redstone" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:3"] format slot 3 of player with golden rail named "&7Moyens de transport" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:4"] format slot 4 of player with lava bucket named "&7Divers" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:5"] format slot 5 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:6"] format slot 6 of player with diamond named "&7&dNouveautés et exclusivités" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:7"] format slot 7 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:8"] format slot 8 of player with compass named "&7&aRechercher" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:9"] format slot 9 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:10"] format slot 10 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:11"] format slot 11 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:12"] format slot 12 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:13"] format slot 13 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:14"] format slot 14 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:15"] format slot 15 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:16"] format slot 16 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:17"] format slot 17 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:18"] format slot 18 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:19"] format slot 19 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:20"] format slot 20 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:21"] format slot 21 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:22"] format slot 22 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:23"] format slot 23 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:24"] format slot 24 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:25"] format slot 25 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:26"] format slot 26 of player with barrier named "&7&cOptions &7&d- &7Fermer le menu" to close format slot 27 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:27"] format slot 28 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:28"] format slot 29 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:29"] format slot 30 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:30"] format slot 31 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:31"] format slot 32 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:32"] format slot 33 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:33"] format slot 34 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:34"] format slot 35 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:35"] format slot 36 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:36"] format slot 37 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:37"] format slot 38 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:38"] format slot 39 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:39"] format slot 40 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:40"] format slot 41 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:41"] format slot 42 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:42"] format slot 43 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:43"] format slot 44 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:44"] format slot 45 of player with golden notch apple named "&7Nourriture" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:45"] format slot 46 of player with iron axe named "&7Outils" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:46"] format slot 47 of player with diamond sword named "&7Combat" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:47"] format slot 48 of player with potion regeneration I named "&7Potions" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:48"] format slot 49 of player with blaze rod named "&7Matières premières" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:49"] format slot 50 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:50"] format slot 51 of player with flint and steel named "&7&cPoubelle" to run [make player execute command "/ci %player%"] format slot 52 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:51"] format slot 53 of player with ender chest named "&7&aMatières premières" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:52"] format slot 54 of player with 64 air named "&7" to close then run [make player execute command "/Undefined"] command /GUI:1: trigger: wait 1 tick open chest with 6 rows named "&aInventaire du mode Créative" to player format slot 0 of player with brick block enchant fortune 10 named "&7Blocs de construction" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:1"] format slot 1 of player with red flower named "&7Blocs décoratifs" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:2"] format slot 2 of player with redstone named "&7Redstone" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:3"] format slot 3 of player with golden rail named "&7Moyens de transport" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:4"] format slot 4 of player with lava bucket named "&7Divers" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:5"] format slot 5 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:6"] format slot 6 of player with diamond named "&7&dNouveautés et exclusivités" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:7"] format slot 7 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:8"] format slot 8 of player with compass named "&7&aRechercher" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:9"] format slot 9 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:10"] format slot 10 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:11"] format slot 11 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:12"] format slot 12 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:13"] format slot 13 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:14"] format slot 14 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:15"] format slot 15 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:16"] format slot 16 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:17"] format slot 17 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:18"] format slot 18 of player with stone 1 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% stone 1 0"] format slot 19 of player with stone 2 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% stone 1 1"] format slot 20 of player with stone 3 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% stone 1 2"] format slot 21 of player with stone 4 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% stone 1 3"] format slot 22 of player with stone 5 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% stone 1 4"] format slot 23 of player with stone 6 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% stone 1 5"] format slot 24 of player with stone 7 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% stone 1 6"] format slot 25 of player with grass to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% grass 1 0"] format slot 26 of player with barrier named "&7&cOptions &7&d- &7Fermer le menu" to close format slot 27 of player with dirt 1 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 0"] format slot 28 of player with dirt 2 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 1"] format slot 29 of player with dirt 3 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 2"] format slot 30 of player with cobblestone to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 0"] format slot 31 of player with planks 1 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% planks 1 0"] format slot 32 of player with planks 2 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 1"] format slot 33 of player with planks 3 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 2"] format slot 34 of player with planks 4 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 3"] format slot 35 of player with planks 5 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 4"] format slot 36 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:36"] format slot 37 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:37"] format slot 38 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:38"] format slot 39 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:39"] format slot 40 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:40"] format slot 41 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:41"] format slot 42 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:42"] format slot 43 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:43"] format slot 44 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:44"] format slot 45 of player with golden notch apple named "&7Nourriture" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:45"] format slot 46 of player with iron axe named "&7Outils" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:46"] format slot 47 of player with diamond sword named "&7Combat" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:47"] format slot 48 of player with potion regeneration I named "&7Potions" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:48"] format slot 49 of player with blaze rod named "&7Matières premières" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:49"] format slot 50 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:50"] format slot 51 of player with flint and steel named "&7&cPoubelle" to run [make player execute command "/ci %player%"] format slot 52 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:51"] format slot 53 of player with ender chest named "&7&aMatières premières" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:52"] format slot 54 of player with 64 air named "&7" to close then run [make player execute command "/Undefined"] #/GUI:x = Command Interface Graphique Number #/GUI:M-x = Command Interface Graphique Movement - Number #/GUI:xxx = Command Interface Graphique Suite 2 Continued command /GUI:111: trigger: wait 1 tick open chest with 6 rows named "&aInventaire du mode Créative" to player format slot 0 of player with brick block enchant fortune 10 named "&7Blocs de construction" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:1"] format slot 1 of player with red flower named "&7Blocs décoratifs" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:2"] format slot 2 of player with redstone named "&7Redstone" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:3"] format slot 3 of player with golden rail named "&7Moyens de transport" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:4"] format slot 4 of player with lava bucket named "&7Divers" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:5"] format slot 5 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:6"] format slot 6 of player with diamond named "&7&dNouveautés et exclusivités" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:7"] format slot 7 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:8"] format slot 8 of player with compass named "&7&aRechercher" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:9"] format slot 9 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:10"] format slot 10 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:11"] format slot 11 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:12"] format slot 12 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:13"] format slot 13 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:14"] format slot 14 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:15"] format slot 15 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:16"] format slot 16 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:17"] format slot 17 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:18"] format slot 18 of player with glass to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% glass 1 0"] format slot 19 of player with lapis ore to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% lapis_ore 1 0"] format slot 20 of player with lapis block to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% lapis_block 1 0"] format slot 21 of player with sandstone 1 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% sandstone 1 0"] format slot 22 of player with sandstone 2 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% sandstone 1 1"] format slot 23 of player with sandstone 3 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% sandstone 1 2"] format slot 24 of player with wool 1 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% wool 1 0"] format slot 25 of player with wool 2 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% wool 1 1"] format slot 26 of player with barrier named "&7&cOptions &7&d- &7Fermer le menu" to close format slot 27 of player with dirt 1 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 0"] format slot 28 of player with dirt 2 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 1"] format slot 29 of player with dirt 3 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 2"] format slot 30 of player with cobblestone to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 0"] format slot 31 of player with planks 1 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% planks 1 0"] format slot 32 of player with planks 2 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 1"] format slot 33 of player with planks 3 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 2"] format slot 34 of player with planks 4 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 3"] format slot 35 of player with planks 5 to run [make player execute command "/Give %player% dirt 1 4"] format slot 36 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:36"] format slot 37 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:37"] format slot 38 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:38"] format slot 39 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:39"] format slot 40 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:40"] format slot 41 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:41"] format slot 42 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:42"] format slot 43 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:43"] format slot 44 of player with staned glass pane black named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:44"] format slot 45 of player with golden notch apple named "&7Nourriture" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:45"] format slot 46 of player with iron axe named "&7Outils" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:46"] format slot 47 of player with diamond sword named "&7Combat" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:47"] format slot 48 of player with potion regeneration I named "&7Potions" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:48"] format slot 49 of player with blaze rod named "&7Matières premières" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:49"] format slot 50 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:50"] format slot 51 of player with flint and steel named "&7&cPoubelle" to run [make player execute command "/ci %player%"] format slot 52 of player with staned glass pane grey named "&7" to run [make player execute command "/GUI:51"] format slot 53 of player with ender chest named "&7&aMatières premières" to close then run [make player execute command "/GUI:52"]
  9. Dommage, si tu change d'avis, je suis là ^^. Et le projet finis à 95 c'est quoi ?
  10. Vu que t'as l'air très interressé par l'Aether si tu veux je peux t'envoyer mes maps :)
  11. En faite j'ai aussi pas réussit à faire en sorte qu'il n'y ai pas de sol ^^' mais j'ai fait ce monde grâce aux paramètres de génération du monde.
  12. J'avais oublié le Screenshot du portail que je voudrais à la mort du dragon: [ATTACH=full]3236[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]3237[/ATTACH]
  13. Bonjour, tout d'abord je tiens à préciser que cette demande risque d'être dur. Pour commencé, sur mon serveur j'ai eu comme projet de réinstaurés certains projets abandonnés par Notch et j'ai eu l'idée de faire la SkyDimension qu'il a abandonné. Pour ça rien de bien compliquer, juste à faire une Pap avec des config de génération de sorte à ce que cela donne comme résultat des îles flottantes. Mais j'ai tester ma propre Map et je me suis dis qu'il manquais du challenge, que c'était un peu mou alors je me suis dis pourquoi pas rajouter un nouveau dragon ? Pour cela pas très compliquer suffit de créer un ressourcepack et de refaire la texture d'un dragon et de faire if player is in world "example" download "YourTexturePack" pour modifier la texture du "Nouveau" dragon. Cependant ce dragon gardera les mêmes atouts ou comportement que l'autre dragon (EnderDragon) c'est à dire: -A sa mort, s'élève dans le ciel, crie, lâche de l'XP et crée un portail avec son œuf. -Se régénère à partir de Crystaux. -Crache des boules d'acides. -Fonce sur les mobs. -Détruit tout les blocs originaires d'un autre monde que l'Ender. -Transperce les blocs. -Ne subit pas d'effets et ne peut brulé. -A un cri particulier. -Fonce sur les joueurs (et mobs il me semble) (même si le joueur est en créatif). Et c'est justement cela que j'aimerais modifier son comportement pour créer au "Nouveau Dragon" ses propres caractéristiques ! Pour l'instant j'ai pas eu trop d'idées, en voici quelques unes et si vous en avez d'autres, faites en part dans vos commentaires (a noté ce doit être des caractéristiques en rapport avec le Paradis, n'allez pas me dire qu'il crache du feu xdd). -Parfois, propulse le joueur par un énorme cri suivit d'un souffle de nuage (cloud particle). -Se déplace 1.75x plus vite que l'EnderDragon. -A sa mort, crée un portail similaire au Screenshot (avec un texture pack je modifierais la texture du portail pour plus de réalisme et de l'œuf). -Lorsqu'il est à moitié vie, lâche un éclair sur le joueur (ou a proximité). -Retrait de l'animation "montée vers le ciel du dragon" à sa mort. -A 1.25x plus de vie que l'EnderDragon. -Ne détruit pas les blocs. -Fonce parfois sur le joueur (joueur uniquement pas mobs). -Ne transperce pas les blocs (si possible, éventuellement). -Ne subit pas d'effets et ne peut brulé. -A une faible aura de townaura pour le dragon (similaire à quand vous exécutez cette commande: /particle townaura ~ ~ ~ 2 3 2 1 1000 normal @p 5 3). -Laisse une faible trainée de particules de enchantmenttable et de reddust (rouge 75% blanc 25%). - A son propre cris. -(Peut être d'autres idées pour plus tard :eek:). Voilà, merci à tous d'avance pour votre aide, si vous ne savez pas le faire mais que vous avez des éléments qui pourraient aidés, n'hésitez pas à en faire part dans les commentaires :). Screenshots: Nouveau Dragon: [ATTACH=full]3231[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]3232[/ATTACH] Pour les curieux, voici un aperçut de la dimension: [ATTACH=full]3233[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]3234[/ATTACH]
  14. Bonjour je souhaiterais que lorsqu'un joueur crée un portail de l'Aether (SkyDimension) lorsque le joueur place l'eau dans le portail, cela l'active et si le joueur passe dedans, cela le téléporte dans le monde thisisaexample Merci d'avance car je travail sur un projet de réinstaller certaines fonctionnalitées abandonnées par Mojang.
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