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    10 [Faire un don]

Messages posté(e)s par DMNKKiiZyx

  1. Il y a 2 heures, Yghore a dit :

    Salut. Vu le code tu peux le mettre directement sur le forum 😉

    Sinon je pense que la commande que doit faire le joueur c'est ça  : 'ob warp [JOUEUR]'

    ducoup tu peux juste utiliser %loop-player% ...


    Ok donc j'ai mis l'argument "%loop-player%" et ça me fait une erreur 


    Salut , je vais essayer je te fais une update tout de suite !


  2. Version de Minecraft : 1.16.4
    Version de Skript : 2.5.3

    Addons utilisés: Skelett, SkQuery

    Type du skript : téléportation en fonction de la tête d'un joueur

    Description du script :

    Bonjour , je voudrais de l'aide pour mon Skript alors en faite j'aimerai que quand un joueur clic sur la tête d'un autre joueur dans le gui cela téléporte le joueur a l'ile qui correspond a la tête. 

    Je vais vous expliquer avec un screen parce que je sais pas si mes explication écrite vont être comprise warp1.png.22478f4e5f3fc9e7c41621274341c376.png


    Voici le Skript que j'ai créer mais il me manque quelque chose :


    Contenu masqué

      Réagissez ou répondez à ce message afin de consulter le contenu masqué.


    Merci pour l'aide. 

  3. Je peux venir sur ton serveur @DMNKKiiZyx, donne moi juste l'ip et je ferai de tout mon possible pour fixer ça... Ton problème semble venir de l'addon SkRayFall clique

    Contenu masqué

      Réagissez ou répondez à ce message afin de consulter le contenu masqué.
    pour avoir le lien de téléchargement de cette addon en 1.8


    Salut @FromFX l'ip c'est

    Et peut tu me donner ton pseudo Minecraft comme ça je t'op si besoin ☺

  4. Salut FromFX ! Tu peut m'aider s'il te plait j'ai une erreur quand je met ton skript

    Je te la copie colle !




    [18:53:01] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to "&f%victim% &da ?t? tu? par &f%attacker%"' (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 410: set action bar of loop-player to "{@death_msg_1}"')

    [18:53:01] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to "&f%victim% &dest mort"' (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 413: set action bar of loop-player to "{@death_msg_2}"')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe player's sidebar (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 470: wipe player's sidebar')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe {_p}'s sidebar (, line 202: wipe {_p}'s sidebar')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&dRushFFA" (, line 203: set name of sidebar of {_p} to "{@scoreboard_name}"')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fKills: %{rf_kills::%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 15 (, line 204: set score "{@scoreboard_1}" in sidebar of {_p} to 15')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fMorts: %{rf_deaths::%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 14 (, line 205: set score "{@scoreboard_2}" in sidebar of {_p} to 14')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fRatio: %{_ratio}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 13 (, line 206: set score "{@scoreboard_3}" in sidebar of {_p} to 13')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%script's" (, line 306: delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%script's"')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/WARN]: an entity cannot be saved, i.e. the contents of the variable {rf_lasthit::%the attacked entity%} will be lost when the server stops. (, line 334: set {rf_lasthit::%victim%} to attack

  5. Salut , une fois que j'ai mis tous

    j'ai toutes ces erreurs:

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 218! (, line 322: observer?s = 218')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (, line 324: white(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 219')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 220! (, line 325: orange(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 220')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 221! (, line 326: magenta(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 221')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 222! (, line 327: light(_| )blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 222')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 223! (, line 328: yellow(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 223')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 224! (, line 329: (lime|light(_| )green)(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 224')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 225! (, line 330: pink(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 225')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 226! (, line 331: gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 226')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 227! (, line 332: light(_| )gray(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 227')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 228! (, line 333: cyan(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 228')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 229! (, line 334: [purple(_| )]shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 229')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 230! (, line 335: blue(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 230')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 231! (, line 336: brown(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 231')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 232! (, line 337: green(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 232')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 233! (, line 338: red(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 233')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 234! (, line 339: black(_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 234')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 219! (, line 340: [<any>](_| )shulker(_| )(box|chest)?s = 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 449! (, line 343: totem(_| )of(_| )Undying?s = 449')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 450! (, line 344: shulker(_| )shell?s = 450')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 452! (, line 345: iron(_| )nugget?s = 452')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 213! (, line 348: magma(_| )block?s = 213')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 214! (, line 349: nether(_| )wart(_| )block?s = 214')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 215! (, line 350: red(_| )nether(_| )brick?s = 215')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 216! (, line 351: bone(_| )block?s = 216')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 217! (, line 352: structure(_| )void?s = 217')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 198! (, line 355: end[er](_| )rod?s = 198')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 199! (, line 356: chorus(_| )plant?s = 199')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 200! (, line 357: chorus(_| )flower?s = 200')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 201! (, line 358: purpur(_| )block?s = 201')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 202! (, line 359: purpur(_| )pillar?s = 202')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 203! (, line 360: purpur(_| )stairs = 203')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 204! (, line 361: purpur(_| )double(_| )slab?s = 204')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 205! (, line 362: purpur(_| )slab?s = 205')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 206! (, line 363: endstone(_| )bricks = 206')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 207! (, line 364: beetroot(_| )block?s = 207')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 208! (, line 365: grass(_| )path?s = 208')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 209! (, line 366: ender(_| )gateway?s = 209')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 210! (, line 367: repeating(_| )command(_| )block?s = 210')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 211! (, line 368: chain(_| )command(_| )block?s = 211')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 212! (, line 369: frosted(_| )ice?s = 212')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 255! (, line 371: structure(_| )block?s = 255')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 426! (, line 374: ender(_| )crystal?s = 426')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 432! (, line 375: chorus(_| )fruit?s = 432')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 433! (, line 376: popped(_| )chorus(_| )fruit?s = 433')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 434! (, line 377: beetroot?s = 434')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 435! (, line 378: beetroot(_| )seeds = 435')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 436! (, line 379: beetroot(_| )soup?s = 436')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 437! (, line 380: dragon(_| )breath?s = 437')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 438! (, line 381: splash(_| )potion?s = 438')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 439! (, line 382: spectral(_| )arrow?s = 439')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 440! (, line 383: tipped(_| )arrow?s = 440')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 441! (, line 384: lingering(_| )potion?s = 441')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 442! (, line 385: shield?s = 442')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 443! (, line 386: elytra?s = 443')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 444! (, line 387: spruce(_| )boat?s = 444')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 445! (, line 388: birch(_| )boat?s = 445')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 446! (, line 389: jungle(_| )boat?s = 446')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 447! (, line 390: acacia(_| )boat?s = 447')

    [18:37:45] [server thread/ERROR]: There doesn't exist a material with id 448! (, line 391: dark(_| )oak(_| )boat?s = 448')







    J'ai régler le premier problème maintenant j'ai ça :( :( :

    [18:53:01] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to "&f%victim% &da ?t? tu? par &f%attacker%"' (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 410: set action bar of loop-player to "{@death_msg_1}"')

    [18:53:01] [server thread/ERROR]: There's no loop that matches 'loop-player to "&f%victim% &dest mort"' (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 413: set action bar of loop-player to "{@death_msg_2}"')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe player's sidebar (RushFFA-b-1.4 (1).sk, line 470: wipe player's sidebar')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: wipe {_p}'s sidebar (, line 202: wipe {_p}'s sidebar')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set name of sidebar of {_p} to "&dRushFFA" (, line 203: set name of sidebar of {_p} to "{@scoreboard_name}"')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fKills: %{rf_kills::%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 15 (, line 204: set score "{@scoreboard_1}" in sidebar of {_p} to 15')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fMorts: %{rf_deaths::%{_p}%}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 14 (, line 205: set score "{@scoreboard_2}" in sidebar of {_p} to 14')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: set score "&fRatio: %{_ratio}%" in sidebar of {_p} to 13 (, line 206: set score "{@scoreboard_3}" in sidebar of {_p} to 13')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/ERROR]: Can't understand this condition/effect: delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%script's" (, line 306: delete file "plugins/Skript/scripts/%script's"')

    [18:53:02] [server thread/WARN]: an entity cannot be saved, i.e. the contents of the variable {rf_lasthit::%the attacked entity%} will be lost when the server stops. (, line 334: set {rf_lasthit::%victim%} to attack

    • J'aime 1

  6. Voici le pack d'addons et la version Skript que j'utilise:

    Pack d'addons

    Contenu masqué

      Réagissez ou répondez à ce message afin de consulter le contenu masqué.

    Mettez l'option "Bungeecord" sur "false" si vous n'avez pas un serveur Bungeecord, cela rajoute la commande /rushffa join et /rushffa leave. Faites attention à changer le monde de la partie, si ceci n'est pas fait et que le Bungeecord est à "true". Alors le skript ne fonctionnera pas.


    Merci je vais essayer !

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