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2 Neutre

À propos de simonj23

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  1. simonj23


    Salut, merci d'avoir répondu Non je pense pas car l'addon pour ça et je croit randomsk et je l'ai (j'ai presque tous les addons (pack d'addon de quelqu'un sur skriptmc)).
  2. simonj23


    Désole de re up mais c'est important!:(
  3. simonj23

    à delete

    Mysql tuto sur internet Met un j'aime si je t'ai aider
  4. simonj23


    Up please
  5. simonj23

    Voir s'il y a moin

    Passe en résolu si c'est résolu x)
  6. De rien. N'oublie pas de passez en résolu
  7. Tiens [Contenu masqué] N'oublie pas de laissez un j'aime!
  8. simonj23


    Bonjour, j'ai un skript de monture que j'ai trouvé sur internet : il faut randomsk je l'ai ajouté et il est détecté mais il y a quand meme des erreurs je suis en 1.11 je vous met screen des erreurs et le skript. Merci d'avance! [spoiler=Screen] [spoiler=Code] on right click: targeted entity is a cow set {_ride} to targeted entity make player ride {_ride} wait 5 ticks while vehicle of player is {_ride}: change yaw of vehicle of player to yaw of player change pitch of vehicle of player to pitch of player wait 1 ticks on vehicle steer: if event-button is space: push vehicle of player upwards at speed 0.6 if event-button is w: push vehicle of player in the direction of player at speed 0.6 if event-button is a: push vehicle of player to the left at speed 0.4 if event-button is d: push vehicle of player to the right at speed 0.4 if event-button is s: push vehicle of player backwards at speed 0.4 on death: if victim is a cow: clear drops
  9. simonj23

    Sky defender problème

    Je l'ai update et ça marche, merci beaucoup!
  10. simonj23

    Sky defender problème

    Ok je te dit ça : j'ai SkQuery en 3.5.6-Lime, skellett en 1.8.2a, umbaska en 2.0 betta 5.5.1, wildskript en 1.9, skrayfall en 1.9.5, randomsk en 2.7.1 et bien sûr skript en 2.2-dev24. [spoiler=Screen skript]
  11. simonj23

    Sky defender problème

    Bonjour, j'ai trouvé un skript de sky defender sur internet, mais problème quand je reload il y a une erreur : no scripts were found, maybe you should write some, j'ai vérifié de nombreuses fois que le script était bien installé et rien. Je vous met la photo et le skript: [spoiler=Skript] #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # _____ _ ______ __ _ # / ___| | | _ \ / _| | | # \ `--.| | ___ _| | | |___| |_ ___ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ # `--. \ |/ / | | | | | / _ \ _/ _ \ '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__| # /\__/ / <| |_| | |/ / __/ || __/ | | | (_| | __/ | # \____/|_|\_\\__, |___/ \___|_| \___|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| # __/ | # |___/ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- on load: execute console command "/scoreboard teams add Blue" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Blue color blue" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Blue friendlyFire false" execute console command "/scoreboard teams add Red" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Red color red" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Red friendlyFire false" execute console command "/scoreboard teams add Green" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Green color green" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Green friendlyFire false" execute console command "/scoreboard teams add Magenta" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Magenta color light_purple" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Magenta friendlyFire false" execute console command "/scoreboard teams add Purple" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Purple color dark_purple" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Purple friendlyFire false" execute console command "/scoreboard teams add Orange" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Orange color Orange" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Orange friendlyFire false" execute console command "/scoreboard teams add Yellow" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Yellow color yellow" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Yellow friendlyFire false" execute console command "/scoreboard teams add Gray" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Gray color Gray" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Gray friendlyFire false" execute console command "/scoreboard teams add Cyan" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Cyan color dark_aqua" execute console command "/scoreboard teams option Cyan friendlyFire false" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SYSTEME DU MOTD # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# on server list ping: if {SkyDefender.isStart} is not set: #Si le jeu n'est pas lancé set motd to "&6&k|| &r&3&l Sky Defender &6&k|| &7 En attente de joueurs .. " else: set motd to "&6&k|| &r&3&l Sky Defender &6&k|| &a Partie en cours ! " #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SYSTEME DE DE/CONNEXION # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# on join: if {SkyDefender.isStart} is not set: #Si le jeu n'est pas lancé teleport player to location (113, 173, 48) #TP à la WaitingRoom clear player's inventory set the gamemode of the player to adventure #Gamemode aventure au joueur heal player #Heal le joueur set tab header to "&3&lSkyDefender" and footer to "&8En attente de joueurs..." for player if {SkyDefender.isStart} is set: #Si le jeu est lancé if {SkyDefender.isPaused} is set: set the freeze state of player to true else: set the freeze state of player to false on join: if {SkyDefender.Jour} is more than 3: if player is in world "world_nether": send "&7Vous allez être téléporté en dehors du nether." to player play raw sound "mob.endermen.portal" at player with pitch 1 volume 1 set {_teleport} to a random integer between 1 and 8 wait 15 ticks teleport player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.%{_teleport}%} #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # WAITINGROOM SYST # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# on place: if {SkyDefender.isStart} is not set: cancel event if {SkyDefender.isPaused} is set: cancel event send "&cLa partie est en pause !" on break: if {SkyDefender.isStart} is not set: cancel event if {SkyDefender.isPaused} is set: cancel event send "&cLa partie est en pause !" on drop: #Evite le drop en lobby if {SkyDefender.isStart} is not set: cancel event if {SkyDefender.isPaused} is set: cancel event send "&cLa partie est en pause !" On Hunger MEter Change: #Evite le changement de faim if {SkyDefender.isStart} is not set: cancel event if {SkyDefender.isPaused} is set: cancel event On damage: #Evite le changement de vie if {SkyDefender.isStart} is not set: #Si le jeu n'est pas lancé cancel event if {SkyDefender.isPaused} is set: cancel event on damage: if {SkyDefender.Damage} is not set: if victim is a player: cancel event #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # DETECTION LATENCE # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# command /lag: trigger: set {_now} to "%now%" replace all "/" and " " with ":" in {_now} set {_now::*} to {_now} split at ":" set {_ping} to player's ping set {_tps} to tps send "&8------------------------------------------" send "&6Date: &e%{_now::1}%/%{_now::2}%/%{_now::3}% %{_now::4}%:%{_now::5}%" send "&7Votre ping indique votre latence de connexion" send "&3Votre ping est actuellement à &b%{_ping}% &3ms" send "&7Le TPS indique si le serveur lag ou pas, &220 = &aparfait" send "&3Le TPS indique actuellement &b%{_tps}%" send "&8------------------------------------------" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # CONFIGURATION # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# command /game [<text=help>] [<text>] [<player>]: trigger: if player is op: if arg 1 is "help": send "&e-------------- &fAide: &bSky Defender&e--------------" send "&7Voici la liste de toutes les commandes Sky Defender:" send "&6/game team &e<Couleur> &e<Joueur>: &fDéfinit l'équipe de <Joueur> par la couleur indiquée." send "&6/game players unset &e<Joueur>: &fRetire le joueur de son équipe." send "&6/game spawn &e<Spawn>: &fDéfinit un spawn." send "&6/gamerules &e<Rule> &e<Jour>: &fDéfinit les règles de jour." send "&6/gamepos &e<Pos>: &fDéfinit les positions des utilitaires." send "&6/game start: &fLancer la partie." send "&6/game pause: &fMet la partie en pause, désactivation de l'écoulement du temps." send "&6/gamestatus: &fVoir le statut de la partie : cela affiche le jour actuel, l'heure, et si le PvP ou les attaques sont autorisés." if arg 1 is "team": if arg 2 and arg 3 is not set: send "&e-------------- &fAide: &bSky Defender&e--------------" send "&7Voici la liste des couleurs d'équipe disponibles :" send "&9Blue &cRed &aGreen &dMagenta &5Purple &6Orange &eYellow &7Gray &3Cyan" if arg 2 is "Blue": set {Equipe::%arg-player%} to "Blue" execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Blue %arg-player%" send "&9%arg-player%&f est désormais dans l'équipe &9Bleue" if arg 2 is "Red": set {Equipe::%arg-player%} to "Red" execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Red %arg-player%" send "&c%arg-player%&f est désormais dans l'équipe &cRouge" if arg 2 is "Green": set {Equipe::%arg-player%} to "Green" execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Green %arg-player%" send "&a%arg-player%&f est désormais dans l'équipe &aVerte." if arg 2 is "Magenta": set {Equipe::%arg-player%} to "Magenta" execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Magenta %arg-player%" send "&d%arg-player%&f est désormais dans l'équipe &dMagenta" if arg 2 is "Purple": set {Equipe::%arg-player%} to "Purple" execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Purple %arg-player%" send "&5%arg-player%&f est désormais dans l'équipe &5Violette" if arg 2 is "Orange": set {Equipe::%arg-player%} to "Orange" execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Orange %arg-player%" send "&6%arg-player%&f est désormais dans l'équipe &6Orange" if arg 2 is "Yellow": set {Equipe::%arg-player%} to "Yellow" execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Yellow %arg-player%" send "&e%arg-player%&f est désormais dans l'équipe &eJaune" if arg 2 is "Gray": set {Equipe::%arg-player%} to "Gray" execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Gray %arg-player%" send "&7%arg-player%&f est désormais dans l'équipe &7Grise" if arg 2 is "Cyan": set {Equipe::%arg-player%} to "Cyan" execute console command "/scoreboard teams join Cyan %arg-player%" send "&3%arg-player%&f est désormais dans l'équipe &3Cyan &8(Défenseurs)" if arg 1 is "players": if arg 2 is "unset": clear {Equipe::%arg-player%} execute console command "/scoreboard teams leave %arg-player%" send "&6%arg-player%&f n'a désormais plus d'équipe." if arg 1 is "spawn": if arg 2 is not set: send "&e-------------- &fAide: &bSky Defender&e--------------" send "&7Il faut définir les 9 spawns des équipes. (1;2;3.. 9)" send "&d&lNB: &7Le spawn 9 est celui des défenseurs." else: set {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.%arg 2%} to player's location send "&aSpawn n°%arg 2% définis &6%{SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.%arg 2%}%" if arg 1 is "start": if {SkyDefender.isStart} is not set: loop all players: set the freeze state of loop-player to true set the loop-player's gamemode to survival clear inventory of loop-player set slot 0 of loop-player to 12 bread if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Blue": teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.1} if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Red": teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.2} if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Green": teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.3} if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Magenta": teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.4} if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Purple": teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.5} if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Orange": teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.6} if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Yellow": teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.7} if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Gray": teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.8} if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Cyan": teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.9} set slot 0 of loop-player to iron pickaxe of unbreaking 2 named "&cEz&6Pickaxe" execute console command "/start1" else: send "&cLa partie est déja en cours ! Merci d'utiliser &c&l/game reset (ATTENTION TOUT SERA PERDU)" if arg 1 is "reset": delete {SkyDefender.isStart} clear {Equipe::*} delete {SkyDefender.isPaused} delete {SkyDefender.Damage} delete {SkyDefender.EventAction} delete {SkyDefender.Event} delete {SkyDefender.TP1} delete {SkyDefender.TP2} delete {SkyDefender.BANNER} execute console command "/scoreboard teams empty Blue" execute console command "/scoreboard teams empty Red" execute console command "/scoreboard teams empty Green" execute console command "/scoreboard teams empty Magenta" execute console command "/scoreboard teams empty Purple" execute console command "/scoreboard teams empty Orange" execute console command "/scoreboard teams empty Yellow" execute console command "/scoreboard teams empty Gray" execute console command "/scoreboard teams empty Cyan" if arg 1 is "pause": if {SkyDefender.isPaused} is not set: set {SkyDefender.isPaused} to now loop all players: set the freeze state of loop-player to true send loop-player title "&cPAUSE !" with subtitle "&d%player%&7 a mis la partie en pause." for 4 seconds else: delete {SkyDefender.isPaused} loop all players: set the freeze state of loop-player to false send loop-player title "&aREPRISE !" with subtitle "&d%player%&7 a enlevé la pause." for 4 seconds command /gamestatus: trigger: send "&e--------------&bSky Defender&e--------------" send "&7Nous sommes le jour &a%{SkyDefender.Jour}%&7, il est &6%{SkyDefender.Time.M}%:%{SkyDefender.Time.S}%" if {SkyDefender.Jour} is more than or equal to {SkyDefender.PvPCap}: send "&7Le PvP est &aactif" else: send "&7Le PvP &cn'est pas actif" if {SkyDefender.Jour} is more than or equal to {SkyDefender.BannerCap}: send "&7La bannière est &adestructible." else: send "&7La bannière est &cindestructible." command /start1: #Alléa du start executable by: console trigger: wait 1 second loop all players: play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1 send loop-player title "&65" with subtitle "" for 1 second execute console command "/start2" command /start2: #Alléa du start executable by: console trigger: wait 1 second loop all players: play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1 send loop-player title "&64" with subtitle "" for 1 second execute console command "/start3" command /start3: #Alléa du start executable by: console trigger: wait 1 second loop all players: play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1 send loop-player title "&63" with subtitle "" for 1 second execute console command "/start4" command /start4: #Alléa du start executable by: console trigger: wait 1 second loop all players: play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1 send loop-player title "&62" with subtitle "" for 1 second execute console command "/start5" command /start5: #Alléa du start executable by: console trigger: wait 1 second loop all players: play raw sound "note.pling" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1 send loop-player title "&c1" with subtitle "" for 1 second execute console command "/startfinal" command /startfinal: #Alléa du start FINAL executable by: console trigger: wait 1 second set {SkyDefender.isStart} to now set {SkyDefender.Jour} to 1 set {SkyDefender.Time.M} to 0 set {SkyDefender.Time.S} to 0 set {SkyDefender.Event} to 20 set {SkyDefender.EventAction} to "PvP" execute console command "/time set 0" disable PvP in all worlds broadcast "&3SkyDefender - Jour 1 !" loop all players: set {SkyDefender.TP.%loop-player%.lastUse} to now set tab header to " &3SkyDefender " and footer to "" for loop-player make loop-player execute command "/timermaj" set the freeze state of loop-player to false play raw sound "random.explode" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1 broadcast "&7Les dégâts seront actifs dans &615 secondes." wait 15 seconds set {SkyDefender.Damage} to now broadcast "&7Les dégâts sont désormais &aactifs !" command /gamerules [<text=help>] [<number>]: trigger: if player is op: if arg 1 is "help": send "&e-------------- &fAide: &bSky Defender&e--------------" send "&7Voici la liste des règles possible de définir :" send "&6pvpcap, bannercap" if arg 1 is "pvpcap": if number argument is set: set {SkyDefender.PvPCap} to arg 2 loop all players: send loop-player title "&6Changement de règle !" with subtitle "&7PvP autorisé jour %{SkyDefender.PvPCap}%" for 3 seconds broadcast "&d&l[Annonce] &7Le &cPvP&7 est désormais autorisé à partir du jour &a%{SkyDefender.PvPCap}%" if {SkyDefender.Jour} is more than or equal to {SkyDefender.PvPCap}: enable PvP in all worlds else: disable PvP in all worlds if arg 1 is "bannercap": if number argument is set: set {SkyDefender.BannerCap} to arg 2 loop all players: send loop-player title "&6Changement de règle !" with subtitle "&7Attaques autorisées jour %{SkyDefender.BannerCap}%" for 3 seconds broadcast "&d&l[Annonce] &7La &6bannière&7 est désormais destructible à partir du jour &a%{SkyDefender.BannerCap}%" if arg 1 is "arrowDistance": if arg 2 is 1: set {SkyDefender.ArrowDistance} to true loop all players: send loop-player title "&6Changement de règle !" with subtitle "&7La boussole dans le scoreboard passe &aactif !" for 3 seconds broadcast "&d&l[Annonce] &7La boussole dans le scoreboard passe &aactif !" else: set {SkyDefender.ArrowDistance} to false loop all players: send loop-player title "&6Changement de règle !" with subtitle "&7La boussole dans le scoreboard passe &cdésactivée !" for 3 seconds broadcast "&d&l[Annonce] &7La boussole dans le scoreboard passe &cdésactivée !" command /gamepos [<text=help>]: trigger: if player is op: if arg 1 is "help": send "&e-------------- &fAide: &bSky Defender&e--------------" send "&7Il faut définir les pos des outils en pointant le bloc, en voici la liste :" send "&6tp1 (en bas), tp2 (château), banner" if arg 1 is "tp1": set {SkyDefender.TP1} to location of target block send "&aTéléporteur 1 définit ! &6%{SkyDefender.TP1}%" if arg 1 is "tp2": set {SkyDefender.TP2} to location of target block send "&aTéléporteur 2 définit ! &6%{SkyDefender.TP2}%" if arg 1 is "banner": set {SkyDefender.BANNER} to location of target block send "&aBannière définie ! &6%{SkyDefender.BANNER}%" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SYSTEME T'CHAT # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# on chat: cancel event if {Equipe::%player%} is not set: broadcast "&8&l[&7Spectateur&8&l] &7%player% &f» %message%" else: if first character of message is "!": replace "!" with "" in the message if first character of message is set: if {Equipe::%player%} is "Blue": broadcast "&f(Tous) &9%player% &f» %message%" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Red": broadcast "&f(Tous) &c%player% &f» %message%" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Green": broadcast "&f(Tous) &a%player% &f» %message%" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Magenta": broadcast "&f(Tous) &d%player% &f» %message%" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Purple": broadcast "&f(Tous) &5%player% &f» %message%" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Orange": broadcast "&f(Tous) &6%player% &f» %message%" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Yellow": broadcast "&f(Tous) &e%player% &f» %message%" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Gray": broadcast "&f(Tous) &7%player% &f» %message%" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Cyan": broadcast "&f(Tous) &3%player% &f» %message%" else: loop all players: if {Equipe::%player%} is "Blue": if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Blue": send "&f(Équipe) &9%player% &f» %message%" to loop-player if {Equipe::%player%} is "Red": if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Red": send "&f(Équipe) &c%player% &f» %message%" to loop-player if {Equipe::%player%} is "Green": if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Green": send "&f(Équipe) &a%player% &f» %message%" to loop-player if {Equipe::%player%} is "Magenta": if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Magenta": send "&f(Équipe) &d%player% &f» %message%" to loop-player if {Equipe::%player%} is "Purple": if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Purple": send "&f(Équipe) &5%player% &f» %message%" to loop-player if {Equipe::%player%} is "Orange": if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Orange": send "&f(Équipe) &6%player% &f» %message%" to loop-player if {Equipe::%player%} is "Yellow": if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Yellow": send "&f(Équipe) &e%player% &f» %message%" to loop-player if {Equipe::%player%} is "Gray": if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Gray": send "&f(Équipe) &7%player% &f» %message%" to loop-player if {Equipe::%player%} is "Cyan": if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Cyan": send "&f(Équipe) &3%player% &f» %message%" to loop-player #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # GESTION DES JOURS # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# every 1 second: if {SkyDefender.isStart} is set: if {SkyDefender.isPaused} is not set: add 1 to {SkyDefender.Time.S} if {SkyDefender.Time.S} is more than or equal to 60: set {SkyDefender.Time.S} to 0 add 1 to {SkyDefender.Time.M} if {SkyDefender.Time.M} is 19: if {SkyDefender.Time.S} is 30: broadcast "&6☀ &7Le soleil est entrain de se lever... &6☀" if {SkyDefender.Time.M} is 20: add 1 to {SkyDefender.Jour} broadcast "&3Sky Defender - Jour %{SkyDefender.Jour}%" set {SkyDefender.Time.M} to 0 set {SkyDefender.Time.S} to 0 execute console command "/infoj" if {SkyDefender.Time.S} is less than 10: set {timerS} to "0" else: set {timerS} to "" if {SkyDefender.Time.M} is less than 10: set {timerM} to "0" else: set {timerM} to "" make all players execute command "/timermaj" every 1 minutes: if {SkyDefender.isStart} is set: if {SkyDefender.isPaused} is not set: remove 1 from {SkyDefender.Event} if {SkyDefender.Event} is less than or equal to 0: if {SkyDefender.EventAction} is not "Réduction de zone": set {SkyDefender.EventAction} to "Réduction de zone" set {SkyDefender.Event} to 60 command /test: trigger: set {SkyDefender.EventAction} to "Réduction de zone" set {SkyDefender.Event} to 1 command /timermaj: trigger: erase player's sidebar set name of sidebar of player to "&3Sky Defender" set score "&7Jour &f%{SkyDefender.Jour}%" in sidebar of player to 9 set score "%{timerM}%%{SkyDefender.Time.M}%:%{timerS}%%{SkyDefender.Time.S}%" in sidebar of player to 8 set score "&7--- Evenements ---" in sidebar of player to 7 set score "&a%{SkyDefender.EventAction}%&7: &e%{SkyDefender.Event}% min." in sidebar of player to 6 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SYSTEME EFFET DES JOURS # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# command /infoj: #Mettre les informations au bon jour description: Info jour executable by: console trigger: if {SkyDefender.Jour} is equal to {SkyDefender.PvPCap}: enable PvP in all worlds broadcast "&d&lInformation : &fLe pvp est désormais &aactivé !" set {SkyDefender.Time.ActionJ} to 40 if {SkyDefender.Jour} is 4: execute console command "/worldborder set 500 900" broadcast "&d&lInformation : &fRéduction de zone et &cdésactivation du nether dans 15 secondes !" wait 5 seconds loop all players: if loop-player is in world "world_nether": send loop-player title "&c&lATTENTION" with subtitle "&cDésactivation du nether dans &615 &csecondes !" for 15 seconds play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.end" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 100 wait 15 seconds send "&7Vous allez être téléporté en dehors du nether." to loop-player play raw sound "mob.endermen.portal" at loop-player with pitch 1 volume 1 set {_teleport} to a random integer between 1 and 8 wait 15 ticks teleport loop-player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.%{_teleport}%} on teleport: wait 2 seconds if player is in world "world_nether": set {_destinNether} to location of player's world if {SkyDefender.Jour} is more or equal to 4: set {_teleport} to a random integer between 1 and 8 teleport player to {SkyDefender.TeamSpawn.%{_teleport}%} send "&7Le nether est &cfermé !" to player #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SYSTEME TELEPORTEUR DES DEFENSEURS # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# on break: if {SkyDefender.TP1} or {SkyDefender.TP2} is event-location: cancel event on pressure plate: if event-block is iron pressure plate: if {Equipe::%player%} is "Cyan": if {SkyDefender.TP1} is event-location: if difference between {SkyDefender.TP.%player%.lastUse} and now is more than 30 seconds: set {SkyDefender.TP.%player%.lastUse} to now teleport player to {SkyDefender.TP2} #Mettre les pos du TP au château ici play raw sound "mob.endermen.portal" at player with pitch 1 volume 1 send "&5&lWooops !" if {SkyDefender.TP2} is event-location: if difference between {SkyDefender.TP.%player%.lastUse} and now is more than 30 seconds: set {SkyDefender.TP.%player%.lastUse} to now teleport player to {SkyDefender.TP1} #Mettre les pos du TP en bas ici play raw sound "mob.endermen.portal" at player with pitch 1 volume 1 send "&5&lWooops !" else: send "&cVeuillez attendre 30 secondes entre chaque utilisation." else: send "&cCe téléporteur est réservé à l'équipe des défenseurs." #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SYSTEME DETECTION VICTOIRE # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# on block damage: if {Equipe::%player%} is not "Cyan": if {SkyDefender.BANNER} is event-location: if {SkyDefender.Jour} is more than or equal to {SkyDefender.BannerCap}: send "&c&lATTAQUE EN COURS ! &7Vous devez rester 30 secondes à casser la bannière." remove haste from player wait 5 ticks apply potion of haste -5 to the player for 30 seconds loop all players: if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "Cyan": send loop-player title "&c&lALERTE" with subtitle "&c! La bannière est attaquée !" for 5 seconds else: send "&cLa bannière est décrochable à partir du jour &c&l%{SkyDefender.BannerCap}%" else: remove haste from player on break: if {SkyDefender.BANNER} is event-location: if {Equipe::%player%} is "Cyan": cancel event else: if {SkyDefender.Jour} is more than or equal to {SkyDefender.BannerCap}: if {Equipe::%player%} is "Blue": broadcast "&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&7 Victoire de l'équipe &9&lBleue &a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Red": broadcast "&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&7 Victoire de l'équipe &c&lRouge &a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Green": broadcast "&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&7 Victoire de l'équipe &a&lVerte &a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Magenta": broadcast "&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&7 Victoire de l'équipe &d&lMagenta &a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Purple": broadcast "&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&7 Victoire de l'équipe &5&lViolette &a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Orange": broadcast "&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&7 Victoire de l'équipe &6&lOrange &a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Yellow": broadcast "&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&7 Victoire de l'équipe &e&lJaune &a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|" if {Equipe::%player%} is "Gray": broadcast "&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&7 Victoire de l'équipe &6&lGrise &a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|&d&k|&c&k|&b&k|&a&k|&e&k|" wait 1 second loop all players: execute console command "/gamemode 3 %loop-player%" #Gamemode spectateur if {Equipe::%loop-player%} is "%{Equipe::%player%}%": launch star firework colored green at loop-player timed 1 wait 5 ticks launch star firework colored yellow at loop-player timed 1 wait 5 ticks launch star firework colored pink at loop-player timed 1 wait 5 ticks launch star firework colored red at loop-player timed 1 wait 5 ticks launch star firework colored cyan at loop-player timed 1 wait 5 ticks launch star firework colored green at loop-player timed 1 wait 5 ticks launch star firework colored yellow at loop-player timed 1 wait 5 ticks launch star firework colored pink at loop-player timed 1 wait 5 ticks launch star firework colored red at loop-player timed 1 wait 5 ticks launch star firework colored cyan at loop-player timed 1 wait 2 seconds else: cancel event send "&cLa bannière est décrochable à partir du jour &c&l%{SkyDefender.BannerCap}%" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SYSTEME DETECTION MORTS # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# on death of player: play raw sound "mob.wither.spawn" at all players with pitch 1 volume 100 remove 1 from {SkyDefender.Players} execute console command "/gamemode 3 %player%" #Gamemode spectateur if attacker is a player: if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Blue": set death message to "&9&l%player% a été tué !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Red": set death message to "&c&l%player% a été tué !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Green": set death message to "&a&l%player% a été tué !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Magenta": set death message to "&d&l%player% a été tué !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Purple": set death message to "&5&l%player% a été tué !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Orange": set death message to "&6&l%player% a été tué !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Yellow": set death message to "&e&l%player% a été tué !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Gray": set death message to "&7&l%player% a été tué !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Cyan": set death message to "&3&l%player% a été tué !" else: if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Blue": set death message to "&9&l%player% est mort !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Red": set death message to "&c&l%player% est mort !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Green": set death message to "&a&l%player% est mort !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Magenta": set death message to "&d&l%player% est mort !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Purple": set death message to "&5&l%player% est mort !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Orange": set death message to "&6&l%player% est mort !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Yellow": set death message to "&e&l%player% est mort !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Gray": set death message to "&7&l%player% est mort !" if {Equipe::%victim%} is "Cyan": set death message to "&3&l%player% est mort !" #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # SYSTEME AUTRE # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# On Weather Change: #Désactiver le temps (neige, pluie, etc.) cancel event command /spack: #Soundpack trigger: send player title "" with subtitle "&7Téléchargement du pack en cours..." for 3 seconds send resourcepack "[Contenu masqué]" to player command /bc [<text>]: trigger: if player is op: if arg 1 is set: broadcast "&d[Annonce] &e%player%: &b%arg 1%" else: send "&cMerci de définir un message !" command /rtp: trigger: if player is op: set {_Tries} to 0 set {_Radius} to 1000 while {_Tries} is below 100: #Don't set this too high set {_randomlocation} to location of player set x-coordinate of {_randomlocation} to x-coordinate of spawn set z-coordinate of {_randomlocation} to z-coordinate of spawn set {_X} to a random number between (0 - {_Radius}) and {_Radius} set {_Z} to a random number between (0 - {_Radius}) and {_Radius} set x-coordinate of {_randomlocation} to ({_X} + x-coordinate of {_randomlocation}) set z-coordinate of {_randomlocation} to ({_Z} + z-coordinate of {_randomlocation}) set y-coordinate of {_randomlocation} to 065 loop blocks above {_randomlocation}: if loop-block is not air or lava or water: if block above loop-block is air: if block 2 above loop-block is air: set {_randomlocation.2} to location of loop-block if {_randomlocation.2} is set: teleport player to block above {_randomlocation.2} set {_Tries} to 9999 clear {_randomlocation} loop blocks below {_randomlocation}: if loop-block is not air or lava or water: if block above loop-block is air: if block 2 above loop-block is air: teleport player to block above loop-block set {_Tries} to 9999 clear {_randomlocation} stop add 1 to {_Tries} on break ice: cancel event set block to air [spoiler=Photo] Merci d'avance!
  12. tien skript de jump complet
  13. Bonjour, j'ai vu que vous faisiez des scripts, je cherche un script pour jump : on marche sur un plaque de pression ou autre et le jump commence, il y a des check points et quand on tombe on revient au début. Pensez-vous que c'est possible à faire. Merci d'avance
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