Version de Minecraft : 1.21.1
Version de Skript : 2.9.2
Addons utilisés: WildSkript, SkRayFall, SkQuery, SkDragon, SkBee
Type du skript : Skript boutique GUI
Description du script :
J'ai récupérer un skript de boutique style "FunCraft" mais j'ai quelques erreurs malheureusement.
J'ai déjà essayé de changer des choses mais le peux de connaissances en skript ne suffisent pas...
Screenshots des erreurs :
1 :
on right click with gold ingot:
if name of player's tool is "&6&lBoutique":
open chest with 6 row named "&8Boutique" to player
format slot 10 of player with glowing emerald named "&aHéros &7(Rang n°4)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe &bdernier &fgrade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &aVert", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+200%% &f! (Cumul 300%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 50 amis", and "&a> &fDes groupes de 10 joueurs", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &bVIP+", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and " &a&m25 500 Faveurs&a 12 800 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -50%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 11 of player with enchanting table named "&6Grade Personnalisé &7(Rang n°5)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fUn grade &bsur-mesure &fpour répondre", and "&faux exigences des plus actifs.", and " ", and "&fDétails et présentation ici:", and "&b", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a75 500 faveurs" to close
format slot 18 of player with glowing iron ingot named "&9Mini-VIP &7(Rang n°1)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe grade VIP &ble moins cher &f!", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &9Bleu", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+20%% &f! (Cumul 50%%)", and "&a> &fAccès prioritaire à la file d'attente", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 15 amis", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m2 000 Faveurs&a 398 Faveurs ou 29 500 Gloires" , and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -80%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close then run player command "/§buyminivip %player%" with permission "buy"
format slot 19 of player with glowing gold ingot named "&eVIP &7(Rang n°2)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe second grade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &eJaune", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+50%% &f! (Cumul 100%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 20 amis", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fDes groupes de 7 joueurs", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &9Mini-VIP" , and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m4 500 Faveurs&a 1 800 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -60%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 20 of player with glowing diamond named "&bVIP+ &7(Rang n°3)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe troisième grade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &bBleu clair", and "&a> Booster de &6Gloire &e+100%% &f! (Cumul 200%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 30 amis", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &eVIP", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m6 000 Faveurs&a 2 400 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -60%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 37 of player with bed named "&eBoutique &6Rush" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 38 of player with grass named "&eBoutique &6LandRush" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 39 of player with brick block named "&eBoutique &6FreeCube" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 15 of player with experience bottle named "&cBoosters" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 24 of player with redstone named "&cParticules" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 53 of player with dark oak door item named "&cFermer" to close
command /boutique:
open chest with size 6 row named "&8Boutique" to player
format slot 10 of player with glowing emerald named "&aHéros &7(Rang n°4)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe &bdernier &fgrade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &aVert", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+200%% &f! (Cumul 300%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 50 amis", and "&a> &fDes groupes de 10 joueurs", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &bVIP+", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and " &a&m25 500 Faveurs&a 12 800 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -50%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 11 of player with enchanting table named "&6Grade Personnalisé &7(Rang n°5)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fUn grade &bsur-mesure &fpour répondre", and "&faux exigences des plus actifs.", and " ", and "&fDétails et présentation ici:", and "&b", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a75 500 faveurs" to close
format slot 18 of player with glowing iron ingot named "&9Mini-VIP &7(Rang n°1)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe grade VIP &ble moins cher &f!", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &9Bleu", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+20%% &f! (Cumul 50%%)", and "&a> &fAccès prioritaire à la file d'attente", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 15 amis", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m2 000 Faveurs&a 398 Faveurs ou 29 500 Gloires" , and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -80%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close then run player command "/§buyminivip %player%" with permission "buy"
format slot 19 of player with glowing gold ingot named "&eVIP &7(Rang n°2)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe second grade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &eJaune", and "&a> &fBooster de &6Gloire &e+50%% &f! (Cumul 100%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 20 amis", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fDes groupes de 7 joueurs", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &9Mini-VIP" , and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m4 500 Faveurs&a 1 800 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -60%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 20 of player with glowing diamond named "&bVIP+ &7(Rang n°3)" with lore "&7Durée: &bvie", and " ", and "&fLe troisième grade VIP !", and " ", and "&a> &fPseudo en &bBleu clair", and "&a> Booster de &6Gloire &e+100%% &f! (Cumul 200%%)", and "&a> &fJusqu'à 30 amis", and "&a> &fDes particules exclusives", and "&a> &fLes avantages du &eVIP", and " ", and "&cLe prix baisse si vous possédez un", and "&cgrade précédent.", and "&cVous ne payez pas plus cher !", and " ", and "&7Clique gauche pour acheter", and "&a&m6 000 Faveurs&a 2 400 Faveurs", and " ", and "&c----------", and "&cPROMOTION -60%% PROMO", and "&c----------" to close
format slot 37 of player with bed named "&eBoutique &6Rush" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 38 of player with grass named "&eBoutique &6LandRush" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 39 of player with brick block named "&eBoutique &6FreeCube" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 15 of player with experience bottle named "&cBoosters" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close
format slot 24 of player with redstone named "&cParticules" with lore "&7Clique gauche pour afficher" to close