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Tout ce qui a été posté par FreeDarck

  1. FreeDarck

    tp aléatoire

    j'ai un petit problème, j'arrive a définir les point mais quand je fais le /tp sa me tp au dernier point que j'ai set command /setlocation <text>: trigger: player has permission "admin": set variable {location.%arg 1%} to location of player send "&aSpawn %arg 1% set en : &b%{location.%arg 1%}%" command /tp: trigger: set {_random} to a random integer between 1 and 10 wait 0.5 tick if {_random} is 1: teleport player to {location.1} if {_random} is 2: teleport player to {location.2} if {_random} is 3: teleport player to {location.3} if {_random} is 4: teleport player to {location.4} if {_random} is 5: teleport player to {location.5} if {_random} is 6: teleport player to {location.6} if {_random} is 7: teleport player to {location.7} if {_random} is 8: teleport player to {location.8} if {_random} is 9: teleport player to {location.9} if {_random} is 10: teleport player to {location.10}
  2. FreeDarck

    changer message

    d'accord, merci beaucoup^^
  3. FreeDarck

    changer message

    bonsoir, j'aimerai changer les messages de base de minecraft ex: j'ai crée un commande /night et j'aimerai que quand on l’exécute, la commande nous retourne "tu es mis la nuit" avez vous une idée ? command /night: permission: night.use trigger: make player execute command "/time set 13000" cordialement FreeDarck
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