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Bonjour à Tout et à Toutes,

Aujourd'hui je vous fais appel car j'ai un gros soucis dans le skript que j'ai fais a partie d'un autre plugin nommé


Je vous fais part du code pour que vous compreniez un peu mieux mon code et pour voir si vous pourriez le regler ou pas.

Code :

Contenu masqué

    Réagissez ou répondez à ce message afin de consulter le contenu masqué.


Voila et mersi encore x)

PS: ça m'affiche 27 erreurs

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Quelle sont les erreurs ?


Sinon essaye ca :


on join:
   if player's world is "HUB":
       set slot 6 of player to ender chest named "&d&lParti&3&lcules"

on right click with ender chest:
   if player's world is "HUB":
       if player doesn't have permission "enderchest.use":
           send "&cTu dois être &eVIP &cpour pouvoir utiliser cette option"
           open chest with 4 rows named "&d&lParti&3&lcules"
           wait 1 tick
           format slot 0 of player with snowball named "&4&lE&f&lx&4&lp&f&ll&4&lo&f&ls&4&li&f&lo&4&ln" to run [make player execute command "/pp explode"]
           format slot 1 of player with snowball named "&9&lFeu d'Articice" to run [make player execute command "/pp fireworksspark"]
           format slot 2 of player with snowball named "&b&lBulles" to run [make player execute command "/pp bubble"
           format slot 3 of player with snowball named "&3&lEau Pétillante" to run [make player execute command "/pp wake"
           format slot 4 of player with snowball named "&8&lTénèbre Scintillant" to run [make player execute command "/pp depthsuspend"                      format slot 5 of player with snowball named "&6&lCoup Critique" to run [make player execute command "/pp crit"
           format slot 6 of player with snowball named "&3&lCoup Critique &6&l2" to run [make player execute command "/pp magiccrit"
           format slot 7 of player with snowball named "&7&lFumée" to run [make player execute command "/pp smoke"
           format slot 8 of player with snowball named "&d&lPotion" to run [make player execute command "/pp spell"
           format slot 9 of player with snowball named "&5&lSorcière" to run [make player execute command "/pp witchmagic"
           format slot 10 of player with snowball named "&b&lEau" to run [make player execute command "/pp dripwater"
           format slot 11 of player with snowball named "&6&lLave" to run [make player execute command "/pp driplava"
           format slot 12 of player with snowball named "&2&lVillageois Enervé" to run [make player execute command "/pp angryvillager"
           format slot 13 of player with snowball named "&2&lVillageois Joyeux" to run [make player execute command "/pp happyvillager"
           format slot 14 of player with snowball named "&e&lNote" to run [make player execute command "/pp note"
           format slot 15 of player with snowball named "&9&lPortail" to run [make player execute command "/pp portal"
           format slot 16 of player with snowball named "&7&lTable d'Enchantement" to run [make player execute command "/pp enchantmenttable"
           format slot 17 of player with snowball named "&4&lFlamme" to run [make player execute command "/pp flame"
           format slot 18 of player with snowball named "&6&lLave 2" to run [make player execute command "/pp lava"
           format slot 19 of player with snowball named "&e&lPieds" to run [make player execute command "/pp footstep"
           format slot 20 of player with snowball named "&f&lNuage" to run [make player execute command "/pp cloud"
           format slot 21 of player with snowball named "&4&lRedstone" to run [make player execute command "/pp reddust"
           format slot 22 of player with snowball named "&f&lBoule de neige" to run [make player execute command "/pp snowballpoof"
           format slot 23 of player with snowball named "&f&lBoule de neige &6&l2" to run [make player execute command "/pp snowshovel"
           format slot 24 of player with snowball named "&a&lSlime" to run [make player execute command "/pp slime"
           format slot 25 of player with snowball named "&c&lCoeur" to run [make player execute command "/pp heart"
           format slot 26 of player with snowball named "&a&lA&4&lr&c&lc&f&l-&4&lE&6&ln&f&l-&1&lC&2&li&e&le&b&ll" to run [make player execute command "/pp rainbow"
           format slot 29 of player with barrier named "&4&lSupprimer ta particule + le style" to run [make player execute command "/clearparticle"]
           format slot 28 of player with slimeball named "&a >&7Clique pour voir les &3&lStyles &a<" to run [make player execute command "/nextpage"

command /nextpage: #Fait pareil ici... (enleve les wait 1 tick sauf celui du debut)
   permission: nextpage.use
       if player's world is "HUB":
           if player doesn't have permission "nextpage.use":
               send "&cTu dois être &eVIP &cpour pouvoir utiliser cette option"
               open chest with 1 row named "&3&lStyles" to player
               wait 1 tick
               format slot 0 of player with white stained glass named "&f&lSpirale" to run [make player execute command "/pp style spiral"]
               wait 1 tick
               format slot 1 of player with red stained glass named "&4&lCercle" to run [make player execute command "/pp style halo"]
               wait 1 tick
               format slot 2 of player with cyan stained glass named "&3&lPoint" to run [make player execute command "/pp style point"]
               wait 1 tick
               format slot 3 of player with lime stained glass named "&a&lMouvement" to run [make player execute command "/pp style move"]
               wait 1 tick
               format slot 4 of player with yellow stained glass named "&e&lCouronne" to run [make player execute command "/pp style spin"]
               wait 1 tick
               format slot 5 of player with purple stained glass named "&5&lTournant" to run [make player execute command "/pp style quadhelix"]
               wait 1 tick
               format slot 6 of player with gray stained glass named "&7&lOrbe" to run [make player execute command "/pp style orb"]

command /clearparticle:
   permission: clear.use
       if player's world is "HUB":
           if player doesn't have permission "clear.use":
               send "&cTu dois être &eVIP &cpour pouvoir utiliser cette option"
              execute player command "/pp clear"
              wait 0.5 tick
              execute player command "/pp style none"

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Tu a oublier d'installer le Plugin "SkQuery" ainsi que "SkRayFall"

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Regarde dans tes logs si ils se boot bien car defois il y a des conflits entre plugins

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Bingo, problème qui vient de SkRayFall, t'as une version très ancienne et pareil pour SkQuery. Les bonnes versions sont disponibles dans ma signature, enjoy !


Et puis t'as masse erreurs de syntaxe, revois ton code avant...

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