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À propos de Melvindu78

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  1. Oui, j'ai bien le plugin Chest Commands
  2. D'accord, je te fournis ça : Code de l'example.yml : ###################### #+ +# # MENU SETTINGS # #+ +# ###################### menu-settings: # name - appears as the title - REQUIRED name: '&1Example menu' # rows - the number of rows of the chest - REQUIRED rows: 3 # command - OPTIONAL (you can remove this or set it to '') # Bind multiple commands using ; (command: 'menu; m; me') command: 'menu' # auto-refresh - OPTIONAL # How frequently the menu will be refreshed, in seconds. # Useful if you have variables in items' descriptions. auto-refresh: 5 # This command command will be execute when the menu is opened. # Supports all the icon command types. open-action: 'sound: note pling; tell: &eYou opened the example menu.' # open-with-item - OPTIONAL # The menu will open only right-clicking with orange wool [35:1] open-with-item: id: wool:1 left-click: false right-click: true ###################### #+ +# # ITEMS # #+ +# ###################### spawncmd: COMMAND: 'spawn' NAME: '&e/spawn' LORE: - 'It justs executes /spawn' - 'as the player who clicked.' ID: bed POSITION-X: 1 POSITION-Y: 1 colored-enchanted-stacked-wool: NAME: '&aWool with additional data' LORE: - 'This wool has a data value, an amount' - 'greater than 1, and two enchantments.' ID: wool DATA-VALUE: 1 AMOUNT: 10 ENCHANTMENT: knockback, 10; durability, 10 POSITION-X: 2 POSITION-Y: 1 this-text-will-not-appear: NAME: '&dFormatting codes' LORE: - 'You can use all the formatting codes!' - '&fColors: &c#c &a#a &9#9 &e#e &f... ...' - '&fRandom (#k): &kfy379!H' - '&fBold (#l): &lexample' - '&fStrikethrough (#m): &mexample' - '&fUnderline (#n): &nexample' - '&fItalic (#o): &oexample' ID: paper POSITION-X: 3 POSITION-Y: 1 test-from-console: COMMAND: 'console: say Hello {player}!' NAME: '&cRuns command from the console.' LORE: - 'It broadcasts your name with the command /say.' ID: command block POSITION-X: 4 POSITION-Y: 1 test-as-op: COMMAND: 'op: say Hello world!' NAME: '&cRuns command as OP.' LORE: - 'Be careful with this type of commands.' - 'It will ignore nearly all the permissions.' ID: command block POSITION-X: 5 POSITION-Y: 1 test-with-placeholder: COMMAND: 'tell: &9Online players: &f{online}/{max_players}; tell: &9Your name: &f{player}; tell: &9The world you are in: &f{world}; tell: &9Money: &f{money}' NAME: '&6This message contains some placeholders' LORE: - 'Placeholders will be replaced when the item' - 'is clicked.' ID: empty map POSITION-X: 6 POSITION-Y: 1 economy-give: COMMAND: 'tell: &aYou have paid 50$ for this command!; give: gold_ingot' NAME: '&eEconomy & Give command' LORE: - 'This command will be executed' - 'only if you have at least 50$!' - 'It gives you a gold ingot.' ID: gold ingot PRICE: 50 POSITION-X: 7 POSITION-Y: 1 economy-take: REQUIRED-ITEM: 'gold_ingot' COMMAND: 'tell: &aYou have been paid 50$; givemoney: 50' NAME: '&eEconomy & Required item' LORE: - 'This command is the opposite of the previous.' - 'It will take you a gold ingot and give you $50.' ID: gold ingot POSITION-X: 8 POSITION-Y: 1 will-not-close: NAME: '&2Info' LORE: - '&7The menu will not close' - '&7clicking on this item.' ID: sign KEEP-OPEN: true POSITION-X: 9 POSITION-Y: 1 a-talking-head: COMMAND: 'tell: This is a simple message, without using commands!' NAME: '&3Tells you something.' LORE: - '&7It tells you something without commands.' ID: head DATA-VALUE: 3 POSITION-X: 1 POSITION-Y: 2 a-talking-head: COMMAND: 'tell: This is a simple message, without using commands!' NAME: '&3Tells you something.' LORE: - '&7It tells you something without commands.' ID: head DATA-VALUE: 3 POSITION-X: 1 POSITION-Y: 2 test-multiple-command: COMMAND: 'console: Say Did you know that...; console: say you can run multiple commands?;' NAME: '&aMultiple commands' LORE: - 'Example of multiple commands.' ID: golden apple POSITION-X: 2 POSITION-Y: 2 permission: COMMAND: 'tell: &a[v] You have the correct permission!' NAME: '&8Permission test' LORE: - 'To use this item, you need the' - 'permission "chestcommands.test".' - 'Otherwise, a configurable error' - 'message will be displayed.' ID: iron bar POSITION-X: 3 POSITION-Y: 2 PERMISSION: chestcommands.test PERMISSION-MESSAGE: 'You don''t have the correct permission!' menu-close-no-commands-no-lore: NAME: '&6Close the menu' ID: redstone lamp LORE: - 'Create an item without command,' - 'the GUI will just close.' POSITION-X: 9 POSITION-Y: 3 Code de la config : # ChestCommands configuration file. # Tutorial: [Contenu masqué] default-color: name: '&f' lore: '&7' multiple-commands-separator: ; use-only-commands-without-args: true update-notifications: true use-console-colors: true anti-click-spam-delay: 200
  3. Comment ça "Donne ton compte si tu veux de l'aide"?
  4. Bonjour, J'ai un gros soucis. J'aimerai que quand on fait une commande, ça nous ouvre l'interface des warps. Mais le problème est que le /menu ne fonctionne pas et que quand je fais /cc list aucun menu n'est détecté sur le serveur même le menu example qui est celui de base dans le plugin. Merci de votre aide, je peux fournir des screens.
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