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Tout ce qui a été posté par §Calvineries§

  1. §Calvineries§ updated NO-SPIDERS (Pour Arachnophobes) with a new update entry: 0.2.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. §Calvineries§ updated NO-SPIDERS (Pour Arachnophobes) with a new update entry: 0.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  3. §Calvineries§ submitted a new resource: [plain]NO-SPIDERS (Pour Arachnophobes)[/plain] - [plain]Supprime les araignées de Minecraft et crée des nouveaux crafts.[/plain] Read more about this resource...
  4. This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  5. §Calvineries§ updated Custom Join Message [GUI] with a new update entry: 2.3 Read the rest of this update entry...
  6. §Calvineries§ updated UserInfo with a new update entry: 1.2.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. §Calvineries§ updated PluginsViewBlocker - THE BEST BLOCKER - SLASH + TAB BLOCKER with a new update entry: 1.3.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. §Calvineries§ updated UserInfo with a new update entry: 1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  9. §Calvineries§ updated UserInfo with a new update entry: 1.1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. §Calvineries§ updated UserInfo with a new update entry: 1.1 Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. §Calvineries§ submitted a new resource: [plain]UserInfo[/plain] - [plain]Page de profil IN-GAME[/plain] Read more about this resource...
  12. Quelqu'un n'a pas un skript plus simple ?
  13. This resource has been removed and is no longer available for download.
  14. Bonsoir, Je voudrai créer un autobroacaster qui n'envoie que les messages qu'a un ou plusieurs groupe (grade). Par exemple seul les Joueurs reçoivent des messages de pub pour la grade vip. Merci !
  15. J'ai fait ma présentation.
  16. §Calvineries§ updated Simple Head [Give Head] with a new update entry: 1.5 - AutoUpdater Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Bonjour, J'ai créer un skript de PvP Smash et j'aimerais faire plusieurs choses avec ce skript: - Dans /pvpsmash stop je voudrais que ça stop tous les "wait 1 minutes" en cour [Non Résolu] - Quand un joueur est tué je veux qu'il passe en spectateur [Non Résolu] - Quand tous les joueurs sont tué la partie ce stop (On pourrait réutiliser le /PvPSmash stop) [Non Résolu] Pour l'optimisation j'aimerais déjà d'abord que le skript soit fonctionnel. command /pvpsmash <text> [<text>]: usage: &6Utilise: &e/pvpsmash help trigger: if arg 1 is "start": set player's gamemode to adventure execute player command "wxcvbn" equip player with diamond chestplate equip player with diamond helmet equip player with diamond boots equip player with diamond leggings give player 1 diamond sword of sharpness 2 give player 1 fishing rod give player 64 cooked beef give player 1 splash potion of healing 1 give player 1 splash potion of healing 1 give player 1 splash potion of damage 1 wait 1 minutes send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cIl reste &a4 &cminutes" wait 1 minutes send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cIl reste &a3 &cminutes" wait 1 minutes send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cIl reste &a2 &cminutes" wait 1 minutes send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cIl reste &a1 &cminute" wait 1 minutes set {joinpvp} to 0 clear player's inventory wait 1 second send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cTéléporation au lobby dans &a3 &csecondes" wait 1 second send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cTéléporation au lobby dans &a2 &csecondes" wait 1 second send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cTéléporation au lobby dans &a1 &cseconde" teleport player to {lobby} if arg 1 is "stop": set {joinpvp} to 0 clear player's inventory wait 1 second send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cTéléporation au lobby dans &a3 &csecondes" wait 1 second send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cTéléporation au lobby dans &a2 &csecondes" wait 1 second send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cTéléporation au lobby dans &a1 &cseconde" teleport player to {lobby} if arg 1 is "setspawn": if arg 2 is "1": set {pvpsmashspawn1} to location of player send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cAjout du spawn &a1 &ceffectué avec succès" if arg 2 is "2": set {pvpsmashspawn2} to location of player send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cAjout du spawn &a2 &ceffectué avec succès" if arg 2 is "3": set {pvpsmashspawn3} to location of player send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cAjout du spawn &a3 &ceffectué avec succès" if arg 2 is "4": set {pvpsmashspawn4} to location of player send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cAjout du spawn &a4 &ceffectué avec succès" if arg 2 is "5": set {pvpsmashspawn5} to location of player send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cAjout du spawn &a5 &ceffectué avec succès" if arg 2 is "6": set {pvpsmashspawn6} to location of player send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cAjout du spawn &a6 &ceffectué avec succès" if arg 2 is "7": set {pvpsmashspawn7} to location of player send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cAjout du spawn &a7 &ceffectué avec succès" if arg 2 is "8": set {pvpsmashspawn8} to location of player send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cAjout du spawn &a8 &ceffectué avec succès" if arg 1 is "help": send "&6------------------------------------------------" send "&6Aide: PvP-Smash" send "&e /pvpsmash help &f- Voir l'aide" send "&e /pvpsmash start &f- Lancer une partie" send "&e /pvpsmash stop &f- Stoper une partie" send "&e /pvpsmash setspawn &b<1-8> &f- Définir les spawns" send "&e /pvpsmash setlobby &f- Définir le lobby du serveur" send "&e /pvpsmash setborder &f- Définir les bordures" send "&e /pvpsmash update &f- Vérifier la mise a jour" send "&6Page &b1&6/1" send "&6------------------------------------------------" if arg 1 is "update": send "&cVous utilisez la version 0.2, Skript-MC: [Contenu masqué]" if arg 1 is "setborder": execute player command "/worldborder set 30" if arg 1 is "setlobby": set {lobby} to location of player send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cAjout du &blobby &ceffectué avec succès" command /wxcvbn: trigger: add 1 to {joinpvp} wait 1 ticks if {joinpvp} = 1: teleport player to {pvpsmashspawn1} if {joinpvp} = 2: teleport player to {pvpsmashspawn2} if {joinpvp} = 3: teleport player to {pvpsmashspawn3} if {joinpvp} = 4: teleport player to {pvpsmashspawn4} if {joinpvp} = 5: teleport player to {pvpsmashspawn5} if {joinpvp} = 6: teleport player to {pvpsmashspawn6} if {joinpvp} = 7: teleport player to {pvpsmashspawn7} if {joinpvp} = 8: teleport player to {pvpsmashspawn8} wait 10 minutes set {joinpvp} to 0 if {joinpvp} = 9: send "&6[PvP-Smash] &4> &cC'est au complet" Merci,
  18. §Calvineries§ updated Custom Join Message [GUI] with a new update entry: 2.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. "j'ai trouver qui faut mettre %coloured arg-1% mais je ne sais pas ou." Possible de m'aider un peu plus ?
  20. Bonjour, j'ai créer un skript pour changer le message de join depuis in game. Si je fais: /cjm join &1Bonsoir Quand je me co j'ai &1Bonsoir Calvineries Au lieu de: Bonsoir Calvineries J'ai déja un peu cherché sur internet, j'ai trouver qui faut mettre %coloured arg-1% mais je ne sais pas ou. De plus %coloured arg-1% voudrais dire couleur activé dans argument 1 alors que j'utilise un arg-2 command /cjm <text> [<text>]: usage: &6Utilise: &e/cjm help permission: customjoin.admin trigger: if arg 1 is "update": send "&fTu utilise la &a2.2&f, SkriptMC: [Contenu masqué]" if arg 1 is "lang": send "&fFor English use this: [Contenu masqué]" send "&fFor French use this: [Contenu masqué]" if arg 1 is "help": send "&6------------------------------------------------" send "&6Aide: CustomJoinMessage" send "&e /cjm help &f- Voir l'aide" send "&e /cjm config &f- Ouvrir la configuration" send "&e /cjm update &f- Check Update" send "&e /cjm join &b<Message> &f- Definir un message de join" send "&e /cjm leave &b<Message> &f- Definir un message de leave" send "&e /cjm death &b<Message> &f- Definir un message de mort" send "&e /cjm lang &f- Definir la langue" send "&6Page &b1&6/1" send "&6------------------------------------------------" if arg 1 is "join": set {joinplay} to arg 2 message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if arg 1 is "leave": set {leaveplay} to arg 2 message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if arg 1 is "death": set {deathplay} to arg 2 message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if arg 1 is "config": open chest with 3 rows named "&4CustomJoinMessage &aConfig" to player wait 1 tick format slot 0 of player with wool named "&3[&e-&3] &3[&b+&3] &3[&c!&3]" to close then run [make player execute command "customjoinone"] format slot 1 of player with wool named "&4[&1-&4] &4[&6+&4] &4[&2!&4]" to close then run [make player execute command "customjointwo"] format slot 2 of player with wool named "&e[&5-&e] &e[&a+&e] &e[&7!&e]" to close then run [make player execute command "customjointhree"] format slot 3 of player with wool named "&6[&f-&6] &6[&a+&6] &6[&0!&6]" to close then run [make player execute command "customjoinfour"] format slot 4 of player with wool named "&2[Leave] &6[Join] &4[Death]" to close then run [make player execute command "customjoinfive"] format slot 5 of player with wool named "&cBye &eHello &aDeath" to close then run [make player execute command "customjoinsix"] format slot 18 of player with redstone named "Manual Check Update" to close then run [make player execute command "cjm update"] format slot 19 of player with command block named "Aide" to close then run [make player execute command "cjm help"] command /customjoinmessage: trigger: send "&fUtilise /cjm" command /customjoinone: trigger: if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {joinplay} to "&3[&b+&3]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {leaveplay} to "&3[&e-&3]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {deathplay} to "&3[&c!&3]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player command /customjointwo: trigger: if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {joinplay} to "&4[&6+&4]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {leaveplay} to "&4[&1-&4]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {deathplay} to "&4[&2!&4]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player command /customjointhree: trigger: if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {joinplay} to "&e[&a+&e]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {leaveplay} to "&e[&5-&e]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {deathplay} to "&e[&7!&e]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player command /customjoinfour: trigger: if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {joinplay} to "&6[&a+&6]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {leaveplay} to "&6[&f-&6]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {deathplay} to "&6[&0!&6]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player command /customjoinfive: trigger: if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {joinplay} to "&6[Join]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {leaveplay} to "&2[Leave]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {deathplay} to "&4[Death]" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player command /customjoinsix: trigger: if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {joinplay} to "&eHello" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {leaveplay} to "&cBye" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player if player have permission "customjoin.admin": set {deathplay} to "&aDeath" message "&6[CJM] &4> &cModification effectuée" to player on join: if {joinplay} is set: set join message to "%{joinplay}% %player%" on death: if {joinplay} is set: set death message to "%{deathplay}% %player%" on quit: if {joinplay} is set: set quit message to "%{leaveplay}% %player%" Merci,
  21. §Calvineries§ updated PvP-Smash with a new update entry: 0.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
  22. J'ai ajouté une description.
  23. §Calvineries§ submitted a new resource: [plain]PvP-Smash[/plain] - [plain]Un skript de PvP-Smash[/plain] Read more about this resource...
  24. §Calvineries§ updated Custom Join Message [GUI] with a new update entry: Language Support ! Read the rest of this update entry...
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