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À propos de THEXenotix

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  1. Tu peux me le faire je n'ai pas compris
  2. Merci, j'ai un autre problème : options: title: &8[&6&lJobs&8] &7 jobs.max: 1 c: &e command /money [<text>] [<offline player>] [<int>]: aliases: monnaie, argent trigger: if arg 1 is "set": if arg 2 is set: if arg 3 is set: if player has the permission "money.give.use": set {money.%arg-2%} to arg 3 send "&8LionCoins : {@c}&l%arg-2%&8: {@c}%{money.%arg-2%}% ✪" stop if arg 1 is "see": if arg 2 is set: send "&8LionCoins : {@c}&l%arg-2%&8: {@c}%{money.%arg-2%}% ✪" stop if arg 1 is "add": if arg 2 is set: if player has the permission "money.give.use": add arg 3 to {money.%arg-2%} send "&8LionCoins : {@c}&l%arg-2%&8: {@c}%{money.%arg-2%}% ✪" stop if arg 1 is "give": loop all players: if arg 2 is loop-player: if arg 3 > 0: if arg 3 : remove arg 3 from {money.%player%} add arg 3 to {money.%loop-player%} send "&8[&f&lTransaction&8] &7Montant envoyé à {@c}%loop-player%&7: {@c}%arg-3% ✪" to player send "&8[&f&lTransaction&8] &7Montant reçut de {@c}%player%: {@c}%arg-3% ✪" to loop-player stop else: send "&7Le montant envoyé à {@c}%loop-player% &7doit être supérieur à {@c}0" stop else: send "&8LionCoins : {@c}%{money.%player%}% ✪" command /jobs [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: if {jobs.list::*} is not set: add "Forgeron" to {jobs.list::*} add "Mineur" to {jobs.list::*} add "Cuisinier" to {jobs.list::*} add "Fermier" to {jobs.list::*} add "Chasseur" to {jobs.list::*} add "Jardinier" to {jobs.list::*} add "Bucheron" to {jobs.list::*} add "Mage" to {jobs.list::*} add "Pecheur" to {jobs.list::*} add "Chomeur" to {jobs.list::*} if arg 1 is not set: if {Jobs.%player%::*} is set: send "{@title}Vos métiers:" loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: send "&7- {@c}%loop-value%" else: send "{@title}Vous n'avez pas de metier" if arg 1 is "join": if arg 2 is set: if {Jobs.%player%::*} is set: loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: if loop-value is arg 2: send "{@title}Vous possédé déja ce métier: {@c}%loop-value%" stop set {} to true if {} is true: send "{@title}Supprimer d'abord un jobs!" stop loop {jobs.list::*}: if loop-value is arg 2: add loop-value to {Jobs.%player%::*} send "{@title}Vous rejoignez les {@c}%arg-2%{@c}s" else: send "{@title}Préciser quel jobs rejoindre!" if arg 1 is "leave": if arg 2 is set: loop {jobs.list::*}: if loop-value is arg 2: remove loop-value from {Jobs.%player%::*} set {} to false send "{@title}Vous quittez les {@c}%arg-2%{@c}s" else: send "{@title}Préciser quel jobs supprimer!" if arg 1 is "list": loop 100 times: send " " send "&8╒═════ {@title} &8═════╕" send " &7- {@c}Forgeron &7- {@c}Mineur %nl% &7- {@c}Cuisinier &7- {@c}Fermier %nl% &7- {@c}Chasseur &7- {@c}Jardinier %nl% &7- {@c}Bucheron &7- {@c}Mage %nl% &7- {@c}Pecheur &7- {@c}Chomeur" send "&8╘═══════════════╛" if arg 1 is "help": loop 100 times: send " " if arg 2 is "Forgeron": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lForgeron%nl% %nl%&f- Fondre les minerais &8({@c}1&8/{@c}40✪&8)%nl%&f- Craft: outils/armures (fer|or|diamant) &8({@c}10&8/{@c}65✪&8)%nl% %nl%&f&lASTUCE: &fPrendre les minerais fondu 1/1 et ne pas resté sur la fenètre de fonte" if arg 2 is "Mineur": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lMineur%nl% %nl%&f- Récolte les minerais &8({@c}1&8/{@c}105✪&8)%nl%&f- Craft: block de minerais &8({@c}1&8/{@c}30✪&8)" if arg 2 is "Cuisinier": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lCuisinier%nl% %nl%&f- Cuisson: viande, poisson, féculant &8({@c}10&8/{@c}25✪&8)%nl%&f- Craft: sucre, gateau, cookie, tarte, soupe&8({@c}10&8/{@c}15✪&8)%nl% %nl%&f&lASTUCE: &fPrendre le résultat de cuisson 1/1 et ne pas resté sur la fenètre de fonte" if arg 2 is "Fermier": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lFermier%nl% %nl%&f- Plantation de graines &8({@c}0&8/{@c}3✪&8)%nl%&f- Récolte de plantations &8({@c}2&8/{@c}3✪&8)%nl%&f- Craft: block de paille &8({@c}10&8/{@c}15✪&8)" if arg 2 is "Chasseur": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lChasseur%nl% %nl%&f- Kill de mobs &8({@c}5&8/{@c}20✪&8)%nl%&f- Craft: arc, flèche &8({@c}5&8/{@c}10✪&8)" if arg 2 is "Jardinier": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lJardinier%nl% %nl%&f- Plantation de fleurs &8({@c}1&8/{@c}3✪&8)%nl%&f- Récolte de végétaux (cisaille) &8({@c}1&8/{@c}2✪&8)%nl%&f- Bouture de fleurs &8({@c}5&8/{@c}10✪&8)" if arg 2 is "Bucheron": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lBucheron%nl% %nl%&f- Récolte du bois &8({@c}2&8/{@c}3✪&8)%nl%&f- Craft: hache (pierre|bois) coffre, workbench, barriere or échelle &8({@c}5&8/{@c}10✪&8)" if arg 2 is "Mage": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lMage%nl% %nl%&f- Echantement &8({@c}5&8/{@c}35✪&8)%nl%&f- Craft: pomme doré, poudre de blaze &8({@c}5&8/{@c}10✪&8)%nl%&f- Bonus XP (quotidien|aléatoire)" if arg 2 is "Pecheur": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lPecheur%nl% %nl%&f- Peche &8({@c}1&8/{@c}100✪&8)%nl%&f- Craft: canne à peche, bateau &8({@c}5&8/{@c}10✪&8)" if arg 2 is "Chomeur": send "&7Métier: {@c}&lChomeur%nl% %nl%&fAllez dormir, mangez, patientez le RSA..." if arg 2 is "Metier": send "{@c}⊙.⊙ &fJe voulais dire par exemple: &7/jobs {@c}help forgeron%nl%{@c}~ &fSi tu ne connais pas les jobs: &7/jobs {@c}list" if arg 2 is not set: send "&8╒════ {@title} &8════╤════════════════╕" send " &7- /jobs {@c}join &f◉ Rejoind un jobs" send " &7- /jobs {@c}leave &f◉ Quitte un jobs" send " &7- /jobs {@c}list &f◉ Liste des jobs" send " &7- /jobs {@c}help metier &f◉ Aide pour les jobs" send "&8╘═════════════╧════════════════╛" on break: loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: if loop-value is "Mineur": if event-block is a coal ore: add a random integer between 1 and 5 to {money.%player%} if event-block is a iron ore: cancel event set event-block to air drop 1 iron ingot add a random integer between 5 and 10 to {money.%player%} if event-block is a redstone ore: add a random integer between 10 and 15 to {money.%player%} if event-block is a lapis ore: add a random integer between 20 and 25 to {money.%player%} if event-block is a quartz ore: add a random integer between 10 and 15 to {money.%player%} if event-block is a gold ore: cancel event set event-block to air drop 1 gold ingot add a random integer between 35 and 40 to {money.%player%} if event-block is a diamond ore: add a random integer between 50 and 55 to {money.%player%} if event-block is a emerald ore: add a random integer between 100 and 105 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Bucheron": if event-block is a log: cancel event set event-block to air drop 4 planks add a random integer between 2 and 3 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Fermier": if event-block is a crops max, potato max, carrot max, pumpkin, melon, cactus or sugar cane: add a random integer between 2 and 3 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Jardinier": if target block is any flower or lily pad: if player is holding a shears: add a random integer between 1 and 3 to {money.%player%} stop else: add a random integer between -1 and -5 to {money.%player%} if target block is any leaves, any tall grass or vines: if player is holding a shears: add a random integer between 1 and 2 to {money.%player%} on craft: loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: if loop-value is "Mineur": if event-item is a coal block: add a random integer between 1 and 2 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a iron block: add a random integer between 2 and 5 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a redstone block: add a random integer between 5 and 7 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a lapis block: add a random integer between 7 and 10 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a quartz block: add a random integer between 10 and 15 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a gold block: add a random integer between 15 and 20 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a diamond block: add a random integer between 20 and 25 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a emerald block: add a random integer between 25 and 30 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Forgeron": if event-item is a iron sword, iron hoe, iron spade, iron pickaxe or iron axe: add a random integer between 10 and 20 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a iron helmet, iron chestplate, iron leggings or iron boots: add a random integer between 30 and 35 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a gold sword, gold hoe, gold spade, gold pickaxe or gold axe: add a random integer between 30 and 35 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a gold helmet, gold chestplate, gold leggings or gold boots: add a random integer between 45 and 50 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a diamond sword, diamond hoe, diamond spade, diamond pickaxe or diamond axe: add a random integer between 45 and 50 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a diamond helmet, diamond chestplate, diamond leggings or diamond boots: add a random integer between 60 and 65 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a iron fence: add a random integer between 10 and 20 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Bucheron": if event-item is a wooden axe, stone axe, chest, workbench, fence or ladder: add a random integer between 5 and 10 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Pecheur": if event-item is a boat or fishing rod: add a random integer between 5 and 10 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Cuisinier": if event-item is a sugar, mushroom soup, rabbit soup or bread: add a random integer between 10 and 15 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a cookie, cake or pumpkin pie: add a random integer between 20 and 25 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Fermier": if event-item is a hay block: add a random integer between 10 and 15 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Chasseur": if event-item is a bow or arrow: add a random integer between 5 and 10 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Mage": if event-item is a golden apple or a blaze powder: add a random integer between 5 and 10 to {money.%player%} on rightclick: loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: if loop-value is "Forgeron": if target block is a furnace: if the fuel slot of the clicked block is air: set the fuel slot of the clicked block to 2 coal if result slot of block is coal: add a random integer between 1 and 10 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is redstone: add a random integer between 5 and 15 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is lapis: add a random integer between 10 and 20 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is iron ingot: add a random integer between 1 and 10 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is gold ingot: add a random integer between 1 and 20 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is diamond: add a random integer between 30 and 35 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is emerald: add a random integer between 35 and 40 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Cuisinier": if target block is a furnace: if result slot of block is cooked beef: add a random integer between 10 and 15 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is grilled pork: add a random integer between 10 and 15 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is cooked chicken: add a random integer between 7 and 12 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is cooked rabbit: add a random integer between 10 and 15 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is cooked mutton: add a random integer between 7 and 12 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is baked potato: add a random integer between 15 and 20 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is cooked fish: add a random integer between 15 and 20 to {money.%player%} if result slot of block is cooked salmon: add a random integer between 15 and 20 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Fermier": if target block is dirt or grass: if player is holding any hoe: add a random integer between 0 and 1 to {money.%player%} if target block is farmland: if player is holding potato, seeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds or carrot: add a random integer between 2 and 3 to {money.%player%} if target block is sand: if player is holding sugar cane or cactus: add a random integer between 2 and 3 to {money.%player%} if target block is crops, potato plant, melon stem, pumpkin stem or carrot plant: if player is holding a white dye: add a random integer between 1 and 2 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Jardinier": if target block is grass: if player is holding any flower: add a random integer between 1 and 5 to {money.%player%} if target block is water: if player is holding a lily pad: add a random integer between 1 and 5 to {money.%player%} if target block is any large plant: if player is holding a white dye: add a random integer between 5 and 10 to {money.%player%} if loop-value is "Mage": if target block is not a workbench: if player is holding a stick of fortune named " &8[{@c}&lSceptre&8]" with lore " ||&f&lBONUS:||&7xp aléatoire": chance of 45%: give 100 xp to the player chance of 35%: give 250 xp to the player chance of 20%: give 400 xp to the player remove 1 stick of fortune named " &8[{@c}&lSceptre&8]" with lore " ||&f&lBONUS:||&7xp aléatoire" from player's inventory if loop-value is "Pecheur": if target block is water: if player is holding a fishing rod: chance of 5%: repair player's tool enchant player's tool with lure 3 set the name of player's tool to "&8[{@c}&lCanne à peche&8]" on bed enter: loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: if loop-value is "Chomeur": set {jobs.chomeur.sleep} to now add a random integer between 0 and 1 to {money.%player%} on bed leave: loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: if loop-value is "Chomeur": set {_jobs.chomeur.sleep} to difference between {jobs.chomeur.sleep} and now send "%{_jobs.chomeur.sleep}%" if {_jobs.chomeur.sleep} < 1 minute: send "{@title}&f&lHEIN!! &fLe chomeur n'a pas besoin de se lever...%nl%&fAttend encore {@c}&l1min &fde te reveiller completement..." wait 1 second set {jobs.chomeur.attente} to true add a random integer between 1 and 10 to {money.%player%} on any move: if {jobs.chomeur.attente} is set: set {_jobs.chomeur.sleep} to difference between {jobs.chomeur.sleep} and now if {_jobs.chomeur.sleep} < 1 minute: if {jobs.chomeur.attente} is true: send "&f&lWOO! &fpas trop vite..." set {jobs.chomeur.attente} to false apply potion of slowness of tier 5 to the player for 1 minute else: delete {jobs.chomeur.attente} delete {jobs.chomeur.sleep} execute console command "effect %player% clear" at 12:00: loop all players: loop {Jobs.%loop-player%::*}: if loop-value-2 is "Chomeur": add a random integer between 1 and 10 to {} add {} to {money.%loop-player%} send "{@title}C'est la paye du jour... money: {@c}%{}% ✪" to loop-player if loop-value-2 is "Mage": chance of 50%: give a stick of fortune named " &8[{@c}&lSceptre&8]" with lore " ||&f&lBONUS:||&7xp aléatoire" to loop-player on fishing: loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: if loop-value is "Pecheur": chance of 80%: add a random integer between 1 and 25 to {money.%player%} chance of 15%: add a random integer between 1 and 50 to {money.%player%} chance of 4%: add a random integer between 1 and 75 to {money.%player%} chance of 1%: chance of 50%: drop a diamond add a random integer between 1 and 100 to {money.%player%} on death: loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: if loop-value is "Chasseur": if victim is a cow, chicken, pig, sheep, squid, wolf, mooshroom, ocelot, iron golem, horse or bat: add a random integer between 5 and 10 to {money.%attacker%} if victim is a creeper, skeleton, spider, zombie, slime, ghast, zombie pigman, enderman, cave spider, ender crystal, silverfish, blaze, magma cube, witch or wither skeleton: add a random integer between 15 and 20 to {money.%attacker%} if victim is a ender dragon, giant or wither: add a random integer between 500 and 1000 to {money.%attacker%} on enchant: loop {Jobs.%player%::*}: if loop-value is "Mage": if event-item is a iron sword, iron hoe, iron spade, iron pickaxe or iron axe: add a random integer between 5 and 10 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a iron helmet, iron chestplate, iron leggings or iron boots: add a random integer between 10 and 15 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a gold sword, gold hoe, gold spade, gold pickaxe or gold axe: add a random integer between 15 and 20 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a gold helmet, gold chestplate, gold leggings or gold boots: add a random integer between 20 and 25 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a diamond sword, diamond hoe, diamond spade, diamond pickaxe or diamond axe: add a random integer between 25 and 30 to {money.%player%} if event-item is a diamond helmet, diamond chestplate, diamond leggings or diamond boots: add a random integer between 30 and 35 to {money.%player%}
  3. J'ai un problème avec mon skript 1.8 : #============================[Commandes et permissions]===============================# #/invview <joueur>: Permet de voir l'inventaire, la vie, la faim etc... du joueur. # #/invhide <joueur>: Permet de bloquer ou débloquer l'accès de l'inventaire du joueur. # #_____________________________============.============_______________________________# #Permission de /invview: invview.view # #Permission de /invhide: invview.hide # #=====================================================================================# command /invhide <player>: permission: invview.hide trigger: if {target.hide.%arg 1%} is false: message "&2[invView]&4 Mode caché activé pour %arg 1%" set {target.hide.%arg 1%} to true else: message "&2[invView]&4 Mode caché desactivé pour %arg 1%" set {target.hide.%arg 1%} to false if {target.hide.%arg 1%} is not set: message "&2[invView]&4 Mode caché activé pour %arg 1%" set {target.hide.%arg 1%} to true command /invview <player>: permission: invview.view trigger: wait 1 tick if {target.hide.%arg 1%} is true: message "&2[invView]&4 Ce joueur ne peux pas être visionné!" else: set {target.%player%} to arg 1 open chest with 6 rows named "&2%arg 1%" to player set {_playerinv} to arg 1 set {_slot} to 0 loop 36 times: set {invview.%arg 1%.%{_slot}%} to slot {_slot} of arg 1's inventory add 1 to {_slot} set {_slot} to 0 set {_slotmenu} to 18 wait 1 tick loop 36 times: format slot {_slotmenu} of player with {invview.%arg 1%.%{_slot}%} to close add 1 to {_slot} add 1 to {_slotmenu} set {_health.%arg 1%} to arg 1's health set {hunger.%arg 1%} to arg 1's hunger set {armorview.helmet.%arg 1%} to arg 1's helmet set {armorview.chestplate.%arg 1%} to arg 1's chestplate set {armorview.leggings.%arg 1%} to arg 1's leggings set { 1%} to arg 1's boots set {effects.%arg 1%::*} to all of the active potion effects on arg 1 if arg 1's gamemode is survival: format slot 4 of player with arg 1's skull named "&6&l%arg 1%> &4%{_health.%arg 1%}% ❤" with lore "&c&k[]&r&4Inventaire&c&k[]-" to close else: format slot 4 of player with arg 1's skull named "&6&l%arg 1%> &4❤ Immortel ❤" with lore "&c&k[]&r&4Inventaire&c&k[]-" to close if arg 1's gamemode is survival: if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 10: format slot 14 of player with 10 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 9.5: format slot 14 of player with 10 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 9: format slot 14 of player with 9 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 8.5: format slot 14 of player with 9 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 8: format slot 14 of player with 8 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 7.5: format slot 14 of player with 8 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 7: format slot 14 of player with 7 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 6.5: format slot 14 of player with 7 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 6: format slot 14 of player with 6 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 5.5: format slot 14 of player with 6 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 5: format slot 14 of player with 5 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 4.5: format slot 14 of player with 5 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 4: format slot 14 of player with 4 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 3.5: format slot 14 of player with 4 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 3: format slot 14 of player with 3 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 2.5: format slot 14 of player with 3 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 2: format slot 14 of player with 2 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 1.5: format slot 14 of player with 2 raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 1: format slot 14 of player with raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 0.5: format slot 14 of player with raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close if {hunger.%arg 1%} = 0: format slot 14 of player with raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6%{hunger.%arg 1%}%" to close else: format slot 14 of player with raw chicken named "&a&lFaim:&r &6Illimité!" to close if arg 1's gamemode is survival: format slot 12 of player with iron chestplate named "&a&lArmure" with lore "&6%{armorview.helmet.%arg 1%}%||&6%{armorview.chestplate.%arg 1%}%||&6%{armorview.leggings.%arg 1%}%||&6%{ 1%}%" to close else: format slot 12 of player with iron chestplate named "&a&lArmure" with lore "On s'en fout, il est en créa" to close format slot 8 of player with red wool named "&c&lActualiser" to close then run [make player execute command "invreload"] if arg 1 doesn't have speed: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has speed: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have slowness: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has slowness: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have haste: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has haste: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have mining fatigue: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has mining fatigue: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have strength: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has strength: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have instant health: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has instant health: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have instant damage: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has instant damage: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have jump boost: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has jump boost: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have nausea: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has nausea: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have regeneration: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has regeneration: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have resistance: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has resistance: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have fire resistance: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has fire resistance: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have water breathing: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has water breathing: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have invisibility: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has invisibility: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have blindness: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has blindness: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have night vision: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has night vision: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have hunger: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has hunger: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have weakness: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has weakness: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have poison: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has poison: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop if arg 1 doesn't have wither: format slot 13 of player with glass bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lPas d'effets!" to close if arg 1 has wither: format slot 13 of player with water bottle named "&9&lPotions" with lore "&9&lEffets: &6%{effects.%arg 1%::*}%" to close stop clear {effects.%arg 1%::*} command /invreload: permission: invview.reload trigger: wait 2 ticks make player execute command "invview %{target.%player%}%" clear {target.%player%}
  4. THEXenotix

    Pancarte de recrutement

    Je n'uttilise pas essential
  5. THEXenotix

    Pancarte de recrutement

    la permission ne marche pas
  6. THEXenotix

    Pancarte de recrutement

    Oui il y a des erreur et de plus même en ayant le grade avec la bonne permission les message marche que quand on est op
  7. THEXenotix

    Pancarte de recrutement

    alors comment je fait ?
  8. THEXenotix


    Peut tu me le faire je ne comprend pas ton code ?
  9. THEXenotix

    Pancarte de recrutement

    merci mais la permission ne marche pas quand je l'a met dans le grade guerrier avec permissionex et que je me met le grade quand je click rien ne ce passe
  10. Bonjour, Je voudrais un skript en 1.8, quand on click sur une pancarte avec en première ligne "[Garde Royal]" Si vous êtes grade Guerrier Vous pouvez click dessus et ça vous envoie "Votre demande a bien été envoyé ! Vous aurez une réponse sous peut pour les résultats..." Et quand envoie aussi un message au grade fondateur "%player% veux devenir Garde Royal !"
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